Dallas-Fort Worth Babies

Why has our board died?


Re: Why has our board died?

  • imageMrsSoapbox:

    On the nest, they had a girl fake having twins that came to a GTG. There are crazies out there.

    The Kimmy story will be told for years to come!! :)

    WHA?  Indifferent  Someone should tell me this story/these stories--it would really be more like a PSA than anything...

    Yup, I'd like to know the story. That's CRAZY!

    Second, Mrs Soapbox--How cute is the name Brennan?!?! I love it!

    and lastly, I wanted to come to the cookie party but we've got Christmas with my grandpa in south Texas : (


  • imagekatherinemichel:

    Second, Mrs Soapbox--How cute is the name Brennan?!?! I love it!

    Thank you so much!  Brennan is actually my sister's name and we still haven't told her that we're naming the baby after her.  She's going to be so excited!  (I'm waiting to tell her in person next week.)  

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  • For me....

    1. In general, I have been trying to stay off the computer.

    2. It seemed to get pretty boring.

    3. These boys keep me very busy.

    4. Getting another dog has made me feel like I have gone from 2 children, to 4 children.

  • imagemissjanel:

    I have never seen a security breach that did not involve someone who is over the top when it comes to drama. Maybe it happens but I haven't seen it. As for the security of our children we all want them to be safe. But if I were that concerned about my child being taken from a public park because I posted on an internet forum I probably wouldn't be posting their picture on the internet at all.

    How exactly does a picture of my daughter tell you the time and location of a get together we'll be attending? Are you not getting that some psycho made up a pregnancy and children and attended a get together that was posted on a local board?

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  • A picture does not identify when or where you will be attending a particular GTG. But if you're counting on that lack of info to keep yourself safe at all times then I think you have a false sense of security. But why are you so defensive about all this? If you really feel that posting on the DFW board is that detrimental to your safety then why do you keep posting? FWIW I don't see how it's much safer posting on the national boards versus the local boards.

    The question was asked why the board died. I answered the question based on my own opinions. Just because you don't like my answer does not mean that I'm going to change my answer or suddenly become afraid of the DFW board just because you are.  


    I have never seen a security breach that did not involve someone who is over the top when it comes to drama. Maybe it happens but I haven't seen it. As for the security of our children we all want them to be safe. But if I were that concerned about my child being taken from a public park because I posted on an internet forum I probably wouldn't be posting their picture on the internet at all.

    How exactly does a picture of my daughter tell you the time and location of a get together we'll be attending? Are you not getting that some psycho made up a pregnancy and children and attended a get together that was posted on a local board?

  • The Kim story is over 2 years old.  There hasn't been any weirdness since then.

    Just come back, girls.

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  • This:

    I don't worry about the security issues since most people who have trouble are those that get caught up in bump drama and ultimately get called out on something. 

    I've been on the Knot/Nest/Bump for a long time, and just because nothing has ever happened to YOU, doesn't mean that you can discount it from happening to others.  I've had things done to me, so yeah, when someone starts going BSC then I go elsewhere.  You're stating your opinion on why the board died, I'm giving my reasons as to why I don't hang out here much anymore. 

    And trust me, Jessi isn't scared or defensive - you're coming across as an uncaring biznatch. 


    You are right. From time to time someone's personal info gets posted or they lose their job or whatever because someone on the knot/nest/bump is vindictave. I'm not personally concerned about it, but I understand that it may bother others. I didn't say that people were crazy for having security fears, only that I don't and that's why I believe the board is dead. What did I say that made you feel that I thought your concerns were unfounded?

  • The real reason the board died is because I moved. =P
  • imageavz2azb:
    The real reason the board died is because I moved. =P

    Well, duh!  ;)

  • imageavz2azb:
    The real reason the board died is because I moved. =P

    damn straight, sistah!!!

  • Please enlighten me as to how what I have said seems uncaring to you?




    I don't worry about the security issues since most people who have trouble are those that get caught up in bump drama and ultimately get called out on something. 

    I've been on the Knot/Nest/Bump for a long time, and just because nothing has ever happened to YOU, doesn't mean that you can discount it from happening to others.  I've had things done to me, so yeah, when someone starts going BSC then I go elsewhere.  You're stating your opinion on why the board died, I'm giving my reasons as to why I don't hang out here much anymore. 

    And trust me, Jessi isn't scared or defensive - you're coming across as an uncaring biznatch. 


    You are right. From time to time someone's personal info gets posted or they lose their job or whatever because someone on the knot/nest/bump is vindictave. I'm not personally concerned about it, but I understand that it may bother others. I didn't say that people were crazy for having security fears, only that I don't and that's why I believe the board is dead. What did I say that made you feel that I thought your concerns were unfounded?

  • imageavz2azb:
    The real reason the board died is because I moved. =P

    I am still crying over this!!  Crying

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    The Mouse ~ 06.12.08 | The Froggy ~ 02.23.11

  • "You kind of came across as saying only azzholes and drama queens get their info leaked.

    I'm less concerned about my name and e-mail getting out than I am a psycho showing up at a park to steal my baby.

    It happens. Watch "Snapped".

    On the nest, they had a girl fake having twins that came to a GTG. There are crazies out there."

     This is why I am never considered active, post a whole lot or respond to GTG invites.  I would LOVE to finally meet other mom's in my area, but I just get freaked out too easily.  I have seen first hand what can happen if you meet the wrong person on the internet.  Just ask my niece.  She met online someone she thought was a boy her age, he turned out to be a 30-something man who attacked her.  You can never be too careful.

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  • You know I can't blame you for not wanting to go to a GTG to meet grown women who publicly belittle you for something as insignificant as your choice of signature badges.


    "You kind of came across as saying only azzholes and drama queens get their info leaked.

    I'm less concerned about my name and e-mail getting out than I am a psycho showing up at a park to steal my baby.

    It happens. Watch "Snapped".

    On the nest, they had a girl fake having twins that came to a GTG. There are crazies out there."

     This is why I am never considered active, post a whole lot or respond to GTG invites.  I would LOVE to finally meet other mom's in my area, but I just get freaked out too easily.  I have seen first hand what can happen if you meet the wrong person on the internet.  Just ask my niece.  She met online someone she thought was a boy her age, he turned out to be a 30-something man who attacked her.  You can never be too careful.

  • If you can't understand how you are coming across, then I can't help you.   


    Please enlighten me as to how what I have said seems uncaring to you?

  • Excuse me?  Proof?  Please don't be a passive-aggressive snot and name names.  And I'd love to see the posts as well.  Really.  Links?  Names?


    You know I can't blame you for not wanting to go to a GTG to meet grown women who publicly belittle you for something as insignificant as your choice of signature badges.

  • Do you want all of them or will one suffice?




    Excuse me?  Proof?  Please don't be a passive-aggressive snot and name names.  And I'd love to see the posts as well.  Really.  Links?  Names?


    You know I can't blame you for not wanting to go to a GTG to meet grown women who publicly belittle you for something as insignificant as your choice of signature badges.

  • imagemissjanel:

    You know I can't blame you for not wanting to go to a GTG to meet grown women who publicly belittle you for something as insignificant as your choice of signature badges.


    What exactly is the point of this?  Are you TRYING to drive people off of this board?  Because it's working. 

    And for the record, yes, I hate that badge. 

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    The Mouse ~ 06.12.08 | The Froggy ~ 02.23.11

  • No one was belittling her - bad choice of words on your part as they were commenting on what they thought was an obnoxious signature badge.  You really lack reading comprehension if you cannot understand why that badge would upset people, and to use that post as a weapon against people you supposedly want to GTG with?  Um, no thank you.  Now YOU'RE coming across as hostile, crazy and rude - why on earth would any of us want to hang out with you? 


    Do you want all of them or will one suffice?




    Excuse me?  Proof?  Please don't be a passive-aggressive snot and name names.  And I'd love to see the posts as well.  Really.  Links?  Names?


    You know I can't blame you for not wanting to go to a GTG to meet grown women who publicly belittle you for something as insignificant as your choice of signature badges.

  • The point is that I would like the board to be more active and for GTG's to be planned where everyone is invited. The "our kids are all different ages" argument is really weak. It's obvious that the clique is happy with having invitation only GTG's but there are a lot of new moms with younger kids on the board who would like to get out and meet other moms.



    You know I can't blame you for not wanting to go to a GTG to meet grown women who publicly belittle you for something as insignificant as your choice of signature badges.


    What exactly is the point of this?  Are you TRYING to drive people off of this board?  Because it's working. 

    And for the record, yes, I hate that badge. 

  • imageavz2azb:
    The real reason the board died is because I moved. =P
      THIS is exactly true.  I'm still in a depression over it.  COME BACK!!!!

    And ladies- please...I don't know who MissJanel is but she's kinda fiesty about the whole subject. 

    I do know for a fact that at the time of the TexMed chick there was also a lot of other hijinks happening on the national board that caused a lot of us to kind of step back from it all. 

     But for ME personally- I am with BNLjane.  Work is kicking my ass and my internet usage is monitored.  :(  

    But I do like the GTGs and I think after the holidays it will pick back up.

    Merry Christmas!!

    DD#1 is such a big girl! Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • imagemissjanel:

    The point is that I would like the board to be more active and for GTG's to be planned where everyone is invited. The "our kids are all different ages" argument is really weak. It's obvious that the clique is happy with having invitation only GTG's but there are a lot of new moms with younger kids on the board who would like to get out and meet other moms.

    You are so bizarre.

    SO EFFING ORGANIZE ONE THEN. Invite EVERYONE.  Have a GREAT time.  But your demenor on here does NOT make me want to attend. 

    At all. 

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    The Mouse ~ 06.12.08 | The Froggy ~ 02.23.11

  • Then organize one yourself.  What are you, 12?

    Get over yourselves, grow up and grow a set of balls.  Create your OWN group as we did because honestly?  The age "argument" IS very valid because our toddlers will run over littlies and I'm not going to chase my kid all over preventing her from having a good time just so YOUR kid doesn't get stepped on.  It's not fun for me, it's not fun for her.

    You're pathetic.


    The point is that I would like the board to be more active and for GTG's to be planned where everyone is invited. The "our kids are all different ages" argument is really weak. It's obvious that the clique is happy with having invitation only GTG's but there are a lot of new moms with younger kids on the board who would like to get out and meet other moms.



    You know I can't blame you for not wanting to go to a GTG to meet grown women who publicly belittle you for something as insignificant as your choice of signature badges.


    What exactly is the point of this?  Are you TRYING to drive people off of this board?  Because it's working. 

    And for the record, yes, I hate that badge. 

  • imagemissjanel:

    The point is that I would like the board to be more active and for GTG's to be planned where everyone is invited. The "our kids are all different ages" argument is really weak. It's obvious that the clique is happy with having invitation only GTG's but there are a lot of new moms with younger kids on the board who would like to get out and meet other moms.



    You know I can't blame you for not wanting to go to a GTG to meet grown women who publicly belittle you for something as insignificant as your choice of signature badges.


    What exactly is the point of this?  Are you TRYING to drive people off of this board?  Because it's working. 

    And for the record, yes, I hate that badge. 

    So do it! Plan one! Knock yourself out.

    Don't expect me to come though. And you shouldn't get mad when we don't want our toddlers crushing your baby.

    Plus, you seem really unpleasant so there's that.....

  • imagemissjanel:

    The point is that I would like the board to be more active and for GTG's to be planned where everyone is invited. The "our kids are all different ages" argument is really weak. It's obvious that the clique is happy with having invitation only GTG's but there are a lot of new moms with younger kids on the board who would like to get out and meet other moms.



    You know I can't blame you for not wanting to go to a GTG to meet grown women who publicly belittle you for something as insignificant as your choice of signature badges.


    What exactly is the point of this?  Are you TRYING to drive people off of this board?  Because it's working. 

    And for the record, yes, I hate that badge. 

      OK...obviously I didn't read through the entire post before posting but now it's just getting weird.  And Missjanel- you are now falling into the category of why I would not want to show up to a GTG where you might be.  ::shrugs:: 

    Here's a PSA for some people.  There is a group of us who have known each other for almost 2 years.  We have become more than just internet buddies.  We sometimes like to hang out at someone's house with our kids and do stuff like shopping trips.  I don't see why this is an issue.  There are also other groups of women on this board that have known each other for longer than two years and hang out without inviting 2857389847390 other people to their house as well.  There is nothing wrong with this.  No one is forming cliques- this isn't high school.  It's just friendships.  No one is avoiding GTG as a matter of fact, I threw a couple in the summer and fall that were open to everyone. 

    I'm sure some people may have had feelings hurt and that sucks but no one is intentionally trying to hurt or be ugly to anyone else. 

    Make some friends in your area and form your own GTG if your that upset about it. 

    It's WAY hard to have a GTG with 25 mommies and babies at someone's HOUSE.  We'd have to rent a pavilion. 

    DD#1 is such a big girl! Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • imagemissjanel:

    The point is that I would like the board to be more active and for GTG's to be planned where everyone is invited. The "our kids are all different ages" argument is really weak. It's obvious that the clique is happy with having invitation only GTG's but there are a lot of new moms with younger kids on the board who would like to get out and meet other moms.


     THEN PLAN ONE? And stop biitching about not being invited to every single one.

    ETA - jinx Steph, Sallie, Creamy, Liz! 

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  • I completely agree that hosting a GTG in your home entitles you to invite as many or as few people as you would like. But there are lots of places where larger groups can meet up, prime examples the pumpkin patch, the zoo, whatever. And I also understand that some friendship will develop more than others and that some people will want to see each other in small gatherings. All I'm highighting is that it wouldn't hurt if more things were planned that included everyone. Some people have. IBFL had a Halloween GTG and both Sethsgal and PJoann78 scheduled cookie decorating parties. And if your big kid beating up on my small kid is too much then what about a once a month MNO and we can all leave our kids at home?



    The point is that I would like the board to be more active and for GTG's to be planned where everyone is invited. The "our kids are all different ages" argument is really weak. It's obvious that the clique is happy with having invitation only GTG's but there are a lot of new moms with younger kids on the board who would like to get out and meet other moms.



    You know I can't blame you for not wanting to go to a GTG to meet grown women who publicly belittle you for something as insignificant as your choice of signature badges.


    What exactly is the point of this?  Are you TRYING to drive people off of this board?  Because it's working. 

    And for the record, yes, I hate that badge. 

      OK...obviously I didn't read through the entire post before posting but now it's just getting weird.  And Missjanel- you are now falling into the category of why I would not want to show up to a GTG where you might be.  ::shrugs:: 

    Here's a PSA for some people.  There is a group of us who have known each other for almost 2 years.  We have become more than just internet buddies.  We sometimes like to hang out at someone's house with our kids and do stuff like shopping trips.  I don't see why this is an issue.  There are also other groups of women on this board that have known each other for longer than two years and hang out without inviting 2857389847390 other people to their house as well.  There is nothing wrong with this.  No one is forming cliques- this isn't high school.  It's just friendships.  No one is avoiding GTG as a matter of fact, I threw a couple in the summer and fall that were open to everyone. 

    I'm sure some people may have had feelings hurt and that sucks but no one is intentionally trying to hurt or be ugly to anyone else. 

    Make some friends in your area and form your own GTG if your that upset about it. 

    It's WAY hard to have a GTG with 25 mommies and babies at someone's HOUSE.  We'd have to rent a pavilion. 

  • I have said my peace and I am done talking about it.



    The point is that I would like the board to be more active and for GTG's to be planned where everyone is invited. The "our kids are all different ages" argument is really weak. It's obvious that the clique is happy with having invitation only GTG's but there are a lot of new moms with younger kids on the board who would like to get out and meet other moms.



    You know I can't blame you for not wanting to go to a GTG to meet grown women who publicly belittle you for something as insignificant as your choice of signature badges.


    What exactly is the point of this?  Are you TRYING to drive people off of this board?  Because it's working. 

    And for the record, yes, I hate that badge. 

     THEN PLAN ONE? And stop biitching about not being invited to every single one.

    ETA - jinx Steph, Sallie, Creamy, Liz! 

  • Feel free to plan one, then.  You really don't seem to understand anything people are trying to tell you.  You're not "highlighting" anything - you're trying to lynch people for having LIVES that don't involve the Nest/Bump at every single turn.

    I'm not a farking cruise director, nor do I want to be one.  And no, I sure don't want to attend a GTG with you.


    I completely agree that hosting a GTG in your home entitles you to invite as many or as few people as you would like. But there are lots of places where larger groups can meet up, prime examples the pumpkin patch, the zoo, whatever. And I also understand that some friendship will develop more than others and that some people will want to see each other in small gatherings. All I'm highighting is that it wouldn't hurt if more things were planned that included everyone. Some people have. IBFL had a Halloween GTG and both Sethsgal and PJoann78 scheduled cookie decorating parties. And if your big kid beating up on my small kid is too much then what about a once a month MNO and we can all leave our kids at home?


  • imagemissjanel:

    I completely agree that hosting a GTG in your home entitles you to invite as many or as few people as you would like. But there are lots of places where larger groups can meet up, prime examples the pumpkin patch, the zoo, whatever. And I also understand that some friendship will develop more than others and that some people will want to see each other in small gatherings. All I'm highighting is that it wouldn't hurt if more things were planned that included everyone. Some people have. IBFL had a Halloween GTG and both Sethsgal and PJoann78 scheduled cookie decorating parties. And if your big kid beating up on my small kid is too much then what about a once a month MNO and we can all leave our kids at home?



    The point is that I would like the board to be more active and for GTG's to be planned where everyone is invited. The "our kids are all different ages" argument is really weak. It's obvious that the clique is happy with having invitation only GTG's but there are a lot of new moms with younger kids on the board who would like to get out and meet other moms.



    You know I can't blame you for not wanting to go to a GTG to meet grown women who publicly belittle you for something as insignificant as your choice of signature badges.


    What exactly is the point of this?  Are you TRYING to drive people off of this board?  Because it's working. 

    And for the record, yes, I hate that badge. 

      OK...obviously I didn't read through the entire post before posting but now it's just getting weird.  And Missjanel- you are now falling into the category of why I would not want to show up to a GTG where you might be.  ::shrugs:: 

    Here's a PSA for some people.  There is a group of us who have known each other for almost 2 years.  We have become more than just internet buddies.  We sometimes like to hang out at someone's house with our kids and do stuff like shopping trips.  I don't see why this is an issue.  There are also other groups of women on this board that have known each other for longer than two years and hang out without inviting 2857389847390 other people to their house as well.  There is nothing wrong with this.  No one is forming cliques- this isn't high school.  It's just friendships.  No one is avoiding GTG as a matter of fact, I threw a couple in the summer and fall that were open to everyone. 

    I'm sure some people may have had feelings hurt and that sucks but no one is intentionally trying to hurt or be ugly to anyone else. 

    Make some friends in your area and form your own GTG if your that upset about it. 

    It's WAY hard to have a GTG with 25 mommies and babies at someone's HOUSE.  We'd have to rent a pavilion. 

      Um...we do have MNOs?  We just haven't had one lately because well...IT"S THE HOLIDAYS AND PEOPLE ARE BUSY?  Hmm

    And we have had some at gymboree as set up by another bumpie but she's busy with holidays too.  Relax.  MNO and GTG will pick back up, I promise.

    DD#1 is such a big girl! Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • imagelizzyjames:

    OK...obviously I didn't read through the entire post before posting but now it's just getting weird.  And Missjanel- you are now falling into the category of why I would not want to show up to a GTG where you might be.  ::shrugs:: 

    Here's a PSA for some people.  There is a group of us who have known each other for almost 2 years.  We have become more than just internet buddies.  We sometimes like to hang out at someone's house with our kids and do stuff like shopping trips.  I don't see why this is an issue.  There are also other groups of women on this board that have known each other for longer than two years and hang out without inviting 2857389847390 other people to their house as well.  There is nothing wrong with this.  No one is forming cliques- this isn't high school.  It's just friendships.  No one is avoiding GTG as a matter of fact, I threw a couple in the summer and fall that were open to everyone. 

    I'm sure some people may have had feelings hurt and that sucks but no one is intentionally trying to hurt or be ugly to anyone else. 

    Make some friends in your area and form your own GTG if your that upset about it. 

    It's WAY hard to have a GTG with 25 mommies and babies at someone's HOUSE.  We'd have to rent a pavilion. 

    Thank you so much for saying this. Some of the girls that happen to post on this board from time to time are also my IRL best friends. If we see each other on the weekend, I don't feel obligated to post it her. It's not a "get together". I hung out with some friends that I talk to every.single.day. It is not anything personal, but I don't get how this is any different than not inviting the entire board to hang out with me and someone without a nest account.

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  • Dude, she's said her "peace" and is done talking about it. 

    Newsflash: everyone wants world peace - and you want a PIECE of pie or you've said your PIECE. 

    Here endeth the grammar lesson.

  • imagemissjanel:

     IBFL had a Halloween GTG and both Sethsgal and PJoann78 scheduled cookie decorating parties. And if your big kid beating up on my small kid is too much then what about a once a month MNO and we can all leave our kids at home?


    The Halloween thing was unavoidable.  Someone had scheduled something MONTHS in advance for that, and again, half of it was at someone's house. 

    Christmas time is just BAD.  I literally haven't had a weekend-day free since before Thanksgiving.

    And before the holidays hit we DID have monthly MNOs. 

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    The Mouse ~ 06.12.08 | The Froggy ~ 02.23.11

  • Jessi- you have other friends besides MEEE?  How dare you.  hmph.


    DD#1 is such a big girl! Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • I would have loved to go to the cookie party up in Denton - but I am a really cranky pregnant lady and not much fun to be around right now, so maybe some other time

    Can't we all just pray for whirled peas??

    ::giggle -- whirled peas, I crack myself up::

  • after reading this thread, i know why i don't spend more time here

    **head banging desk**

  • imagelabellagirl:

    after reading this thread, i know why i don't spend more time here

    **head banging desk**

      LOL.   That's how I feel!  Except I would like to raise you an eyeroll.
    DD#1 is such a big girl! Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • imageMrs.Reaux:

    I would have loved to go to the cookie party up in Denton - but I am a really cranky pregnant lady and not much fun to be around right now, so maybe some other time

    Can't we all just pray for whirled peas??

    ::giggle -- whirled peas, I crack myself up::

    DD#1 is such a big girl! Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • imageMrs.Reaux:

    I would have loved to go to the cookie party up in Denton - but I am a really cranky pregnant lady and not much fun to be around right now, so maybe some other time

    Can't we all just pray for whirled peas??

    ::giggle -- whirled peas, I crack myself up::

     It made me giggle :)
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • imagemikey&amie:

    I would have loved to go to the cookie party up in Denton - but I am a really cranky pregnant lady and not much fun to be around right now, so maybe some other time

    Can't we all just pray for whirled peas??

    ::giggle -- whirled peas, I crack myself up::

     It made me giggle :)

    You just bought yourself a ticket to the clandestine GTGs girlfriend!

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