July 2013 Moms



Re: *FFFC*

  • Sunday is my mother's birthday and I'm considering not calling her.  She told me she would visit in September and didn't, told me she would visit in October and didn't and hasn't called me in over  month to see how LO is doing.  She also didn't send me and DH an anniversary card a couple of weeks ago and didn't get me a birthday gift this year (pregnant me cried about that for about 4 months).  I'm 30 and don't need gifts but my parents show their love through buying things so when the don't even get me a card, phone call, or a visit and my sister is living in a house they bought and driving a car they bought its hard not to feel unloved


    I'll probably still call her but I will stress about it all day and probably cry about it for 2 ours after

  • I can join the animals are a PITA train. 5 animals that have to stay in temps below 70 makes summer fun. A dog who needs Sun screen daily and frequently breaks out in hives from his laundry list of allergies. My cats are the easiest pets. They don't need anything strange, don't take up room in my fridge. I love my cats. I love all my animals, but I love them most.

    pets were so much easier before baby! Now they are lucky if I remember to feed them. I have a dog that gets hives too- I'm embarrassed to say my pit bull is grain free - mostly because I am one of those ppl who roll my eyes at all that gluten free hype. Random people will give her treats so I always have Benadryl with me.
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  • I feel completely, 100% responsible for my baby's misshaped head... When I look back at all his pictures instead of saying "awww" I cry because all I see is his head tilted to the right and wonder what the fuck was I thinking and why didn't I correct it.

    Mommy guilt is a bitch....
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  • My FFFC : I need mommy friends bad. These are the people I talk to most on a daily basis in order. LO, you guys, DH, and a spider out side our back door I have named Charlotte. I promise I'm not insane....I hope...
    Me too! Same thing. I love being a sahm, but ever since S was born I've been so lonely :( I count down the time till SO comes home. I'm starting to forget how to talk to adults.
  • FFFC #2 : we bought a new couch and love seat a month ago. I really wanted the chair instead of the love seat. But my dog wouldn't fit in the chair. I didn't want him on the couch ever so I knew I had to get something he would fit on. So love seat it was. He is currently curled up on it.
    Now we are shopping for some piece of furniture to go in our room so he can stop sleeping in our bed. yeah...he is spoiled.

    also @eylse05 our dog also is wheat/grain free. benedryl is a must.
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    because it didn't fucking snow enough for me to build my own
  • Aiylin said:
    Asbromle said:
    I feel like I'm getting flat mom ass which makes me sad. I was holding on to the hot ass since bf ruined my knockers.
    Uh, count me in!  Freaking sucks, my ass if flat and my boobs are small.
    Squats ladies, do your squats. leg lifts while your brushing your teeth. I make time for squats.

    Butt lifts don't come cheap or easy....

    The boobs? Underwire and support.

    I do squats the whole time I'm in the shower and lunges all around the house with G in the carrier but it won't be the same until I start running again. Le sigh.

    I'm past the point of underwire. I just wished they looked like they do when they're engorged all the time. :)

    They sell padded underwear for now... I would love to see what happens when someone wears those and then takes it off like on a first intimate date. The expression must be priceless. You go from being JLO to flatty pancakes... eeks.


  • Mamasighs said:
    @sassy1ja. You totally need to do it! I would if H called my milk disgusting.

    In his defense he does think all milk is disgusting.  He had an allergy as a kid and to this day still uses infamil instead of normal milk.  But it still pissed me off.
    TTC since 2008, our little miracle arrived July 2013!

    photo fe6a27e4-de39-4f30-81f0-14bbf2fc509c.jpg
  • kmd78 said:
    I feel completely, 100% responsible for my baby's misshaped head... When I look back at all his pictures instead of saying "awww" I cry because all I see is his head tilted to the right and wonder what the fuck was I thinking and why didn't I correct it.

    Mommy guilt is a bitch....
    @kmd78- I feel guilty about P's plagiocephaly too.   :(
  • I just figured out why the @sign is used with names, I've been wondering why this started happening all of a sudden. I might need to start bumping from the computer more instead of my phone.
    TTC since 2008, our little miracle arrived July 2013!

    photo fe6a27e4-de39-4f30-81f0-14bbf2fc509c.jpg
  • Sort of along the lines of what Jackson said about needing friends. The highlight of my day so far is the ten minutes I just spent trying to get a giant booger out of G's nose. Right now he's working on a particularly nasty sounding poop so the next highlight will be changing that. Woohoo!

    oh yes. getting baby farts out is such a highlight. haha I need more adults in my life.
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    because it didn't fucking snow enough for me to build my own
  • After I had LO I felt like I could be struggling with PPD but kept telling myself it would be better when I got back to work. I felt great for two weeks. End of week three and I feel like I'm slipping. The fact that my milk is drying up is most likely a serious contributing factor.
  • Cfreymc said:
    My FFFC : I need mommy friends bad. These are the people I talk to most on a daily basis in order. LO, you guys, DH, and a spider out side our back door I have named Charlotte. I promise I'm not insane....I hope...
    Right there with you. I'm 26 but the first of my local friends to have a baby. Kinda sad, but being a SAHM is pretty lonely most days and I feel less lonely with you guys to talk to :) I should really join a group or do baby classes but I'm a shy one.
    I'm really shy. And I'm quite reserved and "old" for 30....some of my closest friends are in their 40s and 50s......... 
  • The first month after my dd was born, I had such bad ppd that I don't look back on that time with any happiness and I'm glad it's over. It's like a black hole. We want at least one more, but I'm terrified it'll be like that again, and it depresses me just thinking about it.
  • My FFFC : I need mommy friends bad. These are the people I talk to most on a daily basis in order. LO, you guys, DH, and a spider out side our back door I have named Charlotte. I promise I'm not insane....I hope...

    @jackson290721 we can be real life friends! I get to meet you Sunday, right? We can bond over dreams of Enumclaw and high-needs dogs ;)
  • elyse05 said:

    My FFFC : I need mommy friends bad. These are the people I talk to most on a daily basis in order. LO, you guys, DH, and a spider out side our back door I have named Charlotte. I promise I'm not insane....I hope...

    @jackson290721 we can be real life friends! I get to meet you Sunday, right? We can bond over dreams of Enumclaw and high-needs dogs ;)

    Yes! Charlotte the spider will have to find someone else. haha
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    because it didn't fucking snow enough for me to build my own
  • kdasr said:

    I imagine most of you with different accents. And I read your posts/comments in those accents. No idea why.

    I do the same! :)
    Our little Sweetpea 
    photo 62d4d618-8ee8-46d9-ae5d-705799d4d9da.jpg

    BFP #1 04/27/12 | blighted ovum, m/c 05/30/12 @ ?? weeks, D&C 06/01/12 BFP #2 11/06/12 | DD born 07/10/13 BFP #3 10/07/13
  • It makes me irrationally angry when people casually comment that if they had the money they would open a ( enter any random business here) . If they have experience in said business and/or are expecting hard work and long days, I'm more than happy for them, however the majority seem to think entrepuernership will be "fun" or " give more free time". I think it's because I come from a family of business owners and have seen the long days and sacrifices they all make, the ups and downs, successes and failures. It just irks me when people act like owning a business will be easier than a 40hr a week job.
  • Geez that took forever to read.

    1. The other day while I was at work I had some paperwork I needed to work on and letters to send out so I ignored my phone and email. I stuck some earbuds in and then I watched (listened) Ghostbusters on Netflix on my phone. It was awesome and no one was the wiser. They all thought I was just listening to some music.

    2. I found an awesome new site with a ton of GIFs (you may have noticed) and I don't plan on sharing the site with anyone because I want it to be my secret.

    3. My BFF is my sitter for Fridays. Other than Friday my DH is a SAHD. He works on the weekends. Anywho, my friend moved back to the area at the very end of August and has been looking for a job. She had an interview and she didn't get the job. While I was disappointed for her I was a bit relieved for me because I don't want to find someone else. My kids adore her. She has a degree in early childhood education. She was a pre-k teacher for YEARS and pretty much her entire working career has been daycares and preschools. I couldn't ask for a better sitter. She's also willing to work for much less than she's worth. I would pay a whole lot more if I could afford it.

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Pregnancy tickers

    I lost my angels 07/2010, 04/2017, 10/2017

    Meimsx no more
  • My FFFC : I need mommy friends bad. These are the people I talk to most on a daily basis in order. LO, you guys, DH, and a spider out side our back door I have named Charlotte. I promise I'm not insane....I hope...

    This is me to a T. :'( I even had a "pet" spider that lived between the window and the screen in the window above my kitchen sink. She had like two sets of babies and another baby...sac(?) marinating. Then DH washed her away because he didn't want the babies to get inside. I almost cried LOL I might actually be insane, idk.

    It seems like the few friends that I still had are just at such different places in their lives. Having kids makes a huge difference.
    Our little Sweetpea 
    photo 62d4d618-8ee8-46d9-ae5d-705799d4d9da.jpg

    BFP #1 04/27/12 | blighted ovum, m/c 05/30/12 @ ?? weeks, D&C 06/01/12 BFP #2 11/06/12 | DD born 07/10/13 BFP #3 10/07/13
  • I'm absolutely terrified of being depressed after this new baby is born. It has been so hard to deal with and has only gotten better because I got pregnant again and I think my hormones are closer to where they were (maybe?).

    I also have to say I have half of my "BFF" in RL hidden on fb because of the stupid and ignorant crap they post on the reg. I don't even think I like most of my "friends" anymore but I'm just terrible at making new ones.
    Our little Sweetpea 
    photo 62d4d618-8ee8-46d9-ae5d-705799d4d9da.jpg

    BFP #1 04/27/12 | blighted ovum, m/c 05/30/12 @ ?? weeks, D&C 06/01/12 BFP #2 11/06/12 | DD born 07/10/13 BFP #3 10/07/13
  • AiylinAiylin member
    edited October 2013
    @etoille, I swear I thought those were green mustaches...

    I was like??? huh?

    posted too fast, it's super cute though, now that i know it's a xmas tree.


  • hplusb said:
    @etoille, I swear I thought those were green mustaches...

    I was like??? huh?

    posted too fast, it's super cute though, now that i know it's a xmas tree.
    Aren't they green mustaches? In the shape of a Christmas tree?
    you dont say!!!!! I have mushy mommy brain.::::::head desk::::::::::::::


  • etoille said:

    I bought this:

    Aren't those mustaches?
    Me: 35  H: 35
    Married: 4/5/13

    "You know that place between sleep and awake, 
    that place where you can still remember dreaming?
    That's where I will always love you.  
    That's where I'll be waiting."
    ~Peter Pan 

    BFP #1: 11/12/12  EDD 7/25/13 Baby boy: 7/27/13
    BFP #2: 10/29/17   MMC dx @ 9 weeks
    BFP #3: 2/2/18 MC 2/7/18
    BFP #4: 3/2/18  MC 3/9/18
    RPL testing and hysteroscopy: all normal
    BFP #5: 4/1/18 MMC dx @ 14 weeks ----> genetically normal girl  :'(
    Hysteroscopy to remove scar tissue 9/28
    BFP #6 11/5/18 EDD 7/20/19  <3  Rainbow baby girl born 7/23/19 
    BFP #7 12/8/2021 EDD 8/22/2022 
  • As opposed as I am to surgery, I am seriously considering the lap band surgery. I am morbidly obese, and I can lose about 20 pounds and then just stay there no matter what I do. I have exhausted all options. I hate the way I look, and it's compounded with post partum body issues too. I've never been thin in my life. I've never been a "healthy weight" in my life. I've never been happy with the way I look. When I was 20 weeks pregnant with P, my doctor lectured me on my weight. I hadn't gained anything at that point. I know part of it is ppd, part of it is body issues, but I just can't keep feeling this way about myself.

    I'm sorry. I've always been overweight as well. Even when I lost weight and I thought I looked good I was still 150 at 5'6.

    There's no shame is going that route as long as you understand it's not a quick fix and it's still a lot of hard work. My father is chronically ill (diabetes) and has chronic back pain from injuries sustained about twenty years ago at work. Because of those issues he was unable to truly diet and exercise. He got gastric bypass last Dec. He's lost over 100 pounds and he's healthier than he has been in years. He no longer has to take insulin shots. He is on insulin meds though. Always will be. His meds went from like 15 a day to just like 5. 

    Sometimes it's just the best thing to do if you've exhausted all other avenues. Good luck.  


    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Pregnancy tickers

    I lost my angels 07/2010, 04/2017, 10/2017

    Meimsx no more
  • 1. We rented a house with some friends a few weeks ago. The first morning, i was preparing my cup of coffee while talking to DHs friend in the kitchen. I quietly pulled out a bottle of pumped milk from the MOTN and poured 2oz into my coffee. He looked strangely to see over the counter top, and asked if it was BM, but i denied it.

    2. While driving with DD in the car, i attempt to hit every manhole, pothole, crumbling part of the road possible to get her to sleep! I will also keep the windows down or music cranked if she starts to fuss and we are close to home/destination.

    3. I love giving DD her Zantac meds (which taste terrible), just to see the repulsive faces she makes! They are soooo cute!
  • Stina2012 said:

    There's is no way in hell I am going for VBAC. After Cervadil and Pitocin doing nothing I made it to less than 1cm after 24 hours. The docs even asked if my cervix had been damaged. RCS all the way AND I think the c section will be easier than vaginal in terms of dumb stuff like scheduling care for DD/doggy.

    I feel the same way. 32 hours of labor with pitocin and the foley bulb with no progress. I will be scheduling that RSC for sure!


  • etoille said:

    Stina2012 said:

    Those are definitely green mustaches. I remembered mine from earlier!!!

    There's is no way in hell I am going for VBAC. After Cervadil and Pitocin doing nothing I made it to less than 1cm after 24 hours. The docs even asked if my cervix had been damaged. RCS all the way AND I think the c section will be easier than vaginal in terms of dumb stuff like scheduling care for DD/doggy.

    This shouldn't have to be a confession. This is an educated decision based on facts related to your health. People that judge you for it are asshats you shouldn't listen to.

    I feel like people expect me to want a vaginal birth. It's not in the cards for me and I see it being less stressful. So yeah, no one specifically judging that I know of but I feel like some people judge.
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  • etoille said:

    Stina2012 said:

    etoille said:

    Stina2012 said:

    Those are definitely green mustaches. I remembered mine from earlier!!!

    There's is no way in hell I am going for VBAC. After Cervadil and Pitocin doing nothing I made it to less than 1cm after 24 hours. The docs even asked if my cervix had been damaged. RCS all the way AND I think the c section will be easier than vaginal in terms of dumb stuff like scheduling care for DD/doggy.

    This shouldn't have to be a confession. This is an educated decision based on facts related to your health. People that judge you for it are asshats you shouldn't listen to.
    I feel like people expect me to want a vaginal birth. It's not in the cards for me and I see it being less stressful. So yeah, no one specifically judging that I know of but I feel like some people judge.

    If they do, tell me and I"ll beat them up.
    Only if you call MrsOHearts for back up!
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