July 2015 Moms

Roll call - Intro Posts

goofyteachergoofyteacher member
edited December 2014 in July 2015 Moms
Who is here? What's your EDD? Is this your 1st/5th? Were you a regular on another board or just joining TB?
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PCOS and Hypothyroidism- Successful IUI's- May 2012 and October 2014.  Miscarriage @ 6w3d in December 2009.

Re: Roll call - Intro Posts

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    Tentatively here. They've changed my DD twice so I'm not 100% on that yet. This will be my second. I was semi-active in Oct13 until they mostly went to FB and it died off.
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    EDD July 3rd. This is my first. I lurked on TTGP for a long time.
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    Hi! Came over from TTGP. This will be our first baby, EDD is 7/1/15.

    TTC #1 since 08/2013

    BFP#1: 1/6/2014 EDD: 9/17/2014 Natural MC: 1/17/2014 (5w3d)

    BFP #2: 6/7/2014 EDD: 2/18/2015 Natural MC 6/19/2014 (5w)

    BFP #3: 10/22/14 EDD: 7/1/2015  

    *Taking Progesterone supplements* Beta 1: 777, Beta 2: 2589 *GROW BABY!*

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    lovethesun25lovethesun25 member
    edited October 2014
    EDD July 2nd.   This is our 1st.  We were actively TTGP in August and I was on the TTGP board then.  We decided to wait a bit and stopped actively trying in September and *surprise* I'm pregnant! We're really excited!
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    This is my second. I was more active when pregnant with my DD and for a while afterwards then fell off. Due tentatively on July 4th. Been TTC for a while.
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

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    July '15 January Siggy Challenge: Snow Fails/Fun

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    I'm here! EDD is July 2nd. This will be my 2nd child. And I joined back with my first pregnancy. So I was a regular on the April 2013 board. Though I'm not too regular at posting. Mainly just when I have questions or concerns.
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    LisaB74LisaB74 member
    edited October 2014
    Congrats @CYBURRCHIC‌! Isn't it amazing what the doctors can do? For us it was so worth the extra cost just to avoid the emotional roller coaster of transferring embryos that wouldn't implant or would eventually miscarry. This is our last attempt at baby #2 so hopefully it sticks!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
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    EDD will be July 7th! This is my hubby and I's first! We're very excited to become parents after getting married August 17 of 2013... We're fairly young (23) but wanted to be younger parents, even though we were not TTC (conceived on BC!)
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    LisaB74 said:

    Congrats @CYBURRCHIC‌! Isn't it amazing what the doctors can do? For us it was so worth the extra cost just to avoid the emotional roller coaster of transferring embryos that wouldn't implant or would eventually miscarry. This is our last attempt at baby #2 so hopefully it sticks!

    Agreed. We did IVF before and it didn't stick. I was worried about egg quality since I am AML. Best money spent!
    TTC since 2009 started going to RE 5/2011:
    Polyp removed/hypothyriod 6/2011
    7/2011 IUI#1 w/ 150 Follistim/Ovidrel trigger BFN
    8/2011 IUI#2 w/225 Follistim/Ovidrel trigger BFN
    10/2011 IUI#3 w/300 Follistim/Ovidrel trigger (BFP)
    beta #1: 195 beta#2: 502
    7/2013 Back to RE because my uterus is OLD Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    @bunkinmama, it looks like this one blew up, can we sticky it instead?
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    EDD 7/5/15
    I have two daughters, ages 2 and 3, and an angel in heaven.
    We have been TTC since June 2013.
    I have been on TB for 3 years, and I'm on CM and WTE, as well.
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    My EDD is 7/3/15 and this is my 5th pregnancy and 2nd child. I have a son who is 5. This is my first time on TB  :)
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    TamiS0415TamiS0415 member
    edited October 2014
    Hi everyone! This is my first time on TB. My EDD is 7/2. This will be my second child. My first pregnancy was 7 years ago so it's been a while. <3
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    I should probably give the answers myself. This will be my second, EDD July 5th. DD is 21 months old. It took four IUI's to get this one! I've been around the bump since 2008. I was a regular on botb, but honestly mainly hang on the Facebook group for that board and the J13 group.
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBabyFruit Ticker

    PCOS and Hypothyroidism- Successful IUI's- May 2012 and October 2014.  Miscarriage @ 6w3d in December 2009.
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    This is my second child, my DD was born in January. EDD is July 2nd. I was a regular on my previous BMB. 



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    This is our first!! We're due July 2nd :)
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    This is my first.  beta was 117 then 769 will test again monday EDD July 1st.
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    EDD July 1. This is my second. DS is 2. I was on TK back in 2009 and have been on TB Since TTC #1 in 2011. I was on TTGP for a few months, then S12. I used to also hang out on the cloth diaper board. I fell off TB when my board moved to FB but am back here now!
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    This will be our first, due July 2. I'm a long time lurker :)
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    ELauren88ELauren88 member
    edited November 2014
    This will be our 2nd. Not positive on the exact due date, yet. Could be late June or early July. Guess we'll see at the dating ultrasound!

    Update! Just had our first appt! EDD is July 3rd.


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