Pregnant after IF

*first trimester check-in week of June 20, 2016!*

vssbrmvssbrm member
edited June 2016 in Pregnant after IF
This is a weekly check-in for those in their 1st trimester: weeks 1 through the end of week 13. I know we've all gone through a lot to get to this point so congratulations and best of luck to all of you over the next several months!

Please post a little about yourself, your EDD (if it’s not listed below- if I left you off please let me know )  any upcoming appointments, symptoms, etc. Feel free to also share your IF journey, I know many of us can relate. 

Have you made the big announcement yet? If you have or when you do, how do you plan on telling friends and family? Are you going to make it FB official? Are you as afraid as I am to let people out side of your inner circle know?

Congrats to all of the Mommies & Daddies to be:

*Finally updated to track everyone currently active!*

@Griffin5413 EDD 12/28/16 with 1 BOY
@emma61210 EDD 1/1/17
@Drove2u EDD 1/4/17
@WishingforLuck EDD 1/6/17
@joyzie77 EDD 1/10/17 with 1 BOY
@ultratomato EDD 1/12/17
@vssbrm EDD 1/14/17
@alavore21 EDD 1/17/17
@tulips29  EDD 1/22/17
@HJ.Morgan EDD 1/23/17
@sumo2519 1/24/17
@susykat77 EDD 1/26/17
@dragonfaerie EDD 1/27/17
@lynnNJ EDD 1/28/17
@jdonegan EDD 2/1/17
@NurseTMD85 EDD 2/17/17 (You put 2016 but I assume you meant 2017!)

@Aglorentz Please let me know when you have a date!
@chicandbubbly Please let me know when you have a date!
@Colleen0516 Our fingers are crossed so tightly for you, and we are all sending good thoughts/prayers/whatever is in our disposition. 

Please let me know if your info needs to be added, updated, or if you have graduated to the next trimester. 
Married May 2009, TTC since November 2012 (Together since 2006 ish - had my eyes on him since 2001)
Me: 32 (33 in May), Him: 37 (January)

DX: Me: High Prolactin, Possible Autoimmune Disease Issues, though RE not concerned (?)  New RE has a plan!!
       Him: Minor Varicocele, low morphology, slightly low count


Beta 5/9/2016 BFP!!
Embryo transfer scheduled for April 28, 2016 and beta test May 9, 2016 (day after Mother's Day!)
Transfer Meds include: Lupron Depot (4/1), Minivelle Patch (every 3rd day), Estradiol (3x daily), Amoxicillin, Progesterone in Oil, Methylprednisonlone. Lovenox and baby asprin added after transfer. 

3/22/16 - Sono Saline ultrasound cyst to be aspirated on 4/1/16 if not cleared up by 3/29 US - It cleared on its own
Retrieval 3/4/16 - 26 eggs retrieved, 23 mature, 20 fertilized, 14 embryos currently frozen
Starting IVF Stims on +/- Feb 22, 2016
HSG scheduled for 1-26-16 - All clear "beautiful uterus" (though inverted)

Switched clinics and now prepping for IVF in February / March

Fourth IUI -  CD3-7 100 Clomid w/ Ovidrel Trigger - December, 2015 - BFN
Third IUI -  CD3-7 100 Clomid w/ Ovidrel Trigger - November, 2015 - BFN
Second IUI - CD3-7 100 Clomid w/ Ovidrel Trigger - September, 2015 - BFN
Started Prolactin Medication October 15 - Levels quickly regulated to with in normal range
First IUI - CD3-7 100 Clomid w/ Ovidrel Trigger - August, 2015 - BFN
After no BFPs (ever) First RE/Urologist visit in Feb 2015
HSG w/ OB, 2014 = all clear
Trying to conceive since November 2012

Re: *first trimester check-in week of June 20, 2016!*

  • Tulips29Tulips29 member
    edited June 2016
    QOTW - we decided to make the big announcement to our family yesterday during Father's Day dinner. We had both sets of parents at our house. DH's parents started screaming and his mom jumped out of her seat and flew at me with arms wide open, it was such a funny but amazing reaction. My parents were thrilled, but my mom suspected we might tell. My SIL started crying when she heard. It was so genuinely sweet all around, I cried half the evening with them. Of course the parents got uber excited and started discussing who is taking off when to help me with the baby when I give birth. I had to stop them and remind them I'm only 9 weeks and it's super early to talk about those things. They didn't listen. They were in their own world, so I let them stay there. We don't plan on telling friends until around 14-16 weeks or so. 

    Edited to add - probably no FB announcement for us, we want to keep it private and just tell people in person. 
    ***History & TW in Spoiler***

    ***bfp & child warning***
    TTC - since 2014
    7 rounds of Clomid - BFN
    IUI #1 - October 2015 - BFN
    IUI #2 - November 2015 - BFN
    IUI #3 - December 2015 - BFN
    IVF #1 - March 2016
    Retrieval #1 - April 2016
    FET #1 - May 2016 - BFP!!! DS - Born January 2017
    Trying for baby #2...
    FET #2 - January 2018 - BFN  
    No more embryos left; switched to a new RE
    IVF/Retrieval #2 - January 2019
    IVF/Retrieval #3 - March 2019
    FET #3 - April 2019 - BFP!!! - DD: Born December 2019
    Trying for baby #3...
    FET #4 - October 2021 - BFP!!! - Due June 2022

  • QOTW - We've been gradually letting family members and close friends know. This weekend we called DH's grandma on her birthday, and then told his dad on Father's Day. The rest of our close friends will find out next weekend when we will be at 9 weeks. Then we will do a FB official post in a few more weeks (waiting on the onesie ordered for the announcement.) I definitely have felt some fear around telling everyone so early, but we had let everyone know about our IF journey, so there were questions and prayers so much that we couldn't wait to tell everyone.

    ---Trigger warning---

    Me: 31 DH: 27
    TTC since April 2013
    Two cancelled IUIs in Aug and Sept '15 due to low motility/count
    IVF round 1: January 2016
    ER: February 17, 2016; 9 retrieved, 7 mature, 7 fertilized
    Day 5 Blastocysts: 5 BB, 1 AB, all normal from PGS
    FET date: May 11, '16; transferred 1 AB embryo
    First beta: May 23, '16: 998!!  Second: May 25, '16: 1648
    EDD: January 27, 2017
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Loading the player...
  • 4th beta was this morning. Attempting to keep my anxiety at bay while I wait for the call that everything is good and I can schedule my first sonogram :smiley: EDD 2/17/16
    Me: 31 / DH: 32
    Married 10/14/2011
    TTC since 11/2011
    DX: unexplained infertility

    1st IUI 12/23/15 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 1/8/16 BFN
    2nd IUI 1/22/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 2/8/16 BFN
    3rd IUI 2/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 3/15/16 BFN
    4th IUI 3/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 4/11/16 BFN
    5th IUI 4/26/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 5/11/16 BFN
    6th and final IUI 5/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - BFP!!!
    1st Beta on 6/8/16 @ 12piui: 22; 2nd Beta 6/10/16 84.4; 3rd Beta 6/13/16 300; 4th Beta 6/16/16 1168; 5th and final beta 6/20/16 4188
    1st U/S 6/23/16 - Two babies! One measuring 6w1d with a visible heartbeat!!! The other is measuring small and isn't likely to make it
    2nd U/S 7/5/16 - Baby #2 didn't make it :cry: Baby #1 is measuring right on schedule and has a FHR of 143!!
    3rd US 7/15/16 - Baby #1 right on schedule! FHR 168!!! Discharged from RE!!!!

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Welcome @Aglorentz! Congratulations and what a great story! 
    ***History & TW in Spoiler***

    ***bfp & child warning***
    TTC - since 2014
    7 rounds of Clomid - BFN
    IUI #1 - October 2015 - BFN
    IUI #2 - November 2015 - BFN
    IUI #3 - December 2015 - BFN
    IVF #1 - March 2016
    Retrieval #1 - April 2016
    FET #1 - May 2016 - BFP!!! DS - Born January 2017
    Trying for baby #2...
    FET #2 - January 2018 - BFN  
    No more embryos left; switched to a new RE
    IVF/Retrieval #2 - January 2019
    IVF/Retrieval #3 - March 2019
    FET #3 - April 2019 - BFP!!! - DD: Born December 2019
    Trying for baby #3...
    FET #4 - October 2021 - BFP!!! - Due June 2022

  • Welcome @Aglorentz !!

    QOTW: We have been very open about our journey. I have been blogging from the beginning of our European adventure and up until December, I was posting the link to each blog update on Facebook. After the MMC, I continued to blog but I have not been posting it to Facebook. Some people have continued to follow the blog and so they know. Others have asked us straight up and we tell them. We told family and close friends right away. I imagine that we will announce on Facebook after the first tri.

    ***TW****MC mentioned & BFP mentioned***

    me 38 DH 39.  
    TTC#1 since July 2014
    AMH 0.1, DOR, Poor responder
    Moved to Prague, Czech Republic for IVF
    2 Natural IVF cycles, 3 full IVF cycles, 4 transfers, 1 BFP - heard heartbeat at 6w5d
    Diagnosed MMC at 9w1d on 11/30/15
    Headed back home to Colorado 12/12/15

    DE attempt in Czech Republic!! 

    March trip to Prague canceled due to Pancreatitis. :sob:
    Headed to Prague April 30
    3 different donors resulted in 1 PGS tested embryo and 1 fresh embryo
    2 embryo's transferred (from 2 different donors) on 5/10/16
    BFP on 5/15/16 at 5dp5dt
    Beta 1 = 81 at 8dp5dt, Beta 2 = 295 at 10dp5dt, Beta 3 = 891 at 12dt5dt. Beta 4 = 2114 at 14dp5dt, Beta 5 = 4916 at 16dp5dt, Beta 6 = 13252 at 19dp5dt
    Heartbeat at 6w5d 133BPM <3
    We are having a GIRL!!! Due Jan 26, 2017

    BabyFruit Ticker

    My blog:

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • Hey everyone, hope all is well!

    We've only told our parents and my SIL so far. We plan on throwing a BBQ by the end of the summer to tell everyone else. I can't wait because that's when my grandma usually comes to town. We've actually bought bibs that say uncle, aunt, frames that say grandma and great-grandma as part of our giveaway at the BBQ. No FB post for me. I am definitely afraid to let people not in my inner circle know.

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Tulips29Tulips29 member
    edited June 2016
    Welcome @chicandbubbly and congratulations! So happy to read about your BFP, I remember you from the IF boards :smiley:

    ***History & TW in Spoiler***

    ***bfp & child warning***
    TTC - since 2014
    7 rounds of Clomid - BFN
    IUI #1 - October 2015 - BFN
    IUI #2 - November 2015 - BFN
    IUI #3 - December 2015 - BFN
    IVF #1 - March 2016
    Retrieval #1 - April 2016
    FET #1 - May 2016 - BFP!!! DS - Born January 2017
    Trying for baby #2...
    FET #2 - January 2018 - BFN  
    No more embryos left; switched to a new RE
    IVF/Retrieval #2 - January 2019
    IVF/Retrieval #3 - March 2019
    FET #3 - April 2019 - BFP!!! - DD: Born December 2019
    Trying for baby #3...
    FET #4 - October 2021 - BFP!!! - Due June 2022

  • Thanks @tulips29, I remember you too! It doesn't quite feel real yet! :)

    Me: 28, DH: 30 Married July 2014  DX: Severe MFI- 3 failed IUI's, IVF #1 Egg retrieval June 4th 2016, 5 day transfer- BFP Baby Boy! EDD 2/25/2017. Our sweet miracle Carter Bennett arrived 2/12/2017 6 lbs, 2 oz 19 inches. <3 Surprise BFP!!! Baby Girl due 10/1/2018.

  • @chicandbubbly You have no idea how happy I am to see you over here on this board!!! Congrats on finally getting your BFP!!!!

    @Aglorentz Congrats on your BFP!!! It sounds like it was such a long road for you!!!!!

    My 4th beta yesterday was 4188 and I have officially graduated to ultrasounds!!! First one is Thursday at 11!!! I can't wait!!!!!
    Me: 31 / DH: 32
    Married 10/14/2011
    TTC since 11/2011
    DX: unexplained infertility

    1st IUI 12/23/15 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 1/8/16 BFN
    2nd IUI 1/22/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 2/8/16 BFN
    3rd IUI 2/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 3/15/16 BFN
    4th IUI 3/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 4/11/16 BFN
    5th IUI 4/26/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 5/11/16 BFN
    6th and final IUI 5/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - BFP!!!
    1st Beta on 6/8/16 @ 12piui: 22; 2nd Beta 6/10/16 84.4; 3rd Beta 6/13/16 300; 4th Beta 6/16/16 1168; 5th and final beta 6/20/16 4188
    1st U/S 6/23/16 - Two babies! One measuring 6w1d with a visible heartbeat!!! The other is measuring small and isn't likely to make it
    2nd U/S 7/5/16 - Baby #2 didn't make it :cry: Baby #1 is measuring right on schedule and has a FHR of 143!!
    3rd US 7/15/16 - Baby #1 right on schedule! FHR 168!!! Discharged from RE!!!!

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Ladies, did any of you have only two betas? My nurse said I don't have to come back until my OB ultrasound with my RE, July 6th. Definitely makes me nervous! 

    Me: 28, DH: 30 Married July 2014  DX: Severe MFI- 3 failed IUI's, IVF #1 Egg retrieval June 4th 2016, 5 day transfer- BFP Baby Boy! EDD 2/25/2017. Our sweet miracle Carter Bennett arrived 2/12/2017 6 lbs, 2 oz 19 inches. <3 Surprise BFP!!! Baby Girl due 10/1/2018.

  • @chicandbubbly I had five betas. They monitored me every 3 days or so until I was over 2,000. My RE said they can see what they need to at that point on ultrasound. My level yesterday was 4188 and I was scheduled for my first OB ultrasound on Thursday.
    Me: 31 / DH: 32
    Married 10/14/2011
    TTC since 11/2011
    DX: unexplained infertility

    1st IUI 12/23/15 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 1/8/16 BFN
    2nd IUI 1/22/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 2/8/16 BFN
    3rd IUI 2/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 3/15/16 BFN
    4th IUI 3/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 4/11/16 BFN
    5th IUI 4/26/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 5/11/16 BFN
    6th and final IUI 5/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - BFP!!!
    1st Beta on 6/8/16 @ 12piui: 22; 2nd Beta 6/10/16 84.4; 3rd Beta 6/13/16 300; 4th Beta 6/16/16 1168; 5th and final beta 6/20/16 4188
    1st U/S 6/23/16 - Two babies! One measuring 6w1d with a visible heartbeat!!! The other is measuring small and isn't likely to make it
    2nd U/S 7/5/16 - Baby #2 didn't make it :cry: Baby #1 is measuring right on schedule and has a FHR of 143!!
    3rd US 7/15/16 - Baby #1 right on schedule! FHR 168!!! Discharged from RE!!!!

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @chicandbubbly I had 3 formal betas but I also have blood drawn at every appointment and I get an e-mail with my results, which include the HCG levels. My third beta also included an ultrasound. 
    ***History & TW in Spoiler***

    ***bfp & child warning***
    TTC - since 2014
    7 rounds of Clomid - BFN
    IUI #1 - October 2015 - BFN
    IUI #2 - November 2015 - BFN
    IUI #3 - December 2015 - BFN
    IVF #1 - March 2016
    Retrieval #1 - April 2016
    FET #1 - May 2016 - BFP!!! DS - Born January 2017
    Trying for baby #2...
    FET #2 - January 2018 - BFN  
    No more embryos left; switched to a new RE
    IVF/Retrieval #2 - January 2019
    IVF/Retrieval #3 - March 2019
    FET #3 - April 2019 - BFP!!! - DD: Born December 2019
    Trying for baby #3...
    FET #4 - October 2021 - BFP!!! - Due June 2022

  • @chicandbubbly So glad to see you here!! congrats!  I also had only 2 Betas, which I hated. :( I had a third blood draw about 19dpt and they didn't check then because they said HCG starts to plateau and can even drop so it's not necessarily an accurate indication of healthy pregnancy anymore. Ah well. It's nerve-wracking but so far so good!

    ---Trigger warning---

    Me: 31 DH: 27
    TTC since April 2013
    Two cancelled IUIs in Aug and Sept '15 due to low motility/count
    IVF round 1: January 2016
    ER: February 17, 2016; 9 retrieved, 7 mature, 7 fertilized
    Day 5 Blastocysts: 5 BB, 1 AB, all normal from PGS
    FET date: May 11, '16; transferred 1 AB embryo
    First beta: May 23, '16: 998!!  Second: May 25, '16: 1648
    EDD: January 27, 2017
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Thanks @dragonfaerie! That makes me feel better about it. :)
    How did you get that pregnancy ticker? I tried the code and it didn't work- I swear I am so tech savvy and for some reason this site is so hard for me haha!!

    Me: 28, DH: 30 Married July 2014  DX: Severe MFI- 3 failed IUI's, IVF #1 Egg retrieval June 4th 2016, 5 day transfer- BFP Baby Boy! EDD 2/25/2017. Our sweet miracle Carter Bennett arrived 2/12/2017 6 lbs, 2 oz 19 inches. <3 Surprise BFP!!! Baby Girl due 10/1/2018.

  • @chicandbubbly The tickers are weird, here's the instructions I received:

    Go here: and select one of the pregnancy ticker options. Choose your background and marker. Insert your expecting date. Generate ticker code. Copy the HTML Code.

    On separate page, on the top right corner, click on the far right button that looks like a person's head and click on Preferences. On the left hand side, click on Signature Settings. Above the text box, click on the far right button, Toggle HTML view. Paste the HTML Code in the text box and hit save

    ---Trigger warning---

    Me: 31 DH: 27
    TTC since April 2013
    Two cancelled IUIs in Aug and Sept '15 due to low motility/count
    IVF round 1: January 2016
    ER: February 17, 2016; 9 retrieved, 7 mature, 7 fertilized
    Day 5 Blastocysts: 5 BB, 1 AB, all normal from PGS
    FET date: May 11, '16; transferred 1 AB embryo
    First beta: May 23, '16: 998!!  Second: May 25, '16: 1648
    EDD: January 27, 2017
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • welcome to all of the new ladies! Congrats! I have my 2nd OB appt on Thursday as f/u to my scans last week and as my monthly check in. We had our NT scan last week and everything looked great. Baby was measuring about 3 days ahead. All of his organs looked good and we finally got to hear the heartbeat. Going 6 weeks between ultrasounds was rough! I cried when we heard the heartbeat though. It was such a relief to know that everything was as it should be!

    QOTW: We just announced yesterday on FB. There were enough people that already knew about this whole journey b/c we have been blogging throughout the process and we had told those who should have been told in person. Plus my mom has already basically told everyone she knows so now it was getting to a point where I had deleted comments on FB from certain people. We are just getting to the end of the 1st trimester so we figured Father's Day was a great day to announce it. 
    Me: 33 (no known issues)
    DH: 33 (lower motility; 0 morphology)
    TTC since Oct 2013
    IVF round 1 January 2016 (w/ ICSI)
    ER: February 17, 2016; 15 eggs retrieved, 14 mature, 11 fertilized
    Day 5 Blastocysts: 8 sent for PGS - 5 Normal
    FET date: April 12, 2016 - DS born Dec 7, 2016
    IVF round 2: FET : Oct 4 - 1st Beta 188!

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Welcome new ladies!

    I had my second u/s yesterday at 8w+5d. Baby was measuring 9 wks and 176 bpm.  We saw its limbs and it even wiggled for us!  <3<3<3 My last day of drugs will be July 4 @ 11 weeks with last RE appointment & u/s on July 7.  

    QOTW: We've been very open with everyone about our IVF journey, including letting people know we transferred 2; then following up with 'no twins, only 1 made it'.  Because we've been so open, there are no egg shells for us or others to walk on. There are people I haven't seen in a year telling me congratulations when I run across them in public.   ---- I know this is unconventional, but all these people (yes, even strangers-it's a small community) have been on me and DH about having a baby for a couple of years, so I'll make sure ya'll are there for all of it.  (don't even get me started on hormones...) 
    *****LOSS WARNING************
    Me: 39 DH: 31

    Finally IVF 03/2016
    ER 03/17/16: 13 retrieved; 12 fertilized; 7 blast to PGS testing; 2 normal; 1 no result
    FET 05/09/16: 2 embabies; Angel DD born at 20+6 due to incompetent cervix.
    FET 2/16/17: Treading on egg shells

  • Such sweet stories about revealing. My family has known quite early and super close friends too. We have been telling very close friends as we go along but I have a lot of phone calls to make and texts to send out. Only telling our close friends and no FB announcement. I may put something on IG when I'm like 5 months but we're going to stay pretty private about it. And by that I mean it won't be really private at all. Hahaha it's going to spread like wildfire. We got the US results back from the NT scan and all looks good. Once we get the blood results and they're good we will start telling people. 
  • @Colleen0516 What a great story, and how fun! I'm so happy for you that things are progressing well.
    @Drove2u I feel like there are still a lot of people for us to tell, too! We've asked family to keep it off of FB for a few more weeks because we are doing something fun at the Renaissance Festival for a bunch of our friends this weekend. After this week, I think all of our important people will know, and then it's just a gradual thing.

    Weird question: Has anyone had to buy new bras yet? I'm afraid I'm going to kill my nice Victoria's Secret bras if I don't move up, but I don't want to spend a ton of money either.

    ---Trigger warning---

    Me: 31 DH: 27
    TTC since April 2013
    Two cancelled IUIs in Aug and Sept '15 due to low motility/count
    IVF round 1: January 2016
    ER: February 17, 2016; 9 retrieved, 7 mature, 7 fertilized
    Day 5 Blastocysts: 5 BB, 1 AB, all normal from PGS
    FET date: May 11, '16; transferred 1 AB embryo
    First beta: May 23, '16: 998!!  Second: May 25, '16: 1648
    EDD: January 27, 2017
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • dragonfaerie - I haven't had to yet but I'm pretty much needing to. I bought a few without underwire a few months ago that are much more comfortable than any of my Victoria's Secret bras. 
    Me: 33 (no known issues)
    DH: 33 (lower motility; 0 morphology)
    TTC since Oct 2013
    IVF round 1 January 2016 (w/ ICSI)
    ER: February 17, 2016; 15 eggs retrieved, 14 mature, 11 fertilized
    Day 5 Blastocysts: 8 sent for PGS - 5 Normal
    FET date: April 12, 2016 - DS born Dec 7, 2016
    IVF round 2: FET : Oct 4 - 1st Beta 188!

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @Griffin5413 Where did you go to get them? I was thinking of just buying some cheapie Walmart ones or something.

    ---Trigger warning---

    Me: 31 DH: 27
    TTC since April 2013
    Two cancelled IUIs in Aug and Sept '15 due to low motility/count
    IVF round 1: January 2016
    ER: February 17, 2016; 9 retrieved, 7 mature, 7 fertilized
    Day 5 Blastocysts: 5 BB, 1 AB, all normal from PGS
    FET date: May 11, '16; transferred 1 AB embryo
    First beta: May 23, '16: 998!!  Second: May 25, '16: 1648
    EDD: January 27, 2017
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Are you ladies already noticing your cup size going up? I didn't think mine did yet, but I put on my bra this morning and noticed I'm peeking out from the bottom. Yikes! They are large and in charge as is! 

    @dragonfaerie I agree on not wanting to spend lots of money on them. I'll probably be on the hunt for sales at Macy's, you can get great deals there also and I prefer their bras way over VS. VS either rip on me or the wire comes out constantly. 
    ***History & TW in Spoiler***

    ***bfp & child warning***
    TTC - since 2014
    7 rounds of Clomid - BFN
    IUI #1 - October 2015 - BFN
    IUI #2 - November 2015 - BFN
    IUI #3 - December 2015 - BFN
    IVF #1 - March 2016
    Retrieval #1 - April 2016
    FET #1 - May 2016 - BFP!!! DS - Born January 2017
    Trying for baby #2...
    FET #2 - January 2018 - BFN  
    No more embryos left; switched to a new RE
    IVF/Retrieval #2 - January 2019
    IVF/Retrieval #3 - March 2019
    FET #3 - April 2019 - BFP!!! - DD: Born December 2019
    Trying for baby #3...
    FET #4 - October 2021 - BFP!!! - Due June 2022

  • @Tulips29 Mine have been steadily increasing since I went on all the hormones, but now I am up a full cup from where I was before I started IVF. I'm starting to feel like they are a bit out of control, LOL. Thanks for the tip on Macy's, I don't think I've ever shopped there.

    ---Trigger warning---

    Me: 31 DH: 27
    TTC since April 2013
    Two cancelled IUIs in Aug and Sept '15 due to low motility/count
    IVF round 1: January 2016
    ER: February 17, 2016; 9 retrieved, 7 mature, 7 fertilized
    Day 5 Blastocysts: 5 BB, 1 AB, all normal from PGS
    FET date: May 11, '16; transferred 1 AB embryo
    First beta: May 23, '16: 998!!  Second: May 25, '16: 1648
    EDD: January 27, 2017
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @dragonfaerie We don't have Walmarts in NYC, so I have to resort to other options. I actually found lots of great bras at Macy's before, especially with sales, that I have for a long time. I also hear Calvin Klein bras are really great, so I'd like to check them out. I just feel like I haven't grown a full size to justify all these new purchases. I have to stop myself from buying clothes because I keep thinking that I'll just get bigger and should only buy when I absolutely must. 
    ***History & TW in Spoiler***

    ***bfp & child warning***
    TTC - since 2014
    7 rounds of Clomid - BFN
    IUI #1 - October 2015 - BFN
    IUI #2 - November 2015 - BFN
    IUI #3 - December 2015 - BFN
    IVF #1 - March 2016
    Retrieval #1 - April 2016
    FET #1 - May 2016 - BFP!!! DS - Born January 2017
    Trying for baby #2...
    FET #2 - January 2018 - BFN  
    No more embryos left; switched to a new RE
    IVF/Retrieval #2 - January 2019
    IVF/Retrieval #3 - March 2019
    FET #3 - April 2019 - BFP!!! - DD: Born December 2019
    Trying for baby #3...
    FET #4 - October 2021 - BFP!!! - Due June 2022

  • @Tulips29 I hear you, it's hard to not want to go out and buy stuff like crazy. But that's why I want to stick to some cheapie bras until I'm really ready for a nursing bra.

    So excited we have our second ultrasound tomorrow! Can't wait to see our Bauble again!

    ---Trigger warning---

    Me: 31 DH: 27
    TTC since April 2013
    Two cancelled IUIs in Aug and Sept '15 due to low motility/count
    IVF round 1: January 2016
    ER: February 17, 2016; 9 retrieved, 7 mature, 7 fertilized
    Day 5 Blastocysts: 5 BB, 1 AB, all normal from PGS
    FET date: May 11, '16; transferred 1 AB embryo
    First beta: May 23, '16: 998!!  Second: May 25, '16: 1648
    EDD: January 27, 2017
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @dragonfaerie thanks! Ladies are any of you super bloated already? I am and I am blaming the progesterone.... LOL.

    Me: 28, DH: 30 Married July 2014  DX: Severe MFI- 3 failed IUI's, IVF #1 Egg retrieval June 4th 2016, 5 day transfer- BFP Baby Boy! EDD 2/25/2017. Our sweet miracle Carter Bennett arrived 2/12/2017 6 lbs, 2 oz 19 inches. <3 Surprise BFP!!! Baby Girl due 10/1/2018.

  • vssbrmvssbrm member
    @chicandbubbly I am SO bloated! I completely look pregnant. I won't be hiding it for much longer.

    @dragonfaerie I HAVE to get me bras, and probably new underwear soon too. I'm thinking I'm going to try Msrshalls first. Sometimes I get lucky and find Wacoal quality bras there. Which are my absolute favorite. 

    I I get to stop the blood thinners after tonight!! Next Tuesday we get to stop everything else! I can not wait.

    Qotw: we are telling our inner circle only at this point. It is a pretty big inner circle. On Father's Day we told my grandparents. They were so excited for us. We signed my grandpas card from me, dh, and Baby S. He did not see it the first time he read it, my mom had to tell him to read it again. He started crying and everyone else started crying and it was so sweet! 
    Married May 2009, TTC since November 2012 (Together since 2006 ish - had my eyes on him since 2001)
    Me: 32 (33 in May), Him: 37 (January)

    DX: Me: High Prolactin, Possible Autoimmune Disease Issues, though RE not concerned (?)  New RE has a plan!!
           Him: Minor Varicocele, low morphology, slightly low count


    Beta 5/9/2016 BFP!!
    Embryo transfer scheduled for April 28, 2016 and beta test May 9, 2016 (day after Mother's Day!)
    Transfer Meds include: Lupron Depot (4/1), Minivelle Patch (every 3rd day), Estradiol (3x daily), Amoxicillin, Progesterone in Oil, Methylprednisonlone. Lovenox and baby asprin added after transfer. 

    3/22/16 - Sono Saline ultrasound cyst to be aspirated on 4/1/16 if not cleared up by 3/29 US - It cleared on its own
    Retrieval 3/4/16 - 26 eggs retrieved, 23 mature, 20 fertilized, 14 embryos currently frozen
    Starting IVF Stims on +/- Feb 22, 2016
    HSG scheduled for 1-26-16 - All clear "beautiful uterus" (though inverted)

    Switched clinics and now prepping for IVF in February / March

    Fourth IUI -  CD3-7 100 Clomid w/ Ovidrel Trigger - December, 2015 - BFN
    Third IUI -  CD3-7 100 Clomid w/ Ovidrel Trigger - November, 2015 - BFN
    Second IUI - CD3-7 100 Clomid w/ Ovidrel Trigger - September, 2015 - BFN
    Started Prolactin Medication October 15 - Levels quickly regulated to with in normal range
    First IUI - CD3-7 100 Clomid w/ Ovidrel Trigger - August, 2015 - BFN
    After no BFPs (ever) First RE/Urologist visit in Feb 2015
    HSG w/ OB, 2014 = all clear
    Trying to conceive since November 2012
  • I'm bleeding again!  :tired_face:
    i can't take this bleeding anymore. It's so hard to stay calm when everytime I go to the bathroom I'm wincing to see if there is blood. This time, I thought I pee'd myself, but it was blood :disappointed:
    I don't get it. Two days til sono. 
    Should I call my doctor? Is she gonna think I'm crazy? Do I go to the hospital? I don't know what to do. I'm thinking I should just wait it out til Thursday morning, but I'm gonna have a knot in my stomach til then. 
    Me 30 || DH 36
    Unexplained Infertility- Postive for MTHFR Gene Mutation

    Natural cycles with 1 miscarriage
    -3 IUI's w/ Clomid= BFN 
    -IVF #1-Follistim and Menopur= BFN
    ***11 Eggs, 10 mature, 8 fertilized, transferred 1 (day 5) 2 made it to freeze
    -FET #1- Transferred 2, day 5 embryos =BFN
    -IVF #2- Follistim and Menopur = BFN
    ***11 retrieved, 8 mature, 6 fertilized, transferred 2 (day 3), 4 made it to freeze (Follistim and Menopur) = BFN
    -FET #2- Transferred 2, day 3 embryos = BFN
    **Changed doctor**
    -IUI #4- natural cycle = BFN
    -IUI #5- Follistim (5 eggs) BFP- lead to Miscarriage  :'(
    -Laproscopic Surgery for Endometriosis, Polyp removal and Cyst removal. 
    -IVF #3- Menopur, Follistim, Lupron, Ganirellex- BFP lead to Eptopic Pregnancy  :'(
    ***11 Eggs retrieved, 10 Mature, 8 fertilized, transferred 3 embryos (day 3), 0 made it to freeze
    -Lapropscopic surgery- Removal of Fallopian Tube
    -IVF #4- Estrogen Priming with Vivelle dot, Menopur, Follistim, Ganirellex- BFP  :)
    ***15 Eggs retreived, 11 mature, 11 fertilized, 2 embryos transferred (day 3), 2 made it to freeze
    Found out I was positive for MTHFR Gene Mutation during TWW of IVF #4

  • I'm gonna wait it out. I'm probably overreacting, I just scared. I feel like I bleed every 3 days. So frustrating. 
    Me 30 || DH 36
    Unexplained Infertility- Postive for MTHFR Gene Mutation

    Natural cycles with 1 miscarriage
    -3 IUI's w/ Clomid= BFN 
    -IVF #1-Follistim and Menopur= BFN
    ***11 Eggs, 10 mature, 8 fertilized, transferred 1 (day 5) 2 made it to freeze
    -FET #1- Transferred 2, day 5 embryos =BFN
    -IVF #2- Follistim and Menopur = BFN
    ***11 retrieved, 8 mature, 6 fertilized, transferred 2 (day 3), 4 made it to freeze (Follistim and Menopur) = BFN
    -FET #2- Transferred 2, day 3 embryos = BFN
    **Changed doctor**
    -IUI #4- natural cycle = BFN
    -IUI #5- Follistim (5 eggs) BFP- lead to Miscarriage  :'(
    -Laproscopic Surgery for Endometriosis, Polyp removal and Cyst removal. 
    -IVF #3- Menopur, Follistim, Lupron, Ganirellex- BFP lead to Eptopic Pregnancy  :'(
    ***11 Eggs retrieved, 10 Mature, 8 fertilized, transferred 3 embryos (day 3), 0 made it to freeze
    -Lapropscopic surgery- Removal of Fallopian Tube
    -IVF #4- Estrogen Priming with Vivelle dot, Menopur, Follistim, Ganirellex- BFP  :)
    ***15 Eggs retreived, 11 mature, 11 fertilized, 2 embryos transferred (day 3), 2 made it to freeze
    Found out I was positive for MTHFR Gene Mutation during TWW of IVF #4

  • I have no advice @Colleen0516 but I hope everything is ok! 

    Me: 28, DH: 30 Married July 2014  DX: Severe MFI- 3 failed IUI's, IVF #1 Egg retrieval June 4th 2016, 5 day transfer- BFP Baby Boy! EDD 2/25/2017. Our sweet miracle Carter Bennett arrived 2/12/2017 6 lbs, 2 oz 19 inches. <3 Surprise BFP!!! Baby Girl due 10/1/2018.

  • I feel like I'm the only one that has no symptoms so I have been freaking out. I just hope they are okay. I hate having this feeling I don't get to see them till July 1st. I know I need to calm down 
  • @Colleen0516 Fx that everything is ok!!!!

    @ultratomato I have ridiculous anxiety over my symptoms, too. If I have cramping I think something is wrong, and if I don't have cramping I think something is wrong. One day my boobs are sore, the next not so much. This morning when putting in my progesterone my cervix was lower than it has been. It is infuriating and it all sends me into a panic. I hope that I have a normal ultrasound tomorrow that will ease some of my anxiety, but I have a feeling I'll still be a basket case until I reach week 13. I think it is normal to feel this way, especially since we worked so hard to get here.
    Me: 31 / DH: 32
    Married 10/14/2011
    TTC since 11/2011
    DX: unexplained infertility

    1st IUI 12/23/15 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 1/8/16 BFN
    2nd IUI 1/22/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 2/8/16 BFN
    3rd IUI 2/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 3/15/16 BFN
    4th IUI 3/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 4/11/16 BFN
    5th IUI 4/26/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 5/11/16 BFN
    6th and final IUI 5/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - BFP!!!
    1st Beta on 6/8/16 @ 12piui: 22; 2nd Beta 6/10/16 84.4; 3rd Beta 6/13/16 300; 4th Beta 6/16/16 1168; 5th and final beta 6/20/16 4188
    1st U/S 6/23/16 - Two babies! One measuring 6w1d with a visible heartbeat!!! The other is measuring small and isn't likely to make it
    2nd U/S 7/5/16 - Baby #2 didn't make it :cry: Baby #1 is measuring right on schedule and has a FHR of 143!!
    3rd US 7/15/16 - Baby #1 right on schedule! FHR 168!!! Discharged from RE!!!!

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • vssbrmvssbrm member
    @Colleen0516 I feel like if it will make you feel better, do not hesitate to call your doctor! We pay them tons of money, the least they can do is be available for times we are freaking out!
    Married May 2009, TTC since November 2012 (Together since 2006 ish - had my eyes on him since 2001)
    Me: 32 (33 in May), Him: 37 (January)

    DX: Me: High Prolactin, Possible Autoimmune Disease Issues, though RE not concerned (?)  New RE has a plan!!
           Him: Minor Varicocele, low morphology, slightly low count


    Beta 5/9/2016 BFP!!
    Embryo transfer scheduled for April 28, 2016 and beta test May 9, 2016 (day after Mother's Day!)
    Transfer Meds include: Lupron Depot (4/1), Minivelle Patch (every 3rd day), Estradiol (3x daily), Amoxicillin, Progesterone in Oil, Methylprednisonlone. Lovenox and baby asprin added after transfer. 

    3/22/16 - Sono Saline ultrasound cyst to be aspirated on 4/1/16 if not cleared up by 3/29 US - It cleared on its own
    Retrieval 3/4/16 - 26 eggs retrieved, 23 mature, 20 fertilized, 14 embryos currently frozen
    Starting IVF Stims on +/- Feb 22, 2016
    HSG scheduled for 1-26-16 - All clear "beautiful uterus" (though inverted)

    Switched clinics and now prepping for IVF in February / March

    Fourth IUI -  CD3-7 100 Clomid w/ Ovidrel Trigger - December, 2015 - BFN
    Third IUI -  CD3-7 100 Clomid w/ Ovidrel Trigger - November, 2015 - BFN
    Second IUI - CD3-7 100 Clomid w/ Ovidrel Trigger - September, 2015 - BFN
    Started Prolactin Medication October 15 - Levels quickly regulated to with in normal range
    First IUI - CD3-7 100 Clomid w/ Ovidrel Trigger - August, 2015 - BFN
    After no BFPs (ever) First RE/Urologist visit in Feb 2015
    HSG w/ OB, 2014 = all clear
    Trying to conceive since November 2012
  • @Colleen0516 I agree with above. Your doctor should be available for things like this. I would definitely call and see what they suggest. Hope all will be ok! 

    @ultratomato I feel the exact same way and agree with @NurseTMD85. I freak out when I feel or don't feel anything. The fact that my nausea subsided the past few days has been making me nervous. Then I keep telling myself everything will be ok and I should relax. It's so hard. 

    @vssbrm that's a sweet story about telling your grandparents. 

    I can hardly wait until my appointment on Friday so I can get reassurance that all is ok. 
    ***History & TW in Spoiler***

    ***bfp & child warning***
    TTC - since 2014
    7 rounds of Clomid - BFN
    IUI #1 - October 2015 - BFN
    IUI #2 - November 2015 - BFN
    IUI #3 - December 2015 - BFN
    IVF #1 - March 2016
    Retrieval #1 - April 2016
    FET #1 - May 2016 - BFP!!! DS - Born January 2017
    Trying for baby #2...
    FET #2 - January 2018 - BFN  
    No more embryos left; switched to a new RE
    IVF/Retrieval #2 - January 2019
    IVF/Retrieval #3 - March 2019
    FET #3 - April 2019 - BFP!!! - DD: Born December 2019
    Trying for baby #3...
    FET #4 - October 2021 - BFP!!! - Due June 2022

  • dragonfaerie - I think I got mine at one of the outlet stores like Hanes or Maidenform or something like that. I've also seen them at Kohls when they are on sale. I think the brand I got was Bali. They are like a cross between a regular bra and a sports bra. 
    Me: 33 (no known issues)
    DH: 33 (lower motility; 0 morphology)
    TTC since Oct 2013
    IVF round 1 January 2016 (w/ ICSI)
    ER: February 17, 2016; 15 eggs retrieved, 14 mature, 11 fertilized
    Day 5 Blastocysts: 8 sent for PGS - 5 Normal
    FET date: April 12, 2016 - DS born Dec 7, 2016
    IVF round 2: FET : Oct 4 - 1st Beta 188!

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @Colleen0516 - call your doctor for sure. They will be able to tell you if you should go in to the ER or not. I agree with everyone else... we pay them a lot of money for exactly this reason. They should be available for your questions. 

    @ultratomato - I totally agree with everyone else... Sometimes I worry b/c my symptoms really aren't terrible. Maybe b/c we are all so used to being on the hormones and shots and medications that we are already used to feeling a little off anyway. I think I made myself sick last week b/c it had been like 6 weeks between appointments and u/s and everything was perfect when we went in. All of that stress for nothing. 

    Tulips29  - hope your appointment goes well this week!!!

    @vssbrm - I love your grandparents story! My grandpa was so excited when we told him. He lives in another state but I could just hear him smiling through the phone. Then when we told him it was a boy you could just hear his excited when he talked about having someone else to share his stories with. I think telling him was my favorite!
    Me: 33 (no known issues)
    DH: 33 (lower motility; 0 morphology)
    TTC since Oct 2013
    IVF round 1 January 2016 (w/ ICSI)
    ER: February 17, 2016; 15 eggs retrieved, 14 mature, 11 fertilized
    Day 5 Blastocysts: 8 sent for PGS - 5 Normal
    FET date: April 12, 2016 - DS born Dec 7, 2016
    IVF round 2: FET : Oct 4 - 1st Beta 188!

    BabyFruit Ticker
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