November 2017 Moms

UO Thursday


Re: UO Thursday

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    pawcallpawcall member
    @cmessamore. Ugh nooooo
    ~Mom to an amazing Jan 2011 boy~
    ~EDD Nov 18, 2017 with my IUI success story~

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    @cmessamore you would LOVE florida.  :|
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    @cmessamore it's similar where I am and I am NOT looking forward to walking out into that oven. 78-80? Sure, I'm a little warm but it's manageable. 90s? No. I don't even want to be outside, it's just as oppressive as when it's super cold. At least when it's cold I don't sweat!

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    jess0211jess0211 member
    edited May 2017
    @cmessamore nooooo! I hate the heat.

    @ElizabethSchuyler amen to that.  Baltimore heat...gross. 

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    @sweetmelissa4 I've already been told that my mom hopes we have a girl because she doesn't like our boy name as much.  Whatev, mom, because that's the first one we picked out...months ago.  I just smile and nod too.

    DS1 is 7.  DD is 1.  DS2 is coming in late April.

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    I really don't care which way the toilet paper is facing. 
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    I really don't care which way the toilet paper is facing. 

    me too!  I don't get the big deal.  Luckily, neither does SO.

    DS1 is 7.  DD is 1.  DS2 is coming in late April.

    Lilypie Maternity tickers Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    It still matters to me. It was intended to be facing out by the inventor. It's like how the inventor of gif pronounces it with a soft g. They invented these things, so they are right.

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    I hate nuts of all kinds. I like peanut BUTTER but not actually peanuts or any of the rest of them. I think they ruin otherwise amazing desserts with their awfulness.

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    I don't like avocados or guacamole... I can eat guacamole, but it's mostly chip... 
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    2Dash2Dash member

    Not sure this really an UO - maybe a weekly random- but I'll go ahead a say that while strengthening muscles sounds good - this sounds uncomfortable ....babies get big yo!

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    @2Dash that kind of terrified me. I wish there was a :open_mouth: option for other people's posts like there is on FB.

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    @mariposa_767s I feel about Pink the way you do about Katy Perry. 
    *E 10/2012, H 7/2014, F 2/2016*
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    I really don't care which way the toilet paper is facing. 

    But if you do it this way, your toddler can swat at it and it just rolls around and round. The other way, toilet paper pile. 

    Obviously, eventually thy figure it out. But my 14 month old is still stumped. 
    Totally agree! I was a devote over person until kids. Then I saw this and it cemented my under. I want to see and make sure there's not a spider. 

    My almost 2 year old just figured out the under pulling all the toilet paper off thing a few weeks ago.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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    @2Dash whaaaaaaat is that omg. Why would I possibly want to lift my baby into my rib cage. It most certainly doesn't belong there! 
    Me: 32 Husbando: 49
    Married Since: 7/29/2012

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    2Dash2Dash member
    @Tourmalily - I think it's kind of mean to squish baby up there - all arms and legs and confused. They already seem like are squished no matter how big the belly is.
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    Yesterday I was so ready for DH's day off today so he could help with DD'S horrible-ness.
    My UO is that I wish he'd just go back to work because he's being an asshole today. Oh and he slept in until 11 am even though I got up at 6:30 with DD. 
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    @SweetMelissa4 DH and I threw out some early names we both liked and people annoyed me already so I told him we are not telling people the baby's name until after she is born. My MIL already told me she's getting started on finding names for us., we got this thanks. 

    @bannaners My son likes to wake up with the sun. During the week, it's great. On the weekends, not so much, especially now that it's warm and the sun comes up so damn early. We just turn on the TV while we sleep in for another half hour or so. 

    @RiverSong15 you are so right about people saying rude things before baby is here. My top choice for a girl was Penelope. My mil told me her mom had a pig named Penelope. I found out from someone else that that wasn't the name at all. Still ruined it.
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    @DuchessOfCambridge I HATE homework. DD1 is just finishing 5th grade next week and she has ADHD which means I really have to keep her on task. On top of that she is really very bad at math. I was very lucky and I always thought school was easy, I never needed help and I never had to be told to do my homework. Doing daily homework with my daughter is very trying on my patience. For the last few years spelling/vocabulary homework usually required parent help. Same with projects and papers. She is finally above grade level in reading because she started to love it. But math is very hard. Some things I honestly forget how to do since I haven't done since grade school but I am so lucky that MIL is a 6th grade math teacher. A lot of things I need to do step by step with her or do an example to help her get it. Then always check and make her fix things. We have to do extra work just to keep her current because if she doesn't do something for a while she forgets how to do it. School work for me is a lot of work and very frustrating. Unfortunately you cannot pick your children's strengths and weaknesses. My best advice for when that time comes is to make sure they understand how important school work is and get them on a routine and make them stay to it. If they suck at something explain how you can't be good at everything and do your best to be understanding. Before they're in school it's just important to get them excited to learn and help them love to read. 
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    @NYTino24 that's good to know!

    @am+mommy that's very true. My post was based on the assumption my child would be like DH and me. If he or she does need extra help I am pretty sure I will still hate it. I tutored my cousin a couple years younger than me when we were in school and I hated it. I LOVE my cousin, she's actually my favorite, and I loved math but I could not stand teaching it. It frustrated me when she didn't understand what I was showing her. I am a bad teacher. Which is a huge part of the reason I'm dreading it so much. So much respect for teachers, I could never do their job.

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    @SweetMelissa4 I came here to say the same thing about the heat. I would much prefer it to this gross snow.  I want to wear my flip flops and skirts.  

    I also agree with not sharing names.   It is like everything.  Someone will have an opinion and it usually isnt "oh I love that name" sometimes it is " oh I know someone with that name and he/she is a terrible person. " 

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    @DuchessOfCambridge Yup, I'm exactly the same. It's like my personal torture. 
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    edited May 2017
    This makes me really sad.  I don't have experience with kids other than my own, so I'm not saying that you're wrong, but my kids are pretty wild and crazy compared to their peers, and I think I'm a darn good mom.  I work my tail off every single day, and they are still just spirited, strong-willed kids.  Makes me sad to think that this is the judgment I'll receive from their teachers once they get to school if their temperaments don't change. 

    eta: Initially quoted the wrong post, so I just tagged OP in the box
    *E 10/2012, H 7/2014, F 2/2016*
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