OK, I am being a PW, but I need to ask this. All suggestions welcome!
Isa sleeps 12 hours a night, but recently waking up (she is obviously still in an overnight pullup, 3 years at end of Oct) because she has "peed over". These are her words. Pedi says normal. Pullups fit well. Any ideas? She potties before bed every night, and does not drink a lot before bedtime.
Need some brainstorms. She does not call out to us, because she says it happens when she is asleep. Thanks and love, Jill
Re: Any SAL moms with 2-3 year olds-need advice please
is she a really heavy sleeper? would it be possible to get her up w/out waking her all the way and taking her to the bathroom before you go to bed for the night? i ve known some kids who this worked for. (but obviously if she doesnt settle easily that wont work.)
I don't have any kiddos that age, but my sister went through similar issues w/her oldest son. She would do what pp said & get him up in the middle of the night to go one more time. It was almost like he was "sleep-peeing". He didn't really wake up fully, just enough to get the job done. So it was easy for him to go right back to sleep. Hope that works for you!
ps - omigosh, Mario had SO much hair as a tiny baby!!!
I was thinking the same thing. She might settle easily, but she might not. Nothing ventured, nothing gained...
I think if I use a night light in the bathroom and keep it dark and quiet--it may work. Once the lights are full on, she is all about getting up. This is a good idea, thanks all. And thanks for not saying "she pees in her sleep?" I have asked this before to the "supermoms" who apparantly live in my neighborhood when she was 2, and got this answer! I mean, if she is 7 and doing it, I'll worry. Much love, Jill