October 2024 Moms


It seems like I'm the first one here! I found that my bump group was really supportive and helpful last time I was pregnant, I look forward to meeting you all!

We can use this to introduce ourselves: 

EDD/ weeks + days: 
How you found out: 
1st appointment date: 
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?):
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally):

Re: Introductions

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  • I'm so sorry to hear about your son, sending you hugs. 🫂
  • I am so sorry mama. I had a first trimester miscarriage and am really scared to be pregnant again, so I can only imagine how you must feel after what you’ve been through. 
  • EDD/ weeks + days: Oct 1 / 5 weeks
    How you found out: tested at 9 DPO
    1st appointment date: early ultrasound scheduled at 7 weeks due to miscarriage history
    Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): Both my husband I work full-time from home which I am so thankful for because we are able to maximize our time with our 2 year old son. We enjoy traveling and also just spending time together at home. 
    How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): No symptoms yet which makes me nervous after experiencing no pregnancy symptoms with a blighted ovum last summer. I am really scared to be pregnant again since my miscarriage and D&C were quite traumatic for me. I think if I can get to 12 weeks I will be able to get excited. 

  • EDD/ weeks + days: 3w3d
    How you found out: I had a vivid dream 
    1st appointment date: I haven’t scheduled one yet. 
    I am happily married to my husband and we have one daughter. We have one fur baby and I am a nurse. 
    I am terrified because it’s so early and I obsessively googling. I have tender b00bs, cramping, EXTREME fatigue in the afternoons, shortness of breath lol. 
  • I had my son in September 2015 and have been trying for a second for the last couple of years. We eventually had to go to IVF. After two retrievals and one transfer, we're expecting a second baby boy around October 10. I started getting early positives on Saturday and today my fertility clinic confirmed the early pregnancy with a blood test. I believe I'm the equivalent of 3w6d.

  • EDD/ weeks + days: 3w3d
    How you found out: I had a vivid dream 
    1st appointment date: I haven’t scheduled one yet. 
    I am happily married to my husband and we have one daughter. We have one fur baby and I am a nurse. 
    I am terrified because it’s so early and I obsessively googling. I have tender b00bs, cramping, EXTREME fatigue in the afternoons, shortness of breath lol. 
    Girl. Yes. I also had a vivid dream and the afternoon fatigue is kicking my a$$ honestly. 
  • I am so happy for you! What an awesome way to find out. ❤️ We’ve also decided to keep it hush hush for awhile and it’s killllllling me. 
  • Hi everyone! Estimated birth date is Oct 13. Two faint positive tests and lots of little symptoms that suggest something is different, including only spotting instead of my period which never happens for me. I'm 43 and we are finally trying for our first (and only). Ive heard so many discouraging things about my age, but we are hoping very much it will be "sticky."

    The main things I've noticed that surprised me so far was this mild persistent nausea already (I definitely heard about morning sickness, but this fast?), and SIGNIFICANT forgetfulness, I am forgetting absolutely everything, exhausted and can't concentrate on anything remotely difficult this week! I sure hope this is going to get better soon!
  • EDD/ weeks + days: October 18th/ 3 weeks + 4 days

    How you found out: I’ve been using an ovulation predictor app, so at 10DPO I took a test and got a positive! Got a blood test done today for extra confirmation.

    1st appointment date: TBD

    Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): I’ve been with my husband for 2 years. He has three kids that live with us full-time. A 16 year old son and 12 year old boy/girl twins. He just got a vasectomy reversal January 9, so it’s crazy that I’m pregnant already. We have two adorable dogs and 2 rascal cats. I homeschool the bunch of them and work from home as the office manager for a construction company.


    How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): I’ve been super nauseous the last two days which prompted me to test. I couldn’t even talk without feeling like I’d throw up. My boobs are so sore I can’t even sleep on my stomach. I also have been so hot and sweaty the last couple of nights which is very unusual for me. And I’ve been breathless when I talk - which is abnormal as well. Emotionally… I’m ecstatic but extremely worried. Of course I was actively trying to conceive but I had zero expectations for the next several months because of my husband’s surgery. So now I’m freaking out a little bit and just really worried hoping it’ll “stick!”
  • EDD/ weeks + days: October 12, 4 weeks 3 days

    How you found out: Took a test after period was late

    1st appointment date: not yet

    Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?):
    This will be my first pregnancy. My husband and I have been married a little over a year. I work a local university in faculty affairs (HR, promotions, etc.)

    FTM/STM/TTM+: FTM (Still figuring out the acronyms!)

    How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): I’m excited and nervous. History of miscarriage in my family so that makes me nervous, but I’m just taking it day by day. Initially my boobs were super sore, and some cramping, today it has mostly been nausea.
  • EDD/ weeks + days: Oct 3 / 5w5d

    How you found out: I found out at 3w 5d. I was taking ovulation tests and decided to switch to pregnancy test! I couldn’t believe the “faint line” (it was very clear, I just couldn’t believe it). 

    1st appointment date: 2/28

    Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?):
    I just graduated college but will stay at home for a while due to a new baby! My husband works from home so it’s really nice having that support when needed. Our wedding anniversary and his birthday is in October so I’m really excited for our first child to also be born in October! 


    How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): I’ve never experienced sore breasts but they were extremely sore (which is also why I decided to test), I’m constantly exhausted, occasional cramping which scared me but learned is all part of the growing! A few days ago I realized I’ve become extremely emotional and will cry over little things like wanting Taco Bell before bed. 
    Because I found out so early I feel like pregnancy is moving incredibly slow and October sounds sooooo far. I also still don’t feel like this is real! I’m excited but I’m hoping once I actually see an ultrasound I start feeling it :) 
  • EDD/ weeks + days: October 10, 4+6
    How you found out: was feeling nauseous a few days before missed period, took a test bfn waiting 2 days and got my bfp

    1st appointment date: February 27

    Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Married to the love of my life. I’m a SAHM. We have 1 boy annd 2 girls. My other baby boy is in heaven, he was born stillborn 🤍
    but their ages are 11, 3, & 4 months 

    Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): my husband is a truck driver so we enjoy going out with him on the road.  I enjoy being home lol but I like movies and spending time with my babies. 

    FTM/STM/TTM+: 4thTM

    How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally):
    still having waves of nausea and occasional tiredness 
  • EDD/ weeks + days: October 7th 2024 - 5w2d

    How you found out: My period was late but I figured it was just due to stopping birth control on 12/25. Took two tests that were positive, next day it showed negative, and then the third day took 2 more and both were positive. Never got my period so I knew I am actually pregnant.

    1st appointment date: 02/27 (on my birthday) :)

    Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): I am happily married with a 17 month baby boy and a 10 year old Shiba Inu. I am currently a SAHM which I am now terrified with adding a newborn into the mix. I know we will survive and it will be the best addition to our family.


    How are you feeling?: Extremely nauseous and tired. With my first, I only had morning sickness from Week 7-11 (only in the morning). This time it has started earlier and is lasting all day. I am trying to eat when I am not going through a wave and am surviving on water, preggie pops, crackers, and ginger ale. 
  • We have so many knotties here! There's a post on the September board about how to change your user name so people can identify you better :) 
  • Hi all!

    EDD/ weeks + days: 5 weeks today 

    How you found out: I took a test on the first day of my missed period and it was positive

    1st appointment date: 2/26

    Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): I have one dog (a black mouth cur) and she is everything. I am a physician assistant and professor for a PA program. For fun, I like to crochet, work out, cook and try new foods. My husband and I have been married nearly 2 years and have been together for almost 9. 


    How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): The only symptom I am really having is cramping. Sometimes the cramps are significant and can last 20 minutes or so. They fortunately don’t happen more than once every other day or so though. I also find myself tired in the afternoons, but overall feeling great and happy to be here!
  • EDD/ weeks + days: 10/15
    How you found out: took two tests this morning, day 16 post-ovulation. I’ve been using natural cycles.
    1st appointment date: 3/6
    Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): I just turned 38, and I’m anxious about being an older mom! But we conceived really quickly. My partner and I have been together 10 years. We have four cats. I’m self employed and he’s in tech. I’m a runner, but my mileage has been very low for a while due to an injury. Have a 10k in April if I’m up for it.
    How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): All the feelings! Very excited and grateful. I’ve been having cramps for 3 days and had a tiny bit of spotting 3 days ago. I’m really hoping to connect and find a sense of community to walk through this with; I have so many questions!
  • TW

    I'm out, wishing you all the best and for happy, healthy pregnancies ❤️

  • EDD/ weeks + days: 5 Weeks and 4 Days!!

    How you found out: I had an appointment with my OB because my period have been so crazy I have been on Clomid for 3 months. My doctor told me to go pee in a cup I was 3 days late and the test was positive and he did an Ultrasound to make sure!!

    1st appointment date: February 23rd!!

    Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job?
    Howdy my name is Kasey I’m from San Antonio, Tx my husband and I have been together for 10 years he has a 22 year old son and we have a son together who is 5 he is a Clomid baby too!!

    We have no pet's

    My Job I work for H-E-B

    Things you like to do? I love to go shopping! I love to have family over! I love to cook! My son the 5 year we love making Cinnamon Rolls on Sundays for the week!

    Spouse/partner?):My husband he is a Truck Driver


    How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally):
    My boobs are really sore my lower back hurts a little I have cramps here and there but nothing crazy
  • Okay, I'm finally feeling confident enough and ready to do an introduction!

    EDD/ weeks + days: October 12, 5 weeks and 1 day

    How you found out: I found out last week, at 4 weeks. What I was actually noticing was a lack of PMS symptoms, but also I was very tired. I had a vivid dream one night about having a positive test, so I decided to test in the morning and had the faintest of pink lines! I made my husband wake up to look, because I didn't actually believe it waa real! I ended up buying a digital test later that weekend and it confirmed that this is real!

    1st appointment date: 3/6

    Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): I am 38, and I work in early childhood administration. My husband (an environmental scientist) and I have been together about 5 years, but just got married last summer. We have been trying for awhile, and I actually had a fertiloty consult setup for next week, so to get our first positive test now was definitely a shock, but a nice one! We don't have any other children, and we are hoping to maybe get a dog at some point this year.

    FTM/STM/TTM+: First Time Mom 

    How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally):
    Oh, gosh! I was emotional before pregnancy and now it seems like I can't get through a day without at least 1 tear! I've had some heartburn here and there, and a few twinges of breast pain. I had some very mild spotting and cramping earlier this week (spotting is stopped now) so my doctor had me do some HCG testing, which really helped me feel more confident that this is real and that it seems to be sticking! I also have felt quite bloated and the nausea just started yesterday.
  • I’m trying to allow myself to get excited but can’t help but be nervous. It’s weird to just have this secret between my husband and me. 
    Girl, same. TTC is exhausting because after ovulation every little twinge that could either be PMS or early pregnancy symptoms just had me on high alert! The fatigue and nausea have been the worst, but eating small amounts all day long has really helped! 

    I have 3 teenage stepchildren that live with us full-time, so as much as I wanted to keep this between my husband and myself, our 13yo twins asked if I was dying because I’ve been sleeping so much. So my husband and I told them. But then they didn’t listen to our “keep it a secret” and told the rest of the family. So I’m kind of jealous you get that secret for now. We decided to keep the name a secret once we pick it and not even tell the kids, that way we can have something just for ourselves. (We’re calling it Baby Oogie Boogie for now!) 
  • Hi everyone nice to meet you and thanks for sharing! 

    EDD/ weeks + days: Oct 7/ 6 weeks
    How you found out: we were trying and I took an early pregnancy test ‘just in case’
    1st appointment date: 02/27
    Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? This will be my and my husbands first baby. So I’m brand new to the process! Currently working in healthcare IT.
    Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?):
    FTM/STM/TTM+: first time baby
    How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): This week I am starting to feel queasy and fatigued. Not too bad but I am a little nervous on how bad the symptoms will get. 
  • Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): I’m 36 (I’ll be 37 in March). I live in Texas with my husband and 4 cats. We have no children, so this will be our first. I love to work out and hike and read. I’ve been married for a little over 2 years now. 
    Me too! 38, TX, 4 cats, just started trying in Oct. I’m glad to see some similar situations here!
  • Hi everyone!! I’m excited to share our experiences with each other(:

    EDD/ weeks + days: EDD: October 15, 2024 & 4w6d
    How you found out: I had originally made an OBGYN appt to talk about how to get pregnant despite having thyroid issues. The day after I made the appt, I took an at home test and it was positive! My bf and i were skeptical bc I’ve had false positives before so we waited until our appt to get better results and they were still positive!!
    1st appointment date: Feb 8
    Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): This will be my first baby! I have 2 doggies with my wonderful boyfriend (hopefully fiancé soon lol). I love music, singing and enjoying nature. I’m also a very huge foodie so I’m a little worried of how much I’ll be eating now that I’m pregnant!
    How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): I’m super excited. I still feel like I’m a little bit in shock and that it’s hard to believe at times. But all in all, I’m so happy that we were able to conceive. I am a bit nervous since I am a first time mother as well as for announcing the news to my family. We are wanting to tell everyone already but I’m considered a high risk pregnancy so I do want to wait a bit before announcing it to anyone. 
    I’ve been getting lots of cramps and gas and nausea. I’ve been experiencing mood swings too but I’m trying to be a little better with those lol. I have also been super fatigue omg when I’m at work, sometimes I just want to lay down and take a quick nap lol
  • Hey everyone! Excited to share with everyone. 

    EDD / weeks +days = October 16 / 5 weeks

    how did you find out: we had a miscarriage January 10 and discovered I was pregnant again about a week ago by testing on DPO 12!

    1st appointment: had my family doctor appointment, I’m having a dating ultrasound March 4 because of the miscarriage. 

    TTM / B + G so far

    About me: I live in Canada, have two children and work as a nurse. I have two large breed dogs that I love dearly. 

    How are you feeling: tired, sore, heart burn and nausea and a bit cranky. My husband is trying to prioritize my sleep thankfully! 
  • Hi everyone! 
    EDD= October 17
    How did I found out: I was feeling nauseous (thought I was getting stomach flu) had a couple expired tests, decided to use them for fun. Both came out positive, quickly ordered new test and also came out positive. Complete suprise!
    1st appointment: March 19
    About myself: this is going to be baby #4!!!! Oldest two are less than 14 months apart, but they are now 9 and 8 years old, baby #3 is currently 21 months old, so this baby will be about 2 1/2 years apart. So far I am an all girl mom, not trying for boy or girl, whatever this baby is we will be happy! Husband and I will celebrate our 11year anniversary in June. This is a surprise baby but we are excited! 

    TTM+ (this is #4)

    I’m feeling excited, nervous and excited about telling family, and slightly nauseous but not too bad!
  • Hi October parents!

    EDD: 10/28

    How I found out: I just found out last night. I felt like I was pregnant (I’d been extremely sentimental for my family, and had sore boobs), but it was early to test (CD 23). I impatiently tested anyway and got a positive!

    About me: this will be my second child, I have an eight year old daughter. I’m married, 37, and I work part time as an attorney in the northeast. I had a miscarriage over Thanksgiving but I’m feeling hopeful this time :)
  • EDD/ weeks + days: Oct 24th / 3 weeks + 6 days

    How you found out: I had a gut feeling I was pregnant last week even though it was so early. My husband and I weren't trying but weren't *not* trying... I tested on Saturday, 4 days before my period and got a super faint positive. Waited two days and got a confirmed positive on digital and that made it feel more real!

    1st appointment date: 3/20 (seems so far away!)

    Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): I live in New Orleans and work in film/TV. I've been married to my husband for 3 years and we have a 17 month old daughter as well as a corgi. I love cooking, traveling, and hanging out outside with my baby!


    How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): It was so nerve wracking and exciting when I found out I was pregnant with baby #1 I could barely speak for weeks... This time feels so different, both my husband and I feel very calm and honestly it doesn't feel real yet that another baby is on the way. Maybe that'll change once we get to hear a heartbeat. My anxiety is ramping up though and logistical issues are starting to run through my brain 24/7 (do I need a 2nd nursery? Will two car seats fit in my car? etc.... Deep breath, haha). I also am finding myself to be very emotional and having some drastic mood swings. Otherwise no other symptoms. I adored my last bump group and formed a tight-knit group of mama friends so I hope the same happens again, their support got me through pregnancy and postpartum! 

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