June 2015 Moms

What's Giving You Away At Work?

Maybe I'm paranoid, but I'm certain I'm giving off pregnancy red flags. I'm a high school science teacher, between the nausea and exhaustion I can't get off my chair all afternoon. I have been eating chef boyardee and a cheese stick for lunch the last 2 weeks. I keep saying dumb things because I cannot think straight.

Re: What's Giving You Away At Work?

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    I drink a lot of coffee, so the sudden switch to tea is a big red flag.  Plus the stupid happy smile I have all day.  I hate keeping secrets.  
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    Being off sick two days this week. I'm never off sick! Excorcist style projectile vomiting causes flu like body aches and two days off sick. My work is very understanding so may tell my boss next week.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

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    All of the sick time and going home for naps.  They are onto me!


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    Constantly nibbling on snacks at my desks. Can't seem to ever get enough food. My stomach is always growling.
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    Ah! I'm a high school chemistry teacher! The kids are so intuitive... The combo of my nausea and like you said pregnancy " brain" I'm worried will give me away soon. So far so good though! Good luck!
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    My HR manager outed me at a staff meeting.  Told the whole office when I was only 6 1/2 weeks.  

    Buuuut...if he hadn't, I am sure the extreme lack of energy and leaving early about twice a week due to nausea would give it all away.  

    January Siggy Challenge


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    Teacher here as well. Constant stomach aches and not being able to leave my chair most of the afternoon!
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    Oh and the constant snippiness with my students!
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    I'm a nurse... I have been gagging when trying to clean my patient up (smells are really getting to me).. And so emotional. I had to do end of life care the other day and lost it, thank god not in front of the family but still. Plus I work 12 hour shifts and I cannot eat I'm so sick and people are definatly starting to realize I'm skipping lunch! Ugg I'm thinking about telling everyone in the next couple weeks I dk what else to do?
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    I had to tell my "side job" because I work as a nanny and the mom told me after I got there that kiddo had spiked a fever the night before. It was from the varicella vaccine and had gone away overnight, so I felt like I had to tell her why I was so nervous about taking care of her almost-certainly healthy child.

    At my "real job," nobody knows. I mostly work from home/set my own hours, so I haven't had too many problems. I am friends with a lot of my coworkers, but fortunately they don't seem to have noticed that I haven't been drinking alcohol or caffeine.
               J15 January Siggy Challenge: Pinterest Fails
    BabyFetus Ticker
    Married 9.29.12
    TTC #1 8.2014 BFP #1 9.26.14 - Happy anniversary!
    Expecting our little Peanut 6.9.15
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    I'm hungry all the time at work and always seem to be exhausted. Every minute of the day. Luckily, I haven't had any MS and have only had nausea in the evenings so I'm hoping no one has noticed to the point of being curious.


    We love our fur babies Luna (2013) and Dozer(2014)!

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    I used to eat Jimmy Johns for lunch almost daily at work. I can't eat it now and really have just been not eating much. Also, I switched from diet Pepsi to water.
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    @BabyList‌ that is EXACTLY me!! I love jimmy Johns and am very heartbroken we have to take a break for 9mo :(
    Me:24 H:26
    Married 6/21/14  Baby:6/24/15
    photo image1_zpsbdf0846b.jpgBabyFruit Ticker
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    I've already told my boss and a few close coworkers because I've been feeling sick every day and my face doesn't hide things well.

    My boss came up to me the other day and was like "I know it's not my place to tell, but I'm just letting you know that people have been asking me if you're pregnant".  ...Um, I'm not sure how to respond to that?  (I work with almost all middle-aged to older male engineers who are apparently very observant)

    I guess I'll just let people think what they want for a while because its slightly awkward to just go cubicle to cubicle like "oh hey, I'm pregnant. bye."
    BFP#1: 9/21/13  EDD: 5/31/14 m/mc @ 7w6d on 10/27/13
    BFP#2: 10/4/14  EDD: 6/7/15  DD born 6/4/15💕
    BFP#3: 12/24/19 EDD: 9/6/20
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    I think my soon-to-be frequent early departures or late arrivals for OB appointments is going to be my tell. I'm usually very punctual and predictable in my work hours, so suddenly being gone for "appointments" all the time is going to give me away. I'll probably tell my boss in the next couple of weeks so that at least she will be aware!
    ~January Siggy Challenge: Pinterest Fails~
    Pregnancy Ticker
    BFP October 2, 2014
    EDD June 7, 2015
    ~ triathlete ~ craft beer enthusiast (on hiatus, obviously) ~ runner ~
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    I'm a nurse so my recent dive twenty feet away when shooting an X-ray or handling meds with gloves. I'm sure I'm figured out already
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    Quitting my morning coffee habit and having to hide ginger ale & saltines at my desk are my biggies, other than a close friend at work, no one other than DH and I know. I am hoping to keep it a secret until 12 wks since we had a MC earlier in the spring.
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    I've been fake getting coffee from the break room every morning. I usually actually get some because there's a coworker in there with me. But yesterday, I basically ate oyster crackers and drank a 7up, so I feel like they're going to catch on. I'm actually surprised that no one's cornered me about it yet. I work in an office with 15 other women (and one man) so you can't really get away with anything. My boss knows, at least (she's also my MIL).
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    I had my weekly pregnancy ticker e-mail open on my 2nd screen, when a coworker decided to come around to my side of my desk just to ask a question - one that was not confidential and could have been asked without getting all up close and personal. Not sure if she saw but Grrr... 
    Me-37, DH-38
    Married in 2006, TTC #1 since Jan 2012

    Baby Boy born June 1, 2015

    He settles her in her home as a happy mother of children, praise the Lord! (Psalms 113:9)
    And the peace of God, which surpasses all understand, will guard your heart and mind in Jesus Christ (Philippians 4:7)

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    Here, this. Bumping at work is going to give me away! I'm probably going to tell my supervisor after my appointment next week. And I'll tell a couple of people, which means the word will get around on it's own. 
    First Timer!
    EDD: 6-13-15
    Me: 34 Hubs: 37

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                                                                    Jean-Luc                                   Unna       

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    Funny story actually.....

    I travel for work to see my boss once a month.  I do bills and such. The night before I was suppose to meet with him to sign checks I went out with my best friend for her birthday and decided to have PIG HEAD for dinner.  ACK even saying it right now makes me want to gag.  The next day I showed up at his house without the bills and forgot EVERYTHING.  I forgot all the checks that I had written, all the wires... EVERYTHING.

    I was up all night after eating pig head obviously (gagggg!!!) which was a perfect "fall guy".  Ugh, I dread having to tell them that I am pregnant.  Thankfully my job can be done at a distance but I don't want to scare the heck out of them with my pregnancy brain.

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    Talking about food and how good they are and flavourful.
    Me 29 DH 38
    Married 07.01.2011
    TTC #1 BFP 09.28.2014 EDD 06.07.2014
    imageBabyFetus Ticker

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    Checking the bump J15 forum every 5 minutes, then frantically clicking away whenever someone comes near my desk. The number of times I've clicked and turned to talk to someone has to be noticeable soon.

    More seriously, almost everyone knows. I work in a 4 person office. Me, my dad, my mom, and this other guy. The last is the only one who doesn't know. He's pretty oblivious, so I don't expect him to catch on before January or whenever I start to show.

    J15 January Siggy Challenge: Pinterest Fails

    Pregnancy Ticker

    Married: 12/08/12
    BFP: 09/21/14
    EDD: 06/04/15

    ~*~ book nerd forever | Tar Heel '07 ~*~
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    Ive been fortunate to not have much nausea, so I'm pretty sure no one at work knows. BUT, last week my boss went on a rant that pregnant women's hormones effect their ability to think straight and therefore perform their jobs accurately. (We're dealing with a client who just came back from maternity leave, and apparently before she left she was very hard to deal with.) I just sat there and nodded. I think my boss with be SHOCKED when she finds out.
    ***First-time Mom in New York City | Married 8.16.13 | Expected Due Date 5.29.15***

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    I'm an oncology nurse and it's not recommended to give chemo while you're pregnant so because of that pretty much all of my coworkers know. Thankfully they are very supportive.
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    Slouching over my desk,leaning on my arm all day long. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER?!"
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    I work from home so my office is in the dark. I am going in this week for 2 days to work and I have no idea how to keep it quiet.  The bathroom is far away so I know I'll have to sprint to puke.  Not to mention our bathroom has 3 stalls... so someone is bound to walk in on me puking or dry heaving... I also work in an office of 25 and 21 of them are women... 

    My immediate team knows since we went to IOA and I couldn't ride the roller coasters, but other than that nobody does.  I wanted to wait until 12 weeks, but I am not sure I'll make it this week.  
    Me: 25 Hubby: 28
    Married 7.20.13
    Baby #1 EDD 6/20/15 based on DOC

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    kateamart said:

    Ive been fortunate to not have much nausea, so I'm pretty sure no one at work knows. BUT, last week my boss went on a rant that pregnant women's hormones effect their ability to think straight and therefore perform their jobs accurately. (We're dealing with a client who just came back from maternity leave, and apparently before she left she was very hard to deal with.) I just sat there and nodded. I think my boss with be SHOCKED when she finds out.

    Wow - that is wildly insulting and stereotypical (not to say that the woman wasn't a nightmare but to suggest that no pregnant woman is capable of overcoming her hormones and staying on point at their job is pretty outrageous). I hope your boss is completely embarrassed once you announce that you're expecting.

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    My big mouth gives me away. Daily.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    I work with around 50 employees and recently got engaged. So since then iv had all the pregnancy jokes thrown at me on a daily basis. I have only just told one lady friend who is a manager with me.
    My only give away is probably drinking so much water since I hardly drank anything and always looking tired (more than normal). I haven't had any other symptoms as yet and I'm 9 wks! So hoping to not let work know until around 16wks if I haven't popped by then.
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    I work at an animal shelter so I had to tell my boss as soon as I found out but I did not tell anyone else. I use to always clean the cats and kittens and now I'm noy allowed in there. People are very suspicious, it's kinda funny!
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    I'm constantly on my feet, as I do hair. I've been super mega nauseous and exhausted. . The other day we were kind of slow so I asked to leave early.. I came home to sleep in the middle of my day! I've never done that!
    But since I have terrible sinuses year round, I'm able to make small excuses saying that they're exhausting me and making me feel sick!
    We have some renovations that we're doing this week though, and I'm pretty sure that I'm the only one not helping. I've had to tell my boss what's going on, that way she's not wondering why I'm not being a 'team player' After being there for so long... my coworkers have been curious about me not helping out... I don't think I can get away with anything much longer!
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    instead of peeing once a shift i go 3-4 times. and eating two lunches instead of one. hahaha
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    My very cute four year old overheard my husband and I talking a couple weeks ago. She started telling EVERYONE that she was going to be a big sister.
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    I'm also a high school science teacher and most of my kids have picked up on it! I get lots of " your belly looks bigger" and " you sure have been sick a lot"s followed by winks! Most of the teachers already told me that they could tell!
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    My intense anger when the pregnancy lead was missing the other day... xray is not ideal for growing babies, and we use a lot of it in the operating room... I used to be less than careful when it came to protecting my ovaries, so that was a little bit of a give away. One of the physicians I work with called me out (teasingly)... when I told him I wanted to at least keep my options open, he replied, "I know what that means!" I just giggled.
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    My doctor appointments gave it away since I never went before this. I've told everyone I work with except for one, whose wife is a close friend of my mother, so I don't want her to spill the beans to mom before I get to tell her!
    kristine!  B)

    me: 33, Factor V Leiden, MTHFR + hubs: 37
    BFP #1: 9/25/14 -- EDD: 6/4/15
    Jesse, our baby boy: 2/25/15 @ 25.6 weeks, 2lbs 2oz & 13.5 inches. spent 66 days in the NICU. <3
    BFP #2: 7/29/16 -- EDD: 3/30/17

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    baby #2 on the way. :)
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    I puked in a colleague's sink to avoid puking in front of all of my students...plus I've stopped eating in the lunch room where the smells really get to me...
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    My workmate and good friend noticed i went to the toilet 3x within a short period. Noticed i had more appointments and the big give away was me going from a gym super star at our lunch time workouts to low intensity exercises only. I managed to convince her i wasnt pregnant by covering it up with a knee injury.

    Pregnancy Ticker

    EDD: June 10th 2015 ~ Aussie Bumpie~FTM

    ** June 2015 ~ January Siggy - Pinterest Fails**




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    Constantly nibbling on snacks at my desks. Can't seem to ever get enough food. My stomach is always growling.

    This! I have a stash of food on my desk and eat every 2-3 hours or I start to feel a tad bit queasy. That and the extra bathroom runs, I'm extra irritable and I can't wear my jeans comfortably anymore so I'm wearing stretchy maxi skirts or baggy sweatshirts over my unbuttoned pants. I want to wait until after my first ultrasound, then I will be telling my boss.
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