Sorry for all the question about getting rid of kid's stuff - trying to spring clean and take as much as possible to the consignment shop!
I haven't been that great about using the cart cover with my 15 month old, but probably because we have been using the carts with the "car" in the front, or the carts that have 2 seats instead of 1 (like the wholesale clubs).
But then I think about getting rid of it and I feel like I shouldn't...
Time to ditch it? Or wait til summer when cold/flu season is over? (And same with the cheapie highchair cover too)?
Re: When did you get rid of your cart cover?
I didn't use one with any of my kids...mostly b/c finding a cover for twins then a cart that had two seats up front was difficult. So when #3 came along I just skipped it.
I have to say they seem really germy to me anyway - like instead of leaving the germs the cart (or the sanitary wipe) you bring them into your car and house. Ewww.
So I say sell it!
My twins are 5! My baby is 3!
DS#2 - Allergic to Cashew, Pistachio, Kiwi
DS#3 - Allergic to Milk, Egg, Peanut, Tree Nuts and Sesame
I stopped using ours a LONG time ago. I only used it when she was really little and liked to chew on the handle. It was easier for me to pile Puffs onto the fabric, too. But those days are long gone! So for us, the cart cover is history.
I haven't used the shopping part cover with my 14m old the last three or so times I've taken him to the store with me. I keep it in the back of my car and was thinking I'll let it sit there for another month or two just in case I feel a need to use it.
I don't remember the last time I used our highchair cover. I keep it in a bin behind my son's carseat. We didn't take it to Mexico over Thanksgiving and I've just put him straight in a highchair without a cover since then.