July 2014 Moms

NT scan ultrasound-not good results-update on page 3


Re: NT scan ultrasound-not good results-update on page 3

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    So sorry to hear this! I hope the wait goes by fast and everything turns out well. I'll say a prayer for you and dear baby.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Thinking of you and hoping for some positive results!  
    My sweet little munchkin! 
    8 lbs, 13 oz.  21" long

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    I'm very sorry you are going through this, please keep us posted. I hope the doctor is wrong.

    "Your truth is different from my truth, and we're both right."

    TTC since March 2013. BFP 4/13/13, blighted ovum discovered 6/6/13, m/c 6/8/13.

    BFP 11/10/13, EDD 7/25/13 - stick little owlet!

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    Sending you hugs. I'm sorry you're going through this. Please keep us posted ok the blood work. Hang in there.
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    Thoughts and prayers for some reassuring news!  Keep us updated, please! 

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    I'm so sorry. I hope the blood test comes back quickly! I'll be thinking of you!


    TTC #1 since 10/2012.
    BFP#1 11/28/12, MC, BFP #2 CP
    BFP #3 10/21/2013, EDD 7/3/2014
    Beta #1 (4W6D): 1768 Beta #2 (5W1D): 5255
    1st US at 6W4D HB of 112 BPM!

    1/20/2014: IT'S A GIRL!

    6/30/2014: Happy birthday baby M!

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    That doctor sucks.  I'm sorry that you are going through this.

    Please hold onto the fact that the NT scan is simply a screening test.  The bloodwork, and if necessary, an amnio are diagnostic tests that can give you definitive results.
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    Thanks so much for the support, everyone, I really need it :(

    The perinatal clinic that I got referred to is apparently only open on mondays and thursdays so I can even schedule an appt until they send the scheduling center my referral so not until tomorrow or friday. I was hoping I could see the specialist this week yet.

    I am such a mess I was holding back tears while on the phone with the woman at the scheduling center. Ugh.

    I have had the last 2 days off of work and now I go back at 2 oclock today. I seriously just want to crawl back in my bed and not leave it. I can't stop crying and I am struggling to bring myself to eat.

    Part of me is also just stuck with the thought of "If something is wrong with this baby why is it putting us through this pain by continuing to grow". I feel awful for thinking that, but I just needed to get it out.

    Fortunately my husband and I are in agreement on any decisions this may lead us to make.
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    I am so sorry you are going through this! Keep us posted, and no test is ever 100%! Let's hope your doc is overreacting!
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    Oh honey your all your thoughts feelings and emotions are normal! Please allow yourself to handle this scary trying time with out guilt. Easier said then done. That being said I pray your doc is a jerk and all is well and healthy with your LO. I'm so sorry you are going threw this
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    Part of me is also just stuck with the thought of "If something is wrong with this baby why is it putting us through this pain by continuing to grow". I feel awful for thinking that, but I just needed to get it out.

    I'm so sorry you're going through this, and although you don't have the full results or a diagnosis yet, the idea of something wrong with your baby is hard.  Please remember, though, that even if something is "wrong" with your baby, it can still have a very happy, healthy life.  Down Syndrome is not a death sentence by any means (if that is what your doctor suspects).  One of the blogs I read is about a family with one of their kids with Down Syndrome.  Yes, the mother grieved the loss of her "healthy" baby, but she still had her little girl, and watching her as a part of that family really is something special.
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    I'm sorry you're going through this. I hope everything turns out just fine. Please keep us posted when you can. *hugs*
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

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    I'm so sorry. :( it's not fair that you'd have to make a decision like that
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    Thinking of you! I hope the blood test results come back quickly for you.
    <Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker>

    BabyFruit Ticker>
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    I am so sorry! Your doctor sounds like a real jerk with terrible bedside manner. 

    I hope everything turns out just fine for you and your baby.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Thoughts, prayers and support sent your way. Please do keep us updated. 
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    I'm so sorry your experiencing this. Hope you get happy news on the diagnostics testing.
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    please wait until a final result until you panic.  It sucks to be in limbo, so I'm sorry you're going through this.

    I remember that feeling when I went for my anatomy scan and they told my son had a problem with this heart and didn't give me any details at all... I was in limbo until I went to a specialist a week later...   Unfortunately the specialist didn't have good news either, but at least we knew more... it is the non knowing that is hard to deal with.

    Good luck with the specialist.  the blood test will likely give you more info too.  I bet it was a test like Maternit21 that looks at the baby's dna and tells you if there is anything wrong.

    Please keep us updated.
    Me: 36 (Endo) DH: 39 (Azoo)
    5 DIUI - BFN
    IVF#1 - BFP - AJ 7/12
    FET#1 - BFP Due 7/24/14
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    Hoping everything turns out ok. Sending good thoughts!
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    I hope the doctor was stupid and nothing is wrong!

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    Lilypie Maternity tickers

    BFP#2 7/3/13.  U/S at 6w4d showed 1 heartbeat at 127 bmp and 2 empty sacs.  MMC discovered at 10w4d.  D&C 8/27/13.  Pathology showed normal boy.  Missing our babies every day.
    BFP#3 10/29/13!  Beta#1 at 4w5d - 2141, beta#2 at 5w1d - 7651!  U/S 11/21/13 showed baby measuring 2 days ahead with a heartbeat of 127 bmp!
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    Sending lots of thoughts and prayers!  I hope that everything turns out OK!  (((HUGS)))

    TTC since October 2012

    BFP#1 1/11/13, EDD 9/19/13, M/C at 9wk6dy 

    BFP#2 11/12/13, DS born 7/28/14!

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    Everyone is welcome

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    i hope you're feeling better, I wanted to add, as I just remembered, My OB was 38 and had screenings that found an issue. She went all the way through to testing with amnio (IDK what prelim. tests were available to her a few years ago), and ultimately nothing was wrong, baby was fine the whole time.

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    Thoughts & prayers. My sister had a similar experience, my niece is now a healthy, happy 2 year old. I hope you get some answers soon!
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    I ended up leaving work because I basically broke down when I got there and they were able to find coverage.

    My husband will be home soon so I won't have to be alone.

    I am taking this so much harder than him. He hasn't even cried about it, and he's not one of those guys who is afraid to cry about things like this.
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    Keeping you in my thoughts.  Hopefully you get more positive results from the bloodwork.
    Formerly knittylady
    DH:34 - Me: 33
    Emmaline Winifred - 1.25.2013
    Wesley Daniel - 7.24.2014
    #3 EDD - 6.24.2018

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    ((hugs)) I really hope you get the results soon - hold in there
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    Will be sending you good vibes. I hope it's nothing more than a bad doc!
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    I have had friends who were given crazy high odds, one got 1 in 5 and the other got 1 in 20.  Neither had a child with any defect.  
    There is still hope for a healthy baby.  

    IVF #1 & 2 BFN
    New RE
    IVF #3 Chemical Pregnancy
    FET #1 BFP-first beta 2113  healthy baby girl born 12/22/11
    FET #2 BFN
    FET #3 BFP first beta 1157
    Baby boy 7/7/14
    natural pregnancy - miscarriage at 7 weeks
    natural pregnancy #2 trisomy 13 and DNC at  14 weeks
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    So sorry you're going through this! Thoughts and prayers that everything will work out!
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    I'm so sorry you are going through this and hope everything turns out better than your dr implied. And as PP said this is just a first screening and not at all definitive. But don't feel guilt about your emotions, this is a difficult situation and you will have a lot of things go through your head. Know you've got a whole community of supporters behind you!
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    I'm so sorry you are going through this.  The same thing happened to my cousin where they said something was very wrong, but then when they went to the specialist, the baby was fine! Remember that it can go either way so try not to stress until you have more conclusive results or a second opinion.

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    My t&ps are with you. Praying for positive results
    Lenox: Born March 13, 2012
    Number 2:  EDD July 4, 2014


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    I'm thinking about you too! I hope your doctor is BSC and very wrong. I'm thinking about you and keeping everything crossed for some great news.
    IVF #1- BFP- DD 4/8/2011
    FET #1- 3BB and 3B-B
    Beta #1 (4w0d)- 504
    Beta #2 (4w4d)- 4,577
    Beta #3 (6w0d)- 78,399 HB 115 bpm
    U/S #2 7w0d- HB 155 bpm

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

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    Thinking about you! Try to stay positive if you can until you have definitive results. I know that's easier said than done.

    Definitely keep us posted, thoughts and prayers to you and your DH!
    BabyFruit Ticker


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    @melitabonita, I understand exactly how you feel. It was at the NT Scan for my DS that we were told his nasal bone was absent. Please speak with all the resources available to you so that you are well-informed and can make clear, confident decisions going forward. If you are not comfortable with the advice you receive, get a 2nd, 3rd, 4th opinion etc. We spoke at length with genetic specialists, perinatologists, and then opted for an amniocentesis.
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    We had our appointment yesterday with a genetic counselor, perinatal doctor, and had another ultrasound.

    The measurement went up. The genetic counselor told us that we have about a 50% chance of having a child with a chromosomal abnormality.

    We opted to do the Harmony blood test. It may cost us a pretty penny, but there is just not enough time for me to get a CVS. by the time we get the results back from that it will be close to the time to get an amnio done.

    This all just makes me so sad.
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    I'm sorry Melissa. Thinking of you and your family.



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    I'm sorry. Saying an extra prayer for you and your husband.

    BFP #1 11.10.13 EDD 07.22.14 Stick baby cake!
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    I am glad you are able to get more testing done *hugs* will be sending good vibes your way during this next phase of waiting.
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