October 2016 Moms

May Randoms


Re: May Randoms

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    OMG. Typo city. Is mobile n
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    Aaand again. I'm going to have to cut back on mobile bumping- at least with this wretched phone.
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    I had a video monitor when DD was a baby, not sure what the brand was, but it creeped me out at night and made me think of the movie Paranormal Activity :D
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    B has slept in his crib in his own room since night one and pretty early on we figured out that having the sound machine on during the night really helped him sleep longer and more deeply.  Turns out I've trained myself to associate that with sleep so now come 8 pm when I hear those ocean noises I am ready to hit the hay...
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    I had a video monitor when DD was a baby, not sure what the brand was, but it creeped me out at night and made me think of the movie Paranormal Activity :D
    Oh no lol. I definitely need to get one because I go in her room way too much risking waking her up.  Plus I want to be able to see in there when we start sleep training. I dont think it's just your phone. My autocorrect has been doing weird stuff for the past few days and I always have to go back and correct my posts. 
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    Fun in the lack of sun B)
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    I don't understand why they have those buttons you can press at crosswalks. They don't do anything. They don't give you the opportunity to get across faster. What are they there for???
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    The ones in the city here count down to when the traffic will have their red light, add an extra light that shows that pedestrians WILL be crossing, and have a timer for walkers to get across, and generally lasts longer than a typical red light. I think they're pretty nifty :)

    So I logged back onto Facebook- it would appear I've been booted from the group. Looks like you ladies are my only tribe now! (So please don't leave me!)
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    brzvicebrzvice member
    I got a speeding ticket on Easter Sunday on my way to church with V (jerky cop wouldn't give me a break) and I have to pay $120.00 ticket plus enroll in a $40.00 online driving school since it was my first offense to avoid having any points on my record. it seems ridiculously expensive  for going 5 over the limit.Anyways I LOLed at this little snippet from the course and wanted to share.

    Additionally, some people combine driving with dancing. Music is often stimulating, yet physical gyrations while driving can interfere and prove to be unsafe. 

    physical gyrations though  :D
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    @brzvice What a jerk!  He must've been mad he had to work on Easter. And who even thinks to put that in a course about driving?
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    The Man trying to mess with my physical gyrations? I don't THINK so.

    @AllyTheKid sorry you got booted and extra sorry if it was 'cause of us! :(

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    brzvicebrzvice member
    And here is another LOL for all of you

    We have a co-op student working as a receptionist at my work and someone told her to hit the pound key on the phone and she said "whats the pound key? Like do I type in the numbers LB?"  We showed her the # button on the phone and she said " oh you mean the HASHTAG!" :D  She had no idea it was called the pound sign.

    Same student also was instructed to mail out a letter and she proceeded to address the envelope then drop it in the mailbox with no stamp, no return address. We had to fish it out of the mail slot to correct it.


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    I was once asked by a (former, thankfully) co-worker if the semicolon is the "one with the two dots"
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    @brzvice I'm sorry that is so ridiculously expensive, but for that ONE line, it almost seems worth is :D
    And your coworker makes me fear for the future of this planet...
    @kgridley27 I'm not worried about it girl. It's probably because I've been inactive for so long, and has nothing to do with you gals. Their loss ;)
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    I am staying out overnight this weekend for a bachelorette party.  It will be my first night away from LO.  I am getting more and more down about it as the day drags near.  BUT, it is my very best friend in the world who is getting married so I won't be the one to bring the party down.  The wedding is in another state (within driving distance) next weekend and that will be a whole other day and night away from him, too.  Maybe if I bring a big enough purse I can smuggle him with me to both.

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    @kgridley27 I know the separation will suck, but you'll be sooo glad you went and enjoyed yourself! These opportunities won't come along near as often as time goes on, go crazy!
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    brzvicebrzvice member
    Just want to say that Medela rocks- i ran over my pump tubing in the work parking lot and they are overnight me replacement tubing free of charge!

    The bad news is my already low supply is dwindling so I need to start power pumping and taking Fenugreek
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    @brzvice I have found that the mothers milk tea helps me. I believe it has fenugreek in it. 
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    kmtz89kmtz89 member
    Ladies! Sorry I have been so MIA. All the travel (multiple 5-8hr bus days) and Abigail's recovery and the fact that I managed to shatter my laptop screen have kept me away. 

    Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. We are FINALLY back home. Abigail is 3 1/2 weeks post op and she is doing great. We had a small issue with her incision but it has finally closed. She will have 4 heart check ups this year that we can do in TZ and then yearly from then to keep an eye on the patch and to make sure nothing else sprouts up. 

    @allythekid congrats on your 1 yr mark!! That's a huge milestone. 

    *American lady living in Tanzania, East Africa, since 2013
    DH - Tanzanian
    BFP #1 - MC Dec 2, 2015 (@ 9weeks)
    BFP #2 - Feb 2, 2016 --EDD 10/10/16 --Abigail- October 6, 2016. Heart warrior- OHS at 7 months old
    October 2017- Began fostering to adopt T, (DOB: November 19, 2013)
    March 2021 - Bonus daughter, N, moved in with us (DOB: June 6, 2014)
    BFP #3 - April 25, 2024 -- EDD January 2, 2025
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    kmtz89kmtz89 member

    *American lady living in Tanzania, East Africa, since 2013
    DH - Tanzanian
    BFP #1 - MC Dec 2, 2015 (@ 9weeks)
    BFP #2 - Feb 2, 2016 --EDD 10/10/16 --Abigail- October 6, 2016. Heart warrior- OHS at 7 months old
    October 2017- Began fostering to adopt T, (DOB: November 19, 2013)
    March 2021 - Bonus daughter, N, moved in with us (DOB: June 6, 2014)
    BFP #3 - April 25, 2024 -- EDD January 2, 2025
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    brzvicebrzvice member
    @kmolleltz yayy I love starting my morning with great news and smiling baby pics  ! what a happy, beautiful baby you have! Her scar will always be a reminder of how far you've come and the strength you all have. Prayers for her heart to continue healing and growing with her as she approaches new milestones.
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    brzvicebrzvice member
    For those nursing how long do your LO's stay on for on average? 
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    @brzvice S used to be super quick at 8 mins but I've been noticing lately it's been 10 mins or more. I think that's because she gets distracted so easily now. 

    @kmolleltz I'm so happy hear everything is going well. She is beautiful and has the best smile!

    How long are your LOs wake times nowadays?
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    @brzvice My LO typically nursed 4-6 minutes. In the MOTN it's closer to 8 due to her falling asleep
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    brzvicebrzvice member
    Thanks ladies I still have a hard time believing she is getting all she needs in the usual 3-6 minutes of nursing during the day. She occasionally nurses herself to sleep but nothing like the marathon newborn nursing sessions she used to do.
    @Ladybug2821 V is up and awake for around 11 hours in a 24 hour period give or take some days
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    I feel like S has fairly short wake times. I'm trying to stretch them little by little. Sometimes she'll act sleepy after just an hour but I'm trying to get her to 1.5 hrs at least consistently. 
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    It is so cold and dreary here and has been so for more than a week.  My house is cold and I'm giving in and turning the heat back on tonight.  LO was so cold this morning it broke my heart.  BUT it does make him want to snuggle in extra close, so there's that!

    Unrelated:  I am starting a new job on Monday and am interviewing for my replacement at my current job.  The quality of the resumes I have reviewed in the last two weeks makes me sick to my stomach.  I have chosen three candidates out of more than three hundred and let me tell you, it was not a difficult choice when paring them down.  I'm so worried about what it's going to be like here after I'm gone :(

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    @Kgridley27 Congrats on the new job! You are better than me because I probably wouldn't think twice I wasn't gone. 
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    @Ladybug2821 Haha I would be the same way. I wouldn't care what happened eithe
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    brzvicebrzvice member
    @Ladybug2821 how is S doing at night? Did sleep training take a lot of effort on your part? We have had V sleeping in her crib the past few nights instead of in our room since the little stinkbutt was standing up in her bassinet and surprisingly it has went better then expected aside from earlier wake times 5-6 vs. 7-8. Been thinking of you because I know we have both made sleep transitions lately.
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    Well, my dumb phone pooped out on me several days ago then up and decided it was just going to start working again yesterday out of nowhere. So here I am!
    @kmolleltz Happy to hear all the good news!
    @kgridley27 I've been applying for jobs and my own resume makes me sick to my stomach... And I understand wondering how things are going to be once you're gone. Congrats on the new job though! 
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    @brzvice Sleep training has gone great to my surprise.  I really thought S was going to cry for hours and hours.  With the exception of her last nap yesterday, the longest she cried was 20 mins before putting herself to sleep.  By night 3, she was putting herself to sleep for bed time and after her MOTN feeding.  Except for last night (I blame H and the loud T-storm we had), she is down to one MOTN wake up.  She does actively nurse so I'm going to keep it for now.  I also lay her down awake afterwards and she has been going to sleep on her own no problem.  Naps are still a work in progress.  I'm so worried H is going to mess up our progress but he did just call me and tell me that she took her nap after 20 mins of whining, not crying.  I had gotten her down to 7 mins for naps but then yesterday for some reason she went up to 20 mins.  I need to do some more research to see if that means we are waiting too long or starting to early.  I am such an advocate for sleep training.  I had so much more time over the 4 day weekend to get things done since I wasn't rocking her and she was napping for longer stretches.  I originally was going to do the Ferber method with the check intervals, but I realized that once she saw me she would get even more worked up.  So I opted to not do the checks and go straight CIO.  I know a lot of people don't like that but it wasn't hurting her to cry to 20 mins.  If she went longer than 30 mins, then I probably would've reevaluated and came up with another plan.

    @fitlady21 If you are still dealing with a lot of MOTN wake ups, this might work for you also.  Like I said, we have gotten down to only one MOTN feeding so her learning to self soothe has made a difference in the amount of wake ups.

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    @Ladybug2821 We actually did a version of this starting a week and a half ago. We already did CIO to get her to go to sleep but our issue was that she would eat multiple times throughout the night. Now she consistently eats once. If she wakes before midnight and is just fussing (not wailing), I don't go in there. She typically falls asleep and wakes to eat 1-3 hours later. It's worked great except for last night. I think she was just over tired though. She was awake from 2:30-8 due to a night obligation so she never got her last nap. She woke up at 11:15 wailing so I fed her then again at 5:15 and she woke for the day at 8. She also cried out in her sleep multiple times last night while sleeping. It's too early for night terrors right?
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    @fitlady21 I've been wondering the same thing about night terrors/nightmares. I definitely think S has nightmares sometimes because she has woken up out of her sleep with horrible cries before answering it takes a bit to soothe her. 
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    @allythekid I'm sure your resume isn't anywhere close to the horrific ones I'm seeing.  But if you want help with it, PM me :)
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    Sleep training is something I will proudly advocate for for the res    t of my life!

    @Kgridley27 I honestly only have one on Indeed.com, so it isn't even a formal resume :( I need to make one and make it look all official and adult-like. Mike will be starting college in the fall, so we're both looking for part-time jobs so we can alternate some of the responsibility of providing
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