October 2024 Moms



Re: Introductions

  • Hi! Just found out on Tuesday that I’m having twins!!!

    EDD/ weeks + days: October 24 - 8 weeks today! They did say that with twins I should expect them around Canadian Thanksgiving in mid October!

    How you found out:after 7 rounds of letrozole, I took an early morning test on Valentine’s Day! It was two days before my expected period so I was shocked! Got my first round of bloodwork to check HCG done that day. 

    1st appointment date: March 12!

    Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?):
    No other children for us! we have two dogs and two cats. We love to go for walks and play games and I’m a reader! 

    FTM/STM/TTM+: First time mom! We are so excited but a little scared for twins!

    How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): I am tiredddddd! And I’ve been going through big waves of nausea - brushing my teeth is a challenge at any time of the day. I had one bout of morning sickness so far yesterday morning. Emotionally, I cry at everything lol. 
  • @knottie949845e4058e4f98 how exciting for twins! Congratulations! Welcome to the October club 😊 if you plan to hang out for the whole pregnancy (which we hope you do!) please change the standard bump “knottie” name to something unique so it’s easier for everyone to keep track. There is a board on how to do it. 
    Me: 27 DH: 30
    Started dating: 10/2010 ;; Married 10/2017
    Started TTC: 10/2019
    BFP: 12/20/19 ;; MC: 12/24/19
    BFP: 3/5/20 ;; EDD: 11/11/20
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  • Hi everyone! And congratulations to you all! I’m DB. 

    EDD/ weeks + days: Oct. 1 (so might be a September ‘24 mom…). 11 weeks and a few days today. 
    How you found out: Felt the symptoms for a few days so took a test(2/24). Then took two more the next day. We’d been trying for so long, it seemed, I didn’t believe it. In fact, I was further along than I thought and had missed two periods. Oops. 
    1st appointment date: March 8th
    Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): this will be my first biologically. I have a stepson(8 yrs) . And we have two dogs (Stokes and Deuce). I’m a recruiter currently working on contract with a really great company - so thankful for the flexible schedule. I love to read and we love to do day trips and be outdoors. We’re located in Southern California.
    How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): tired. Symptoms have been here for about two to three weeks and the past couple days have been far better, but today I’m feeling weak. I had OHS a few years ago so I’m struggling with pretty significant arrhythmia - and it’s only the first trimester! - which enhances the nausea. Emotionally though I’m really happy!
  • dotterjudydotterjudy member
    edited March 2024
    Edit: I think it fixed itself!
    So weird - I changed my screen name before posting and it still didn’t post it for my intro 🫣
  • sbkt2024sbkt2024 member
    edited March 2024
    I tried to change it and it doesn’t seem to work so I will try again! Lol 
  • Hi fellow October mums! 
    EDD/ weeks + days: 
    On Valentine’s Day, at 3 weeks + 3 days

    How you found out: 
    I had a feeling to test (hadn’t even missed my period yet). I was shocked! The line was so faint I tested twice. Luckily I already had a PCP appt the following morning, and they also had to test twice to confirm. 

    1st appointment date: 

    Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job?
    I’m an actor, based in Los Angeles. Love seeing a fellow San Antonian here though (I miss H-E-B!). We have 3 beautiful furbabies. 

    Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?):
    Love what I do (act, create), enjoy yoga, reading books, taking long walks. 
    Husband and I love live music, getting out in nature, learning new things & supporting our local pro so we team :)  

    How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally):
    Feeling very anxious. But also excited from yesterday’s 1st appt. It feels more real! 
  • Hi everyone! Excited to be here!

    EDD: October 7th

    how I found out: blood test conducted before going on provera to induce a period (PCOS girlie here) to begin initial steps for IVF. My hcg levels were high, continued to check, and here I am - 10 weeks 6 days!

    about me: fitness lover, lifelong learner, inclusion advocate.


    symptoms:  nausea, lack of appetite, and extreme fatigue are finally lifting a bit! I had never felt so tired - slept almost 12 hours one night, my body is clearly telling me I need the rest. 
  • @knottieb929233abea14a7b what a surprise! Would love to hear a reaction story since you were headed towards IVF! Congratulations! Welcome to the October club 😊 if you plan to hang out for the whole pregnancy (which we hope you do!) please change the standard bump “knottie” name to something unique so it’s easier for everyone to keep track. There is a board on how to do it. 
    Me: 27 DH: 30
    Started dating: 10/2010 ;; Married 10/2017
    Started TTC: 10/2019
    BFP: 12/20/19 ;; MC: 12/24/19
    BFP: 3/5/20 ;; EDD: 11/11/20
  • Hi all! I don’t think I’ve done an introduction yet, whoops! Haha. 

    EDD/ weeks + days: Oct 6, 12 weeks 

    How you found out: Took a pregnancy test after a missed period. Like many others, I didn’t trust the faint line, so took another line and digital test a few days later. 

    1st appointment date: first was Feb 29, second ultrasound tomorrow, March 25! 

    Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): I started working at a non-profit at the end of November after “retiring” from teaching in June. Loving the change and so grateful to be working from home right now!! 
    My partner and I adopted an adorable pittie a year ago, and married my love last July. ❤️
    I love to bake, hike/walk, do yoga, try new experiences and hobbies, and travel. 


    How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): I’m excited!! Also, have been dealing with nausea (but no vomiting, luckily) since week 5, tired, bloated at night (the difference between the morning belly and nighttime bloat is WILD!). I’ve also been dealing with severe SI joint/nerve pain for a couple of weeks, but finally getting some relief and able to move a bit, thank goodness! 

    Looking forward to sharing this journey with you all!! 🤗
  • EDD/ weeks + days: 
    10/25/24, 9 weeks 5 days
    How you found out:
    missed period
    1st appointment date: 
    Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?):
    I have two other kiddos, both boys. I have a cat and dog. I currently deliver parts for a dealership, though after my appointment and some restrictions I received that might change. Right now I love naps lol. Spouse/partner is complicated.
    third time mom
    How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally):
    I'm getting way more symptoms early on than I did with my first two; food cravings/aversions, increased arousal, insomnia, exhaustion, started showing early as well and I'm definitely feeling it. Pretty sure/hopeful that I'm having a girl this time around.
  • EDD/ weeks + days: Oct 18 / 12w2d

    How you found out: I took a test 4 days after a FET.  

    1st appointment date: March 26th; it was good but tons of bloodwork that my NP didn’t say what for. Found out by reading my chart. 

    Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): I’m a scientist and will start my professor position soon. My husband is super excited. I used to ride Peloton but tiredness has kicked in. I enjoy mystery podcasts and listening to music. 


    How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): I had all day (morning) sickness but now it has waned. I have sore boobs, occasional headaches and dizziness, and occasional leg cramps. It’s hard to sleep on my sides but working on it. 
  • Hi everyone!

    EDD/ weeks + days: October 21, 25 week, 2 days!

    How you found out: took a test the day before valentines day, I had a suspicion for a few days before that since we had started trying during our honeymoon trip in January but had to wait... the positive test was a valentines day gift to my hubby!

    1st appointment date: first was feb. 22, I feel like I've had a million appointments since then. Next one is on Thursday :smile:

    Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): No kids yet, but 3 dogs and 2 cats! I'm a former teacher and work at a law firm now, it's reeeeeeally boring. In my spare time, I like to swim, read, play video games, garden and hang out with my animals & husband. We've been married a little over a year now, honeymoon baby on her way!


    How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): Not so great, that's actually why I'm here. Lots of anxiety, super tired and grumpy, just feeling all the feelings all the time. I hope reading about & talking to other mamas will help me feel better! Physically, I'm doing well though so I can't complain too much. My feet hurting is the worst right now!
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