October 2016 Moms

Monday Bitchfest 8/8

*American in Tanzania, East Africa, since 2013
DH - Tanzanian

Re: Monday Bitchfest 8/8

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  • Been at the hospital for DH's kidney stone blasting and stent removal since 7 am and I'm still sitting here waiting for him. Everything went great and he should be feeling much better. But I'm beyond exhausted and so ready to not be here anymore. This momma wants to go get her mani/pedi and have some relaxation! LOL. #badwifemoment 
    Pregnancy Ticker

    Married 11-11-11
    TTC only since Dec 2015. I had some weight to get off. Been working hard in the gym for over a year.
    BFP 02-15-16 with our first
    IT'S A BOY!!! 

  • Today is a holiday in Tanzania which I mostly forgot about until I was waiting for my second bus home and all of them were so full (read: people standing outside the door holding on) that I had to suck it up and walk the rest of the way home. It only took like 35 minutes but I had to pee really badly the whole way. And I was tired from being at work all day. 
    *American in Tanzania, East Africa, since 2013
    DH - Tanzanian
  • @ibabyloveb87 that's like this one girl that got hired at my work....She never came in on time and left early most days.....she got fired pretty quick though. It's the worst when management doesn't seem to notice!
  • So, I normally work Friday and Saturday nights, but this schedule, I was asked if I could work Monday nights because of being short staffed and people switching departments and whatnot. At the time, I was like oh yeah more PTO and extra money to put back in savings for when baby is here, but now I'm just like ughhhhhhh. I have 2 more Monday nights to work, and I finally understand why Mondays suck so bad. I did it to myself, though...
  • @bamacoop We're out of Coca-Cola at the house, FI has the truck, and I'm not walking 6 blocks to the store with these kids in this heat for a soda. 
    I pout about it everytime I feel thirsty and only have my water to drink. Waaaaaaah.
  • @bamacoop this is such an accurate depiction of my every day lunch struggle 
  • Hubby has had my car for 2 weeks, I'm so over it!!! I have sh!t to do for the baby shower this weekend, AND we are running out of food in the house cuz I can't go grocery shopping.  So annoyed! 
  • @bamacoop get a prescription for protonix. I haven't needed tums in a week 
  • von1976von1976 member
    edited August 2016
    I wanted to go to the grocery store this morning, but I was feeling kind of off and nauseous. I'm feeling better now, but the granite people are going to show up for the install at any time from now until 4pm. If I go to the grocery store after 4, it's going to be a madhouse. They closed the grocery store in the rougher part of the neighborhood and now EVERYONE goes to the only one in town and it's a ridiculous mess 90% of the time. Morning during the week is the best time to go. I won't even go there on a Saturday or Sunday anymore. Ugh.

    I may not go until tomorrow morning. But we have nothing for dinner and hubby wanted Coke for his mixed drinks. I may just do a CVS run for an emergency bottle of soda and takeout.


    Baby GIRL born 9/16/201
    BFP! EDD 8/1/2019 CP 4w2d

  • I have a super irrational BF but....

    Why are all the gliders I find that I like made of microfiber for the material. I hate microfiber with a passion.
    DH: 29 | Me: 29 
    Dating: 10/3/08 | Married: 12/27/14
    TTC #1: August 2015 | BFP: 2/3/16 | EDD: 10/7/16
    DD: 10/5/16
    TTC #2: September 2017 | BFP: 4/28/18 | EDD: 1/7/19
    DS: 1/9/19
    BabyFruit Ticker

  • JennJenn81713JennJenn81713 member
    edited August 2016
    I have such anxiety about being ready for this baby.  Our house is tiny, so the nursery has actually been a project of shuffling three different rooms around to make room for baby - other half of front room into dining room, old dining room into new office, and old office into new nursery.  We're done with the new dining room and have made progress on the new office, but there are just a few things needing to get finished in the new office before I can move everything out of the old office and start getting the nursery ready.  My dad has always helped me with these things and he's helped a bit with this project, but the crucial things I need him for are installing new outlets in the new office and measuring and building a desktop to sit on top of the base cabinets we bought.  These are fairly simple projects for him but he keeps putting it all off.  My mom keeps telling me not to worry, that everything will get done in time, and that we have plenty of time before the baby gets here.  But she's also been talking about for months how she was going to come over and help me all summer long... well, now my grandmother and great aunt will be here next week and my shower is the week after that...there is no summer left after that and she has yet to come over.  My mom is throwing me the shower and I'm grateful, but she just called me and was excited about all the things bought off my registry - I told her I'd be excited, too, if I had a room to put it all in, but as it is, my shower is in 2 weeks and I don't even have a room cleared yet for this baby.  I'm just really frustrated.  :(  I suffer from anxiety, and did well with meds, but haven't been on anything since TTC.  I'm feeling very overwhelmed all of a sudden, as well as misunderstood and patronized.  And tired.  So tired.  Sorry for the vent.  :(
  • For those of you who have been following my car drama...

    Got a call this morning finally saying that they performed some more updates and everything is fine. Great! My husband goes to pick up the car and the technician flat out says the issue was their fault (duh). No charge. We are going complain about the supervisor who refused to accept fault. 

    The service advisor then proceeds to make fun of me to my husband because I had to be on their asses about whether or not the work was being done. This, the guy who couldn't be bothered to return my phone call from more than 48 business hours (obviously not including his day off, but considering we couldn't get someone to speak to us, let's call it 72.)

    I will be happily driving to a dealership further away to not deal with this crap in the future. 
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker
  • @JennJenn81713 I am in the same boat
     We do not have a clear room to become the nursery, and my shower is this weekend.
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker
  • @MrsHudson2014 misery loves company.  Ugh, sorry about your car issues and sorry about your nursery!
  • That's terrible @books&icecream.  I get why you don't want your mom to visit.
  • From what I have heard about your mother, and I mean no offense its just the impression that I get- she seems extremely superficial. That being said, I wouldn't pay any mind to much of what she has to say. I can relate though, and know how frustrating and hurtful it is to have your own family hound you about your body and image, especially during pregnancy. Also I would just like to say you look AMAZING, really you do. Please don't let them get you down! @books&icecream
  • @JennJenn81713 I feel your pain! We move into our new place the end of this month, so currently no baby room set up! We went and saw the new house and there still soooo much left to be done (current owners are remodeling) that I was getting anxiety thinking about it all last night! I don't know if it will all be done in time, but on top of their list I have my own list of things to do before we move in. We're trying to pack and start on baby room this week, so I know it's overwhelming! 
  • Bitch #1 where dafuq my baby bump at ? With my other babies I had a big ol' belly by now ... then again this is the first time I'm preggers and weighing in at 250, ughhh I want a bump. 
  • ....And the granite install crew just showed up at 6:41pm. Seriously?


    Baby GIRL born 9/16/201
    BFP! EDD 8/1/2019 CP 4w2d

  • DS is missing out on so many birthday parties for friends because they have them on weekend mornings and I work weekends and DH says he's uncomfortable going to parties where he doesn't know anyone. Some of the parties look like a lot of fun, too! 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • Long story short today has just been shitty all around. For a condensed breakdown read on. 

    1. Been awake since 9:30 yesterday morning
    2. Today was my first day back to work- in a teacher
    3. Spilled my large Starbucks frap after 3 sips as soon as I got to school
    4. School breakfast didnt look awesome- it's always been awesome
    5. Faculty Meeting ran over so we had to eat our provided lunch (cold subs) in 10 minutes while they talked
    6. Drove to another meeting- walked at least .5 mile to gym where meeting was. No seating, no AC, loud music
    7. Got overheated and nearly fainted in meeting. Co-workers got me out of there and I went to my school where I could relax and rehydrate.
    8. Just overall made me question being back at work which only annoyed me more.

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @von1976 Your post are the reason I'll never want to renovate a house. lol Sounds like so much hassle. :( 

    SO and I have been together: 5 Years+
    BFP: 03/10
    First Baby: 10/20/2016
  • Oh no, @UFJen! Good luck to you, too! I think what frustrates me is that everyone is like, "Oh, you still have 2 months left...plenty of time!" But it's really not that much time, and God forbid this little guy decides he wants to come early. Grrr.
  • So much to catch up on! I have hardly been able to bump at all today (I guess that's my bitchfest)

    @ibabyloveb87 that would annoy the crap out of me! Hopefully your bosses see what's going on soon!

    @emmaaa I'm telling you, Check out the Transit Damage Freight location near you. We ordered a brand new Best Chairs glider/recliner and picked our fabric from the gazillion swatches they had available (so it's made to order). They also had some ordered and out on the show floor at our location. The stuff you order is brand new and the stuff already in stock is typically the transit damaged stuff (though you typically can't tell)

    @books&icecream Those are such hurtful things for them to say. I'm so sorry you have to deal with that. You look great. Only worry about how you and your doctor feel about your wait gain and tell the rest where they can shove that opinion! ;)

    @von1976 ugh... So annoying! But not surprising. FX for a quick and successful install

  • @Ashleymn I keep telling myself it will be worth it in the end. Our previous kitchen was a disaster, it will be nice to have a dream kitchen for at least a year until we move. And then get to do it again in the new house... LOL!

    @bnsmith85 Well, so far they've only have to cut three holes in my walls to get the granite to sit properly. (Walls are apparently not square, unsurprisingly.) So I guess it's going well? Haha.


    Baby GIRL born 9/16/201
    BFP! EDD 8/1/2019 CP 4w2d

  • So happy they are gonna do that for you @LauraPCOS. Nothing to mess around with. It's going to get hot and humid here again and I'm refusing to leave my office or house. 
    Pregnancy Ticker

    Married 11-11-11
    TTC only since Dec 2015. I had some weight to get off. Been working hard in the gym for over a year.
    BFP 02-15-16 with our first
    IT'S A BOY!!! 

  • @JennJenn81713 oh I know, if I hear that one more time!! I won't be happy until we are in the new house with his room set up! 
  • @AllyTheKid We're out of pop, juice, koolaid and anything else with flavour, so yea I groan too when I'm refilling my water cup (and all day I drink water at the school, so I just want SOMETHING with flavour with dinner).  Tonight, we're ordering a pizza, and I said f-it, I ordered a 2L bottle of pop with it even though it's extremely over priced, right now I don't care!!

    @books&icecream That's seriously uncool! My husband tried to stop me from making brownies the other day - I threaten to divorce him, so he went outside and didn't say another word.  A woman I work with gained 110lbs her last (and only) pregnancy, which is crazy.  She looked so uncomfortable 2 weeks before she was due, but I would have NEVER said anything to her.  She's not blind, her doctor has a voice, so if she wanted my opinion, she would have asked, but no, that's why she sees a doctor and not me.  But ya, I agree with @SpaceBurger I don't get why people need to mention another person's weight. :/
    Pregnancy Ticker

  • @books&icecream I can't imagine having dealt with that your whole life! Please try to ignore them - no one needs to be concerned about what you're eating or how much weight you've gained other than you and your doctor, and if your doctor isn't concerned then sorry, your parents need to mind their own business!! You look fantastic!

    I can't get over why anyone thinks it's okay to comment on someone's weight, pregnant or not! Worry about yourself!
  • @LauraPCOS That's fantastic that they're going to put that in for you! This heat is no joke. I've a couple days where I ended up in the hospital due to dehydration.  :#

    My bitchfest: It's my MILs birthday, which means we had to go over there and play nice for awhile. That was rough in and of itself. But no I reek of smoke and I'm pissed! Why do you smoke in your house lady?! I'm pregnant, I don't want to smell like cigarettes all night! I feel like I'm gunna hurl.  :'(

    E will be 18 on July 24th
    Z was born October 16, 2016
    #3 Due October 9, 2018

    MC - November 29, 2012
    CP - November 15, 2014
    D&C for MMC - October 13, 2015

  • @krzyriver you're a more kind person than I am! I wouldn't have gone. I would have insisted on hosting instead 
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