January 2014 Moms

Care to Share Your LO's name


Re: Care to Share Your LO's name

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    Stella Margaret. Her middle name is after my paternal grandmother who passed away when I was 3. And yes, we are sharing before she gets here :)


    Diagnosed with PCOS June 2010, TTC#1 since May 2012
    Cycle#1-3 Clomid 50mg + TI= No response
    Cycle#4-5 Clomid 150mg + Metformin 1000mg + TI= BFN, but finally ovulation!!!
    Cycle #6 Clomid 150mg + Metformin 1500mg + IUI(4/15)= BFP!!! EDD 01/06/2014 <br>

    Stella Margaret arrived on December 21, 2013!

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    I don't think we will decide for sure until LO is here, but today I am leaning towards Savannah Lynn.
    July 2015 Jan Siggy Challenge: Snow Fails/Funnies


    BFP #5 11/15/14, Team Green EDD 7/22/15

    BFP #4 4/30/13, baby girl born med-free Jan. 2014

    BFP #3 9/24/12, Missed m/c at 9w1d (baby measured 8w5d)

    BFP #2 9/23/10, healthy baby girl born med-free June 2011

    BFP #1 5/21/10, Missed m/c at 10w4d (baby measured 8wks), D&C 6/29/10
    "Life is like a camera, just focus on what's important and capture the good times, develop from the negatives and if things don't work out, just take another shot."

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    cowscrub said:
    Alexis Victoria will be her name. We've shared with almost everybody.
    Beautiful! (and I am not just saying that because my name is Victoria) :)

    Baby Lexi: BFP: May 12, 2013 (Mother's Day), EDD: January 21, 2014
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    We honestly have no clue. Right now, we're leaning towards Cayley, but Mia and Abigail are also contenders.

    We'll tell friends and family once we have a name. Not sure if we'll do some sort of social media announcement or whatever, but we'll tell anyone who asks [once we nail down a name].

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    First name will be Adam, but haven't picked a middle name yet! Even DH doesn't know because we are Team Green (except for me) , and I'm not sharing the name with ANYONE IRL.

    Would have been Mila if it were a girl.

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    JuliaH21 said:
    Still working on the first name, but she'll go by Catherine (Wren) Story. We do 3 names. 
    I love Wren, very unique.

    Baby Lexi: BFP: May 12, 2013 (Mother's Day), EDD: January 21, 2014
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    Our boy pick is Joseph Elias, Joseph is after my dad, Elias is after DH's great-grandfather.

    Our girl pick is Kate Elizabeth, just because we like the sound and it is the only one we've liked so far... MIL is Kathrine so it can be connected to her, and I think that would be sweet, Dh isn't sold.

    I find it funny that we have so much intentional family connection to our boy name and barely anything to our girl name. I wanted them to match but it just wasn't happening.

    For the record, I've always wanted to name a girl Azure Jocelyn, but our last name would not jive with that at all.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    bfp#1-10/29/12,EDD: 7/3/13. nothing found @ 1st u/s, natural mc 12/10/12. "Bean"

    bfp#2-5/10/13! EDD: 1/18/14. "Peanut" Arrived 1/13/14. Diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis

    bfp#3- 9/26/14. EDD: 5/7/15. no heartbeat found @ 1st u/s, natural mc 10/23/14. "Little Bug"

    **Psalm 139:16**

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    Our front runner is Daniel Harrison (middle name totally in flux). My DD is Marina Leigh.
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    Lois is my Mom and Grandmother's name. :)
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    We're sharing her name with everyone. Her name will be Rosalie Diane

    dx with anovulatory PCOS 2005
    off bcp 11/11
    a few rounds of clomid and femara... no response.
    injectables/IUI 12/12... BFN
    Feb 13 IVF cycle converted down to IUI due to low follicle response... BFFN
    one last IVF attempt April/May 2013: 19 retrieved. 10 fertilized. 2 transferred in a 3dt. 4 frosties... BFP!!
    EDD: 1/21/14... Induced early at 36+6. Our little girl was born 12/30/13

    surprise pregnancy with baby #2!  EDD: 8/30/16

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    Our DD will be Persephone Fox! Fox was my paternal grandmas last name :). I actually just told my dad we chose it today, and he teared up on the phone :)

    We considered keeping it a secret because we had issues with obnoxious comments last time. But I was too nice. If a family member continues to suggest alternate names this time, I'm going to tell her to have her own baby, then she can pick a name!!!

    We love the name and can't wait to meet her!
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    We have told everyone, we don't really care if they like it or not, except one of my friends keeps saying "It's like the iphone app." That's getting annoying, I might loose it if she doesn't stop soon.

    Tell her to put a sock in it!! My SIL did it to us constantly, and it really bugged me, but I never said anything. Better to nip it in the butt
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Nova Marie
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    We thought we had a girls name picked (Ashley Louise), but DH just remembered that his cousin has a daughter named Ashley so of course he's over that name (dumb, but that's how he is).  So we're back to the drawing board there.  But our boys name is Conrad Jonathan.  Conrad after my maternal grandfather that died when I was three and DH's maternal grandfather.  I LOVE our boys name, wish I could find a girls name that I'm equally as passionate about.  And no, we will not be sharing our girls name...everyone already knows our boys name as it carried over from last pregnancy!

    Jan '14 Siggy Challenge: Things I've had to deprive myself of while pregnant:


    Rum & Coke...mmm!!                                              Laying on my stomach!  Can't wait!




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    Elise Mae.

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    Nathaniel Ray. We're telling anybody who asks. Surprisingly, most people seem to like it more than I do! I don't like to do family names, it's just NMS, so I kind of gave in to Ray (shortened from Raymond), and I had other top contenders for the first name. Nathaniel is the only one DH and I could agree on even though it wasn't my favorite. We'll call him Nate. I catch myself calling him "Baby Naters" right now...I'm going to have to knock that off, I don't want it to catch!
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    We find out in the morning whether it's Anna-Catherine (Anna-Cate) or Charles (Charlie) ;)
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    If its a girl it will be Tessa and if its a boy dh and I are still torn I love Mason and he loves like really super loves Kenzo but I don't know about that name.
    Alexis 9.1.06 * Jaxson 3.17.08 * Tessa 2.8.14

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    We are going with Emma Katherine.

    I am sharing when people ask, but won't be making a big announcement on FB or to anyone unless they ask until after she is born.

    Our Baby Girl, Emma, changed our lives forever when she was born 12-19-13 <3
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    We are not finding out if we are having a boy or girl....although hubby and I think it's a boy!

    Boy name is Wallace Richard, Wally for short.  Both are family names
    Girl name is Violet no middle name yet, but Vivian and Jean are strong contenders
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    nbbride06 said:
    Love it.  My top choice is Elliot for our little girl, but DH isn't on board yet :)  DD is Emery and top contenders this time are Elliot and Presley.
    I know a little girl named Elliot and it suits her beautifully. Love this for a girl! 
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    We picked Madison DeChay (DeChay is my middle name after my grandfather Denton Charles but it also has a play from my DH's side too as his father passed on Dennis and DH's middle name is Charles) so it fit absolutely perfectly for us. And yes we are sharing to anyone who asks but won't be sharing it officially until she is here!
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    Melanie Gayle

    And yes, I'll be telling family the name. Probably this weekend actually.  If anyone else asks, I'll tell them.
    photo e2fe0839-b11a-41d8-8a07-1ef481a55d67_zpsda9c0f6f.jpg photo 777c55cb-e377-4070-950b-fdeda172a809_zpscd40251a.jpg IMG_15901 photo IMG_15901.jpg
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    We've gone back and forth on so many names. The one we both like is Jacob, which just happens to be the most popular name. DH wants to call LO Jake as a nickname which I find adorable.

    We are telling people it's a front runner but prob won't make it official until after the child is born.
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    We're pretty set on Oliver Michael, but we're open to changing the first name. Oliver is one of the only names I loved that my SO agreed on. And Michael is in honor of my brother.

    We're telling everyone who asks. I still mention that it could change, but that we're pretty set. I've gotten really mixed reviews on the name Oliver, though. Some really love it, some hate it.

    We are naming our DS Oliver as well and Ollie as a nickname :-) we got mixed reviews as well. I feel like girls love it and guys hate it. Our parents don't like it either, but who cares, we like it right!

    Jaclyn D'Ausilio Jackie D'Ausilio

     Married 6.22.12

         Baby Oliver Born 1.11.14




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    We are going with Emily May. (May is my sister's, maternal and paternal grandmothers', and MIL's middle name)
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    After much debate, our little boy has been dubbed William Logan and we'll call him Will for short.
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    Aeneas Markus (middle name is after my FIL who passed away)
    We haven't shared it yet, but will probably in the near future. :)

    Married 3/17/2005
    M/C #1 2005 - 6wks
    M/C #2 2006 - 7wks
    M/C #3 2008 - 11wks
    Baby Aeneas Born 1/20/2014
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    We are naming our little girl Jordyn McKenna :)


    Surprise #1! 

    BFP: 5/14/2013

    8/06/2013 - [it's a girl!]

    EDD: 1/18/2014  imageimage
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    daltoso said:
    Aeneas Markus (middle name is after my FIL who passed away) We haven't shared it yet, but will probably in the near future. :)
    Just curious how you pronounce the first name.
    BFP #1 3/27/10 - mmc discovered 5/20/10 at 11w2d - d&c 5/21/10
    BFP #2 11/6/10 - EDD 7/19/11 - Beta #1 @ 13dpo, 104 - Beta #2 @ 20dpo, 3400s
    BFP #3 4/24/13 - EDD 1/8/14 - Beta #1 @ ?, 33 - Beta #2 @ 4 days later, 260
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    Lucas James/Allen (not sure on middle)

    We will call him Luke
    AnnRenee 1/21/03
    Luke 12/30/2013
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    Caroline. Haven't decided on a middle name yet.
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
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    Top contenders are Abigail (my hubby's choice) Scarlett, Evelyn, Annabelle
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    Hannah Kelley


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    BFP 10/8/12 | Missed Miscarriage - D&C 11/12/12

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    edited September 2013
    Our little man will be Levi Edward after our grandfathers. :) yes we are telling everyone that asks.

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    nbbride06 said:

    daltoso said:

    Aeneas Markus (middle name is after my FIL who passed away)
    We haven't shared it yet, but will probably in the near future. :)

    Just curious how you pronounce the first name.

    @nbbride06 its pronounced uh-nee-us
    It's an ancient name. (In Roman mythology he was credited as founding Ancient Rome.) I was an ancient history major.

    Married 3/17/2005
    M/C #1 2005 - 6wks
    M/C #2 2006 - 7wks
    M/C #3 2008 - 11wks
    Baby Aeneas Born 1/20/2014
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