So far I'm feeling great. I feel the boys move a lot and love it. Yesterday morning my DH was talking to my belly and he had his nose touching my belly and one of the boys kicked him. It was the first time DH felt one of the babies. So cute. I can't believe how big I am already. I was this big at 7 months with my last pregnancy. I'm scared. I'm going to be huge, I know it. I've gained 7 pounds so far. If you include the 7 pounds I lost in the first trimester then I've actually gained 14. Good, bad?
Re: 19 weeks and counting...
You look awesome! I hear when it's your 2nd you start to show earlier. I am smaller than you (pic in blog) but these are my first. Plus i lost 12 pds in the 1st tri due to m/s. Right now i'm weighing in at 122!! So i'm not sure how to calculated that. I started gaining at 13wks. My OB is not concerned either (well she wasn't almost a month ago i go again this frid)
I'm scared to see how big i get as well lol...we still have 4 mos to go!!!!
BFP Nov 09 - c/p Dec 09
BFP Dec 09 - A&J born in August 2010 at 37w, 6d
BFP Sept 11 - ectopic pregnancy/left tube removed
BFP April 12 - E born December 2012 at 39w, 1d