September 2017 Moms

Bitchfest Monday 5/15

Its yet again another Monday. So lets hear it ladies, what has you bitching?


Re: Bitchfest Monday 5/15

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    @wyomama0427 I'm sorry you're having to deal with all of that stress right now. I can imagine how difficult it must be taking care of a toddler while pregnant and also not having the help of your DH since he is hurt. 

    With the mechanics of his injury, are there certain things he is still able to help with without it bothering his leg? Like playing with DS while you get a nap, etc? 
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    @wyomama0427  @ColoradoHiker  I'm sorry your husbands are being like that. Men STINK sometimes!!! I hope they both shape up. @wyomama0427 My DH has had health issues in the past (and some ongoing ones) but it is a give and take no matter what, and your husband should be giving a little more since you are pregnant and tired. That extra 10 minutes in bed this morning... that would have made me mad too.

    I have several:
    • DH swore I said I did not want a card for Mother's Day, when I know for sure that I told him a gift was silly but I absolutely wanted a card
    • My mom and MIL are planning a shower for me and my mom keeps making it awkward - "I can't believe how much some of these places charge!" Like, I know it's expensive, that's why you are supposed to co-host with my MIL and not do it yourself, but you keep making it all about how much you want to do it yourself (to have all the credit, I think?). You can't have it both ways!
    • My mom again for saying, in the same conversation, "I hope your child never ruins your Mother's Day, because I know mine did a couple of times by fighting." Me: silence... Her: "I mean that in a joking way." Thanks, mom.
    • The Bump mobile app for CONTINUING to not work even though they released an update today. The "love" button is broken, the times of people's posts are wildly inaccurate, and the app will not save my place in threads I've looked at.
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    @msashley2010-2 it's hard for him to move it and he's not quite walking on it yet but it's not a problem for him to sit on the floor. He just changed a poopy diaper so he's capable of doing things... he just doesn't want to because it's too hard. Insert eyeroll. 
     I'm a lot less tolerant of this kind of behavior after watching my friend recover from shattering both of his ankles, feet and heels in an accident. 
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    My Bitchfest is I have had a stupid sinus infection for days. I spent the whole weekend in bed and missed out on the fun things we planned for the weekend. I still feel like crap but forced myself to go to work so I can save my sick time. Now DH is gone until Thursday for a work trip and I am alone with DS who even though only has a week and a half until summer has decided he doesnt want to go to school and wants to be a pain. This will be a wonderful few days!
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    @lilpoots it doesn't help at all that he's babying it. The doctor told him to keep moving his leg OBVIOUSLY and that he doesn't need the brace all the time, just when he's walking to keep it straight. He wears it all the time and has developed tendinitis because he's not moving it as much as he should. Also he is using one crutch for the most part and today he carried Easton on the crutchless side out to the car and put him in the car seat. So I KNOW he can do things. He's just choosing not to. It's almost completely mental at this point.
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    @wyomama0427 Ugh. Men are such babies. They just love the excuse to have us take care of them. 


    Me 34 DH 34 

    DS1 born September 2017
    Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
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    cmar1006cmar1006 member
    edited May 2017
    My BF is these allergies I've been struggling with. Mostly the fact that every time I cough I pee my pants. And snissing. It's just getting old. Going on day 10 of this mess and I'm just about to lose it. 
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    @hmclaren i have the same thing happening to me. I want to cry at everything now. Theres just this semipermanent lump in the back of my throat that threatens to explode with tears all the time. This weekend I cried because I wanted to take the kids to the zoo and ny husband didnt. Damn these hormones.  I am not a cryer AT ALL, but apparently by 25 weeks pregnant I turn into one. Dh said this happens everytime, I guess I just always forget. All the other shitty symptoms of late pregnancy must take over my memories LOL
    @msashley2010-2  is he in physical therapy at all?

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    @hmclaren Hugs  <3 I'm so sorry you got scared. Sometimes I feel like when the tears start flowing it is so so hard to get them to stop. Happy that you and baby are okay. 
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    Sorry to all who are having issues with DH.

    My bitchfest this week is Also DH. for Mother's Day I got up with DD like I always do so he can sleep in. He did take me to brunch then gripped about the cost. Then I got to handle the baby all day while he worked in the yard. I had told him I really just wanted to relax so apparently that means I get to do everything for the baby  while he does his own thing. I did ask for no gift so we could save money. I got no gift no card notbing at all. But he begged for hours for me to buy him a new TV so he can watch it on the patio. Hard to save money when he keeps buying crap for himself.
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    Wow. What was wrong with all the mean yesterday?


    Me 34 DH 34 

    DS1 born September 2017
    Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
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    @hmclaren I had a dizzy spell at work last week (I am anemic and was probably dehydrated a little). I just sat at my desk and cried because of it!! I guess I just got scared and couldn't brush it off like I probably normally could have. It was seriously the dumbest thing ever to cry about. Pregnancy hormones are crazy!

    My BF today is working in a male-dominated field and having people treat me like I couldn't possibly be in charge of something and know wtf I am doing. My boss put me in charge of a project we are using a freelancer for. My boss very clearly communicated to the freelancer that I am the lead and the main contact for the project. I had an in-person meeting with the freelancer a couple of weeks ago, and the rest of my team (all of whom are men) was in the meeting. Apparently the freelancer picked one of the guys to imprint on or something. He talked almost exclusively to this one guy, even though I made sure to point out that I am leading the project again. I havent heard much from the freelancer since the meeting and found out today that he'd been communicating all this stuff about the project with thay man on my team and has been coordinating everything through him! It's so frustrating.
    BabyFetus Ticker
    Me: 34 | DH: 31
    Married: Nov. 7, 2015
    TTC Since: February, 2016
    BFP: December 20, 2016

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    @stephy_p That is so frustrating!! I'm also in a male dominated field and it's awful having to deal with that kind of stuff. And of course if you bring it up you're being "emotional"  :| 
    Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    kgemkidkgemkid member
    Ladies, mamas, friends: sad to read all the DH issues... they can be jerks.

    My BF is that my nieces and nephews taught my DS who's 2 and a half the F word AND the S word. I want him to stay innocent and it makes me so sad that he knows these words. His cousins are all under 5 so it's actually really concerning that they already talk this way.
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    My biggest issue is work. I work from 8 pm until 6 am and six of those hours are completely alone. Not another soul in the building. I'm an emergency dispatcher for police so it's a fast paced high stress job. The last few shifts I've had cramping and a general discomfort in my abdomen. I don't feel comfortable being alone should something happen. Especially since we are legally unable to leave until coverage comes in. I've expressed my concerns several times and the response has been "we can't punish others because you chose to get pregnant". I know a lot of women work night shifts but they aren't usually alone. Just frustrated at the moment but only four months left and I'm home free! 
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    edited May 2017
    @Mozzafiato2016 Is there anyone else that you can talk to at your employer's office about being left alone? It definitely does not seem like a good idea because if an emergency were to happen, there would be no one there to cover for it. Also, if you were to need emergency care, it would be awful for you to feel obligated to stay there until someone else was there to cover for you. It seems like a really poor decision on their part and also a liability. 

    Eta: have they treated other pregnant women similarly where you work? While you "chose to get pregnant" it's also necessary for employers to make reasonable accommodations for pregnant women as well. 
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    @Mozzafiato2016 Is there anyone else that you can talk to at your employer's office about being left alone? It definitely does not seem like a good idea because if an emergency were to happen, there would be no one there to cover for it. Also, if you were to need emergency care, it would be awful for you to feel obligated to stay there until someone else was there to cover for you. It seems like a really poor decision on their part and also a liability. 

    Eta: have they treated other pregnant women similarly where you work? While you "chose to get pregnant" it's also necessary for employers to make reasonable accommodations for pregnant women as well. 

    I'm actually the only pregnant woman in the last ten years to work there. So there's very little for them to go off of. Even our HR department is confused as to how it works. I'm going to see about going around the civilian department and speak with our Upper ranking staff. I hate to be a pain in the rear but I'm feeling far less comfortable then I thought I would being alone. 
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    bnmort8bnmort8 member
    @wyomama0427 That sucks.. he could definitely be helping you out a little bit!

    My BF is my freezer.. when I got home from work it wasn't closed good, so I'm going to have to throw tons of stuff away. Including my ice cream sandwiches. :tired_face:

    NOOOOOO!!!! Not the ice cream sandwiches!!!! :( They are my go to snack right now.
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    i started planning the baby shower because 1) no one offered 2) my family is the type who expects to attend a baby shower but wont help plan or pitch in except for helping set up on the day of. 
    i was 2 seconds from booking the venue when my husband said to stop. after a long discussion, i was able to find out that someone was planning a surprise shower. I. HATE. SURPRISES. something ALWAYS goes wrong. it's just my luck. 
    i started to think "ok that's party planning stress" but then my anxiety kicked in and wondered if this mystery person would know WHO to exactly invite...if someone in my family is left out, the aftermath would be terrible. so after talking to my husband about all of my anxious concerns, one of my best friends texted me and spilled the beans it was her. but her words were "we don't want you freaking out about the baby shower because we're getting the dance studio to throw you a surprise one with just the dance family. if you want to throw one for your family, by all means, i'm not stopping you."
    so it turns out...THIS baby shower is JUST people associated with my dance troupe. my family is not invited. my non-dance friends are also not invited. my husband told me to stop planning the baby shower b/c he thought this friend was planning an all friends/family inclusive shower because he's a dude who's never heard of women having more than 1 shower or having compartmentalized showers. ("i didn't have 5 different weddings for my 5 different groups of friends and family.")
    so just when i got comfy with the idea of not stressing out over planning a party...i'm back to stressing out about it. and i'm basically paying $$$$$ to throw the same party my friend is but the only difference is my family and friends are invited. 
    now that the cat's outta the bag...would it be rude of me to ask if it can be a giant shindig with us splitting the costs? she told my husband (after he apologized profusely for misunderstanding) that she'll get back to me in a couple of days to go over details...
    i'm so stressed out about it all that i'm really just on the verge of sending out announcements with our registry info and call it a day...and if my family complains, well too bad? i dunno!!!!!
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    labby18labby18 member
    edited May 2017
    hey lovely. so i live far far away from the majority of my family and have a couple different small groups of local friends, and didn't really have anyone to "host" a shower for me. One of my really good friends (kind of like the one who was originally planning the dance shower for you) said she'd love to help/host. On my invites my friend is the "hostess" but I ordered the invites, and am doing the majority of the logistics. We're doing it at her house, and she's gonna create all the games and decorations, and we're splitting costs and my mom is throwing some $$ towards it. I definitely think you should talk to your friend about doing something like that, so you dont have to worry about scheduling multiple weekends to have separate parties for all the different family/friend groups. I hope this helps. 

    eta: i am also a control freak, and could not let someone who i've only known for 3 years 100% plan a party for me (i've only lived here for 3 years), as she doesn't know all my friends/family who should/shouldn't be invited etc. we're kind of doing a team effort, but yeah. 

    eta2: we're doing a co-ed BBQ style baby shower, so it's more like a get together of friends.
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    @ohheyitskristine I personally would take the $$$$ and just buy your own stuff. Baby showers in my book are an overrated celebration that should be thrown by others. I had a small one and when someone offered to throw me another I declined. Why plan something to celebrate yourself? I hated being the center of attention at my own shower... and I think if people want to buy you something they can. I declined a baby sprinkle this time because we have what we need and I don't want to look like I am just doing this for gifts. It comes down to personal preference. In my comfort zone and etiquette I was taught, throwing my own shower would look distasteful and honestly if I got an invite from someone throwing their own shower I would probably decline to go. Save the money for and buy your baby exactly what you want for it! 
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    @ohheyitskristine If they are not willing to do a meshed baby shower where your family is invited and no one in your family or friend circle offers to throw you on then I would much rather spend my money on the baby than spending all of that money on a shower. If your family wants to attend a shower so badly then they should throw one. 
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    @jena333-2 @mrs_tacos @MyNamesTaken @klcarr19 @labby18 i think it just be the way my family has always thrown them my entire life...everyone threw their own shower. rarely did someone throw it for someone else. it wasn't until recently (seriously) that i was told someone was supposed to throw it for you. and our showers are always co-ed and just huge ragers. 
    the announcement idea was just b/c EVERYONE'S been asking me where i'm registered. I don't even care about gifts...we can afford that stuff on our own. 
    i'm 100% sure this will be my only child...i've always dreamed of an amazing party (i dont even care if they "shower me with gifts") i really just want the people i love to come together and celebrate this life we made. 

    ugh. hormones. 
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