July 2016 Moms

08/15 Randoms


Re: 08/15 Randoms

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    @KASG YES! My knees hurt so bad I have a hard time standing up from a sitting position. I asked my midwife at my 6 week apt and she said my hips might be out of alignment and that's putting weird pressure on my hips. She recommended a chiropractor and I have an apt next week. I hope it works. I feel like a 90 year old lady... I can barely stand and I pee myself when I laugh. Or sneeze. 
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    @FTM53 YES! My DH has worked 5 days in three weeks due to al the rain...so he finds himself staying up late....then of course is "tired". Yeah it must have been exhausting sleeping 5, 6, 7, or even more straight hours...tell me all about it. We have a good sleeper but still twice a night to feed takes a toll.
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    After watching Stranger Things I cannot find anything else worth watching on Netflix. Someone please suggest something else before I beat Candy Crush Saga. Need something else to do while stuck on the couch nursing LO half the day.
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    @Backbypopulardemand I'm breastfeeding, occasionally pumping a bottle or two throughout the week as needed since I still have engorgement issues and this kid isn't the most consistent when it comes to how often he wants to eat/sleep!

    Married 6/1/13
    BFP #1 7/2013 MMC 9/17/13
    BFP #2 5/2014 MC 6/15/14
    BFP #3 11/13/14 (Found in ER with ruptured cyst) Diagnosed MC 11/15/14
    BFP #4  4/2015 MC 7/1/15
    BFP #5 10/21/15  EDD 7/3/16 Praying for our rainbow! 
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    Has anybody has the 2 month checkup with vaccines?  What was your experience?  Baby fussy after shots?  I'm kinda afraid.... The last shot Elijah got he screamed a lot!!!!!!
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    @austinjl my pedi's office does the first group of vaccines at 6 wks rather than 8 which seems to be the norm from what I've gathered on here. C was 6 weeks last Monday so he had his appointment. He got an oral vaccine plus 2 shots in his left thigh, one in his right. He screamed his little head off as soon as he felt the first prick, but calmed down as soon as I picked him up and snuggled him when it was over. He didn't fuss much afterwards, just slept more than usual that afternoon & evening which was nice. He didn't end up with a fever or anything either, but I had infant tylenol on hand just in case. I'm pretty sure he handled everything better than I did.
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    Thanks!  I bought infant Motrin today which is marketed for 6 months to 2 years.  The infant Tylenol that I saw was marketed for 2-3 years old.  Is there another option for littler ones?  Do you know which one you had just in case?
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    @rnyland1 - have you already watched Orange is the new black? 
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    @austinjl that's the one I have. The syringe that comes with it has different doses marked on it & his pedi told me the proper one for his size (the lowest marked dose) in case he needed it.
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    We are dangerously close to having dog soup for dinner tomorrow night. The beloved pooch has woken the baby not once, not twice, not even 3 times, but FIVE times today with her random barking or being under my feet. 

    --she is normally a very calm, well behaved animal who has decided to have her own "witching day" 
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    I think it depends on your baby. Our pedi said that most babies are pretty sleepy afterward, but with colicky DD we had no such luck. If it helps, she didn't seem fussier than normal, but she was usually pretty unhappy. Once the colic passed though, she ended up being the kind of baby that never even complained when she was teething.
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    @austinjl Elliott was super clingy and sleepy and napped and nursed all day. The shots themselves weren't bad he cried for a minute and was fine. We didn't do any Tylenol or anything before and didn't need it after. 
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    @Lf93 OMG...I was joking with DH this weekend that DS' gas is as bad as his and that I can picture them having farting contests. 
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    LF93LF93 member
    @FTM53 It's crazy, my boyfriend breathes really heavily too when he's sleeping, so does Kyle. Evening when he's asleep he'll have his hands a certain way and my boyfriend does it too! There he goes again with his farts hahaha
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    DS#1 July 2016
    Baby #2 July 2018
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    @AshGee18 That's awesome! Every baby is different. DD could roll over pretty consistently at 5 weeks probably because she absolutely hated tummy time and was highly motivated. She scooted around 4 months and used her forehead to dig into the floor for grip. Weirdest thing. Then she was pretty late to be able to sit, but mostly average on everything else. It's fun to see how they will develop uniquely.
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    Does anybody have tips on how to help doggies with the life transition with a new baby?  My dog got in mouse poison (that had been in the same place for 6 months or more) and started peeing on my husbands clothes.  I had been taking her on daily walks but fell and injured my knee.  I hope to get back into walking soon.  Any ideas for the meantime?  Is anybody else having trouble with pets?
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    @austinjl Our dog began to act out around week 2 when we had a lot of visitors and no one paid too much attention to her. She began to chew on things and potty inside the house. We ended up sending her to our friends house for a 2 week stay while things settle here. Our friend has like four other dogs and she can get some attention plus get some energy out. Other than that, I really hope she'll be better when she gets back. 
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    DD won't sleep on her back at all she hates being on her back even for diaper changes so she's been sleeping on me since birth (she's 6 weeks) trying to slowly break this habit so it's not a nightmare a year from now I've been trying to get her to sleep elsewhere ... as of yesterday she's been having naps in her bouncer chair. Now I feel guilty putting her in there when so many things online tell you  not to let them sleep in them. Other than when my hubby is home this is the only time I generally get without her on me. Please tell me I'm not a bad mom for letting her nap in it lol. When she sleeps at night it's still on me since she sleeps longer then. But for naps during the day as i slowly transition her into a bassinet or crib (and not on me) is okay right? 
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    @AshGee18 I don't have a bouncer, but I let LO sleep in his swing during the day all the time. If that's where I can get him calm and to sleep, I see no problem with it! I check on him often and prop his head up with a rolled up cloth sometimes if it slumps to the side. I think as long as he's not there all day long and I can keep an eye on him, I don't care if he wants to take a nap there! He's slept in a rock and play since week 2, since he doesn't really sleep well flat on his back either. It's not officially recommended but the hospital ped said all of her kids slept in it and she thought it would be fine. He sleeps right next to me in that during the night. Do what works for you and LO. :)
    Married 6/1/13
    BFP #1 7/2013 MMC 9/17/13
    BFP #2 5/2014 MC 6/15/14
    BFP #3 11/13/14 (Found in ER with ruptured cyst) Diagnosed MC 11/15/14
    BFP #4  4/2015 MC 7/1/15
    BFP #5 10/21/15  EDD 7/3/16 Praying for our rainbow! 
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    @ashgee18 DD sleeps in a RNP. I know it's not ideal but it's what she loves and I love that she sleeps well in it. I've seen her roll over in the PNP and I don't feel comfortable with it! We're going to a sleep seminar next week so I'm hoping to get some tips there. 
    Me (32) & DH (35)
    Married 10.10.10
    DD born 7.25.16 <3
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    @sboston06 sleep seminar?? That sounds amazing. 
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    sboston06 said:
    I will share what I learn! A woman from my childbirth class told me about it. Hoping to learn something new!
    Yay i can't wait to hear too. 
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    @austinjl my mom was up for a few days after DS was born. She paid special attention to the dog. Now, my hubby does -- playtime more often (even if it's just two throws of the ball), bringing her to morning coffee runs in the car...we also let her be involved with the baby in other ways. She sits on the couch with me while I nurse and is allowed to smell the baby whenever. We don't let her lick him though. 
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    @AshGee18 LO sleeps in his mamaroo during the day. For naps, I see no issue. I put him in his bassinet for bedtime. If you can get them to sleep, do it. 
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    @AshGee18 don't worry too much, my first two babies were the same way and they both transitioned to the crib (9 months and 5 months) and they are great sleepers on their own ever since (ages 5 and 3)!  My 3rd sleeps in her swing and dockatot as well as on me when I get a few minutes to relax! Enjoy your snuggles now! They grow SO fast!
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    My Lil man also sleeps in his bouncer  (naps during the day and at night) ..every so often he will sleep in his pack n play; haven't tried his crib yet but his cosleepr is a no for now.. doesn't seem to like flat on his back either. Many of my friends have told me their babies have slept in multiple spots before going to a crib etc! 
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