July 2014 Moms

NT scan ultrasound-not good results-update on page 3


Re: NT scan ultrasound-not good results-update on page 3

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    Thanks so much ladies. I was kind of avoiding the bump for the past week (after I had originally made this post). Honestly I'm struggling a little bit seeing healthy babies/kids.

    I work in a town (directly with the public, I do hair) where it seems a lot of families there have 4-6, sometimes 7 or 8 or even more children. So I see these people who were given all of these healthy children and I just break down inside wondering why I might not even get one.

    We haven't told our parents yet that I am pregnant, and my husband really wants to tell them all because he thinks their support will be helpful. I feel ashamed though, like my family would be sad that I can't make a healthy baby, and his family would be upset that I can't give their son a healthy baby.

    I hope I don't sound too crazy but I really don't have anyone that I can say all of these things to.
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    Oh honey, there is no reason to feel ashamed, this is NOT YOUR FAULT.

    Do you know when you get the harmony results? Thinking of you.
    Pass the sheet cake.

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    kleMcK said:
    Oh honey, there is no reason to feel ashamed, this is NOT YOUR FAULT.

    Do you know when you get the harmony results? Thinking of you.
    Thank you. We will get those results in 9-13 days (10-14 but they took my blood yesterday)
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    I can't imagine what you are feeling. My thoughts are with you and your family. Please don't blame yourself, this is nobody's fault.
    BabyFetus TickerBabyFruit Ticker

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    Melita, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
    We found out his week that there is a 50 percent chance of passing a genetic disorder on that I had no idea even existed. We mourned the idea of the perfect child but already love the thing we've seen moving on the US. We told just out parents but no one else.... Not wanting judgements.
    But there is no right or wrong ways to feel. You are already being a great mom by being loving and concerned and searching for help and opinions. There are still so many tests out there, but keep taking care of yourself. Every pregnancy has unexpected outcomes within the next 18 years. I work in labor and delivery and I know whatever happens. There will simply be so much love.
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    Sending many thoughts and prayers your way.  Lean on your husband and your family - they love you and will love your child no matter what!  

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    This is absolutely not your fault, so please, please, please try not to blame yourself! And also, if your family is unsupportive, that's on them, not you.

    So many hugs to you right now! I hope everything turns out perfectly fine!
    BabyFruit Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I am so sorry you are going through this.  Try to take a deep breath and wait for the results to come back before panicking too much.  It is absolutely not your fault and if you let yourself fall down that hole, it is so hard to climb back out.  Hugs.

    13 yr old boy with ASD, ADHD and PICA, 11 yr old boy, 3 yr old Girl, & baby Girl.



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    Thinking of you ((hugs)) this is in know way your fault. Please take care of yourself. 

    image image   image

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Anniversary

    BFP#1 9/25/10 DD born 6/9/11
    BFP#2 8/1/13 MC 8/31/13
    BFP#3 11/2/13 EDD 7/15/14 Stick baby Stick
    1st u/s 11/26/13 at 7w, measuring right on track and a heartbeat of 139bpm
    NT Scan 1/6/14 at 12w 6d, normal healthy squirmy baby measuring right on track heartbeat of 147bpm
    1st 2nd tri Scan 2/3/14 at 16w 6d, very healthy baby BOY!
    A/S 3/4/14 still a very healthy BOY, measuring right on track!
    DS born 7/9/14

    All always welcome

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    I know it's easier said than done, but try not to focus too much on the unknown. You know you have a baby growing inside you. Love that baby and love yourself. <3
    *TW* Losses Mentioned
    9.6.12 - Crazy J entered the world

    4.30.14 - Sweet Angel Micah John lost to T18 at 7 months pregnant
    2.8.16 Miscarriage at 6 weeks
    4.30.16 BFP *stick baby stick*

    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerPregnancy Ticker

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    Continuing to think of you. Hang in there!

    image image
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    Hang in a wait for results first. I've heard of things being normal after the most invasive tests that said otherwise.

    It's so not anything you did!!! Don't feel that way, it is what it is. I have to add, having a child with very complicated, chronic health issues, and being an aunt to a child with DS, you don't have to be afraid. There are a lot of things that are stressful and suck, but the rewards of these two children in my life are huge. And the superhero mom's i know, well everyone really learns and grows and in time, it's not such a hurdle. But there is a grieving process to work through and that is natural. Respect your feelings and cry when you need to so you can be strong when you need to. There is a good story/view point here :https://www.our-kids.org/archives/Holland.html

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    Thanks so much for the support everyone.
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