October 2016 Moms

All Things Breastfeeding


Re: All Things Breastfeeding

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    @AshleyGemini24 It's always exciting getting a good amount! And if it makes you feel any better, Jimmy took to a bottle easily, and never experienced nipple confusion if that's a concern of yours. He switches back and forth easily, hopefully you have the same luck!
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    We tried 2 oz last night and it seemed to have went well. Gonna try a full feeding today and sse how that goes. 
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    Is anyone else's baby spitting up fairly often after BFing? I don't know if maybe my let down is too fast and chokes him up or if this is normal. It's not major spit up but it still happens for a couple minutes after he eats. 
    DH: 34
    Married: May 2011
    TTC #1: May 2015
    DS: 10/20/2016
    TTC #2: June 2019
    #2 EDD: 2/20/2020
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    With both of my babies I've bottle fed and breast fed from about day 3. No problems. I swear nipple confusion is a lie. 
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    I said Jimmy, but I meant Johnny. But same with both of them actually. 
    I'm already getting my kids confused... ::face palm::

    Anybody else's baby get an eye or face full of milk when they break latch to breathe? Poor Johnny gets sprayed when he lets go after let down haha 
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    Is anyone else's baby spitting up fairly often after BFing? I don't know if maybe my let down is too fast and chokes him up or if this is normal. It's not major spit up but it still happens for a couple minutes after he eats. 
    Yes pretty much every time but she's still gaining quite a bit. Just going to ask about it at our next appointment. She never seems too bothered by it
    proud pagan 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    @ibabyloveb87 Abigail spits up often after feeds, but I know my letdown is too fast. I try to spray into a towel but sometimes she's just too greedy, haha.But overall she's a "happy spitter" and it doesn't seem to bother her. 
    *American lady living in Tanzania, East Africa, since 2013
    DH - Tanzanian
    BFP #1 - MC Dec 2, 2015 (@ 9weeks)
    BFP #2 - Feb 2, 2016 --EDD 10/10/16 --Abigail- October 6, 2016. Heart warrior- OHS at 7 months old
    October 2017- Began fostering to adopt T, (DOB: November 19, 2013)
    March 2021 - Bonus daughter, N, moved in with us (DOB: June 6, 2014)
    BFP #3 - April 25, 2024 -- EDD January 2, 2025
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    My babe also spits up after almost every feeding. Sometimes it's a small amount and sometimes a lot. As long as the baby doesn't cry or arch their back during spit up or projectile vomit, you should be ok. Also a good indicator is wet and dirty diapers and if baby is gaining weight appropriately. Burping frequently during feedings and keeping the baby upright for about a half hour after feedings helps mine. It's normal for babies to spit up as the  sphincter that closes the stomach from the esophagus is immature and won't be strong until about 6 months
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    These totally took my by surprise this time around too. I found I had to practice my labor breathing techniques while nursing they were so bad.

    Anyone else's LO with a shallow latch but seems to drain the boob just fine and its not causing you pain? I keep hearing how important a deep latch is but it doesn't seem to be causing us any problems. Plus my boobs are huge so expecting her to be able to cover the nipple to the bottom of my aerola seems unrealistic.
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    @NoraAurora I thought so too but our boy suffered from nipple confusion by using a pacifier on the 3rd night (he completely forgot how to latch/eat). When we spoke to the LC the next morning she basically said most babies are fine with it, but a percentage do suffer from nipple confusion (and when they do it's so frustrating and awful) which is why they recommend on holding off for 3-4 weeks.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Willow has only gained 2 ounces since her first pediatrician appointment last Monday. Her doctor thinks that she is using too much energy to eat and burning extra calories. So now we are on a strict feeding schedule with required supplementation and she gets weighed again on Monday. Sigh. 
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    @ball4768 Hang in there mama! She'll catch onto her eating groove in no time :)
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    @divallyn my LO can't open his mouth wide enough to get a deep latch but I am having nipple pain and he wasn't getting a good enough feeding. I have to use a nipple shield and supplement with pumped breast milk- just found out we need to add a pump session in the middle of the night . I'm already defeated but at least he's gaining well now. 
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    So this nipple shield buisness sucks. I still can't get the right latch. I ended up just handing baby to H and giving him a pumped bottle of milk and I just pumped while he fed.

    it seemed so easy to do while we were at the LC and I don't get why it's so hard now. And now I'm crying and I just don't want to be so defeated. 
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    @divallyn my LO can't open his mouth wide enough to get a deep latch but I am having nipple pain and he wasn't getting a good enough feeding. I have to use a nipple shield and supplement with pumped breast milk- just found out we need to add a pump session in the middle of the night . I'm already defeated but at least he's gaining well now. 
    Oh really?  Thanks for the feedback. We have his two week check up on Thursday so I guess I will see what the scale is saying. She does cluster feed for about 4 hours each night so I know she is getting lots of milk but she is also very sleepy at the breast and I worry about her not getting the fatty hindmilk. I tried the nipple shield the third night (to give the nips a break) and she gagged on it :neutral:

    Glad to hear he is gaining now! I had to use the shield with my first one and I understand how frustrating it can be but I was able to successfully transfer my first from the shield to the nipple around 10 weeks when his mouth got bigger as he wouldn't latch at all on to the nipple.
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    @serenaxo84 hugs. I never tried the shields but my LO has had a poor latch from day one. I tried working with the LC on it and seeing what we could do and she even kind of gave up on the situation... Like, how frustrating. I tried *so* hard to pump and not supplement with DS1 and it caused me so much stress bc I just couldn't keep up with it all. My nutrition/appetite is non-existent after birth which contributed to my supply tanking so after a month of tears every single time I pumped, H basically made me stop. It was awful for everybody in my house. Hang in there mama! Do what you can and try to keep your sanity in the meanwhile. 
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    @serenaxo84 I completely understand the feeling that it works perfectly with the LC and then goes to hell at home.  Hang in there! It sounds like you're doing everything you can.
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    @serenaxo84 Hang in there mama!  In the hospital I couldn't get LO to latch... well he'd latch and the do a few sucks and then pop off over and over again.  I was so frustrated until they finally gave me the nipple shield.  I had to use it every time and even then it was still frustrating and sometimes didn't work.  But have hope! After many tears and frustrations, we are now at a point where we haven't had to use the shield at all in days and latching is getting easier every time!  I definitely had a lot of hopeless moments so I just want to encourage that it is possible to go from struggling a ton to breastfeeding normally.   The LCs I worked with basically told me I was doing everything right, LO just needed time to learn and coordinate.  It seems like he's finally starting to figure it out (he'll be 3 weeks on Tuesday).
    Me (28) & DH (29)
    Married: May 2015
    BFP 1/24/16 EDD 10/4/16
    It's a boy!

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    Thanks @depineta and @blonde1817! It's so hard! Im gonna go back to the LC for a one on one on Thursday but gonna try the group class on a Monday- I can't get the damn shield to work and now I'm just pumping and bottle feeding cause I'm scared to put him back on

    a lot of people keep mentioning that maybe he has a tongue tie- LC confirmed it's him not me- anatomically my breasts are in good shape for him to be latching. She things he just can't open his mouth wide enough due to him being 37 weeks. Who knows! I'm debating taking him to a pediatric dentist next week.
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    Apparently we're having an all night buffet here tonight. He can't get enough it seems!! 
    DH: 34
    Married: May 2011
    TTC #1: May 2015
    DS: 10/20/2016
    TTC #2: June 2019
    #2 EDD: 2/20/2020
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    I'm losing milk and it's making me sad  :'(
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    I'm losing milk and it's making me sad  :'(
    Why are you losing supply (if you know)? And how did you discover it? Are you getting less at the pump? Fenugreek did wonders for me last time . Sorry :(
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    Willow goes back to the doctor for a weight check today and I'm praying for good news. I've been BFing, supplementing and pumping for 3 days and it is exhausting. I know that she isn't getting enough milk when she nurses and she's much more than efficient when she bottle feeds, but I don't want to give up BFing. Pumping seems to have increased my supply though. 
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    mothernorthmothernorth member
    edited October 2016
    @NoraAurora Johnny is still ravenously hungry after he nurses, and I am pumping substantially less than before so am having trouble even keeping up a supply in the fridge for him. I'm pretty sure it boils down to me not pumping/nursing enough. With my schedule it's been rough finding time to sit down and do that, and I know my supply is suffering for it. I have to MAKE time to do it before I dry up. It was so much easier before I got back to my "real life" and FI was off work and home with me =/

    Edit because holy typos! And added a bit.
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    @AllyTheKid- I know you have SO MUCH going on. I'm not half as busy but I still find it hard to sit down and nurse a lot of the time. There's always something that needs to be done. I supplement my LO with formula about 2-4x/day depending on if she's still rooting after a long nursing session. 
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    @ball4768 I feel you- I've been doing that since day one! Now I am EP because I can't take the stress of not being able to get a good latch. We are working on it though-going to support group today and seeing LC again on Thursday. Pumping stinks! 

    @allythekid it's so hard to make the time to pump esp when you have other little ones that need your attention! 
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    @AllyTheKid I'm not totally sure what it is but I'm on some breastfeeding support groups on Facebook and a lot of ladies gave mentioned something called power pumping to increase supply, might be worth trying!
    Me (28) & DH (29)
    Married: May 2015
    BFP 1/24/16 EDD 10/4/16
    It's a boy!

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    @NoraAurora I've been supplementing each feeding, I do half pumped BM/half formula except at night when I nurse him because he won't take plain formula unless he is starving, then once he feels a little full he won't finish it. Nursing just isn't an option for me anymore I think, so I'm switching back to EPing and doing my best to establish an absolute pump schedule like I did when he was in the NICU.
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    @serenaxo84 Exactly! @Blonde1817 Ihave made up my mind to go back to EPing I believe.
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    Not shockingly this little bugger latched perfectly fine with the nipple shield at support group today without any assistance from the LC on both breasts and drank 3.5 oz. Im gonna keep trying to nurse him and see how he does... I've got plenty of milk in case he doesn't do it. Glad I made the pediatric dentist appointment for tomorrow- this LC suspects a tongue tie or just a tight mouth due to his early birth date.
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    Not shockingly this little bugger latched perfectly fine with the nipple shield at support group today without any assistance from the LC on both breasts and drank 3.5 oz. Im gonna keep trying to nurse him and see how he does... I've got plenty of milk in case he doesn't do it. Glad I made the pediatric dentist appointment for tomorrow- this LC suspects a tongue tie or just a tight mouth due to his early birth date.... I was just warming to the idea of EPing though and the slight convience of being able to have a little more freedom. 
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    Well, Willow gained nearly half a pound over the weekend. That is great news, but it means that I probably need to stick to the BF/pumping schedule for a while longer. I have an appointment with an LC on Wednesday to see if there is anything I can do to help her nurse more efficiently. Her doctor seems to think that she will get better as she gets older, but I'd like a little reassurance. 
    Oh and I also have mastitis! I noticed a red spot on my breast last night and asked my OB about it at my appt today. Fortunately, we caught it early so I didn't feel sick from it. 
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    Anyone have any experience with tongue or lip ties? Dentist said LO has a lip tie and posterior tongue tie. We can't get a good latch. But pedi said he wouldn't be doing so well on the bottle if it as an issue.... I'm so confused. All the LL community says to get it fixed ASAP but even dentist said it doesn't guarantee to work.
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    Any other pumping mamas getting small water blisters around your nipples? They are very small, don't hurt, are easy to pop, and heal quickly, I just think they're wrird.
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    @allythekid have you tried lubing your nipples up a bit? 
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    @AllyTheKid - I probably did get them when EPing for DS because I swear I got everything weird one could get. I don't specifically remember it though
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    @serenaxo84 Yes I do! They wouldn't survive if I didn't, yikes =S

    @NoraAurora Are there more weird things that can happen??
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    NoraAuroraNoraAurora member
    edited November 2016
    haha, I thought so. When I was BFing DS I got thrush on my nipples from him. I got some kind of blood blister. Some other thing that was from a clogged duct that wouldn't express, so it kind of hung out at my nipple for a while. Babies.
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