January 2016 Moms

Share the sex of your baby here!


Re: Share the sex of your baby here!

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    Has anyone heard of the OB being able to determine the sex as early as 12 weeks?
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers BabyFetus Ticker
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    @msrer1985 Not without the blood chrosomone tests...some people have said their OB had good educated guesses at their 12 week ultrasounds, but they're just that, good educated guesses. I wouldn't go getting linens monogrammed with a certain name or anything just based on that, but it is sometimes right!

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Took the blood test 11 days ago and finally got the call back (after calling and leaving a message on Friday, so if you're super antsy, don't be afraid to call them and ask if the results are back yet...my sister-in-law's mother was an OB nurse and she said things like this are low priority if there's no issues, so they'll leave them sitting there for days sometimes!).

    Baby is healthy, and is a GIRL! I'm super excited, especially because I just won a bet, bahaha. Ever since getting pregnant, I had a feeling it was a girl, and kept saying our girl name over and over in my head, but never got as attached to the boy name we picked out despite liking it, it just didn't feel ready to use yet ;)

    So glad you finally got your results, I keep checking your posts, because I know you were waiting so long!!! Congrats on the healthy baby girl!!! So exciting!

    STM - EDD June 24 '18
    DD - January 2016
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    Baby boy #2. So excited.
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    stlmomof2stlmomof2 member
    edited July 2015
    Ahhhh!!!! :x Got the call today from the doctor's office! I did the Progenity test and I am having a healthy.....

    BABY GIRL!!!

    Couldn't be happier.... it's what DH really wanted and I was leaning towards Team Pink myself. Now DS has a little sister to play with \:D/  we got lucky both times
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    maeg66maeg66 member
    I'm so anxious to find out!!! Hopefully sometime in August I'll finally know.
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    Just found out this afternoon....it's a BOY!! :)
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    Hello! We just had our 13 week scan and they couldn't tell us the sex. Anyone want to guess for me? Thanks
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    Hello! We just had our 13 week scan and they couldn't tell us the sex. Anyone want to guess for me? Thanks

    Really? Just about your first post and you're going to post this in here? Its about sharing the sex of the baby NOT taking a guess on what really is 50/50.
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    Am 15 weeks and did the dna test got the result last friday am having a Girl, now I need to find a name for my Princess
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    I find out in 4 days!! I'm sooo excited. I think it's a boy would love either if healthy but girl clothes are a bit more cute!! Such an exciting time x
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    I dont find out till next month :(
    But it works out for us. FTM and BD birthday is next month so we are having a birthday / gender reveal BBQ :) We both want a girl soooooo bad!!
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    stlmomof2stlmomof2 member
    edited July 2015
    Hello! We just had our 13 week scan and they couldn't tell us the sex. Anyone want to guess for me? Thanks
    Really? Just about your first post and you're going to post this in here? Its about sharing the sex of the baby NOT taking a guess on what really is 50/50.
    Hello! We just had our 13 week scan and they couldn't tell us the sex. Anyone want to guess for me? Thanks
    Really? Just about your first post and you're going to post this in here? Its about sharing the sex of the baby NOT taking a guess on what really is 50/50.
    There's no need to be mean and a bully. I thought you were supposed to be a mature person when you brought another into the world? Check yourself. Sure I thought someone might have an idea, many people have theories based on differing criteria.
    **Removed for TOU Violation**
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    Hey guys, let's not get this post shut down. Thank you!


    Mama to one girl: born 12/2009. 
    Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    It's my first baby and I have about the same size bump at 12 weeks! It made me feel better to see your pics, I was starting to think I was abnormal for showing early with my first. Everything I've been googling has said I shouldn't show for awhile. So thank you haha! Congrats to you guys!
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    Sorry guys, just trying to comment on someone else's post but I clicked the wrong button and now it really makes no sense on this board! Fingers crossed the ultrasound tech can give us an idea at our 14 week appointment, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Excited for all of you who are finding out the gender!!
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    Baby Girl coming!  Verify by progenity.  Was surprised, I was convinced it was a boy!  But three friends are having girls in the next few months so there will be lots of friends!
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    lsteiner0321lsteiner0321 member
    edited July 2015
    There are a lot of moms that are posting that still don't know and/or team green so why is she being singled out. We all are excited to bring life into this world and some of us are forced to wait or aren't able to get the genetic testing. I personally don't see anything wrong with her asking other moms on this post as this is a site dedicated to sharing and getting advice from other moms to be.

    stlmomof2 said:
    Hello! We just had our 13 week scan and they couldn't tell us the sex. Anyone want to guess for me? Thanks
    Really? Just about your first post and you're going to post this in here? Its about sharing the sex of the baby NOT taking a guess on what really is 50/50.
    Hello! We just had our 13 week scan and they couldn't tell us the sex. Anyone want to guess for me? Thanks
    Really? Just about your first post and you're going to post this in here? Its about sharing the sex of the baby NOT taking a guess on what really is 50/50.
    There's no need to be mean and a bully. I thought you were supposed to be a mature person when you brought another into the world? Check yourself. Sure I thought someone might have an idea, many people have theories based on differing criteria.
    **Removed for TOU Violation**

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    edited July 2015
    We went in to the NT planning on getting the Harmony test done as well. My fiancé joked and asked the tech if she could tell us the sex. She looked around, checked the "angle of the dangle" about 6 times and said "GIRL!" Since we had a perfect NT scan we didn't want to shell out the extra money just for the sex. We trusted the tech. After checking with how my sister-in-law's scan went, I am even more certain that baby #2 is a girl. So happy!!
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    I can't wait to find out aug 26 we will find out can't wait we didn't find out for our daughter we wanted to be surprised but this one I want to know already come on aug 26th lol
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    Looked like boy at 11w6d, confirmed boy at 13w6d, and he was still a boy at 16 weeks. :)
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    How do you know so soon, my DR they don't know until 20 week visit
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    At 13weeks 1 day me an my husband found out we are having a boy ;so happy an my due date was jump up to jan 22 from feb 1 .
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    We find out 8/18 (my son's second birthday)
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    Hello! We just had our 13 week scan and they couldn't tell us the sex. Anyone want to guess for me? Thanks

    It's not the right angle of the baby to even guess.
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    It's a boy!! Jaxon Carter. Can't wait to hug and kiss my precious baby boy
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    Hi all! I have been lurking for a few days, we found out our DNA results Friday and we are having a girl! I have a little boy (16 months) already so we are over the moon to add a little girl.
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    It's a girl!!!!!
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    Having my second baby girl :):) :x
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    Just found out today that we are having a baby boy at 14w 5d! My family and i all had our bets on a girl but we were all wrong lol. Still, we're over the moon happy!
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    Thrilled to be having a little boy! It's our first - we went to an ultrasound place to find out. When we looked at him on the screen, our little yogi was in perfect plow pose :) Love that little guy already
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    Was so sure it was a girl... Looks like I was wrong! It's a boy!!!
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    Im 17 weeks today and we have appointment on september 2 to know the gender so were so excited coz i realy want a baby girl so badly :x
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    Baby #2 is a BOY! I think this surprise felt bigger than finding out what the sex of our first baby was. I'm in shock for some reason. Our DD is 14 months.
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