I was definitely scared/bored off by a lot of the newbies/crazies.
I've been (mostly lurking) on this board for a while now... before most people came over from the nest/knot and I have to agree that it's never really "clicked"... not sure if it died or if it was never alive to begin with. I still consider myself a newbie though because a) we're not TTC yet and don't have kids, and b) I still don't feel quite as at-home on the DFW boards as I do on my former-local board... but I'm trying to be more active! Sorry to bore you. I must have missed the BSCs though.
BFP 12.20.2010 :: missed m/c 1/2011 around 8 weeks
BFP @ 9dpo 5.24.2011 :: missed m/c 6/2011 around 7 weeks
positive for ANAs (1:40) with a speckled pattern
MTHFR c677t mutation (heterozygous)
*folic acid, baby asprin, Prometrium, acupuncture, Lovenox*
BFP @ 9dpo 2.1.2012 || HCG = 8 : Progesterone = 19.2
2nd HCG @ 11dpo = 40 || 3rd HCG @ 21dpo = over 5000!
Stick, little one, stick! EDD October 15, 2012
I've been a lot busier the past couple of months in preparation for Landon's arrival and still check in every couple of days, but it seems that yeah, everyone has kind of migrated away. Kind of sad since the board was getting really active for a while and I really like all of the regulars on the board....I guess the weirdos/wackos/creepy peeps crashed the party one too many times, lol!
After the TXmed deal, I felt more comfortable communicating with the people that I'd gotten close to off the board. I was excited that the board got so active, but it crossed over into getting *too much* traffic and I felt like I was making myself and Ainsley vulnerable by having too much info on a local board.
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... but it crossed over into getting *too much* traffic and I felt like I was making myself and Ainsley vulnerable by having too much info on a local board.
I think some people's fears about internet security have led to less posts and also less discussion of everyday topics. The board has become a place where people come to ask for recommendations for this or that. The most popular being OB's and child care providers. How interesting is that? The same people giving the same recs week after week. For the board to be interesting people would have to talk about their lives and give opinions on various topics and it's obvious most aren't willing to do that for one reason or another.
I don't worry about the security issues since most people who have trouble are those that get caught up in bump drama and ultimately get called out on something.
I wish there were more scheduled GTG's where everyone was invited.
3. I couldn't relate to or offer valuable insight to many of the new members' posts. So I got bored and lost interest.
People I'm friends with on FB from here may also have noticed I'm not on there much anymore either for reasons 1 and 2 above.
I definitely miss many of the "veterans." To any of you that think I'm ignoring you.....re-read the reasons above. I'm surprised I have any friends left after December each year.
I still check in almost everyday but I guess I don't have much to contribute lately since it's mostly been asking for recs for something I don't have a recommendation for.
Merry Christmas!
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If you had read Texmedflight's PMs to me you might understand better why I avoid this place for the most part. I need no more batshiatcrazy in my life, thanks very much, and there are others who seem to be nice - but in reality they are not and I don't care to be around that either.
I'm also one of those who does worry about security issues because people on this website are completely insane at times and there are some STORIES about things people have done to those they don't like. It's so stupid, but it happens.
I think some people's fears about internet security have led to less posts and also less discussion of everyday topics. The board has become a place where people come to ask for recommendations for this or that. The most popular being OB's and child care providers. How interesting is that? The same people giving the same recs week after week. For the board to be interesting people would have to talk about their lives and give opinions on various topics and it's obvious most aren't willing to do that for one reason or another.
I don't worry about the security issues since most people who have trouble are those that get caught up in bump drama and ultimately get called out on something.
I wish there were more scheduled GTG's where everyone was invited.
I wish there were more scheduled GTG's where everyone was invited.
No one wants to come to my GTG on Saturday I'm hoping it is just that people are too busy with the holidays and not that I'm a loser of that people don't want to drive out to Denton (it really isn't that far from anywhere!)
I'm pretty sure it is going to turn into 5 minutes of decorating cookies and the rest of the time, hanging out on the floor playing with the kiddos, eating cookies/snacks, and talking. (so see... fun for everyone!) I just can't see Katelin being interested in playing with the cookies for much longer than that!
You are right. From time to time someone's personal info gets posted or they lose their job or whatever because someone on the knot/nest/bump is vindictave. I'm not personally concerned about it, but I understand that it may bother others. I didn't say that people were crazy for having security fears, only that I don't and that's why I believe the board is dead. What did I say that made you feel that I thought your concerns were unfounded?
If you had read Texmedflight's PMs to me you might understand better why I avoid this place for the most part. I need no more batshiatcrazy in my life, thanks very much, and there are others who seem to be nice - but in reality they are not and I don't care to be around that either.
I'm also one of those who does worry about security issues because people on this website are completely insane at times and there are some STORIES about things people have done to those they don't like. It's so stupid, but it happens.
We would have come but we have family coming all of the next two weeks so this weekend is our last chance to make everything perfect for the holidays plus have a little time to ourselves. The drive is not an issue it's just bad timing for us. I appreciate the invite though.
I wish there were more scheduled GTG's where everyone was invited.
No one wants to come to my GTG on Saturday I'm hoping it is just that people are too busy with the holidays and not that I'm a loser of that people don't want to drive out to Denton (it really isn't that far from anywhere!)
I'm pretty sure it is going to turn into 5 minutes of decorating cookies and the rest of the time, hanging out on the floor playing with the kiddos, eating cookies/snacks, and talking. (so see... fun for everyone!) I just can't see Katelin being interested in playing with the cookies for much longer than that!
You are right. From time to time someone's personal info gets posted or they lose their job or whatever because someone on the knot/nest/bump is vindictave. I'm not personally concerned about it, but I understand that it may bother others. I didn't say that people were crazy for having security fears, only that I don't and that's why I believe the board is dead. What did I say that made you feel that I thought your concerns were unfounded?
If you had read Texmedflight's PMs to me you might understand better why I avoid this place for the most part. I need no more batshiatcrazy in my life, thanks very much, and there are others who seem to be nice - but in reality they are not and I don't care to be around that either.
I'm also one of those who does worry about security issues because people on this website are completely insane at times and there are some STORIES about things people have done to those they don't like. It's so stupid, but it happens.
You kind of came across as saying only azzholes and drama queens get their info leaked.
I'm less concerned about my name and e-mail getting out than I am a psycho showing up at a park to steal my baby.
It happens. Watch "Snapped".
On the nest, they had a girl fake having twins that came to a GTG. There are crazies out there.
No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
You are right. From time to time someone's personal info gets posted or they lose their job or whatever because someone on the knot/nest/bump is vindictave. I'm not personally concerned about it, but I understand that it may bother others. I didn't say that people were crazy for having security fears, only that I don't and that's why I believe the board is dead. What did I say that made you feel that I thought your concerns were unfounded?
If you had read Texmedflight's PMs to me you might understand better why I avoid this place for the most part. I need no more batshiatcrazy in my life, thanks very much, and there are others who seem to be nice - but in reality they are not and I don't care to be around that either.
I'm also one of those who does worry about security issues because people on this website are completely insane at times and there are some STORIES about things people have done to those they don't like. It's so stupid, but it happens.
You kind of came across as saying only azzholes and drama queens get their info leaked.
I'm less concerned about my name and e-mail getting out than I am a psycho showing up at a park to steal my baby.
It happens. Watch "Snapped".
On the nest, they had a girl fake having twins that came to a GTG. There are crazies out there.
You are right. From time to time someone's personal info gets posted or they lose their job or whatever because someone on the knot/nest/bump is vindictave. I'm not personally concerned about it, but I understand that it may bother others. I didn't say that people were crazy for having security fears, only that I don't and that's why I believe the board is dead. What did I say that made you feel that I thought your concerns were unfounded?
If you had read Texmedflight's PMs to me you might understand better why I avoid this place for the most part. I need no more batshiatcrazy in my life, thanks very much, and there are others who seem to be nice - but in reality they are not and I don't care to be around that either.
I'm also one of those who does worry about security issues because people on this website are completely insane at times and there are some STORIES about things people have done to those they don't like. It's so stupid, but it happens.
You kind of came across as saying only azzholes and drama queens get their info leaked.
I'm less concerned about my name and e-mail getting out than I am a psycho showing up at a park to steal my baby.
It happens. Watch "Snapped".
On the nest, they had a girl fake having twins that came to a GTG. There are crazies out there.
I wish there were more scheduled GTG's where everyone was invited.
No one wants to come to my GTG on Saturday I'm hoping it is just that people are too busy with the holidays and not that I'm a loser of that people don't want to drive out to Denton (it really isn't that far from anywhere!)
I'm pretty sure it is going to turn into 5 minutes of decorating cookies and the rest of the time, hanging out on the floor playing with the kiddos, eating cookies/snacks, and talking. (so see... fun for everyone!) I just can't see Katelin being interested in playing with the cookies for much longer than that!
I'm sorry. I would love to come, but once again (suprise suprise) DH and i are having issues and one of those issues is $ and how much i spend in gas when i do nothing all day. That's the only reason i'm not coming (unless someone wants to carpool!!)
I have never seen a security breach that did not involve someone who is over the top when it comes to drama. Maybe it happens but I haven't seen it. As for the security of our children we all want them to be safe. But if I were that concerned about my child being taken from a public park because I posted on an internet forum I probably wouldn't be posting their picture on the internet at all.
Re: Why has our board died?
The Mouse ~ 06.12.08 | The Froggy ~ 02.23.11
Was it the TexMed chick that did us in? LOL.
I'm swamped at work. Year end sucks.
Ditto this (a good example is the leave post below), and seriously bored by the Nest/Bump in general.
Does anyone need cheese?
You need to give me that baby, please. You're lucky she didn't come home with Tessie and I on Saturday.
Aw, thanks. I want to keep her but you can borrow her annnnnnyyyytime.
yes please
I've been (mostly lurking) on this board for a while now... before most people came over from the nest/knot and I have to agree that it's never really "clicked"... not sure if it died or if it was never alive to begin with. I still consider myself a newbie though because a) we're not TTC yet and don't have kids, and b) I still don't feel quite as at-home on the DFW boards as I do on my former-local board... but I'm trying to be more active! Sorry to bore you.
I must have missed the BSCs though.
BFP 12.20.2010 :: missed m/c 1/2011 around 8 weeks
BFP @ 9dpo 5.24.2011 :: missed m/c 6/2011 around 7 weeks
positive for ANAs (1:40) with a speckled pattern
MTHFR c677t mutation (heterozygous)
*folic acid, baby asprin, Prometrium, acupuncture, Lovenox*
BFP @ 9dpo 2.1.2012 || HCG = 8 : Progesterone = 19.2
2nd HCG @ 11dpo = 40 || 3rd HCG @ 21dpo = over 5000!
Stick, little one, stick! EDD October 15, 2012
or something weird like that. She scared some people.
Thanks a lot!
I had to say it - I couldn't help myself
Yikes, someone posted that she was new in town looking for friends, pregnant women in all caps? I bet she was......freak!
Oh my heck, that looks awesome! ::drool::
The Mouse ~ 06.12.08 | The Froggy ~ 02.23.11
I think some people's fears about internet security have led to less posts and also less discussion of everyday topics. The board has become a place where people come to ask for recommendations for this or that. The most popular being OB's and child care providers. How interesting is that? The same people giving the same recs week after week. For the board to be interesting people would have to talk about their lives and give opinions on various topics and it's obvious most aren't willing to do that for one reason or another.
I don't worry about the security issues since most people who have trouble are those that get caught up in bump drama and ultimately get called out on something.
I wish there were more scheduled GTG's where everyone was invited.
1. This is my CRAZY busy time at work.
2. DS and I have been sick for 2 weeks.
3. I couldn't relate to or offer valuable insight to many of the new members' posts. So I got bored and lost interest.
People I'm friends with on FB from here may also have noticed I'm not on there much anymore either for reasons 1 and 2 above.
I definitely miss many of the "veterans." To any of you that think I'm ignoring you.....re-read the reasons above. I'm surprised I have any friends left after December each year.
Us? I'll be your guinea pig
I still check in almost everyday but I guess I don't have much to contribute lately since it's mostly been asking for recs for something I don't have a recommendation for.
Merry Christmas!
If you had read Texmedflight's PMs to me you might understand better why I avoid this place for the most part. I need no more batshiatcrazy in my life, thanks very much, and there are others who seem to be nice - but in reality they are not and I don't care to be around that either.
I'm also one of those who does worry about security issues because people on this website are completely insane at times and there are some STORIES about things people have done to those they don't like. It's so stupid, but it happens.
No one wants to come to my GTG on Saturday
I'm hoping it is just that people are too busy with the holidays and not that I'm a loser of that people don't want to drive out to Denton (it really isn't that far from anywhere!)
I'm pretty sure it is going to turn into 5 minutes of decorating cookies and the rest of the time, hanging out on the floor playing with the kiddos, eating cookies/snacks, and talking. (so see... fun for everyone!) I just can't see Katelin being interested in playing with the cookies for much longer than that!
You are right. From time to time someone's personal info gets posted or they lose their job or whatever because someone on the knot/nest/bump is vindictave. I'm not personally concerned about it, but I understand that it may bother others. I didn't say that people were crazy for having security fears, only that I don't and that's why I believe the board is dead. What did I say that made you feel that I thought your concerns were unfounded?
BSC = batshiatcrazy? I don't know that term.
Creamy - nice Christmas pic! Very pretty!
We would have come but we have family coming all of the next two weeks so this weekend is our last chance to make everything perfect for the holidays plus have a little time to ourselves. The drive is not an issue it's just bad timing for us. I appreciate the invite though.
You kind of came across as saying only azzholes and drama queens get their info leaked.
I'm less concerned about my name and e-mail getting out than I am a psycho showing up at a park to steal my baby.
It happens. Watch "Snapped".
On the nest, they had a girl fake having twins that came to a GTG. There are crazies out there.
The Kimmy story will be told for years to come!!
Jessi answered it perfectly.
Yes, BSC = batshiatcrazy.
And thank you!
I'm sorry. I would love to come, but once again (suprise suprise) DH and i are having issues and one of those issues is $ and how much i spend in gas when i do nothing all day. That's the only reason i'm not coming (unless someone wants to carpool!!)
I have never seen a security breach that did not involve someone who is over the top when it comes to drama. Maybe it happens but I haven't seen it. As for the security of our children we all want them to be safe. But if I were that concerned about my child being taken from a public park because I posted on an internet forum I probably wouldn't be posting their picture on the internet at all.
Someone should tell me this story/these stories--it would really be more like a PSA than anything...
I agree, i've never heard of that and boy is that creepy!