What/who is making you say WTF today? this week? whenever really. Let it all out.
Me: 30 H: 30
Married: June 2013
TTC#1: January 2015
BFP #1 8/24/15 | MC 9/3/15 at 6w2d
BFP #2: 12/12/15 | DD born 8/29/16
TTC#2: June 2017
BFP #3: 7/15/17 | DS born 3/20/18
Re: WTF Wednesday
Unrelated... anybody have any teething guards they recommend for the crib rail?
Married: June 2013
TTC#1: January 2015
BFP #1 8/24/15 | MC 9/3/15 at 6w2d
BFP #2: 12/12/15 | DD born 8/29/16
TTC#2: June 2017
BFP #3: 7/15/17 | DS born 3/20/18
Married: 5.27.16
Baby Boy Due: 3.18.18
my WTF is to my body! I'm starving but any food I try to eat tastes like I'm chewing on a bar of soap and makes my nausea worse than it already is. So WTF body, make up your mind!
@megpeg that is super annoying. You should be able to switch if you want!
@megpeg : That does seem odd... My OB has next to no bedside manner but he's a fantastic doctor and exactly the person I'd want in the room with me if something were to go wrong so I look past it.
@riansmommie : That is so frustrating! I hope you are able to eat and enjoy food soon. Maybe it's just a matter of finding the right food for you.
My WTF is myself. I am having a really hard time concentrating at work. No matter how much I have going on, I just can't seem to get my head in it.
EDD March 12, 2018
Married: 5.27.16
Baby Boy Due: 3.18.18
EDD March 12, 2018
EDD March 12, 2018
Baby #2 M/C 4/5/16
My symptoms are a little different than early last time, so that's got my brain going, but I definitely have the slightly nauseas/woozy/hungover feeling from early days last time, so that's comforting.
@citygirl17 Also basically no symptoms here, and not being seen until 10 weeks. And my nurse call is at 9 weeks. I hate having to wait!
I have a second one, which is why is this week going by so slow?! I want it to be Monday already so I can have my first u/s.
I second everyone who is experiencing "no symptom anxiety". It's so scary to not have symptoms one day because it's the only thing that makes me feel pregnant. If only we could feel baby kick at this point to ease our worries.
My WTF is to the Denver housing market. We are under contract on our house but are having a hard time finding a house for ourselves!! If something goes up for sale, it is usually gone before we can go see if or there is a bidding war. I REALLY don't want to have to move into my inlaws house while we look....
@notthefather I'm in a similar boat with work. I can't focus one bit.
My WTF is this week. It's going So. Slow. Over and over today, I've been thinking it's Thursday.
@mamaloba816 I did a little research and think I'm going to try my hand at sewing my own fabric cover as the plastic ones got poor reviews. Well see how it goes.
Married: June 2013
TTC#1: January 2015
BFP #1 8/24/15 | MC 9/3/15 at 6w2d
BFP #2: 12/12/15 | DD born 8/29/16
TTC#2: June 2017
BFP #3: 7/15/17 | DS born 3/20/18
EDIT: I used the ticker tool on TB and made one, but when I put it in my signature it says images are not allowed. I just get a URL string of code.
My WTF today is this weird nausea feeling that I've had for over 24 hours. It's crap. And food is not appealing at all.
So, WTF, TB! I need my ticker!!
Edit: may as well change that to a wtf
BFP #2 7/11/17 | EDD 3/24/18
BFP #1 5/2/17 | EDD 1/12/18 | MC 5/18/17
I had a loss several months back. My morning started out with a friend texting me as follows: "Hey, how have you been? I keep thinking about how you would be 8 weeks by now and feel sad. I just wanted to tell you I'm thinking of you." WTFFF. And her calculations weren't even correct. Would this enrage any of you or am I losing it?
Married: June 2013
TTC#1: January 2015
BFP #1 8/24/15 | MC 9/3/15 at 6w2d
BFP #2: 12/12/15 | DD born 8/29/16
TTC#2: June 2017
BFP #3: 7/15/17 | DS born 3/20/18
EDD March 12, 2018
Married: June 2013
TTC#1: January 2015
BFP #1 8/24/15 | MC 9/3/15 at 6w2d
BFP #2: 12/12/15 | DD born 8/29/16
TTC#2: June 2017
BFP #3: 7/15/17 | DS born 3/20/18
@ivfgothistwice @citygirl17 I ended up emailing the nurse at the RE's office because I was having a freakout. She assured me again that it's completely normal for symptoms to come and go or to never have had them at all.
@arhodes6 If only baby had legs with which to kick!
@i_mean_really Ugh. I'd give her a pass for effort, clumsy and bumbling as it may be. You just really don't get it unless you've been there. At least she's trying. I still have a hard spot against BIL & SIL who never once asked how I was doing and they knew. Which is why they're on the list of not finding out until later.
Married: June 2011
TTC since Feb 2016
BFP#1: 7/7/16 MMC: 8/16/16
BFP#2: 5/8/17 - CP
BFP#3: 6/27/17 EDD: 3/10/18
@kiki75 I've been told the same but I just know I won't be able to completely relax until I have some more concrete information. Don't they know stress isn't good for us preggies?
Baby #2 M/C 4/5/16
11/18/16 missed m/c 9w1
08/03/17 no hb 8w
Had hazelnut gelato yesterday. It was DELICIOUS, but I threw it up. As I was vomiting, I thought "oh, this is kind of good tasting coming back up" then I was thinking about stuff like that while throwing up.
It was like the weirdest meditation ever and made me wonder "what the eff is going on in my head?"
Also wtf DS! I love you, but listening to you cry every night at bed time for way too long is exhausting! Why can't you just go back to your reg schedule??
I am getting so mad at myself for being such a constant worry wart, because I am taking the excitement and joy out of this AND I do not want to invite negative energy