There is an important question I haven't seen addressed. How/ why do her exs know her TTC plans??
I thought about that in the beginning, but there was so much other dramz going on that it went to the back of my mind. Valid point. My guess... she puts all her bizness on FB, including the goings on of her ute.
my thoughts exactly... No one knew my TTC plans when I was with my STBXH, not even my family, let alone some guy I had dated from my past.
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Why the F do you want to have baby #8 when you can't even afford to get married??? Something seems off here... either she's full of sh*t and her story is all BS or her brain is missing a few cells!! I'm sorry, I just can't comprehend the fact that you already have this many kids (God knows how many different fathers or mothers) and you still want to have more.
a child is not an ACCESSORY!!! Please think about what you're doing for these children before you bring another one to your world.
I didn't want to be judged by asking for advice here. I do not have 8 children. If I get pregnant this will be my 5th child. I had the first two as a teen. I am now a lot more mature and this pregnancy will actually be planned. We can afford to get married but we can't until my bf is officially divorced.
As a married woman and Im sure I can speak for a few woman here that feel the same. Thats very DIRTY and SCUM like that you were with a married man for 2 years. Curious....did your mom teach or morals?
You can unpearch from your high horse! I did nothing wrong he was married I am not. I don't understand why the woman gets judged when he was the one that was involved NOT ME! Yes I have morals and nothing I have done goes against them.
Oh I if your sweetie ever cheats on you, are you going to become BFF's with the other woman? Afterall, she will have done nothing wrong.
Of course not but I will and do keep my man happy, so doubting that will happen. If anything his wife should blame herself if she was keeping him satisfied he would've stayed home with her. I'm about done defending myself here, this is becoming a bunch of drama that I have no time for.
That's disgusting and quite frankly, shows how truly immature you are. You shouldn't have one child, let alone 5. FX you lose custody for one reason or another.
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I only have four children. My bf and I have one child together and I have 3 from previous relationships. My bf's son also lives with us. My ex thinks the apartment is crowded and he can do more for the kids because of where he lives and works. My bf and I have been together for almost two years. Someone suggested that I should wait until we get married to ttc. We do want to get married and plan to but we can't for now. I don't feel I'm unfit but I know on paper my ex and his wife may seem like better parents than me since they have more money.
Your ex seems genuinely worried about his kids so I'm surprised he hasn't taken you to court yet since he seems to be the one with a brain....
And I do NOT agree with the poster who is a social worker. I did not read her whole post because I stopped when she said needing Welfare....if you are poor and can't provide a child with what he/she needs, then why keep having children? Welfare and other services may help but not 100%....and living off these services primarily is not a quality way of living....
Not sure what to do? Don't have any more kids. Just concentrate on providing for the ones you already have.
I was referring to it from a legal standpoint. Legally, just because someone is on welfare/etc, it does not mean that the person is an unfit parent. If they are making sure the child's needs are met in a legal way, then being poor is not abuse. It may not be pretty or fancy or desirable, but it's the truth. Lost your job and can't feed your kids, so you go on food stamps? Not neglect. Have no money and don't go on food stamps and the kids are found to be eating notebook paper at school? Most likely neglect. Even homelessness is not immediate grounds to have someone's children taken away; if a parent is homeless but seeking the necessary help, they are providing for the child in the best way that is readily available to them at that moment.
Families are not required to have a $40k a year income, nice 4 bedroom house, and $1000 to spend on Christmas presents every year. Sure, it's nice, but the lack of any or all of those luxuries is not going to require me to place a call to DCFS for suspected child abuse or neglect.
Should someone have children if they have no income, no education, and barely a place to sleep at night? Of course not. But if they do, and as long as they seek the required services and otherwise do not abuse/neglect their children, it isn't illegal.
Clearly though this isn't on topic with OP's supposed situation anymore. It's no longer what I thought it was: a mom without a ton of money. who has a few kids. It's much more crazy than that, apparently.
Buying Christmas presents its not all there is to be a parent and I didnt say that a parent is unfit for being on welfare. What I said is, if you are aware that you can't provide for your child right now then take the steps necessary to make sure you dont bring yet another child into the same situation. I know life happens, people lose their jobs and overnight can lose everything and there is nothing wrong with getting the I said, I did not read your post completely and now that I read your post I dont agree completely with what you said. How can you have 3 kids in a bedroom? I've never seen an apartment that has a lot of square footage.....I just assumed that your whole post was about telling her to go on welfare..
Totally butting in here, but I just LOVE how in one breath she says "Why does the woman always get blamed?" and in the next she blames his wife for not keeping him satisfied...klassy.
I don't understand how some people just keep popping out kids....and the ones that really want a child and are actually fit to be parents have a hard time! Just a thought.
God works in mysterious ways!!!
.....................You are right, but God does have a plan. I would bet that a lot, not all but a good amount, of people who adopt do so because they can not have their own kids for some reason or another. If we didn't hae any 'fit' parents to adopt all the poor children out there that don't have anybody to love them where would they go? God definitely has a plan and I have faith in him and try to remember that.
As for Shoremommy, I don't know what to say other than I hope she finds peace and realizes what wonderful things she has and maybe she should wait to think about TTC until things settle down. Bringing a newborn into a hostile/unstable environment is never a good idea.
Ummm.... what?
People can't have kids because it is in god's plan that they adopt all the children who need homes?
Fuuck you.
Fuuck TTC - I'm moving on.
"It's a child, not a cheeto" Thanks mmariluh!
"Ew. I've read all of two posts from you, and you stink like rotting garbage."
I'm shocked (and grateful) that this thread hasn't been DD'd! It's excellent lunchtime entertainment!
::shhhhhh:: don't give her any ideas!
This. I just found this thread. It makes me laugh.
Here's an idea. Stop screwing around! Get a husband and a stable life and then have... err no. Don't have more kids, but get married anyway. Fix your life you crazy woman!
Why the F do you want to have baby #8 when you can't even afford to get married??? Something seems off here... either she's full of sh*t and her story is all BS or her brain is missing a few cells!! I'm sorry, I just can't comprehend the fact that you already have this many kids (God knows how many different fathers or mothers) and you still want to have more.
a child is not an ACCESSORY!!! Please think about what you're doing for these children before you bring another one to your world.
I didn't want to be judged by asking for advice here. I do not have 8 children. If I get pregnant this will be my 5th child. I had the first two as a teen. I am now a lot more mature and this pregnancy will actually be planned. We can afford to get married but we can't until my bf is officially divorced.
As a married woman and Im sure I can speak for a few woman here that feel the same. Thats very DIRTY and SCUM like that you were with a married man for 2 years. Curious....did your mom teach or morals?
You can unpearch from your high horse! I did nothing wrong he was married I am not. I don't understand why the woman gets judged when he was the one that was involved NOT ME! Yes I have morals and nothing I have done goes against them.
Oh I if your sweetie ever cheats on you, are you going to become BFF's with the other woman? Afterall, she will have done nothing wrong.
Of course not but I will and do keep my man happy, so doubting that will happen. If anything his wife should blame herself if she was keeping him satisfied he would've stayed home with her. I'm about done defending myself here, this is becoming a bunch of drama that I have no time for.
OP, your LIFE is drama.
also, this post is so full of win
"What did my fingers do before they held you? What did my heart do with it's love?"
You must have taken my comment the wrong way and I'm sorry you did. That is not what I meant but I was trying to think of positives in a bad situation. I don't think God intended for people to not have kids so that they could adopt children that don't have homes, but I do think that sometimes good things can come out of bad situations. For example; Someone can not have kids for whatever reason and luckily there are plenty of children who are just waiting for someone to love them and they are forever blessed to have each other. I personally know very well because my sister experienced this first hand. If you want to say "Fuuck you." to me simply because I'm trying to be optimistic then I hope you can get help with your anger. What I said was not to be offensive in any way shape or form and I think most people would realize that.
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You must have taken my comment the wrong way and I'm sorry you did. That is not what I meant but I was trying to think of positives in a bad situation. I don't think God intended for people to not have kids so that they could adopt children that don't have homes, but I do think that sometimes good things can come out of bad situations. For example; Someone can not have kids for whatever reason and luckily there are plenty of children who are just waiting for someone to love them and they are forever blessed to have each other. I personally know very well because my sister experienced this first hand. If you want to say "Fuuck you." to me simply because I'm trying to be optimistic then I hope you can get help with your anger. What I said was not to be offensive in any way shape or form and I think most people would realize that.
And perhaps you should realize that trite and condescending broad stroke statements are just that.
Fuuck TTC - I'm moving on.
"It's a child, not a cheeto" Thanks mmariluh!
"Ew. I've read all of two posts from you, and you stink like rotting garbage."
I'm sorry you feel that way. But I am entitled to my opinion and I do believe in trusting my life with God and I know he has a plan for me. I have had to overcome some pretty traumatic things in my life, as do most people, but that doesn't mean I think God is a bad person for putting me through those things. They have made me a strong person and I am thankful for who I am and what I've been through.
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Why the F do you want to have baby #8 when you can't even afford to get married??? Something seems off here... either she's full of sh*t and her story is all BS or her brain is missing a few cells!! I'm sorry, I just can't comprehend the fact that you already have this many kids (God knows how many different fathers or mothers) and you still want to have more.
a child is not an ACCESSORY!!! Please think about what you're doing for these children before you bring another one to your world.
I didn't want to be judged by asking for advice here. I do not have 8 children. If I get pregnant this will be my 5th child. I had the first two as a teen. I am now a lot more mature and this pregnancy will actually be planned. We can afford to get married but we can't until my bf is officially divorced.
This statement alone lets me know that you probably knew this would not go over well here. Why did you decide to post this then?? Oh yeah....MUD!
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I'm sorry you feel that way. But I am entitled to my opinion and I do believe in trusting my life with God and I know he has a plan for me. I have had to overcome some pretty traumatic things in my life, as do most people, but that doesn't mean I think God is a bad person for putting me through those things. They have made me a strong person and I am thankful for who I am and what I've been through.
You are entitled to your opinion, and I, mine.
You think "god's plan" is a perfectly fine statement in response to various hardships and I think it is asinine and insulting.
Fuuck TTC - I'm moving on.
"It's a child, not a cheeto" Thanks mmariluh!
"Ew. I've read all of two posts from you, and you stink like rotting garbage."
You must have taken my comment the wrong way and I'm sorry you did. That is not what I meant but I was trying to think of positives in a bad situation. I don't think God intended for people to not have kids so that they could adopt children that don't have homes, but I do think that sometimes good things can come out of bad situations. For example; Someone can not have kids for whatever reason and luckily there are plenty of children who are just waiting for someone to love them and they are forever blessed to have each other. I personally know very well because my sister experienced this first hand. If you want to say "Fuuck you." to me simply because I'm trying to be optimistic then I hope you can get help with your anger. What I said was not to be offensive in any way shape or form and I think most people would realize that.
Gosh, Mandy, all you have to do is toddle on down to the adoption store on the corner and pick out your very own little cuddly bundle that's just waiting for a forever home! It happened to her sister and is clearly God's plan! Gee.
Actually, OP, I find people throwing around 'God's plan' in such trite and meaningless ways (and in ways that have nothing to do with the OP and are ridiculously random) very offensive. Plenty of people wanted to tell me it was God's plan when my son was born prematurely and died, but I tend to agree with Mandy. Fvck them. I was offended every.single.time. You believe in an omniscient God who directs your life and has an overarching plan, that is fantastic for you. But not everyone does and it can be exceedingly painful or offensive to push that type of religiousity at someone without understanding their history.
Gabriel Ross - August 24, 2009 * Vivienne Rose - May 1, 2012
You think "god's plan" is a perfectly fine statement in response to various hardships and I think it is asinine and insulting.
....I'm glad we can agree to disagree. But I think it's insulting for you to say 'Fuuck you' to me which had mean intent behind it. I did not mean anything negative by what I posted. With that being said, these boards are for everyone to give their opinions and that's what makes it exciting so it doesn't really bother me.
As far as being a Newb, I'm loving it =] I've learned lots of valuable things thanks!
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You think "god's plan" is a perfectly fine statement in response to various hardships and I think it is asinine and insulting.
....I'm glad we can agree to disagree. But I think it's insulting for you to say 'Fuuck you' to me which had mean intent behind it. I did not mean anything negative by what I posted. With that being said, these boards are for everyone to give their opinions and that's what makes it exciting so it doesn't really bother me.
As far as being a Newb, I'm loving it =] I've learned lots of valuable things thanks!
The quote button is obviously not one of them.
You think it's insulting or it really doesn't bother you? I'm confused.
You think "god's plan" is a perfectly fine statement in response to various hardships and I think it is asinine and insulting.
....I'm glad we can agree to disagree. But I think it's insulting for you to say 'Fuuck you' to me which had mean intent behind it. I did not mean anything negative by what I posted. With that being said, these boards are for everyone to give their opinions and that's what makes it exciting so it doesn't really bother me.
As far as being a Newb, I'm loving it =] I've learned lots of valuable things thanks!
If you are looking for rainbows & puppies...this isn't the board for you.
I really need a little advice. My boyfriend and I are ttc our second child together. I'm really not sure what I should do the father of two of my other children is threatning to take me to court and claim that I am an unfit parent if and when I get pregnant again. This is really upsetting to me because we (me and my bf) really want to have another child together. I feel like he is controlling my life just beacuse we have kids together. My bf doesn't want to put off ttc just because of my exes threats. We don't really know if he is just talking or will go through with this. My daughters father has threatned to do the same thing when we first broke up but never actually did anything. What would you all do? Should I put off ttc until things calm down with my ex or should I just not worry about it and deal with him in court if I have to? I'm worried because I don't want to risk lossing two of my kids but I don't want to give up growing my family with my boyfriend either.
I'm late chiming in and am not saying anything different than most of you have already said, but I wanted to chime in and also say - this girl is CRAZY. Really? Were you honestly expecting someone to tell you, "Yes, it's a fabulous idea to have your 5th child with a married man! Go for it?"
My Age - 41, DH's Age - 42
TTC #1 since November 2011 Dx: Endometriosis, Stenosis of the Cervix, Uterine Polyp, Hostile CM and Borderline PCOS Stage 1 Endo and Uterine Polyp removed and Cervix widened on July 9, 2012. IUI #1 Clomid 50 mg - 3/6/13 BFN IUI #2 Clomid 50 mg - 4/3/13 BFN IUI #3 Clomid 50 mg - 10/4/13 BFN IUI #4 Clomid 100 mg + HCG trigger - 11/2/13 BFN Cycle #28 - Clomid 100 mg + HCG trigger + TI (IUI #5 cancelled) - 2/5/14 BFN IUI #5 Clomid 100 mg + HCG trigger - 3/5/14 BFN
It seems that everyone is on here just to argue and start up drama. I am in a very happy relationship, it is unfortunate that some of you can't say the same. Maybe you should focus some on the energy onto something useful. Women like many of you on here like to blame other women for loosing your men when it's you that is the problem. The other women did things that you didn't and thats why men leave. My two prior relationships have nothing to do with this. My bf sought something that his wife wasn't giving him and I was able to provide that. His choice was clear when he chose me. I have no worry that he will be leaving me. You all should be sure that you can say the same, while you're acting all high and mighty.
mommy to Jillauriya 6/3/2005, Alezander 5/5/2006,Bette-Marie 1/17/2008,Jaidyn 11/9/2010
It seems that everyone is on here just to argue and start up drama. I am in a very happy relationship, it is unfortunate that some of you can't say the same. Maybe you should focus some on the energy onto something useful. Women like many of you on here like to blame other women for loosing your men when it's you that is the problem. The other women did things that you didn't and thats why men leave. My two prior relationships have nothing to do with this. My bf sought something that his wife wasn't giving him and I was able to provide that. His choice was clear when he chose me. I have no worry that he will be leaving me. You all should be sure that you can say the same, while you're acting all high and mighty.
So what wouldn't you do for your previous relationships that they went searching for elsewhere?
It was the ass wasn't it?
Some guys just really want backdoor action.
Fuuck TTC - I'm moving on.
"It's a child, not a cheeto" Thanks mmariluh!
"Ew. I've read all of two posts from you, and you stink like rotting garbage."
You think it's insulting or it really doesn't bother you? I'm confused.
It's insulting, but it does not bother me. 'Fuuck you' is an insulting thing to say to someone, wouldn't you agree? I guess you are confused.
I think relating infertility to "God's plan" is insulting. Like it is just so easy to just get over having your own children and yes, it is just so easy to adopt. I think Mandy has every right to say that.
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I can't believe I just wasted all this time at work reading this whole thread. But I couldn't stop.
OP... People here gave you sound advice. Please take some of it into consideration. Maybe wait until your current bf is divorced and you are able to get married before TTC your next child.
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You think "god's plan" is a perfectly fine statement in response to various hardships and I think it is asinine and insulting.
....I'm glad we can agree to disagree. But I think it's insulting for you to say 'Fuuck you' to me which had mean intent behind it. I did not mean anything negative by what I posted. With that being said, these boards are for everyone to give their opinions and that's what makes it exciting so it doesn't really bother me.
As far as being a Newb, I'm loving it =] I've learned lots of valuable things thanks!
I hope you never find that "God's plan" is for you to not have children of your own. Then maybe you'll feel an ounce of the pain felt by MBN and others for whom conception isn't going to happen for various reasons. I can assure you, you'll be questioning how your God would purposely want you to suffer in that way. It's not a test, it's a life-changing mind-fuuck. You tell me how it feels when you have to go through the emotional distress of not being able to produce with your husband. Adoption isn't a cure for infertility, honey, and women who adopt are still infertile. If God had a plan, he fuuucked it right up when he let the crack heads abuse their babies.
You know what? Keep your plan. I don't want any part of a God that would let a child be born addicted to heroine but would keep my amazing husband from reproducing and being an incredible father.
You think "god's plan" is a perfectly fine statement in response to various hardships and I think it is asinine and insulting.
....I'm glad we can agree to disagree. But I think it's insulting for you to say 'Fuuck you' to me which had mean intent behind it. I did not mean anything negative by what I posted. With that being said, these boards are for everyone to give their opinions and that's what makes it exciting so it doesn't really bother me.
As far as being a Newb, I'm loving it =] I've learned lots of valuable things thanks!
I hope you never find that "God's plan" is for you to not have children of your own. Then maybe you'll feel an ounce of the pain felt by MBN and others for whom conception isn't going to happen for various reasons. I can assure you, you'll be questioning how your God would purposely want you to suffer in that way. It's not a test, it's a life-changing mind-fuuck. You tell me how it feels when you have to go through the emotional distress of not being able to produce with your husband. Adoption isn't a cure for infertility, honey, and women who adopt are still infertile. If God had a plan, he fuuucked it right up when he let the crack heads asude their babies.
You know what? Keep your plan. I don't want any part of a God that would let a child be born addicted to heroine but would keep my amazing husband from reproducing and being an incredible father.
as a newb that's "learned lots of valuable things" you obviously haven't learned enough. Like tact or when to shut the hell up because you just said something pretty hurtful without even meaning to... and then when you get called out for being a douche and being hurtful..."but I didn't have any mean intent behind it."
Oh well, it was mean. It was taken that way. What does your bible say to do next? Maybe apologize or something? Or is that not part of God's plan either?
the LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalms 34:18 My Blog || BFP Chart
11/27/10-BFP, EDD 8/9/11 ||
1/4-7/10- missed m/c 9wks
4/25/11- BFP , EDD 1/5/12
It seems that everyone is on here just to argue and start up drama. I am in a very happy relationship, it is unfortunate that some of you can't say the same. Maybe you should focus some on the energy onto something useful. Women like many of you on here like to blame other women for loosing your men when it's you that is the problem. The other women did things that you didn't and thats why men leave. My two prior relationships have nothing to do with this. My bf sought something that his wife wasn't giving him and I was able to provide that. His choice was clear when he chose me. I have no worry that he will be leaving me. You all should be sure that you can say the same, while you're acting all high and mighty.
Oh thank you for clearing this up! Do you have any tips that you could share with me on keepin' my man happy?
It seems that everyone is on here just to argue and start up drama. I am in a very happy relationship, it is unfortunate that some of you can't say the same. Maybe you should focus some on the energy onto something useful. Women like many of you on here like to blame other women for loosing your men when it's you that is the problem. The other women did things that you didn't and thats why men leave. My two prior relationships have nothing to do with this. My bf sought something that his wife wasn't giving him and I was able to provide that. His choice was clear when he chose me. I have no worry that he will be leaving me. You all should be sure that you can say the same, while you're acting all high and mighty.
Your siggy proves you're MUD. I allllllmost believed you were real. Your story is too crazy and keeps getting crazier. You throw in those trashy names for your kids and it's a classic example of MUD. Funny how all of a sudden you add that.
Look Bitchh! You've crossed the line now. I wouldn't have said much if you were insulting me but insulting my children is taking this to a whole different level! Back the fucck off seriously!
mommy to Jillauriya 6/3/2005, Alezander 5/5/2006,Bette-Marie 1/17/2008,Jaidyn 11/9/2010
It seems that everyone is on here just to argue and start up drama. I am in a very happy relationship, it is unfortunate that some of you can't say the same. Maybe you should focus some on the energy onto something useful. Women like many of you on here like to blame other women for loosing your men when it's you that is the problem. The other women did things that you didn't and thats why men leave. My two prior relationships have nothing to do with this. My bf sought something that his wife wasn't giving him and I was able to provide that. His choice was clear when he chose me. I have no worry that he will be leaving me. You all should be sure that you can say the same, while you're acting all high and mighty.
Your siggy proves you're MUD. I allllllmost believed you were real. Your story is too crazy and keeps getting crazier. You throw in those trashy names for your kids and it's a classic example of MUD. Funny how all of a sudden you add that.
Look Bitchh! You've crossed the line now. I wouldn't have said much if you were insulting me but insulting my children is taking this to a whole different level! Back the fucck off seriously!
How exactly does one pronounce Jillalauryia? Did your keyboard have some maple syrup stuck in the A key? I hatttte when that happens.
Fuuck TTC - I'm moving on.
"It's a child, not a cheeto" Thanks mmariluh!
"Ew. I've read all of two posts from you, and you stink like rotting garbage."
It seems that everyone is on here just to argue and start up drama. I am in a very happy relationship, it is unfortunate that some of you can't say the same. Maybe you should focus some on the energy onto something useful. Women like many of you on here like to blame other women for loosing your men when it's you that is the problem. The other women did things that you didn't and thats why men leave. My two prior relationships have nothing to do with this. My bf sought something that his wife wasn't giving him and I was able to provide that. His choice was clear when he chose me. I have no worry that he will be leaving me. You all should be sure that you can say the same, while you're acting all high and mighty.
Your siggy proves you're MUD. I allllllmost believed you were real. Your story is too crazy and keeps getting crazier. You throw in those trashy names for your kids and it's a classic example of MUD. Funny how all of a sudden you add that.
Look Bitchh! You've crossed the line now. I wouldn't have said much if you were insulting me but insulting my children is taking this to a whole different level! Back the fucck off seriously!
You insult your children already with bullshiit names and a parade of new daddies waltzing around.
the LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalms 34:18 My Blog || BFP Chart
11/27/10-BFP, EDD 8/9/11 ||
1/4-7/10- missed m/c 9wks
4/25/11- BFP , EDD 1/5/12
The other women did things that you didn't and thats why men leave.
I can only imagine what those "things" might be.
And wait...women like many of us on here have lost our men to other women? Call me crazy, but I think it would be a pretty safe bet to say that most of us are married.
It seems that everyone is on here just to argue and start up drama. I am in a very happy relationship, it is unfortunate that some of you can't say the same. Maybe you should focus some on the energy onto something useful. Women like many of you on here like to blame other women for loosing your men when it's you that is the problem. The other women did things that you didn't and thats why men leave. My two prior relationships have nothing to do with this. My bf sought something that his wife wasn't giving him and I was able to provide that. His choice was clear when he chose me. I have no worry that he will be leaving me. You all should be sure that you can say the same, while you're acting all high and mighty.
Oh thank you for clearing this up! Do you have any tips that you could share with me on keepin' my man happy?
And that makes you a skank and him a dog. If he wasn't happy with her, fine. But YOU could have had at least enough respect for yourself, his children, and his soon-to-be-ex wife to stay the heck out of that situation. Some day, you won't be giving him all he wants, and his baby momma #3 will be posting the same shiit on this board.
I will never learn when to 'shut the helll up' people don't tell me when I can and can not speak. This whole thing is being blown way out of proportion and for that I'm sorry. I never meant for my words to seem as though I was being insensitive to those who are infertile. I was simply commenting on someone's thoughts about God's Plan being confusing and trying to make it a positive thing and say, "Hey, I agree it is confusing but here's some good things that can come out of bad....." I wish everyone could have wonderful things and be fertile etc.. but that's not reality and I try to find ways to be optimistic about it and God has been a huge part of my life so that's where I go to find refuge, so why not share my ideas on how I try to look at things and cope with them. I never would have imagined that something I said with good intent would have been twisted so terribly.
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Why the F do you want to have baby #8 when you can't even afford to
get married??? Something seems off here... either she's full of sh*t and
her story is all BS or her brain is missing a few cells!! I'm sorry, I
just can't comprehend the fact that you already have this many kids (God
knows how many different fathers or mothers) and you still want to have
a child is not an ACCESSORY!!! Please think about what you're doing
for these children before you bring another one to your world.
I didn't want to be judged by asking for advice here. I do not have 8 children. If I get pregnant this will be my 5th child. I had the first two as a teen. I am now a lot more mature
and this pregnancy will actually be planned. We can afford to get
married but we can't until my bf is officially divorced.
well by asking for advice here, you open up the possibility of being
judged. Welcome to the internet. Oh, & being with a man who is still
married is real mature (not to mention very wh0re-like). You sound like a train-wreck lady.
Re: Not sure what we should do
my thoughts exactly... No one knew my TTC plans when I was with my STBXH, not even my family, let alone some guy I had dated from my past.
That's disgusting and quite frankly, shows how truly immature you are. You shouldn't have one child, let alone 5. FX you lose custody for one reason or another.
Buying Christmas presents its not all there is to be a parent and I didnt say that a parent is unfit for being on welfare. What I said is, if you are aware that you can't provide for your child right now then take the steps necessary to make sure you dont bring yet another child into the same situation. I know life happens, people lose their jobs and overnight can lose everything and there is nothing wrong with getting the I said, I did not read your post completely and now that I read your post I dont agree completely with what you said. How can you have 3 kids in a bedroom? I've never seen an apartment that has a lot of square footage.....I just assumed that your whole post was about telling her to go on welfare..
Probably. Or her ute is such a clown car that they naturally assume she is always ttc.
don't give her any ideas!
Ummm.... what?
People can't have kids because it is in god's plan that they adopt all the children who need homes?
Fuuck you.
"It's a child, not a cheeto" Thanks mmariluh!
"Ew. I've read all of two posts from you, and you stink like rotting garbage."
This. I just found this thread. It makes me laugh.
Here's an idea. Stop screwing around! Get a husband and a stable life and then have... err no. Don't have more kids, but get married anyway. Fix your life you crazy woman!
OP, your LIFE is drama.
also, this post is so full of win
"What did my fingers do before they held you? What did my heart do with it's love?"
You must have taken my comment the wrong way and I'm sorry you did. That is not what I meant but I was trying to think of positives in a bad situation. I don't think God intended for people to not have kids so that they could adopt children that don't have homes, but I do think that sometimes good things can come out of bad situations. For example; Someone can not have kids for whatever reason and luckily there are plenty of children who are just waiting for someone to love them and they are forever blessed to have each other. I personally know very well because my sister experienced this first hand. If you want to say "Fuuck you." to me simply because I'm trying to be optimistic then I hope you can get help with your anger. What I said was not to be offensive in any way shape or form and I think most people would realize that.
And perhaps you should realize that trite and condescending broad stroke statements are just that.
"It's a child, not a cheeto" Thanks mmariluh!
"Ew. I've read all of two posts from you, and you stink like rotting garbage."
I'm sorry you feel that way. But I am entitled to my opinion and I do believe in trusting my life with God and I know he has a plan for me. I have had to overcome some pretty traumatic things in my life, as do most people, but that doesn't mean I think God is a bad person for putting me through those things. They have made me a strong person and I am thankful for who I am and what I've been through.
This statement alone lets me know that you probably knew this would not go over well here. Why did you decide to post this then?? Oh yeah....MUD!
You are entitled to your opinion, and I, mine.
You think "god's plan" is a perfectly fine statement in response to various hardships and I think it is asinine and insulting.
"It's a child, not a cheeto" Thanks mmariluh!
"Ew. I've read all of two posts from you, and you stink like rotting garbage."
Gosh, Mandy, all you have to do is toddle on down to the adoption store on the corner and pick out your very own little cuddly bundle that's just waiting for a forever home! It happened to her sister and is clearly God's plan! Gee.
Actually, OP, I find people throwing around 'God's plan' in such trite and meaningless ways (and in ways that have nothing to do with the OP and are ridiculously random) very offensive. Plenty of people wanted to tell me it was God's plan when my son was born prematurely and died, but I tend to agree with Mandy. Fvck them. I was offended every.single.time. You believe in an omniscient God who directs your life and has an overarching plan, that is fantastic for you. But not everyone does and it can be exceedingly painful or offensive to push that type of religiousity at someone without understanding their history.
Gabriel Ross - August 24, 2009 * Vivienne Rose - May 1, 2012
My Blog
You are entitled to your opinion, and I, mine.
You think "god's plan" is a perfectly fine statement in response to various hardships and I think it is asinine and insulting.
....I'm glad we can agree to disagree. But I think it's insulting for you to say 'Fuuck you' to me which had mean intent behind it. I did not mean anything negative by what I posted. With that being said, these boards are for everyone to give their opinions and that's what makes it exciting so it doesn't really bother me.
As far as being a Newb, I'm loving it =] I've learned lots of valuable things thanks!
The quote button is obviously not one of them.
You think it's insulting or it really doesn't bother you? I'm confused.
The quote button is obviously not one of them.
You think it's insulting or it really doesn't bother you? I'm confused.
It's insulting, but it does not bother me. 'Fuuck you' is an insulting thing to say to someone, wouldn't you agree? I guess you are confused.
If you are looking for rainbows & puppies...this isn't the board for you.
I'm late chiming in and am not saying anything different than most of you have already said, but I wanted to chime in and also say - this girl is CRAZY. Really? Were you honestly expecting someone to tell you, "Yes, it's a fabulous idea to have your 5th child with a married man! Go for it?"
My Age - 41, DH's Age - 42
Dx: Endometriosis, Stenosis of the Cervix, Uterine Polyp, Hostile CM and Borderline PCOS
Stage 1 Endo and Uterine Polyp removed and Cervix widened on July 9, 2012.
IUI #1 Clomid 50 mg - 3/6/13 BFN
IUI #2 Clomid 50 mg - 4/3/13 BFN
IUI #3 Clomid 50 mg - 10/4/13 BFN
IUI #4 Clomid 100 mg + HCG trigger - 11/2/13 BFN
Cycle #28 - Clomid 100 mg + HCG trigger + TI (IUI #5 cancelled) - 2/5/14 BFN
IUI #5 Clomid 100 mg + HCG trigger - 3/5/14 BFN
So what wouldn't you do for your previous relationships that they went searching for elsewhere?
It was the ass wasn't it?
Some guys just really want backdoor action.
"It's a child, not a cheeto" Thanks mmariluh!
"Ew. I've read all of two posts from you, and you stink like rotting garbage."
I think relating infertility to "God's plan" is insulting. Like it is just so easy to just get over having your own children and yes, it is just so easy to adopt. I think Mandy has every right to say that.
I can't believe I just wasted all this time at work reading this whole thread. But I couldn't stop.
OP... People here gave you sound advice. Please take some of it into consideration. Maybe wait until your current bf is divorced and you are able to get married before TTC your next child.
I hope you never find that "God's plan" is for you to not have children of your own. Then maybe you'll feel an ounce of the pain felt by MBN and others for whom conception isn't going to happen for various reasons. I can assure you, you'll be questioning how your God would purposely want you to suffer in that way. It's not a test, it's a life-changing mind-fuuck. You tell me how it feels when you have to go through the emotional distress of not being able to produce with your husband. Adoption isn't a cure for infertility, honey, and women who adopt are still infertile. If God had a plan, he fuuucked it right up when he let the crack heads abuse their babies.
You know what? Keep your plan. I don't want any part of a God that would let a child be born addicted to heroine but would keep my amazing husband from reproducing and being an incredible father.
P/SAIF Welcome
Invisible Finish Line
3T's Traveling Ovary Blog
7DPO Progesterone: low. CD3 BW: normal, HSG: clear
DX: severe MFI (low all 3) and low T. Undergoing replacement therapy.
as a newb that's "learned lots of valuable things" you obviously haven't learned enough. Like tact or when to shut the hell up because you just said something pretty hurtful without even meaning to... and then when you get called out for being a douche and being hurtful..."but I didn't have any mean intent behind it."
Oh well, it was mean. It was taken that way. What does your bible say to do next? Maybe apologize or something? Or is that not part of God's plan either?
My Blog || BFP Chart
11/27/10-BFP, EDD 8/9/11 || 1/4-7/10- missed m/c 9wks
4/25/11- BFP , EDD 1/5/12
Oh thank you for clearing this up! Do you have any tips that you could share with me on keepin' my man happy?
How exactly does one pronounce Jillalauryia? Did your keyboard have some maple syrup stuck in the A key? I hatttte when that happens.
"It's a child, not a cheeto" Thanks mmariluh!
"Ew. I've read all of two posts from you, and you stink like rotting garbage."
You insult your children already with bullshiit names and a parade of new daddies waltzing around.
My Blog || BFP Chart
11/27/10-BFP, EDD 8/9/11 || 1/4-7/10- missed m/c 9wks
4/25/11- BFP , EDD 1/5/12
I can only imagine what those "things" might be.
And wait...women like many of us on here have lost our men to other women? Call me crazy, but I think it would be a pretty safe bet to say that most of us are married.
Jil-or-rye-uh, maybe?
Spontaneous pregnancy #1
DD1 July 31, 2011
Trying for #2 since Oct 11
Spontaneous pregnancy #2= Ectopic #2= lost left tube
Spontaneous pregnancy #3= DD2 January 29, 2016
Spontaneous pregnancy #4= Ectopic #3
Spontaneous pregnancy #5= Baby #3 is a BOY!!!
And that makes you a skank and him a dog. If he wasn't happy with her, fine. But YOU could have had at least enough respect for yourself, his children, and his soon-to-be-ex wife to stay the heck out of that situation. Some day, you won't be giving him all he wants, and his baby momma #3 will be posting the same shiit on this board.
P/SAIF Welcome
Invisible Finish Line
3T's Traveling Ovary Blog
7DPO Progesterone: low. CD3 BW: normal, HSG: clear
DX: severe MFI (low all 3) and low T. Undergoing replacement therapy.
It was in God's plan that she said "Fuuck you" in her response. Don't back talk to the Lord.
EDD 07/29/2017