
Christmas gifts for multiples

So we are already being bad parents because we bought the babies one big gift to share.  Is that really so bad?



Three losses in 2009; Boy/Girl twins born in 2010 image

Re: Christmas gifts for multiples

  • If you're bad parents, then so are we. They each got two presents of their own and the rest are joint gifts. It will be different when they're older and they have their own preferences and interests, but for now this is how it is :)
  • No. :) We really didn't get them that much for their first Christmas or their first birthday.

    Plus what I try to do is "treat them like siblings, but not like one person." (And both of my sisters have asked me about that--like one asked if I minded if she bought them a shared gift and explained that she had bought my sister's singleton boys shared gifts in the past.)

    So like a play kitchen for instance--I shared one play kitchen with my siblings growing up, so I think it's fine for my boys to share a play kitchen, or a Kangaroo Climber or other bigger gift. But I don't have them share, say, a birthday cake (though for 1st and 2nd birthdays I don't think it's a big deal either way!). Or I wouldn't make them share a toothbrush, unlike some MoMs (you know who you are! ;) I couldn't resist ;)). Or if I had another child, I wouldn't spend the same amount on that child as I spent on my twins put together. That kind of thing.

    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
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  • My babies were due for some new toys, so we got them a bunch that they will share. We did not do individual gifts. Half of their gifts will be put away until they get bored with the first half, then we will switch them out to keep them fresh.
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  • We're doing the same thing. No reason to buy them a bunch of stuff they don't need. Plus I'm sure the grandparents are going to be out of control anyway. 

    Merry Christmas to you, DH and E&T!!

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  • The boys are only 2 months old so getting them Christmas gifts seems kind of silly to me. We bought them a Jumperoo though. That's all I'm getting for them this year. The Grandparents on the other hand have gone completely overboard. As for buying them shared gifts, I agree with PP's. Some big things are appropriate for sharing but the majority of gifts will be separate for their separate personalities. We've got awhile to go yet though :)
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  • Last year they each got sneakers.  This year they each got an outfit and a magnadoodle then 4 toys to share.
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  • It's hard not to!  Our girls are sharing a Santa present (Fisher Price Learning Home), and our boys are also somewhat sharing a Santa present (big Buzz and Woody action figures in those adorable boxes they came in in the movie!).  They're each sharing another present, then there are smaller individual ones.
    ~Crystal~ SAHM to Sam (5), Hugh (3), Mary & Grace (22 months) : )
  • My sister and I weren't even twins and we often got one big gift for the two of us, along with smaller gifts too.  This year I am just wrapping some outfits I bought the twins and maybe some rattles too.
  • I made them a play kitchen and that was going to be their shared big gift, until I realized I had enough wood leftover to make a tool bench too.  Now they're technically each getting a big gift, but I'm not putting names on either, they're just going to be sitting out for both of them to share.  I think everything else they're getting are wrapped as individual gifts, but they'll all go into the playroom for them to both share (except for their rolling backpacks and clothes).  I think they're still far too young for "this is your toy and this is your toy."
  • No way. There is one magic word in our house this Christmas: Jump-o-lene.
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  • Not at all!  We got one big gift for them to share (a play mat) and I also some soft taggy blocks to share. I got them each a few other little things that are their own, like a FP Seahorse, a rattle, and a few more pacis and a paci clip (which, let's be honest, the paci clip is a gift for me so I'm not dealing with pacis hitting the floor all day long - and I may have started using them already).

  • at that age, it's fine!

    later on, it's a recipe for disaster, though. :P

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