January 2016 Moms

Late January due dates check in!


Re: Late January due dates check in!

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    @hannahduff3 So jealous, I'd love to be in labor right now! Haha. Good luck, you got this :)

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    39w1d. Lost my plug on Thursday. Bad cramps off and on. Bad mostly at night. Husband doesn't want to have sex. And I had a good cry for like 20 minutes this morning.

    Just went for a walk at Target and Home Depot and bought lots of pineapple things and spicy things. Hoping the NFL games tonight are stressful!
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    I was right, my membranes ruptured, in the hospital now with regular contractions, walking the halls and freaking out the visitors touring the department. The pain sucks but I'm glad it's moving on, 40+3. 

    Good luck @hannahduff3 !
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    @Ebiejay I was going to say are you sure that's not your water leaking? Haha
    I've been having contractions about every 15 minutes the past couple of days. Ugh.
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    Good luck, ladies in labor and having contractions!  All is very, very quiet over here.  39 weeks today and nada.  The contractions a couple of nights ago seemed to be a fluke and baby seems very cozy where she is.  Me on the other hand...not so much.  So uncomfortable!  I'm also feeling super lazy lately.  I have a few things I still want to get done before baby is here but all I want to do is sleep!  Anyone else lost the nesting instinct? 
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    Well its officially my due date and still nothing :( seriously can't believe I'm still pregnant lol hubby is taking me out to dinner to take my mind off it I'm planning on ordering tons of spicy food!
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    My nesting was in overdrive today.  Unfortunately we're snowed in and still waiting on the plows to come through.  DH is afraid I'll go into labor if I so much as walk up the stairs, so he's not been a fan of me trying to clean all day.  I wish this whole nesting thing had kicked in a week earlier
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    Yeah I'm over nesting at this point, too uncomfortable. Just want her to show up! The daily prodromal labor sucks b/c I'm on pins and needles thinking something will happen but it doesn't.
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerMarried DW <3 08.2013; AI 2x; IUI 6x; IUI #7 05.2015; DD born 2.2016 o:); Reciprocal IVF FET #1 on 11.18.2020 
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    Been having contractions/ cramps throughout the day that have been a little more intense than my usual BH. Almost felt like a really bad poo cramp and it radiated through my back and thighs. I have my 40 week appt tomorrow, so we'll see what's going on downstairs. Baby is usually really active a night and he's pretty quiet tonight. I did a kick count and was able to get 10 small movements in an hour but I'm still paranoid. I feel like I'm constantly worrying that something is going to go wrong, when I'm so close to having baby boy in my arms. Just ready to have him here.
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    Due date has arrived! ...With no sign of labor :neutral: Have not lost mucus plug or even experienced contractions other than a very occasional tightening in my stomach. I'm definitely ready for baby to make her appearance, so I've got wishful thinking I'll wake up to water breaking. Although she will probably be very stubborn like me and wait another week. I know she'll come when she's ready, but I hope that's soon because I've been ready for weeks!

    Wish granted? I stood up from bed this morning at about 11 and a rush of liquid came out, enough to drip down my legs. I don't like to jump at every little thing so I called the Dr first and the OB on call said to put on a pad and keep an eye out for more and then call back. Well I didn't notice any more liquid so I havent called and still haven't seen mucus plug or contractions. Would water breaking necessarily keep leaking or can it happen once and not again? Again I hate to rush to the hospital for every little thing and then get sent home because nothings happening. My 40 week appt is on Tuesday so I was going to wait and see if anything happened until then and if not see what they have to say, but my concern is they haven't done any cervical checks, so I'm not sure what to expect.
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    @Knottie84607381I'm sure every doctor is different, but my OB told me if my water breaks to go into L and D immediately (because she'll want to deliver the baby within 24 hours of water breaking, due to risk of infection.)  She also said even if I only think the water broke to just go in and have L and D check, because they can tell you for sure.  

    If you think your water broke, I definitely wouldn't wait until Tuesday, because of the infection risk.  I'd go in and get it checked out tonight, if possible.  (Again, every doctor may be different, this is just the guideline my doctor told me.)  Worst thing that can happen is that they tell you it wasn't your water and you go home.  Good luck!
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    My maternity leave starts today, which is good because it was getting difficult to be on my feet so much.  But now I am worried she will be late and I am wasting my time at home without her.  
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    @Knottie84607381 I would go in also. My doctor doesn't necessarily deliver within 24 hours, but starts antibiotics after 24 hours to decrease risk of infection. This happened with my first.
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    39+5 today, and I feel farther from labor than last week... The mild cramps/BHs have really lessened. I think this baby is sticking around until February, ugh. Today my apartment is being inspected for lead ("I promise I'll take care of it before the baby arrives," DH said! I guess that's technically true...), so I have dragged myself off the couch and into a cafe to read for the morning. I even put on mascara! Calling that a win for the day.
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    40+1 today. Due date came and went with no progress. Had a growth scan this morning and baby girl is measuring 8lbs 2oz. I will be induced tomorrow morning, so there will be no long period of waiting to see if I go into labour. We're so excited to meet her. I'm being induced due to my "advanced maternal age" by the way, lol.

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    Momona1 said:
    40+1 today. Due date came and went with no progress. Had a growth scan this morning and baby girl is measuring 8lbs 2oz. I will be induced tomorrow morning, so there will be no long period of waiting to see if I go into labour. We're so excited to meet her. I'm being induced due to my "advanced maternal age" by the way, lol.

    Good luck tomorrow, @Momona1!
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    @Momona1 Good luck!!

    The end is in sight! My doctor scheduled my induction for midnight on Thursday. I was up all night last night with contractions, though, so I'm hoping that means he will come on his own before then.
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    Seeing OB this afternoon and hoping for some dilation finally. If I'm at 3 or more I can schedule my induction! The reflexology at my massage on Friday did not lead to labor, so maybe I'll have to convince DH that I need go back this week for another try ;)  I think baby dropped yesterday because I have insane pressure on my cervix and it's driving me crazy. This is my 3rd pregnancy and I've never been this uncomfortable at the end.

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    I will be 40 weeks this Thursday and started my maternity leave today. My last appointment last week was uneventful to say the least. She did no internal exam and instead jumped right to the induction conversation (which I want to avoid at all costs). She went ahead and scheduled the induction for the 2nd (I'll only be 40 weeks and 5 days at that point!).
    Other than that I've been bombarded with the constant calls and texts asking if the baby is here yet and the wonderful joys of PUPPP since thursday. I'm just so ready for my son to come out already!
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    I'm due on the 27, but have had mild contractions for the last three days. I would almost rather be experiencing nothing because every morning I wake up thinking I'm going to start "real" labor. I finally contacted my midwife last night because I couldn't stand it any more and she said that I could have these little contractions for up to almost two weeks!! (My midwife won't induce unless you make it to 43 weeks). I'm starting to feel discouraged. If anyone has any tips on speeding things up or advice on just making it through, I would love it! :-)
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    Another day of nothing really happening for me, other than my husband is paranoid that I have a sudden burst of energy and he thinks that means labor is impending.  (It's more like I have a million things that actually have to be done today, and I'm making up for yesterday's laziness - I certainly do not feel energetic!)  I will be so happy once I finally have everything on my to do list knocked out.  

    I've had a bunch of bad luck additions to the To Do Before Baby Arrives list lately.  For example, OB decides that because of my heart arrhythmia, I have to go to a cardiologist (1 week before due date!)  Cardiologist decides I need an echocardiogram just to be super safe - before labor!  Then my pharmacy messed up my thyroid prescription, so I have to see my endocrinologist again, asap!  And temp disability accidentally missed a quarter of my wages, so I have to write them a letter and mail it right away!  And just for fun, my camera's shutter decided to break out of nowhere, so I have to get it repaired or have no nice pics of LO!  Etc, etc, etc.  It's like attack of the last minute important logistics!  

    So yeah, not so much a labor-is-coming burst of energy, but just dealing with a bunch of last minute crap I didn't anticipate.  Ah well.  For once it's made me glad she seems cozy where she is, so I can get all of this stuff done before her arrival (fingers crossed.)
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    dpbader said:

    I'm due on the 27, but have had mild contractions for the last three days. I would almost rather be experiencing nothing because every morning I wake up thinking I'm going to start "real" labor. I finally contacted my midwife last night because I couldn't stand it any more and she said that I could have these little contractions for up to almost two weeks!! (My midwife won't induce unless you make it to 43 weeks). I'm starting to feel discouraged. If anyone has any tips on speeding things up or advice on just making it through, I would love it! :-)

    Your MW won't induce until 43 weeks??? After 42 weeks a lot of risks go up which is why 42 weeks is the cut off for most MWs and OBs. I would discuss this with your MW or get a second opinion.

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    Karenin said:
    I'm due on the 27, but have had mild contractions for the last three days. I would almost rather be experiencing nothing because every morning I wake up thinking I'm going to start "real" labor. I finally contacted my midwife last night because I couldn't stand it any more and she said that I could have these little contractions for up to almost two weeks!! (My midwife won't induce unless you make it to 43 weeks). I'm starting to feel discouraged. If anyone has any tips on speeding things up or advice on just making it through, I would love it! :-)
    Your MW won't induce until 43 weeks??? After 42 weeks a lot of risks go up which is why 42 weeks is the cut off for most MWs and OBs. I would discuss this with your MW or get a second opinion.
    Seconding this. I wouldn't feel comfortable going past 42 weeks.
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerMarried DW <3 08.2013; AI 2x; IUI 6x; IUI #7 05.2015; DD born 2.2016 o:); Reciprocal IVF FET #1 on 11.18.2020 
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    Just stripped my membranes today :) let's do this!!
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    Thanks Karenin and claireloSC for the advice. I called and asked to be seen to check my cervix and talk about possibly scrapping my membranes sooner.
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    kmo8986 said:

    @Knottie84607381 I would go in also. My doctor doesn't necessarily deliver within 24 hours, but starts antibiotics after 24 hours to decrease risk of infection. This happened with my first.

    Well I went in today and they said it might have been just a build up of discharge in the night (yuck) but probably not my water since it didn't continue. Thanks for helping me stop being such a pansy and just going! I'm always second guessing myself. But at least I had my first cervical check today at 40+1 and I am 0% dilated! Grr! I knew she would be stubborn. Induction is scheduled for next Sunday at 41 weeks but I'd much rather she come naturally. Still no contractions.
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    KareninKarenin member
    edited January 2016
    Had my appointment- I finally was dilated to 3 and 60% effaced but then OB said no induction because baby hadn't dropped. With the insane pressure I'm feeling HOW can she still be so high??

    In other good news I'm measuring 42 weeks so baby is likely to be big. Not a concern as my last was big, just makes labor that much more not fun especially considering she will only get bigger the longer I have to wait. Come ON baby!

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    Ugh @Karenin! My baby won't drop either and you and I have the same due date. C'mon babies! Let's get this show on the road!
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerMarried DW <3 08.2013; AI 2x; IUI 6x; IUI #7 05.2015; DD born 2.2016 o:); Reciprocal IVF FET #1 on 11.18.2020 
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    @CaraBoonie yes, my LOs movements hurt so bad! I was worried all last week that about reduced movement so she is paying me back this week by hulking it up in there! I keep hoping she'll break her own water and be on her way!
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerMarried DW <3 08.2013; AI 2x; IUI 6x; IUI #7 05.2015; DD born 2.2016 o:); Reciprocal IVF FET #1 on 11.18.2020 
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    JmadCJmadC member
    edited January 2016

    40+3. Anxiety won't let me sleep more than a few hours at a time so I guess that's good training for the months ahead... other than the micro naps I guess I'll just continue passing the time by twiddling my thumbs. Do do da do...
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    @JmadC I'm so over waiting. I'm losing what sanity I had left, and there wasn't much there to begin with!
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    @CaraBoonie @claireloSC I am also having a hard time dealing with movement.  i either have to stand or lay to get relief.  I can't sit for more than 15 minutes before she starts going insane.   I keep telling her if she wants more room she should join us here in the world!  
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    @paigeyferd yup, I keep talking to her and letting her know she can have a total dance party out here and that she's allowed to come out now...too bad babies aren't very good listeners, haha

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    Yesterday was my last day in my office - now I'm working from home until LO arrives, but it is a struggle to concentrate. And a huge "yes!" To the painful movements. If I'm going to be in pain, why can't it be labor!?
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    @claireloSC Same, earlier in evening I was worried that I hadn't noticed feeling her all day and actually even got out my doppler which I hadn't used in 20 weeks (once I felt her moving, I no longer felt the need to listen to her heartbeat to know she was okay). So I totally felt like last night was payback for being a neurotic mommy, haha

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    @claireloSC  @CaraBoonie YES! My baby is going crazy this morning! I'm hoping she is doing it to finally drop down? What's with these 1/29 girl babies??? They are not making it easy on us! 

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