October 2017 Moms

Poll - Circumcising or no?

migdalamigdala member
edited April 2017 in October 2017 Moms
I'm gearing up for a weekend at my in-laws this weekend and even though we don't even know the sex yet, this topic is 100% going to come up.  DH and I are on the fence.  My in-laws are very Jewish so they're sticklers for the tradition, but I don't want our decision to be based on just that.  We don't need to make a decision for awhile (and maybe it will be a girl!) but I would love to have some ammo for what is sure to be a heated discussion!!!

Poll - Circumcising or no? 147 votes

Yes, we will be circumcising
59% 87 votes
No, we will not be
25% 38 votes
Still on the fence
14% 22 votes

Re: Poll - Circumcising or no?

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    DS is circumcised and if we have another boy he will be as well.

    It was a hard decision for me to make last time around, though.
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    If we have a boy , we will.  I gave DH most of the final decision making with this seeing as he has the part ;)

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    My husband is circumsized but we didn't circumsize our son. We had no religious reason to do so and I really feel, in my personal opinion, but in North America it's mostly done for cosmetic reasons and I didn't feel that that was a strong enough reason for us to do that to her son. The penises made a certain way for a reason, for protection,  enhanced sexual sensation down the road blah blah blah. It seems super common here in Canada and the United States but in most other areas of the world it is not that common. So far it has been super easy  with my son because you literally don't have to do anything to clean it at this point. The skin is all still attached underneath anyway and it's exactly like the vagina, a self-cleaning organ at this point. Most of the infections that occur in babies and young children  really are with babies that were circumcised because the areas more sensitized. Our doctor told us that when he is old enough to be bathing himself is the age that we start to teach him that he can pull the skin back as far as it is comfortable for him to clean it. Even though my husband himself and circumcised  he knows that it's not even quite as common now as it was back when we were born 35 years ago and he didn't really see the need to do anything to her sons body when he was born.  I guess I just would've needed more of an actual reason to do it as opposed to just doing it because it's common. Just my two cents :-) 
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    This isn't applicable to us anymore (as long as blood results are accurate) but I had given the choice to DH if it was a boy. He said he would choose to circumcise. But I don't think there's a right or wrong choice. 

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    Hell no!!!! There is no reason to disfigure someone like that! FGM is illegal, circumcision for boys should be too unless there is a medical reason! 
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    This is all so helpful because we are completely undecided -- just never thought about it and now we're like, oh jeez this is a huge decision and we are not equipped!  For the people who did circumcise, did you do it in the hospital like right after they were born?  I do know that I am not ok with having a bris at our house with a mohel, which is going to make my MIL cry a lot but just nope.
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    @migdala He had his done in the hospital before we left. He had no issues whatsoever.
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    We have both boys circumcised and I'll be ever do it again. First one just before we got discharged from nicu, I had to change his diaper and as I did so, I pulled a clot and it started bleeding a lot. The nurse was like this is what you should not see and they said they may have to put stitches in. Scared the crap out of me! 

    Second one I was on the fence but was assured it was better to have it done. I reluctantly agreed. Took home the baby and waited for him to pee in the diaper. I waited and waited. I finally went to check on things to see if maybe I just missed the pee. As I peered down at the swollen, black and red, penis I had a heart attack! We took him back to the clinic and they said he started bleeding during the procedure so they applied silver nitrate to stop the bleeding and apparently spilled some over the tip of his penis. We were instructed to apply an ice pack to his diaper area for the next couple days and if he did not urinate in the next 2 hours to take him to emergency room. He ended up peeing at 1.5 hours afterwards but keeping an ice pack on a newborn was the worst and I felt like the worlds worst mom. 

    So if this is another boy, I'm leaving it alone! I can't go through another traumatic experience like that again! I've since known many boys who are intact and do not have issues with remaining that way as long as caregivers know to never retract the forskin.
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    My husband is cicumcised, my first son is intact, and if the next one is a boy, he will be left intact. I would encourage anyone on the fence to really research pros and cons, and not just base it on if their husband is or isn't. It sounds like most everyone who has already decided has solid reasoning behind their decision. 
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    I was on the fence but left the decision up to DH, and he wanted to circumcise. We had it done when DS was two weeks old at the pediatrician's office, no complications.

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    On this one I don't give a shit why anyone says. I stand by my opinion. There is no reason to chop into a baby boys bits. Someone give me one valid reason, go on!
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    @nbcarlson and all others really, I know all about it. The point is, there is no reason to chop off anyone's bits, is there! Jeeee...
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    @carries2018 they are valid reasons, are they?! Pfff...a medical reason is the fore skin being too tight, not someone having issues teaching their kid how to clean himself. I am not going to read any more comments on this subject, because a certain side of the pond is set on their opinion.
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    Circumcision is no longer covered by Canadian health care (at least, it isn't in the three provinces I've lived in). It's incredibly difficult to find a doctor willing to do it, and kind of expensive. It isn't even a question most parents consider here, anymore. 

    *Obviously, when I'm talking about most parents, I'm talking about the ones I come in contact with. Not a huge sample size, but still. 

    **Also, we're talking non-medically necessary circumcision. If it's needed for a medical reason, it's covered and docs will perform it, just like any other medical procedure. 
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    Cleanliness is not something I'm worried about when my child is able to care for himself.
    I heart theSkimm
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