February 2015 Moms

Farewell (NOT A LOSS)


Re: Farewell (NOT A LOSS)

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    Thank you.
    Lilypie Maternity tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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    Thank you Sugah!
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    Word. These ladies are cray.
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    Alygohome said:
    this made my whole life

    Best gif ever!

    See ya OP. You will be missed since no one has a clue who you are.


    Thank God this wasn't a loss post like many of us thought it was. I'm sure you purposely used that post title to stir up drama. Pretty shitty of you.

    photo tumblr_mvhtjpmhbh1sg96flo1_r2_500_zpsed277910.gif

    CafeMom Tickers

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    No, not because you disagree. Because it's so terrible here to have any opinion other than that of the majority. Please, go find a gif for that.
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    ltut said:

    Word. These ladies are cray.

    Lilypie Maternity tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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    Please take the time to listen to the research since you have taken so much time arguing. Its posted.
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    ltut said:

    Please take the time to listen to the research since you have taken so much time arguing. Its posted.

    Several of us did and are not swayed. I don't think your sources and the research that you cited are strong enough to validate a change in my feelings towards the typical.
    Lilypie Maternity tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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    ltut said:

    Please take the time to listen to the research since you have taken so much time arguing. Its posted.

    Several of us did and are not swayed. I don't think your sources and the research that you cited are strong enough to validate a change in my feelings towards the typical.
    Oh, so you have taken an hour and a half to listen to what I posted?

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    ltut said:
    Please take the time to listen to the research since you have taken so much time arguing. Its posted.
    Several of us did and are not swayed. I don't think your sources and the research that you cited are strong enough to validate a change in my feelings towards the typical.
    Oh, so you have taken an hour and a half to listen to what I posted?
    Its an INFOMERCIAL. No thank you.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    IVF#1 - BFP 6/18/13 - Tommy born sleeping 10/1/13

    IVF#2 - BFN

    IVF#3 - BFP 6/5/14 EDD 2/14/15 TWIN BOYS  - MATTHEW AND TIMOTHY ARRIVE 12/2/14


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    So happy to see it's just a random. Like PP my heart sank for a minute. Thank you Sugah for updating the title
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    ltut said:

    ltut said:

    Please take the time to listen to the research since you have taken so much time arguing. Its posted.

    Several of us did and are not swayed. I don't think your sources and the research that you cited are strong enough to validate a change in my feelings towards the typical.
    Oh, so you have taken an hour and a half to listen to what I posted?

    I read well and I'm not interested in the whole flu shot thing because I'm not adamant about the flu shot being mandatory. I read your posts and attached content and am not swayed.
    Lilypie Maternity tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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    ltut said:
    Please take the time to listen to the research since you have taken so much time arguing. Its posted.
    Several of us did and are not swayed. I don't think your sources and the research that you cited are strong enough to validate a change in my feelings towards the typical.
    Oh, so you have taken an hour and a half to listen to what I posted?

    So...you don't have a scientific journal article that we can read? The only evidence you have is an hour and a half long webinar? Rrrright, please post something more accessible. Or is there so little evidence to support your viewpoint that that is the best you have?

    And how many different ways must we explain that alternative "opinions" on this topic endanger society?
    BFP 6/15/14   EDD: 2/24/15

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    Ducktale said:

    ltut said:

    ltut said:

    Please take the time to listen to the research since you have taken so much time arguing. Its posted.

    Several of us did and are not swayed. I don't think your sources and the research that you cited are strong enough to validate a change in my feelings towards the typical.
    Oh, so you have taken an hour and a half to listen to what I posted?

    So...you don't have a scientific journal article that we can read? The only evidence you have is an hour and a half long webinar? Rrrright, please post something more accessible. Or is there so little evidence to support your viewpoint that that is the best you have?

    And how many different ways must we explain that alternative "opinions" on this topic endanger society?


    The webinar is nothing but scientific peer reviewed journal articles.

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    Ducktale said:

    Every time this vaccine debate comes up we beg the antivaxxers to post research and by the time they actually link SOMETHING it's always a blog, op ed article, infomercial, etc. I have yet to see someone post a peer reviewed published scientific article or an alternative widely considered credible course.

    If you would take the time to read the post where i gave the link, it says peer reviewed.
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    I don't care about the selling stuff. Just listen to the explanation of research on the flu vaccine and howbthey come to their numbers on how many it really protects.
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    Well, nothing like being called a cunt for the first time in my life by a complete stranger. Glad I can mark that off my bucket list.

    I was once called a "cum dumpster" by a 13 year old. It was one of the highlights of my life.

    My friend had a cat named Cum Dumpster. It was an indoor/outdoor cat and he'd go outside and yell its name. True story.

    This made reading this thread worth my time. Now I know a name for my next pet...
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    @HerHighness‌ I <3 Downton Abbey, thank you!!
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    keskes008 said:
    @HerHighness‌ I <3 Downton Abbey, thank you!!</div>

    Me tooooo!!!
    Sarah, 35 bumping from NE Ohio
    Married my love 4/22/2006
    DD born 10/12/2009
    DS born sleeping 2/23/2013 full trisomy 18
    Baby 3 due 2/13/2015
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    Wow. The title, which I saw before the edit, actually made me tear up. I wasn't going to post anything because I haven't even introduced myself to F15 yet...(I was irrationally hesitant to jump in, but I've been super hard core lurking since my BFP and feel like I know you all so well). I don't mean to hijack this thread either, but the title just shook me. 

    I found out today that my best friend miscarried at 14 wks; we were just 2 wks apart and it was a blessing to have a bf to share in this incredible experience. My heart is just breaking for her. So devastating. I'm just praying for her and her family, and offering whatever support she needs and feels comfortable with. Ugh, I feel awful.
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    Cum Dumpster! !!! Hahahahaha! I just died laughing! My husband thinks I'm nuts!!!

    And who is OP??? I don't believe we have met. The board has been crazy the last few days!


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