Baby Names

Sawyer Lynn

Alright I felt like I should update you guys on the name I chose. Just because you guys gave me such great suggestions. It's not anywhere near the traditional names I was looking at. And a lot of you probably won't like it. Some say it's a boy name. I love it. 

Sawyer Lynn- pronounced

Re: Sawyer Lynn

  • Congratulations on choosing! I like boys' names on girls, and I don't mind Sawyer at all. The feminine MN helps balance it out.
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  • Thank you. Yes, I believe most of my family members will call her Sawyer Lynn to make it feminine.

  • I love Sawyer on a girl. I actually wouldn't personally use it on a boy. This coming from someone who used a boy name on my daughter as well (though it's pronounced like the herb, not the traditional boy pronunciation.)

    Very cute.
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  • Just FYI Lynn can also be a masculine name. Congrats on deciding, I would assume it's a boy's name.

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  • Idani said:
    Congrats on deciding!  I get that people like boy names on girls, that being said I do feel a very girly name fits best in the middle.  With Sawyer Lynn I would assume boy and that the mn was honoring a family member as Lynn was also a masculine name.  However that is just my opinion and what matters is you are happy with your choice!
    I met a little boy named Lynn at the park the other week and so now I have Lynn in my mind as a boy's name too. In fact when I saw the title I thought "Oh wow, coming across ANOTHER little boy named Lynn! Awesome!" Heh. Nope. 

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  • I think it is a nice name but I don't think Lynn makes it more feminine.
  • I agree that with TWO unisex names together, I would assume this was a boy just by looking at the name. I love Sawyer for both sexes, but I think you should find a more feminine MN so that there won't be any assumptions/doubts about gender for people who aren't privy.

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  • I always thought of Sawyer as a girl name...because on One Tree Hill Peyton and Lucas had a daughter named Sawyer, haha.
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