January 2016 Moms

Late January due dates check in!


Re: Late January due dates check in!

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    @claireloSC @ByeByeSpotts My doctor said last Tuesday that he thought I would give birth in a week or so based on how effaced I was and how low she was...which obviously hasn't happened, lol, so of course I spent all week on edge, I wish he had never said that!

    We haven't talked about how long before an induction, I'm going to bring it up at my appointment tomorrow...a problem for me is that they have my due date down as Feb 3rd ever since my 20w ultrasound (she's measured a little small the entire pregnancy), which I've always just ignored since I know when my period was and when I ovulated within a few days so I know that Jan 29th is my real 40w and figured it wouldn't matter either way, she'd come when she comes. But since I don't feel comfortable going over like...41 1/2 weeks, I need to talk to him tomorrow about how I'd personally like an induction by Feb 8th if she doesn't come on her own before then. Because if they like to induce at 42w, and they think that is 2 weeks past Feb 3rd, that's longer than I'm comfortable waiting due to possible risks. Soooo if she doesn't decide to come tonight, I have a *talk* I need to have with my OB in the morning! But I figure I've been the world's easiest patient so far (have never called in with a question once, have had almost zero symptoms until the past few weeks so haven't complained, have been cool about schedule changes for appointments, etc etc) so I'm allowed my one demand. I also wonder if he does membrane sweeps, I wouldn't be opposed to one tomorrow to hopefully get things going over the weekend, since all the other natural things haven't worked yet!

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @CaraBoonie My Dr. offered to do a sweep but couldn't get up there since I'm still closed.  :'( I haven't heard of Drs refusing a sweep once you hit 40 weeks, so I'm hoping yours will do one for you since you're at 40 tomorrow. That's so annoying about the due date, I totally understand. We calculated my due date from conception instead of LMP, because I conceived with IUI in the doctor's office so we knew the exact date. It's only one day difference but since my doctor wants to wait to induce me at 41w6d in the evening, I'm wondering if we should induce at 41w5d to make sure we don't go to 42... Hopefully baby comes on her own before I get that far though.

    I'm not that bothered by not being dilated, since I know you can go from nothing to 10 in a day or a even just a few hours. I am upset about the lack of engagement though, since most FTMs have an engaged baby by 38 weeks. I think all the contractions I'm having are to try to get the baby into position. So scared of a c-section.
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerMarried DW <3 08.2013; AI 2x; IUI 6x; IUI #7 05.2015; DD born 2.2016 o:); Reciprocal IVF FET #1 on 11.18.2020 
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    I got to my OB for an ultrasound to check size, fluid levels, etc. I was 4 minutes late and they tell me that since my appointment was at 1:30 I'll have to wait about 45 min since I was late. Last time I was early and they didn't see me until an hour after my scheduled time- no updates, apologies, and I didn't complain. I feel like George Costanza at the physical therapist- "the delicate genius as a policy!" (I don't know how to embed gifs on my phone.)

    PS I'm getting reflexology again later just in case it works this time!

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    I had my 40 week appt. yesterday, I'm 40 weeks today. I was given an induction date of next Thursday if he doesn't come by then, and I think I'm ok with that now since I was finally a fingertip dilated and 30% effaced! Yay no more unfavorable cervix! Lol had an ultrasound this morning and he's measuring 9lbs 4oz! I know that can be off but he even feels huge just because I can feel his feet, and know his head is engaged. He's in good birth position, so here's hoping he decides to arrive this week!! I'd really like to avoid an induction!
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    I had my 39 week appointment on Tuesday.  For the 3rd week in a row, I'm still only 1/2 cm dilated.  But, I went from 30% to 70% effaced in a week. 

    Because I'm attempting a VBAC, my OB/Midwife practice won't let me go past 41 weeks.  So, they had me schedule an induction on Feb 9th.  That really put the pressure on because I really want to avoid being induced. 

    I spent yesterday and today trying old wives tales, like eating lots of pineapple, eating cream cheese made by a local bakery that is supposed to induce labor, doing squats, walking, and drinking 3rd trimester tea.  Come on out baby!

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    Since I'm not working anymore, I basically feel like time has stopped while waiting for this baby.  I thought yesterday was Saturday!  I'm just trying to finish the novel I'm working on (42 chapters done, 19 chapters to go!) and not focus on the fact I've still had zero signs of labor since a few contractions that went nowhere days and days ago.  Gonna focus on ticking the last 3-4 items off of my to do list for the baby today and then spend Friday and Saturday doing every old wives' tale thing possible, just on the off chance I'm close enough to labor for something to work.

    My mom has decided to drive down on Sunday, my due date, and stay with her friend for a week, even though I've told her there's no point in doing that until I'm actually in labor.  (She only lives a few hours away and she won't be in the room with me during birth, just meeting the baby once she's born.)  But my mom has her own ideas and will be hanging out in town for... a while?  I guess until the baby is born?  I know it's silly but I feel like that's putting added pressure on me and I just feel so far away from labor still.  0 dilation, no crampiness or contractions, nada.  I feel like she's just going to be waiting until my induction on Feb 7th, 8th or 9th, and texting me constantly, which is going drive me insane.

    Though, of course, hopefully things go much quicker than that, but lately I swear I've been feeling further from labor, not closer!  Which makes no sense, but that's how I feel.  :/

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    went to my OB today and she booked my induction for Sunday morning at 930! I'll be exactly 41 weeks. Thank god there is an end in sight finally!
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    Hello all - I've been hardcore lurking in this thread for a few weeks now, and finally decided to post. I'm due Feb 3rd, but I feel like we're all so close together in due dates (even if it is a different month) that following all of your stories and such has helped me out. I've been feeling so discouraged today. I'm 39+1 and had my OB appointment today, and I was really hoping to hear good news - but I'm still only 1 cm dilated, 30% effaced, and he's still high up (-3 station). My doctor flat-out told me that she thinks I'll end up going past my due date - SO not what I wanted to hear.

    And to top it off, DH goes on call at work on the 18th of February - and when he's on call, that pretty much means he's gone, working, all hours of the day and night. He and I are bummed because we were hoping that he would get at least a nice couple weeks of paternity leave to spend with LO (and helping me out with everything). So even though my OB would let me go past 41 weeks before she would induce, I would hate waiting that long and cutting DH's paternity leave so short...but at the same time, I feel like if LO needs more time to bake, and if my body isn't ready for labor, then why schedule an induction and risk needing a C-section? I feel like it's selfish of us to rush LO out if he's not ready. Gah, I'm torn.

    We decided to just hold off on scheduling the induction until after my 40 week appointment next Thursday. Who knows, maybe by then my cervix will be more ripe and LO will finally have engaged in my pelvis. I know I'm not technically overdue yet, but God, this waiting game has been the absolute worst.
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    Horrible, horrible, terrible acid reflux tonight, I feel like I'm gonna vom half the time. I'm so beyond over it all right now and really wish I'd go into labor already before my appt tomorrow morning. 

    I've been off work since Dec 11 (was in grad school at night and student teaching during the day and my semester ended) and was okay and not bored until the past 2 weeks...they've been absolute hell waiting, since it was more possible I could go into labor at any second since 38w. The past few days have felt like weeks.

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @sea8884 good luck! I'm gonna ask if my dr can do a sweep at my 40w appt tomorrow, I'd really like this weekend to be it for me!

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    40+5 here. I've come to the conclusion that this baby is staying in until next year. I haven't even lost my mucus plug!  
    Ive tried every reasonable thing to help out (i.e. Walking, bouncing on ball, sex). Every morning I wake up and know that it's another day and nothing happened. My husband has to leave the country on Feb 8 so he is pretty on edge about it. 
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    39+4 and finally had my 39 week appointment. I mentioned how I felt like my boy is still super high (she confirmed that by feeling around my belly), so my midwife asked if I was ok with doing a cervix check. It really didn't hurt, and she said that I'm completely closed shut. She was barely able to touch his head :( Welp, not counting on going into labor anytime soon. Maybe reverse psychology will work on my baby...
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    claireloSCclaireloSC member
    edited January 2016
    Good luck @sea8884
    Hang in there ladies! I'm 40 weeks tomorrow. Feeling pretty crampy but no real action. Smelled something gross last night and vommed. Woke up at 3am because I was hungry from not having kept my dinner down. So tired but it's only 7:40 here. 

    ETA tomorrow is my last day of work so I plan on laying around from then on. I could see how you would get bored though!
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerMarried DW <3 08.2013; AI 2x; IUI 6x; IUI #7 05.2015; DD born 2.2016 o:); Reciprocal IVF FET #1 on 11.18.2020 
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    @claireloSC Good vibes to both of us on our due date tomorrow :) I'll definitely check in here after my OB appt, unfortunately probably to complain again, hahaha

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Thanks, you too @CaraBoonie ! I'm sure I'll be complaining too unless I miraculously go into labor tonight! I'm having DW do reflexology on my feet right now in case it helps. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerMarried DW <3 08.2013; AI 2x; IUI 6x; IUI #7 05.2015; DD born 2.2016 o:); Reciprocal IVF FET #1 on 11.18.2020 
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    gah, why am I still pregnant? My husband and I visited a friend with her six day old baby yesterday and had such a good time holding her, hearing the birth story (a successful VBAC, yay), and looking forward to having baby toesies at home to nibble on. I had lots of BHs all day, at pretty regular intervals, but they just wouldn't ramp up into anything. Now it's another night gone with no progress. What is holding you up, little guy? 
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    @star7827 My husband is traveling on the 8th as well. I'm due on Sunday and just found out they've scheduled my induction for Feb. 7th at 11pm! So stressful! 
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    Ugh. That is so stressful. How far along are you? I suppose that at least you have an end in sight. Keep me posted. Good luck!
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    Yay @CaraBoonie, congrats! That's great news. 2-3 is great progression, even if LO doesn't come on her own you should have a successful induction with a favorable cervix and engaged baby. :)
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerMarried DW <3 08.2013; AI 2x; IUI 6x; IUI #7 05.2015; DD born 2.2016 o:); Reciprocal IVF FET #1 on 11.18.2020 
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    @claireloSC Exactly! I asked him, since I know inductions CAN lead to higher rates of C-sections, and he said the conditions are so favorable that he thinks it would be a quick labor in general and if for some reason I needed a C, it would be something that would have happened anyway, not because of a failed induction. At this point it definitely would still be better if she would just get nice and violent and break her own water before then!

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Seriously, that's great. Your LO will be here in no time!
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerMarried DW <3 08.2013; AI 2x; IUI 6x; IUI #7 05.2015; DD born 2.2016 o:); Reciprocal IVF FET #1 on 11.18.2020 
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    Pretty crampy after my exam, and had 2 BMs since (although I did have some Benefiber this morning), so hoping things get started on their own within the next day or two...trying to walk around despite wanting to just crawl into bed in a fetal position

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @CaraBoonie glad to hear things are progressing!

    40w tomorrow and my husband just got a job offer! I'm thrilled for him but just nervous about the timing. They want him to start on the 15th. He was originally taking 2 weeks off and going back part time for the rest of feb. His parents will be here the 10-23rd and we had a promise he would be home while they were here and now that is going out the window. I'm trying not to be a Debbie downer, but just scared of being home alone with a newborn with my in-laws. 
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    @ByeByeSpotts aw, that is bittersweet news! Try to focus on the sweet part...I'm assuming it's a better job with more money if he's taking it? Maybe he can take a few half days to not leave you alone w/ them too long? Or invite over some of your family/friends as an in-law buffer? That IS a long time to be with in-laws!

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    ByeByeSpottsByeByeSpotts member
    edited January 2016
    @CaraBoonie it's def great news, and long over due for him! just unfortunate timing. I'm hoping he can do some half days and also hoping they will push the start date back if baby decides to be fashionably late
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    @caraboonie@claireloSC happy due date day! @caraboonie hurray for the end being in sight! Any news for you @claireloSC ? I don't see my OB until Monday so reallllly hoping this LO comes before then! 

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    Thinking of you ladies who have due dates today!  Sending you good luck!

    As for me, still waiting, due on Sunday.  Been kind of low key nauseous today and I had a little bit of back pain last night, but not a single contraction in days and days.  LO still seems perfectly content where she is.  Two more very small items left on the baby to do list that I'm getting done today and then just... waiting.  It's a beautiful day here in the LA area, sunny and 79!  May try to take my cane and go for a short walk to try to get something started and, at the very least, enjoy the weird January weather before it turns cold and rainy Sunday.

    Good luck, ladies!  Hope this last weekend in January brings babies to us all!  :)
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    Thanks @Karenin! Really hoping for a weekend baby too @maureenmce! I have no news. I had my appt Wed and not one again till next Wed, so I don't have any idea of things have changed in the past couple days. I have contractions every day, but they never escalate, sadly. It could definitely be any day...or not. My OB won't induce till 2/11, but she says she usually only sees people get that far when they have no contractions or anything else, so she was somewhat optimistic I wouldn't go that long. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerMarried DW <3 08.2013; AI 2x; IUI 6x; IUI #7 05.2015; DD born 2.2016 o:); Reciprocal IVF FET #1 on 11.18.2020 
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    @claireloSC it'd be so nice if we all had our babies this weekend! 

    At least you know you'll be done by the 11th latest. I tentatively brought up my due date discrepancy to my doctor expecting to have to fight to be induced by the 8th (when I wanted latest) and he nonchalantly asked me if I felt like having a baby on Monday, I was shocked (turns out he's off that day which is why it's Wednesday instead). I was really steeling myself to fight for the 8th!

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I had my appointment this afternoon.   I am 2cm and 80% effaced, so yay for progress.  She offered to induce me today if I wanted, but as ready as I am, I want to give her a little more time to come on her own.  I have to do a BPP on Tuesday if she's not here yet, and my induction date is Thursday if she still hasn't come by then.  So just like you @CaraBoonie I feel a sense of relief knowing there is an end in sight.  
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    @claireloSC my LO was not engaged and was actually angled down but not straight down when my water broke at 39+1. My contractions are what got everything into place. Fx for something soon!
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    @Mamabeagle Thank you! That totally makes me feel better. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerMarried DW <3 08.2013; AI 2x; IUI 6x; IUI #7 05.2015; DD born 2.2016 o:); Reciprocal IVF FET #1 on 11.18.2020 
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    Omg, this child needs to stop moving, the lightning crotch is unreal, I feel like she's gonna break my vag if she doesn't vacate or chillax

    BabyFruit Ticker
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