Where you just feel like a failure? I know we're in the 4 month sleep regression but my once fabulous sleeper is now, how can I put this? ... Shitty! I'm exhausted. We have absolutely no schedule except a wake up and bedtime routine and even that's hit or miss these days. But she naps whenever I can actually get her to. No specific times. And how do moms get things done? I've got shit loads of laundry piled up, pump parts that need to be washed, I need to clean, and tons of other things I'm just too tired to deal with. My husband works 13 hour days so he's not much help during the week. I luckily only work 3 days a week and my mom watches her while I'm away. But seriously how do you all get things done? Thanks for listening. I'm just having a FTM emotional day.
Re: Do you ever have one of those days? *vent*
Also, this poem is the truth:
Just know that it will get better. Cleaning house will wait. Working out will wait. Cooking decent dinners will wait. It's survival mode at this point, but it will get better.
"To do:
-wash bottles
-prep bottles
- make list for tomorrow"
Also, laundry, unless there are nice work clothes that need to be hung up for wrinkles... A laundry basket or clean pile serve the same purpose as a drawer. Think about it.