July 2016 Moms

Feeding Your Baby


Re: Feeding Your Baby

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    @shaylair do you have a hand pump? I have the medela harmony and respond way better to it than my electric. Plus it's much easier to pull out after/inbetween feedings and I can play with LO while pumping. 
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    Hey all! Sorry for the long post. I've been an observer on this board since finding out I was pregnant last November. I am hoping that someone here might have some advice for me since my doc has been less than helpful and my lc has been playing phone tag. I had a painful blockage in one side that came and went for about two weeks. Due to the size and way it looked, doc ordered an ultrasound. Of course, the night before the ultrasound the lump finally worked its way out completely through nursing. I primarily pump and nurse 1-2 times daily due to lo's limited transfer of milk. I've done this since week 2. At the ultrasound, they said it might have been a cyst that ruptured and drained. But, since then (5 days ago) my supply is gone. I was pumping like 30-36 oz per day. Now I'm lucky if I can get 15-20 oz. Ive added pumping sessions, nursed on demand when home, massage, hot compresses.... nothing is working to increase.  Is my supply gone? I'm already having to supplement and my freezer stash is quickly disappearing. Any help would be great!!! 
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    @Dmagardo oh no!! I'm sorry!! Everything I've read/been told says supply should go back to normal within a week. However, I only recovered about 3/4 of my supply in that breast. I used to get 4-5oz on that boob and am roughly at 3oz. As a heads up, my pump schedule did change a bit, and I missed a couple of sessions,  so that may have affected my supply recovery. I am back on my schedule now, so we shall see
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    @Dmagardo I had several plugged ducts and mastitis on my left side early on, and that side has consequently been my 'dud' but it did improve eventually with what you're doing, plus I would recommend some of the lactation foods to see if that helps! I know there are tons of recipes out there, oatmeal-based things helped me a lot. Good luck! I'm glad you got rid of the plug though, those are the WORST.
    Married 6/1/13
    BFP #1 7/2013 MMC 9/17/13
    BFP #2 5/2014 MC 6/15/14
    BFP #3 11/13/14 (Found in ER with ruptured cyst) Diagnosed MC 11/15/14
    BFP #4  4/2015 MC 7/1/15
    BFP #5 10/21/15  EDD 7/3/16 Praying for our rainbow! 
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    My DS must be going thru a growth spurt. we're back to being up every 2 to 3 hrs during the night for a snack. It's been 2 weeks of it. You'd think he'd be a chunky monkey at this point but still long and lean.  My poor nipples lol.
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    K is seriously fighting being fed. It's like he doesn't want the bottle in his mouth but when he doesn't have it he wants it. I don't know what to do with him. It's driving me crazy!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


    DS#1 July 2016
    Baby #2 July 2018
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    Good luck @shaylalr!
    @schaze is it only when feeding? I had some bruised/abraded nipples from him pulling off/being distracted/teething. (One side is abraded again from him repeatedly pulling off/biting down) When I stared having slight pain randomly when not feeding, I ended up at the dr, and I had thrush. Pain and slight pink/red coloration of my nipples was the only signs. Baby had no issues. They treated us both and it got better. They said if it was 2+ weeks call and they would send diflucan again. Hope you get it figured out soon! 
    @LF93 L has been doing this, when he had his 4 month appointment I said something. They said he's definitely teething and if needed rotate Tylenol and ibuprofen. I've found sometimes just rocking him he will fall half alsleep, and sleepy babies usually eat without distraction or fighting.
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    @shaylalr good luck!

    @joberkiser it's just when feeding, and just the initial latch. After that, it's normal. I heard it might be a sign my period is coming back (thought I had it before, it was just delayed PP bleeding). I've been having some cramping lately too, so I'm kind of thinking that might be it.
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    @shaylalr Good Luck, Honey!! Thoughts, prayers, and creepy internet hugs! 
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    Glad you got some answers @shaylalr but I'm sorry you have to deal with all that! I hope it massively improves very soon for you!
    Married 6/1/13
    BFP #1 7/2013 MMC 9/17/13
    BFP #2 5/2014 MC 6/15/14
    BFP #3 11/13/14 (Found in ER with ruptured cyst) Diagnosed MC 11/15/14
    BFP #4  4/2015 MC 7/1/15
    BFP #5 10/21/15  EDD 7/3/16 Praying for our rainbow! 
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    Has anyone started solid foods? My son is the height and weight of a 9 mo old... (he is 18.9 lbs and 27 inches long) so the doctor wants to start on solid foods...I just want to see if anyone else has started food and what they started with. He has acid re flux so she said to stay away from high acidic foods, but I also dont want to start with fruits in case he doesn't like the veggies. 
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    We haven't started yet, but we know we will start avocado and probably Steele cut oats in BM. Also thinking mashed peas, sweet potatoes, and carrots 
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    @shaylalr! YAAAY!! I'm so happy for you!!! What are you doing differently? My supply needs a boost after a plugged duct. 
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    @shaylalr That's awesome! Breastfeeding victory!!!! Yay!
    Married 6/1/13
    BFP #1 7/2013 MMC 9/17/13
    BFP #2 5/2014 MC 6/15/14
    BFP #3 11/13/14 (Found in ER with ruptured cyst) Diagnosed MC 11/15/14
    BFP #4  4/2015 MC 7/1/15
    BFP #5 10/21/15  EDD 7/3/16 Praying for our rainbow! 
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    tazer894 - we started 1 tsp of very thin rice cereal 1 time a day last week.  Like @LDSJM123 said- all of the nutrients they need will come from milk.  My pedi gave the go ahead to start whenever we wanted.  We are going slow with cereals, then will do veggies, then fruit.  My doc said that feeding solids now isn't about nutrition or eliminating milk- it is about teaching them to eat from spoons and in a highchair.  I've also been told a good indicator is if the baby is focused on watching you eat or trying to mimic the eating motions you make.  Like you- my LO is 18 lbs (only 25.5 in though) so I think we got the go ahead for solids because she (the doc) wasn't concerned about my LO possibly taking in less milk.
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    So, it's official. I've list 50-75% of my supply in the boob with the plugged duct. It's been 2 weeks and hasn't recovered...time to start some inter
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    @FTM53 That happened to me about a month ago, never recovered. But the other side seems to have compensated for it and he is still gaining just fine.
    Married 6/1/13
    BFP #1 7/2013 MMC 9/17/13
    BFP #2 5/2014 MC 6/15/14
    BFP #3 11/13/14 (Found in ER with ruptured cyst) Diagnosed MC 11/15/14
    BFP #4  4/2015 MC 7/1/15
    BFP #5 10/21/15  EDD 7/3/16 Praying for our rainbow! 
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    @shaylalr yay! So happy for you! 

    All of a sudden, E has been wanting to nurse only to fall asleep during.This happens before bed and for a handful of naps the last week or so. She hasn't done this since she was maybe a month old. Comfort thing maybe? 
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    @tazer894- DD2 is also big (17 lbs). However, we are waiting until 6 months. My pedi strongly recommends waiting until 6 months. Baby should be able to sit up by themselves before eating food. Newer research shows that Introducing food too early heightens the risk of food allergies and obesity. When we start food we will start with avocado, sweet potato, bananas, squash, etc.  We are not doing rice cereal. 
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    Sharing some success: LO has been struggling to take a bottle at daycare. He usually only takes one out of three. He outright refuses to take one from DH or I.  Tonight, he finally took a 2oz bottle from me!! It took about 15 min and he wasn't happy, but he drank it! Now it's just practice!!  :)
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    I started spotting the other day and have definitely been pumping less and baby is at the boob more, sometimes fussing.  Not sure if this is my period coming back but if so, is it normal to see a decrease?  Thanks for sharing your tips @shaylalr
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    @austinjl I got my period back at 6 weeks. I definitely notice a dip when I have it! My sister in law got her period back at 10 months with her first and it dried up her milk completely. She got it at 3 months with her second and it just dips a bit but cones back up. Other people seem to have no problem though. 
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    @shaylalr I don't want to pry, but I'm a CPhT and know a looot about drugs. Are they keeping you on reglan for the long term or was this just twice a day for 2 weeks? I'm definitely far from a doctor, but I know the dangers of reglan and it is concerning (like the LC said) that you're taking it. Supposedly it will increase your supply, but side effect wise and the fact that it can get through into your supply frightens me!! I'm sorry if overstepped my creepy internet boundaries. 
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    @setosh The other lactation consultant put me on it. It is just short term for 2 weeks! No trouble at all!! I appreciate the concern. This new lactation consultant wasn't as pleased so I'm a little sad I am taking it now.  So far no adverse affects on me or baby. I'll be done with it in less than a week. 
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    Not sure if this is the best place to put this, but what nipple size are people using for bottles? My LO is 4 months and so far we have been using slow flow size (0-3 months, medela brand). At our 4 month check-up our doc said the next size up is totally fine. The daycare teachers even mentioned to me several weeks ago that LO takes forever to finish her bottle haha. I think I'm overdue for upgrading her. Wondering if anyone had any problems going up in sizes? Thanks!
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    @mldutton We went up to the next nipple size and LO ones great. He was spitting up a little more at first but then he got used to it and now he finishes his bottle like he used to. He was taking a whole to finish them before also. When we switched we just went back to trying to burp every ounce or so and it seems to work, now he is used to them :) 
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    ditto to what @tazer894 said.  I went up a size when I noticed it was taking a long time for her to finish a bottle and when she stopped finishing them because she got bored of eating (because it was taking too long).  Like her, the first day or so there was more spitting up but once she adjusted we were back in business and she ate more efficiently.
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    @mldutton we are keeping LO on the slow flow because I don't want him to get used to eating quickly and then get frustrated with breast feeding. Plus it helps because he will get his "I'm full" cue better. I would see it as a positive if it takes awhile to eat at daycare... more attention from the provider instead of on to the next kid right away. 
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    @mldutton- thanks for asking! I hadn't thought about changing nipple size. However, I probably should!
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    I'm still trying to process the news, but after almost 4 weeks of prescription meds, herbal pills, pumping, etc. my milk supply plummeted back to where we started. I got my blood tested, they checked everything out. There is no answer, but my dreams of solely breastfeeding are gone. The lactation consultants said there's nothing more they can help me with because nothing works. The only thing that worked was the prescription meds but I can't go on them again, and my supply will just drop again after they stop. I know a fed baby is best, but man it just breaks my heart a little. She latches so well, enjoys breastfeeding and so do I! I'm breastfeeding what little milk I have to her and supplementing. I know it seems silly, but I just keep crying about it. I wish I could provide for her. 
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