I'm breastfeeding my twins exclusively from the breast and have been for the past nine days. Up until now it's been fine, but today one of the boys was still hungry after feeding for half an hour. I kept putting him back on the right breast and he'd suckle, but I didn't hear him swallow much. Thinking maybe the right breast was dry, I moved him to the left where he fed for ten more minutes and then passed out.
How will I know if my supply isn't enough? At what point did this happen to you if it did? For those of you breastfeeding twins, did you have to pump to keep supply up?
Re: Worried About Supply
For the first 6-8 weeks or so, your body is constantly adjusting to your babies' changing/increasing needs, and they are trying to tell your body what they need by continuing to suckle even when no more milk comes out.
The best thing you can do for your supply right now is to just keep puttin them back on whenever they seem to demand it. It's tiring and gruesome, but it is perfectly normal. Also, if you are concerned about them getting enough, keep track of diapers, contact an LC, see if your pedi will let you come in for a few extra weight checks.
Hang in there, it will get easier!
100% agree. The extra nursing is helping your body know to make more milk. Your babies are doing exactly what they are supposed to do. As long as the diaper counts are good, they're getting enough. Hang in there - I promise it gets easier!