July 2014 Moms

Do you ever have one of those days? *vent*

Where you just feel like a failure? I know we're in the 4 month sleep regression but my once fabulous sleeper is now, how can I put this? ... Shitty! I'm exhausted. We have absolutely no schedule except a wake up and bedtime routine and even that's hit or miss these days. But she naps whenever I can actually get her to. No specific times. And how do moms get things done? I've got shit loads of laundry piled up, pump parts that need to be washed, I need to clean, and tons of other things I'm just too tired to deal with. My husband works 13 hour days so he's not much help during the week. I luckily only work 3 days a week and my mom watches her while I'm away. But seriously how do you all get things done? Thanks for listening. I'm just having a FTM emotional day.

Re: Do you ever have one of those days? *vent*

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    First step is to take a breath and realize that as long as she is relatively happy and healthy that you are doing just fine! It takes time to find the right balance and then the (kids) will throw you off by going through regressions. I can say that the best thing that has worked for us is trying to come up with a schedule. We're like you are having some sleep issues with DS right now but our DD is pretty much on the same routine she's been on for 2 years. Naps have changed slightly here and there and then I just reevaluate. We've lately been doing dishes and laundry daily. We find that it keeps it under better control. In the morning, we empty the dishwasher and flip the laundry from the wash to the dryer (I also put the kids clothes away once they are up). Then at night we load and start the dishwasher and washer for laundry. That's when we also fold and put away the clothes that switched in the morning. Bed time for the kids is by 830 each night and we go to sleep at 10 so we usually have an hour and a half to finish up chores and have some time to ourselves. The rest of the house cleaning just gets done here and there. I find that as long as dishes and laundry are moving that the house looks pretty decent.
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    I haven't given my house a really good clean in about 6 weeks. And that was only because my MIL came over and watched F while i cleaned. 

    The only thing I'm able to consistently keep up with is making sure the kitchen isn't a disaster and picking up the house so it isn't a danger zone. Once a week I can vacuum. The rest of the time I just get yelled at by a 3 month old.

    I still don't understand how to have a schedule with an infant. 
    Baby boy "F" was born on 7/11/14!!


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    I'm with you! I don't ever seem to get anything done. I do know I have a happy baby, but only because everything that isn't her completely goes on the back burner. Her birth announcements, for instance, have been sitting on my desk waiting for stamps for a month and a half. I just havene had a chance to run to the post office. When I'm not at work I feel guilty putting her down because there isn't much time for us in the evenings, and then weekends have been so packed with planned activities, nothing ever gets done.
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    edited October 2014
    Do you ever baby wear? When DS is entertaining himself in the playroom and dd is being a little needy I just pop her in my boba carrier and I'm usually able to vaccuum, start some laundry and tidy up a bit. Like @kjskjs‌ said, I try to load or unload the dishwasher In the morning and start or finish a load of laundry then do the opposite when they are asleep for the night. I try to look at getting small task accomplished instead of looking at the whole house! Good luck mama, you're doing great!
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    You ladies have made me feel so much better. I made a list if everything I need to do and last night I just did a few small tasks and finished them and felt a little sense of accomplishment. I think I will just get a routine down for after DD goes to bed so all the little things don't pile up. Whew.... I was just having a moment yesterday. So overwhelmed! Feeling much better today.
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    I feel like I've been doing alright with vacuuming, dishes, and laundry, but it's constant. Also I'm a FTM and not working now, so no other little ones running around. I go back to work on 12/3 and I have no idea how anything will get done then.
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    My first baby was a terrible sleeper. TERRIBLE. I beat myself up over it so much, figuring I must have done SOMETHING wrong to make him sleep so poorly. My second baby is a much better sleeper, but I can't honestly say that I've done anything differently. I think your kid is going to sleep how they sleep regardless of what you do. You can influence things a bit, but temperament is temperament. 

    Just know that it will get better. Cleaning house will wait. Working out will wait. Cooking decent dinners will wait. It's survival mode at this point, but it will get better.

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    Lists with simple goals really help me too!
    "To do:
    -wash bottles
    -prep bottles
    - make list for tomorrow"

    Also, laundry, unless there are nice work clothes that need to be hung up for wrinkles... A laundry basket or clean pile serve the same purpose as a drawer. Think about it.
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