2nd Trimester

Oh boy... gender disappointment

So I understand that this has been discussed before, but those posts were all fairly old and I need to get this off my chest.

I don't want another boy... there I said it.

I have a fairly complex reasons for wanting a girl, but the short story is that my husband already have a boy. As much as we love him to pieces he has been a challenge. We waited 6 years before having another and we both really really really wanted a girl this time. 

Now that I'm pregnant with baby number 2 my husband and son started to refer to the baby by the girl name we picked out, and my husband even bought some super girly pink baby clothes. I tried to keep rational that we don't know it's a girl, but things felt different this time and I wanted to believe that I was carrying our little girl. 

In all our anticipation we got an elective ultrasound at 15 weeks to see if we could find out the baby's gender. It took the lady all of 10 seconds to find a good image and she didn't even need to tell me. I knew right away it was another boy. There was an overwhelming feeling of disappointment followed by guilt that I wan't bubbling with excitement over this baby. I even went into denial that 15 week ultrasounds can't be that reliable, maybe this was all a misinterpretation. Then two days later we got the results back from an elective blood test. The good news was that baby was healthy and no signs of common chromosomal abnormalities; the bad news (at least to me) it was for sure a boy. 

I don't mean to be ungrateful, and I acknowledge that I have been privileged with both my pregnancies so far. I don't know what it's like to struggle with conceiving, I've never experienced a miscarriage, and I've never had a child suffer from an incurable disease. But I do know what it's like to have a dream of what your child will be like only to be crushed by reality. It feels like a loss, and I've cried a lot this past week. 

I just want others struggling with gender disappointment to know that this pain is real and I know it will get better with time. 

Re: Oh boy... gender disappointment

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    OP You clearly misjudged your audience here. As someone who has had 2 losses myself comparing not getting the sex organs of your choice to loss is despicable. I think you need to see a professional regarding the attitude to your future child. You will not find one shred of sympathy here.
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    @BostonTerrior2008 creepy hugs from me also. You and all the other ladies here who have shared stories are so brave xx

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    Wow... Just wow. Maybe you should look into adoption since your perfectly healthy child isn't good enough for you.
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    Poor kid.
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    BRomantic said:

    I remember in 2008 how much I relied on pregnancy message boards as a way to reach out to others and find support and helpful advice. Who would've thought that 6 years later things would've changed so much?! My feelings are NOT "disgusting" it was me being honest and trying to work through a common experience. What is truly disgusting is the hateful posts you all felt so compelled to post.

    I get that this topic isn't something everyone relates to. Most responses are either "I know what you mean" or "how could  you?!" If you are the latter this thread wasn't meant for you move on. 
    So let me get this straight - you thought that this board would actually sympathize with you on this?! I can't imagine that would happen at ANY point, even 6 years ago!
    You don't get to dictate the responses you get to something you post. There's nothing wrong with our posts, but what you said truly IS disgusting. You should not be a mother. I feel terribly sorry for your poor unborn child. Anything more that I have to say to you I guarantee will get me banned....
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