Oh! I had a BFP on Saturday, December 6th 2014 at 11:30 pm, and then another one at 7:30 am on Sunday, December 7th 2014. LOL! It was a double pack! I don't like wasting money! LOL!
So, I'm 5 weeks and 3 days. The only symptoms I'm having is fatigue. My boobs hurt during week 4, but that went away at week 5. I'm not really sick feeling, but it feels like I have constant butterflies in my tummy. Like a constant excited or nervous feeling. Anyone NOT having "normal" symptoms?
Goodluck at your appt! Mine is on the 18th, I wasn't nervous until I started having dreams where there were twins on the ultra sound and then one died..and then my mom decided to have a party to celebrate me having the baby the day after I delivered.. Which was fine until everyone was passing the baby around and I couldn't find her! Then when I did she was in the friggin dog crate sleeping.. :-/ OH and she wouldn't latch. So crazy dreams.. With a massive amount of phlegm in the back of my throat that I've been choking down the last four days.. And last night I couldn't sleep because of it. Hoping it doesn't turn into bronchitis .... Ain't nobody got time for that.
Oh and P.S I know there are only four of us here.. But we need to stick together! We're headed down a long road! Is this every body's first? Or just clueless little ol me? )
I'm in the same boat. First baby, due on the 7th. I've felt fine other than I've been starving every 2 hours almost like clockwork. It doesn't even matter how much I eat, two hours later I'm hungry again. So far no specific cravings and no nausea. I'm crossing my fingers I'm in the 10%-50% (depending on who you ask) that doesn't experience morning sickness. Oh, and I'm also wanting an afternoon nap EVERY afternoon. Haha!
Great Rachel! I'll email you and if anybody else wants to join, we can add you in the thread just send me a personal message with your email! ( I know we can send private messages but I've never got one so if you do, at least tell me how to retrieve it. Thanks!)
My appointmnet is December 29th. I'll be 8 weeks and 2 days. It SUCKS waiting so long to go to the doctor. Has anyone told their families and/or friends yet? My mom guessed it right out of me! Totally ruined my Christmas present to her. LOL! After she found out, we went ahead and told everyone!
My first due date was the 2nd but after going for an ultrasound because of some pain on my right side (found out it was harmless to the baby it was a couple of cysts on my ovary) I was measuring a week behind what we thought. So as of now my Due date is August 7th! This is my second and I'm sooo excited.
I'm due August 6th based on my ultrasound last Wednesday 12/10. The baby measured 5 weeks 6 days, with 98 beats per minute. The tech said it was normal, but my doctor called and scheduled a second ultrasound because it is "low". Anyone else get bpm yet?
I am not good at keeping secrets. We told our parents, some siblings, some friends, and our bosses. We are not putting it on social media yet though. I'm just so excited.
I called my doctor's office today (12/18). I asked them if I would be getting an ultrasound to confirm there's a baby in there with a heartbeat. they said no! I'll be 8 weeks and 3 days when I go on 12/29. They said they would do the ultrasound at my 12 week doctor appointment. I'm so upset! I even told them that twins and triplets run rampid in my family, and they still won't do it! Is anyone else having this issue with their doctor?
I experienced some bleeding Week 4 and went to the doctor and had internal and external Ultra Sounds but there wasn't much to see but all was good. I am going back on Tues, Dec 23rd and they are going to do another one to hear the heartbeat I am soo excited!! I have an August 7th Due Date.
They didn't say whether I would get an ultrasound at my appointment. They did say they would be able to hear the baby's heart beat though. I'm glad you told us this. Now I won't be expecting to get an ultra sound and therefore I won't be upset or disappointed. I'll be 9 weeks and 6 days at my first appointment.
From what I was told, all OBGYN's carry a Doppler in their pockets. So if it looks like there won't be an ultrasound, ask them to use the Doppler to try and find the heartbeat. It may or may not pick up because of how early in our pregnancy we are.
I've been sleeping like a rock. I'm still tired when I wake up for work, and have a slight headache. I have very little to no pregnancy symptoms. But, all the women in my family were the exact same way during their pregnancies, so I'm not really stressing it.
Re: Due Date August 7th
Oh! I had a BFP on Saturday, December 6th 2014 at 11:30 pm, and then another one at 7:30 am on Sunday, December 7th 2014. LOL! It was a double pack! I don't like wasting money! LOL!
Formerly known as Kate08young
August '18 Siggy April Showers:
Married: 7/22/14
Baby L: 8/4/2015 August 2015 Moms
Baby E: 11/18/2016 December 2016 Moms
TTC #3 08/2017 BFP 11/27/2017.
Twin B lost 11/22/2017, Twin A doing well.
In case anyone wants to email and talk!