March 2015 Moms

Vent and GTKY - Tacky shit

I have a friend, and she's dear to me, but she's pissing me off right now so I wanted to vent.  So she's a little fertile myrtle and declared last winter that she wanted to get pregnant in March.  Boom, she got pregnant in March just like she wanted and talked about it all the time.  She has a daughter and wanted a sister for her so she kept talking about how it better be a girl and that she was irritated the baby is going to be born in November because she hates the birth stone.  You can imagine how awesome this was to hear when I was in the thick of TTC spending thousands of dollars at my fertility clinic for the chance to have a baby of EITHER sex, but there you go.

She's always been kind of insensitive so I didn't say anything.  Well, she found out later that she's having a boy and of course she's disappointed.  She complained about not having anything for a boy in her house.  She's had several friends who had sons so I figured she would be fine with everyone giving her their old stuff.  I even took several bags of boy clothes to her house from my cousin even though she gave them to me for OUR kid but I figured since I don't know the sex there's no use in hoarding clothes I may or may not want.

She sent us a message asking us to host a baby shower for her because she didn't want to host one for herself.  I, personally, was appalled.  Another friend in our group was, too.  But everyone else seems to be perfectly happy doing it and one is even looking at ideas on Pinterest and we're expecting 30 people to show up to this thing.  THIRTY!!  For a second baby!!  Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but this seems totally 100% gift-grabby, which it is, essentially.  But the culture of this area (we call it The Region) seems to believe this is perfectly normal.

I just found out I was an admin on the Facebook invite page and I'm gritting my teeth in annoyance.  I want to voice my opinion and I complain to C about it (she's not very happy either) but then this girl has gone through a lot and she's done a lot for us so I'm keeping quiet.

But I wanted to bitch about it somewhere. 

Let's turn this into a GTKY!!!  What's the tackiest thing you've ever experienced?  Believe it or not, I have worse stories but I'll save those for another time.  For now I want to hear your faux pas from tacky family and friends :)


Re: Vent and GTKY - Tacky shit

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    I don't know if this is tacky, but, my grandma passed away in June. My dad got the news from one of his sisters via text.

    So my mom is going to use a text to tell them about the baby after my appointment tomorrow.
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    I have nothing tacky to contribute now but WOW to your friend, @wishiwaspreggo‌. She sounds like a peach.
    Me(29), DH (29)
    Married December 2011     TTC#1 Since November 2013
    Dec. 2013... BFP! 12/31/13... Natural M/C 1/29/14 (8 weeks)
    July 2014...BFP!... 17dpo beta 581...19dpo beta 1419!!.. stick baby, stick!
    EDD: 3/20/15.. It's a boy!

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    Oh dear. She is something special. If getting a boy vs a girl is her biggest pregnancy upset, man what I wouldn't do to be her! Very irritating to say the least. About the baby shower request. Yes, tacky to ask for one, but for a second baby it seems to be very hit and miss whether people mind it or not. It is 100% not my thing, proper etiquette or not and boy vs girl or not, it's just weird to me. The only exception being a long time frame between babies, IMO. I find that more and more people are OK with a 2nd, 3rd+ baby shower. I blame pinterest, LOL. Seriously people get excited to plan parties whatever excuss they can make. As for me. The tackiest thing I've experienced? Hmmm.... I can't think at the moment, I know there are a few, but on the baby shower note... one of my best friends has had a baby shower for all three of her kids. Girl, girl and boy. I love her to death and I don't really think it was her choice (family pressure), but there's a time to put your foot down. If it was a pamper the mom party, or a no-gift baby celebration or a "sprinkle" where people bring just baby books, clothes, etc...that would've been a bit different. But nope, it was a full blown shower with each. Eek!
    3 MCs
    1 Rainbow Baby: Born 4/4/15
    BFP: 4/23/17  EDD 1/5/18
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    Holy shit @MauiBliss‌ , what a horrible bitch.

    My tackiest experience was unfortunately my own bridal shower. My SIL hosted it, and one day asked me if there was a special item I wanted not on my registry. I thought about it and told her our camera broke, so I guess it would be nice to get for our honeymoon.

    Around comes the shower, and I get like 3 wrapped presents, which I thought was weird. Then I opened the envelopes.... turns out my SIL told my guests to bring cash instead of presents. She told all of them that I preferred cash so I could buy a camera. I. Was. Mortified.
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    @MauiBliss‌ say what!? That is just ugh! I cannot even use my words to how utterly distasteful both of those situations are!

                BabyFruit Ticker
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    @wishiwaspreggo‌ That would be so frustrating!

    Not sure if this counts as tacky or just cruel. My mother and father divorced when I was 16. Five years later my father brought the engagement ring he bought for his soon to be fiance to my mother's funeral to show it off to my uncle (my mother's brother) and other family. He did not see anything wrong with this after being questioned about it.


    For suzyq0525

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    My face was seriously like this reading your post, @wishiwaspreggo‌:

    image hahahahaha that pic always gets me....

    But seriously, your friend sounds obnoxious.. To put it nicely. Very gift grabby and she sounds super entitled. I'm sorry you have to deal with that.

    Mine would be what my mom did over the weekend. I posted about it in the random thread over the weekend, but she frequently acts like an entitled bitch and that she's better than you. I called her out for the ALS challenge and she posted a video of herself in a raincoat that covered her and she said "I'm going to do this MY way" and opened a giant umbrella over her head. Then my SIL proceeded to pour the ice water over the umbrella and my mom didn't get a drop on her. I joked with her about how that didn't even count and she started insulting me calling me a silly little girl for challenging her challenge, and then proceeded to throw a fit that this is why she doesn't post things on FB because of negative comments. /:) She wouldn't survive M15 after 5 minutes...

    I also have many more from other people, but that's the most recent.
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    cafecremecafecreme member
    edited August 2014
    Me and DH's family are pretty tacky and annoying when it comes to family functions (baby showers, wedding showers, weddings). 

    I think the tackiest/most annoying function was a baby shower I went to years ago for DH's cousin. It was at her mom's house- a simple, 2000 sq ft home, with 60 people invited, and pretty much everyone came. There wasn't even room to move, and I had to sit on the floor. Food wasn't served until hours after, and it wasn't enough to feed everyone. I was seriously starving. Also, the MTB was almost 2 hours late. Imagine having to just sit on the floor, doing nothing for 2 whole hours. She also had us write out our own address's on the thank you card envelopes. A baby shower that was suppose to last for 2-3 hours ended up being a whole day thing (5ish hours). Ugh. Just typing about it gets me raging. 

    I also went to a wedding 2 years ago where there was a 3.5 hour gap between the ceremony and reception, and we were out of town (2 hours away)(I was also 8 weeks pregnant and had bad m/s) . There was no place for me and my party to stay. We ended up hanging out in a hotel lobby the whole time. We had someone do a Wendy's run because we were starving by the time the reception started. 

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    I guess the things I am requesting for our baby shower is the location and we only have one shower.
    I am not big on baby showers, but I know both sides of the family will want to have one. So I gave my mom, my mil, and my fil my mothers information and just requested that they have the shower in a centrally located place so that both sides don't have to drive to far to attend.
    Family parties always stress me out to no end. Only because both of our parents are divorced so you end up always hurting someone's feelings. Someone can't be around the other, and instead if focusing on the occasion, they focus on their own misgivings and insecurities of their own failed marriage. It's soo obnoxious and tiring.
    Sorry went on a tangent I wasn't intending to go on. I just have a lot of pent up aggression towards our family.

                BabyFruit Ticker
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    Holy shit @MauiBliss‌ , what a horrible bitch. My tackiest experience was unfortunately my own bridal shower. My SIL hosted it, and one day asked me if there was a special item I wanted not on my registry. I thought about it and told her our camera broke, so I guess it would be nice to get for our honeymoon. Around comes the shower, and I get like 3 wrapped presents, which I thought was weird. Then I opened the envelopes.... turns out my SIL told my guests to bring cash instead of presents. She told all of them that I preferred cash so I could buy a camera. I. Was. Mortified.
    OMG!!!!!  Yikes, that totally sucks!  I hope you were able to at least buy a nice camera with the money, but yeah, I would definitely be embarrassed.  At least it wasn't *truly* your fault though!
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    Holy shit @MauiBliss‌ , what a horrible bitch. My tackiest experience was unfortunately my own bridal shower. My SIL hosted it, and one day asked me if there was a special item I wanted not on my registry. I thought about it and told her our camera broke, so I guess it would be nice to get for our honeymoon. Around comes the shower, and I get like 3 wrapped presents, which I thought was weird. Then I opened the envelopes.... turns out my SIL told my guests to bring cash instead of presents. She told all of them that I preferred cash so I could buy a camera. I. Was. Mortified.
    OMG!!!!!  Yikes, that totally sucks!  I hope you were able to at least buy a nice camera with the money, but yeah, I would definitely be embarrassed.  At least it wasn't *truly* your fault though!
    I would of sent an apology letter to everyone, and exclaim that it wasn't your idea, just so you're in the clear. lol 

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    vargasgurlvargasgurl member
    edited August 2014
    Someone I know ... Was engaged to this girl. When the engagement was called off he ended up getting the ring back (I think she gave it back) well fast forward he met a girl and proposed to her .... Used the same stone but changed the setting a little. I thought it was tacky because it just has a "bad experience" behind it. I am sure if the fiancé knew she would NOT be happy! I never said anything!
    < image
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    OP that sounds like a swell friend there :)

    Tackiest thing I experienced was my best friends baby shower that her cousin hosted.  They have a very large family and expected about 50 guests. In each invite there was confetti - which immediately irritated me when I opened it, and then in the invite not only were we told to bring diapers but also what size diapers and what size clothes to bring. Since there were so many guests expected they didn't want all the same size. I was angry that I had to be told what size outfit to buy. 

    Husband and Wife 2010
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    TTC #2 Since Aug 2012
    DX PCOS 7.25.13
    Started Metformin 7.2013
    DH SA results 6.19.14 - Too few normal sperm
    8.13.14 - SURPRISE BFP - EDD 3/30/14 Based on LMP
    MMC 9/24/14, D&C 9/25/14 13w3d, Measured at 7w4d
    3.14.15 BFP #3 - EDD 11/11/15 based on LMP
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    Cringe.... People suck.

    Here's mine - two of my cousins and I all got married the same year.

    Wedding 1 was HUGE 300+ people. A distant cousin was invited with her husband and two daughters. The daughters were probably around 15 and 16. It was the first time many of us even met them.

    Wedding 2 (smaller event) is approaching and distant cousin is only invited with her husband. She calls my my aunt and asks if a certain much older guy was going to be at the wedding. My aunt said "yes he's actually A's (the groom) brother. Distant cousin replies "oh good! Can I bring DD1 and DD2, DD2 thought he was cute and really wants to be introduced to him." Keep in mind she is only 15 years old!! My aunt totally caught of guard said well he has a girlfriend but sure you can bring your daughters.

    Fast forward to my wedding (also a smaller event) and distant cousin pulls the same shit!! My mom also caught off guard agreed that her daughters could come to my wedding as well. When she found out the guy her daughter was after was not invited to my wedding she asks my mom "does J (my H) have any cute single friends coming?" I mean what the actual fuck are you doing trying to whore out your teenage daughter to 30+ year old men!? Anyway then this little hussy shows up on a bright white sparkly dress. And she pretty much bulldozed my girlfriends so she could catch the bouquet.

    Needless to say they were never invited to any other family events.

    Totally. Fucking. Tacky.
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    MauiBliss said:
    Tackiest was a wedding I was invited to. We were out of town guests so I was not going to make the shower or the bachelorette party. The host of the shower and the bachelorette sent me a special note in my invitations to not only the shower and party but also to the wedding detailing what gift I was to send, how it was to be wrapped and when it was to be shipped by. And I was assigned a gift for all three things! 

    I politely stated that my husband was doing their invitations, for free, and we would be bringing a gift to the wedding. I was called and told that no, I would send my two gifts for the events I couldn't attend and I would be buying The Gift Assigned To Me for the wedding because the bride and groom really didn't want random stuff for which they didn't register.

    I ignored the whole thing and we brought a gift from their registry that wasn't purchased yet. I never got a thank you note for that gift. 

    Second tackiest would be SIL at her first wedding. She had a gift opening party after the wedding and after opening each gift, ranked it according to value and use. We got them a wine rack they'd registered for. They didn't thank us at the party nor afterward and put it in the "cheap" pile. 

    holy.shit. she ASSIGNED gifts?!?! I've never heard of anything so tacky in my life, and I'm sorry you had to deal with such an insane situation! 

    CafeMom Tickers

    October Siggy Challenge, Halloween Costume Fail


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    Wow at all the tacky in here. I have two pretty good ones.

    This girl I went to HS with and am FB friends with just recently got married. She is a blur of tacky. I'm just going to list of some of the tackier FB gems.

    Posting updates about her weight leading up to the wedding. 127...118, "I'm almost human-looking again!"

    Asking for people to pitch in on her electric bill and watch her kids for free,then the next week talking about going to blow her entire paycheck on her wedding dress and shoes.

    "J and I are throwing our own joint bridal shower, everyone's invited! We made a registry on Amazon, and hometown peeps (she moved across the country) can just send cash or gift cards. Thanks!!! Oh and we need help throwing it too, so let me know if u can help!! It's going to be a blast!" Registry included such items as TVs and exercise equipment.

    The actual wedding ended up taking place on an inner tube in the river. Their "wedding picture" is her in a white bikini, veil, and dirty tennis shoes and him in a pair of shorts with no shirt, kissing in what looks like a park...directly in front of a trashcan. For real. I saved the pic but won't post it because I'm not that big of a dick.

    The other one was a girl I went to beauty school with. I hadn't kept in touch but we were FB friends. About a year after we graduated she got KU with her 3rd boy and decided to throw herself a shower. She invited people via group message in FB, then when pretty much no one came, she sent us all a message calling us bitches and that now she's going to have to buy everything herself and knows who her real friends are now.




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    Tackiest wedding was last summer. I was a bridesmaid and she was a total bridezilla. The moh dropped out of the wedding a week before the big day. Guests were told to go to the reception venue immediately following the ceremony...they had to wait 2 hours for the wedding party to arrive. Totally ridiculous. The couple also decided they weren't going to do a dinner and did light appetizers only. They ordered enough for maybe 30 people when there were over 100 guests. All the food was gone by the time we arrived so we had to buy our own dinners from the restaurant downstairs.

    Tackiest thing ever, the day after my grandma died one of my relatives started going through the house making a pile of the things she wanted saying "E always wanted me to have this." Little did she know that my grandma kept very detailed notes about who was supposed to get what.

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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    At my wedding my husbands family came to the restaurant where we were having dinner (no real reception we just all went to a nice place to eat) and they sat separate from everyone else, only interacted with one another and then left before everyone else and the money they left to cover their portion of the check was not sufficient so my friends and family and my husband and I all had to pitch in extra money to cover their share. I though that was pretty tacky
    BabyFetus Ticker

    DD May 2005 MC Nov. 2012
    MC Aug. 2014
    Chemical Feb. 2015
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    kelseypie said:
    Wow at all the tacky in here. I have two pretty good ones. This girl I went to HS with and am FB friends with just recently got married. She is a blur of tacky. I'm just going to list of some of the tackier FB gems. Posting updates about her weight leading up to the wedding. 127...118, "I'm almost human-looking again!" Asking for people to pitch in on her electric bill and watch her kids for free,then the next week talking about going to blow her entire paycheck on her wedding dress and shoes. "J and I are throwing our own joint bridal shower, everyone's invited! We made a registry on Amazon, and hometown peeps (she moved across the country) can just send cash or gift cards. Thanks!!! Oh and we need help throwing it too, so let me know if u can help!! It's going to be a blast!" Registry included such items as TVs and exercise equipment. The actual wedding ended up taking place on an inner tube in the river. Their "wedding picture" is her in a white bikini, veil, and dirty tennis shoes and him in a pair of shorts with no shirt, kissing in what looks like a park...directly in front of a trashcan. For real. I saved the pic but won't post it because I'm not that big of a dick. The other one was a girl I went to beauty school with. I hadn't kept in touch but we were FB friends. About a year after we graduated she got KU with her 3rd boy and decided to throw herself a shower. She invited people via group message in FB, then when pretty much no one came, she sent us all a message calling us bitches and that now she's going to have to buy everything herself and knows who her real friends are now.

    Holy crap. the second one makes me want to smack the girl. FB message is just so formal...

    Also, I absolutely LOVE your image in your signature, Christopher Walken dancing is the best 

    CafeMom Tickers

    October Siggy Challenge, Halloween Costume Fail


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    nik6499 said:

    At my wedding my husbands family came to the restaurant where we were having dinner (no real reception we just all went to a nice place to eat) and they sat separate from everyone else, only interacted with one another and then left before everyone else and the money they left to cover their portion of the check was not sufficient so my friends and family and my husband and I all had to pitch in extra money to cover their share. I though that was pretty tacky

    This reminded me so much of my wedding.

    We had reserved tables that only my family seemed to observe while dhs mothers side sat across the room.
    My fil's wife showed up to the wedding drunk. They only stayed up till we cut the cake and then they had to escort her out before she caused a scene. My fil and his wife also missed the rehearsal dinner for reasons they never explained nor apologized for.
    My mils side also all left quickly after dinner to make the 3 hour drive back to their home town when I had made hotel reservations for all of them to stay. Bleh. Whatever. I had a wonderful wedding beyond those few snafus.

                BabyFruit Ticker
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    These are great to read. I have been so sick the last couple days that this site is my only real entertainment.

    My tacky story is from my baby shower when I was pregnant with DD1. My mom and sisters put together a fantastic party and my grandparents were even able to travel from out of state to attend. It was amazing with all of my closest friends and my awesome family. So I opened a gift and it was from my out of state cousin. It was just a piddly little gift she sent so that she could send a card that had instructions for me to read out loud. So I read the card and she announced her pregnancy to all of my friends that didn't even know her and my family at my baby shower. I just thought it was tacky to take a day about my family starting and turn it into being about her. She has always been an AW.

    I guess that isn't so bad, but it the worst I can think of.
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    @MauiBliss‌ Assigned gifts? WTF! I don't even have words to describe how offensive that is.

    @kelseypie‌ Inner tube wedding? Lol think of all the money we could have saved on weddings!

    @vargasgurl‌ I might know of a similar story and I was fiancé #1 who returned the ring. I guess he gave the exact same ring to his wife and a year later she found out that he had originally given it to me and was furious. So she demands another ring and he buys it for her. The story goes (and obviously I'm hearing it third hand) that she then decides she doesn't like ring #2 as much as #1 and asks him to have a third ring made with the diamond from the first. I have to admit I found this all a little amusing :-)
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    I don't know if tacky is the right word for mine but it's irritating as shit so I'm gonna throw it in... Our best friends asked us to babysit their 2 1/2 year old son for the day/evening Saturday so they could go out and celebrate their anniversary. We of course said no problem, but I mentioned to my GF that if I was having a rough day sickness-wise I might send DH for part of the day by himself so I could rest. This was unacceptable to her, as she said her son was too much of a handful for him to handle on his own. Exhibit A: I might be biased, but DH is truly amazing with kids. In fact, he ends up single-handedly entertaining/looking after their son half the time we hang out while the rest of us visit. Exhibit B: Uh, he's about to be a dad. Does this mean he shouldn't be left alone with our kid? Exhibit C: We are doing this as a favour - beggars/choosers? I know I'm overreacting but I just found it so insulting. She told me if we couldn't both be there the whole time, it was no problem and she'd just ask her mom. Anyway, Saturday rolls around and low and behold, both DH and I feel like shit. I text GF and she says NP, her mom was expecting to look after him anyway. Then yesterday she texts and starts giving me the Spanish Inquisition on whether we were both really not feeling well, blah blah blah. So I lost it and told her frankly it was a slap in the face to DH that he couldn't be trusted to take care of their son by himself. She was totally taken aback and acted like that was never implied. SO ANNOYING. She's like a sister to me but man, sometimes in the worst ways! Her son in 3 in November, still breast feeds, still sleeps in a crib, still gets taken everywhere in a stroller. I'm not a mom yet so maybe I don't have the right to comment but seriously, cut the umbilical cord! Sorry, that was a long one. End rant.

    Married the most patient man on the planet:  May 16, 2009
    Me:  30; DH:  30

    BFP:  June 25, 2014; EDD:  March 9/10, 2015
    4 fur babies:  2 dogs & 2 cats

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    Two things: an old friend if mine was getting married, her BFF & MOH was throwing the bachelorette party but since most the invitees didn't run the same circles as the bride, bride started collecting money for the party, but when it came time to give money to MOH, bride admitted that she spent most of the money and it wasn't her fault because she should have never been held accountable for collecting the money

    And my sister also planned, set up the date & time for her bridal shower & bachelorette party because she lives out of town & it would be easier for her to do it... She has also planned the timeframe for her baby shower (winter break when she comes into town), but she's not KTFU yet
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

    BFP 8/28/07, M/C 11/10/07

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    My BFP Chart|DIY obsessed

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    Omg these stories are Super tacky!!
    Sucks that some people can be so self centered and obnoxious

    Mine is basically about my brother's tacky girlfriends who basically guilt tripped him into missing my 16th,18th,21st and 22nd birthdays ... I'll be surprised if him and his girlfriend will even show up to my baby shower or bring my niece.

    Not tacky enough compared to some of the stories you guys shared but i'll probably have more as time goes on!
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    Tackiest thing I've ever seen was a wedding registry for a couple's wedding my mom was going to. They registered very few inexpensive items at Bed, Bath & Beyond which were of course already purchased. The other two choices for guests were to give money.

    One site helped them gather money for a down payment for their first house (lol). Here's a sample registry page as a demo so you can see what it looks like: You mouse-over different aspects of the house, and "buy" one for them. They get the cash.

    The other option was to pay for things for them to do on their honeymoon, including the plane tickets and hotel. Here's another demo registry:

    Both of these last options were just "cute" ways to ask for money. Both my mom and I were mortified.


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    MauiBliss said:
    Tackiest was a wedding I was invited to. We were out of town guests so I was not going to make the shower or the bachelorette party. The host of the shower and the bachelorette sent me a special note in my invitations to not only the shower and party but also to the wedding detailing what gift I was to send, how it was to be wrapped and when it was to be shipped by. And I was assigned a gift for all three things! 

    I politely stated that my husband was doing their invitations, for free, and we would be bringing a gift to the wedding. I was called and told that no, I would send my two gifts for the events I couldn't attend and I would be buying The Gift Assigned To Me for the wedding because the bride and groom really didn't want random stuff for which they didn't register.

    I ignored the whole thing and we brought a gift from their registry that wasn't purchased yet. I never got a thank you note for that gift. 

    Second tackiest would be SIL at her first wedding. She had a gift opening party after the wedding and after opening each gift, ranked it according to value and use. We got them a wine rack they'd registered for. They didn't thank us at the party nor afterward and put it in the "cheap" pile. 
    I have to ask - how were you told to wrap it? How many different ways are there??

    But it's OK. Because:

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    I'm trying to think of a good one, but have nothing to add at this point other than @hollmb‌ I live in MN and am so damn sad I wasn't invited to that wedding. It sounds like quite the spectacle.

    I'll for sure let you know if they ever decide to renew their vows! Haha. They did eventually start a fire outside once the rain stopped so a few at a time could dry off. Unfortunately for me I happened to be at the fire the same time as my sister's crying ex boyfriend, so yeah that also happened.
    @estamos_tomamos‌ I will very seriously ask around for pictures. There wasn't a photographer but people had cell phones. They have to exist!
    BabyFruit Ticker 
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    daizedoo said:
    Tackiest thing I've ever seen was a wedding registry for a couple's wedding my mom was going to. They registered very few inexpensive items at Bed, Bath & Beyond which were of course already purchased. The other two choices for guests were to give money.

    One site helped them gather money for a down payment for their first house (lol). Here's a sample registry page as a demo so you can see what it looks like: You mouse-over different aspects of the house, and "buy" one for them. They get the cash.

    The other option was to pay for things for them to do on their honeymoon, including the plane tickets and hotel. Here's another demo registry:

    Both of these last options were just "cute" ways to ask for money. Both my mom and I were mortified.

    Actually, this is the sort of thing I'd do for my own wedding registry *ducks*

    The reason being C and I have everything we need to make a home!  We've been together an entire decade.  Anything we've ever wanted or needed, we've already bought for ourselves.

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    Actually, this is the sort of thing I'd do for my own wedding registry *ducks*

    The reason being C and I have everything we need to make a home!  We've been together an entire decade.  Anything we've ever wanted or needed, we've already bought for ourselves.

    Your situation makes a lot more sense, though. These folks are barely out of college, don't make a ton of money, and to ask for their guests to give them money to pay for their honeymoon excursions and house payment seemed awfully tacky to me. If people want to give money, they will.


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    Wow. There are tons of tacky/bad situations on here. I can't believe people sometimes...

    Well, my tacky situtation occured just recently. My husband and I were baptizing my daughter and we were throwing a small brunch at our place afterwards as a reception. So as background info, my MIL asked if she could do anything to help. I mentioned if she wanted, we would really appreciate it if she could bring a fruit salad. She said she would and she was overall just happy to pitch in. (I normally don't ask for help and do all planning and prep on my own which is why she was ahppy to help). So the night before the baptism, my MIL comes over to our place with my SIL to cut the fruit for the fruit salad. My SIL lives down the street and she instantly says, "I didn't want her to cut the fruit at my house because I didn't want her to make a mess." Then she says, well "Why is she doing this anyways? I had the Ninas and Ninos do everything for my daughter's baptism". (lie, I was there and they only brought a cake.) I told her that her mom asked to help and that was the end of that.

    Then I go to the back room and put my daughter down to sleep. I have a very small house and can hear everything still being said in the kitchen. So my SIL starts talking to a family friend visiting and says to her, "I don't like her name (my daughter). Her name is too long. It's Adrianni, not even Adrianna. They should have named her something else. It's not a cute name..."

    To change the topic, our family friend asks my SIL if she wanted other kids. She first says she doesn't and then she goes on a rant on how much she thinks it's a bad idea to have more than one kid and basically continues her talking shit spree. (she knows i'm pregnant with baby #2).

    So my husband gets home and sees that something is bothering me. He asked me what was up and I told him what his sister had said. He texted her and she instantly called yelling at me. Asking why I was saying she was talking shit when she wasn't. I was like you were! You're in my house, the night before my daughter's baptism and decide to talk hella shit while I'm putting her down. It's hella rude. There's no need for it. Basically she continued to say she wasn't talking shit and she was just voicing her opinion. She made it seem like I was just being sensitive because I was pregnant. I told her that the family friend she was talking to also thought what she had said was hella rude and inappropriate. So not only does she call me at like 11p, she then calls our family friend's bf and tells him to control his woman and started calling her two faced. She kept them up yelling about how she wasn't being rude or out of line well past midnight.

    After this, she sends a text to my husband saying how she was sorry for what she said. "She didn't mean anything by it and I blew it out of proportion because I must be hormonal." She never apologized to me or our family friend. laws....

  • Options let's see...

    My wedding weekend, I get a call from my sister that she can't come to Disneyland with the rest of the bridal party because she got arrested!  But that she'd do me the favor and bail herself out so she can make the wedding.

    Then come the actual wedding day, she shows up late complaining the whole time.  Goes to get ready, asks for scissors and cuts the straps on the bridesmaid dress she chose and turns it into a halter style dress, complaining all the time about how much she hates it and it doesn't fit right (she didn't take it to get altered and rejected ALL other dresses until she finally picked this one herself--she had new breast implants and didn't like how the dresses looked on them), then she pulls out her 6 inch LITERAL stripper heels to wear with the dress -.-

    Then by the time we made it to the offsite reception hall she'd changed into her hot pink Juicy Couture track suit with bikini top underneath--which then led to my Dad changing out of his suit and into casual clothes, essentially ruining the father daughter dance pictures etc. 

    I think that qualifies as tacky...
    photo 2eaeec32-4781-4bd4-a9e0-fe86f486b516.jpg

    ~~~~For SuzyQ and all our loss moms~~~~

    Met: 02.2007 / Engaged: 11.21.2009 / Married: 07.09.2010
    EDD: 03.02.2015 / Scheduled Delivery Date: 02.25.2015


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    These are some amazing train wrecks!

    I didn't find out about my bil and his baby mamma being pregnant till i saw a cryptic message on fb.
    I had to call my mil to ask if they were expecting. My bil didn't have the guts to tell us his gf of 4 months was pregnant.
    Now here's the best part! My bil is now paying for a paternity test, because there is a question on when did she get pregnant, and his baby momma was especially secretive about her pregnancy, even to him. Oh and let's not forget about her little opiate addiction.... But I digress..
    My mil and family had openly supported the idea of throwing a bay shower for her and my bil, however when it came time to make the invitations she only gave names and phone numbers to some 30 people?! My H's aunt, who was going to host, backed out because she was soo done dealing with her!

                BabyFruit Ticker
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    @holimb  I am so curious where this wedding was!  I live in Minnesota on Lake Superior and I'm wondering if I know about this wedding.  It sounds so familiar.  Not anyone I know but someone mentioned something about something similar on Facebook a while back.

    Oh, and it's impossible to be on the North Shore and be 5 hours from a city, but yeah, it's pretty isolated up here!

    B born 7/15/13, C born 3/2/15, #3 on the way May '17

    I’m a modern man, a man for the millennium. Digital and smoke free. A diversified multi-cultural, post-modern deconstruction that is anatomically and ecologically incorrect. I’ve been up linked and downloaded, I’ve been inputted and outsourced, I know the upside of downsizing, I know the downside of upgrading. I’m a high-tech low-life. A cutting edge, state-of-the-art bi-coastal multi-tasker and I can give you a gigabyte in a nanosecond! I’m new wave, but I’m old school and my inner child is outward bound. I’m a hot-wired, heat seeking, warm-hearted cool customer, voice activated and bio-degradable. I interface with my database, my database is in cyberspace, so I’m interactive, I’m hyperactive and from time to time I’m radioactive.

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