July 2014 Moms

NT scan ultrasound-not good results-update on page 3

melitabonitamelitabonita member
edited January 2014 in July 2014 Moms
We just had our first u/s yesterday and while we were so excited to see our baby for the first time, it was one of my saddest days. The doctor came in to inform us that thing didn't look good at all and pretty much told us there is something wrong with our baby. He gave us a referral to a specialist and we are doing the blood test.

I am so upset because I see other people that this happens to and they get some sort of odds like 1 in 50 etc. We were told nothing like that. I have done nothing but cry and I just don't even want to get on with my life as normal. I feel like my world just came crashing down.

Re: NT scan ultrasound-not good results-update on page 3

  • I'm so sorry. When will you do the blood tests and have more conclusive results?
    Pass the sheet cake.

  • They took my blood right after the u/s was over, so now its just a waiting game. They said 4-5 days. I have a feeling trying to schedule an appt with the specialist is going to be a huge pain in the butt.
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  • I am so sorry to hear this.

    Maybe the Dr has a crappy bedside manner and went the drastic route instead of going over all the possibilities?

    I hope everything works out for you and the baby is fine.

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  • So sorry to hear this :( Praying for you!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Thinking of you...some doctors are the worst at delivering news. Hope getting in to see the specialist isn't too much trouble! Keep us posted.
  • I'm sorry melita, hoping for a positive outcome for you with your blood test. What did they see that indicated to them that something was wrong?



  • I'm so sorry you're going through this. I'll be keeping you in my prayers, for the best possible outcome!
    BabyFruit Ticker


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    BFP 11/18/13. EDD 7/25/14. It's a BOY! 

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  • tourqeyes said:
    I'm sorry melita, hoping for a positive outcome for you with your blood test. What did they see that indicated to them that something was wrong?
    They said that the nuchal translucency was very thick. He said thicker than he has ever seen. I could have sworn he said it was 4mm though an in looking online I have seen people with double that, so I don't know if he hasn't seen much, or what.
  • I am so sorry to hear that. I can't imagine the pain you must be going through. Please keep us posted. We're keeping you in our thoughts and prayers!
  • So sorry you're going through this.
  • I'm sorry you're going through this.

    M/C: 1/24/2010


    CAUTIOUSLY expecting Jace in July August 2014

    Old Bumpie, New name 
  • I'm sorry you're dealing with this and I hope you get answers quickly!

  • tourqeyes said:
    I'm sorry melita, hoping for a positive outcome for you with your blood test. What did they see that indicated to them that something was wrong?
    They said that the nuchal translucency was very thick. He said thicker than he has ever seen. I could have sworn he said it was 4mm though an in looking online I have seen people with double that, so I don't know if he hasn't seen much, or what.
    Thinking of you and positive results for your blood test!



  • I'm so sorry you're going through this!! I had a friend who's baby had 4mm  and turned out perfectly healthy! Is there another maternal fetal u/s place you can go to for a second opinion- before going down the road of seeing a specialist?
    I hope everything turns out okay for you!

    "Hope is when we feel the pain that makes us try again." 

    BabyFruit Ticker

  • I'm so sorry you're going through this. I hope you get your results quickly! I hope everything turns out ok for you!
    Married 5/21/2011
    DD 1 10/2012
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    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Thoughts and prayers ...please keep us posted
  • *hugs* having mine done today, so will be right there with you waiting.
  • Please get a second opinion I had something similar ( I was told I had a partial molar due to the way my placenta looked) and they wanted to abort it and I went to a specialist and got a second opinion and he sees nothing like that- please please get a second opinion
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Thanks everyone for keeping me in your Ts and Ps. I will keep everyone posted.

    Normally googling is bad but honestly googling has made me feel somewhat better.

    I think the doctor had terrible bedside manner and if I find out everything seems to be ok with baby, I plan on filing some sort of complaint.
  • I'm so sorry!! I hope the doctor was flat out wrong. I'd consider a second opinion, unless the specialist will fulfil that and be better prepared to read the US.

  • Keeping you in my thoughts....
  • Like others said, I hope this dr just had crappy bedside manor. Prayers that everything is fine and that you get positive results.
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

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  • Praying for your heart and that this doctor is wrong!!! Lifting you up. I'm so sorry that you have to go through this

    TTC Since March 2012 | BFP October 19th 2013 | Est Arrival July 3rd 2014

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  • I am so sorry! I will be thinking of you. I hope you get more information and some answers, and hopefully it was just your dr sucking.
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  • Definitely keeping you and your little one in my thoughts and prayers.  Please keep us updated!  Hope that the blood test results come back with great news.

  • Seems your doc was all negative and didn't explain much about what he saw just saying scary stuff. Not a fan, I think either a specialist or just a different doc's 2nd opinion would be great. Will be thinking of you and your little one.
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  • Prayers! Hopefully the blood work will show different results and you have a more compassionate doctor.

    BFP #1 11.10.13 EDD 07.22.14 Stick baby cake!
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  • Praying for you and baby that all is ok!

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  • I'm so sorry. Hang in there!
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  • Oh how awful to have this wait. Hopefully your doctor was mistaken. Praying for you now.
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  • Prayers for you sweetie!  I agree with all the others on here, get a second opinion from a doc who actually has a decent bedside manner!
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  • I'm sorry. Your doctor sounds very thoughtless. I hope everything turns out okay.
  • So sorry you are going through this, hoping for positive results for the baby!!

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  • Sending prayers your way that the doctor was just an a$$hole and things aren't as bad as they seem. Hang in there mama.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I'm so sorry. I hope everything turns out okay.
  • So sorry that you are going through this! I'm hopeful that your blood test comes back quickly and has better news... It sounds like either way your doctor could work on bedside manner and helping patients understand what is happening.

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • edited January 2014
    Stupid doc, get a 2nd opinion. No reason to scare you like that! Edit: I'll be thinking positive thoughts for you and your LO! :)
    Me: 30, DH: 35
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    IAmPregnant Ticker
  • Sending you vibes.  I am sorry the doctor wasn't better at bedside manner and wasn't able to explain things more thoroughly to you.  That really frustrates me for you.  I hope you are able to get answers soon.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

  • I know I'm late to reply in this thread but I just wanted to let you know that 4mm isn't that much more than the normal range of up to 3.5mm.
    I'm sorry your dr had a horrible bedside manner. Just know that you've get a whole community praying for you and your little!
    BabyFruit Ticker}
  • So sorry to hear this! I hope the wait goes by fast and everything turns out well. I'll say a prayer for you and dear baby.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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