It seems like I'm the first one here! I found that my bump group was really supportive and helpful last time I was pregnant, I look forward to meeting you all!
We can use this to introduce ourselves:
EDD/ weeks + days:
How you found out:
1st appointment date:
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?):
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally):
Re: Introductions
this is me and my boyfriend’s second! we had our sweet angel baby boy september 7th 2023 9 weeks early and after a 4 week nicu stay and 10 days home our sweet angel tragically stopped breathing in his sleep at 6 weeks old💔 i miss him more than crazy but i know he’s the best heaven big brother and he sent this baby to give his mommy a reason to live again
FTM/STM/TTM+: second time!
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): symptom wise they aren’t too bad yet😆 i get waves a nausea and i have awful acne which makes me believe this is a baby girl because with my son i was never sick and had perfect skin. emotionally im terrified, i cant go through the loss of another baby the thought of miscarrying or losing the baby keeps me up at night my son was and always will be my everything and if i lose this baby too i don’t know how i’ll live. im very traumatized from my whole experience from my sons birth, the nicu stay, and his death. having high hopes tho and very excited for my rainbow baby❤️
EDD/ weeks + days: 3w3d
EDD/ weeks + days: October 8 / 4 weeks + 2 days
How you found out: I just had a feeling! And found a few smells really nauseating that didn't usually bother me.
1st appointment date: TBD
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): Just married in October, so this little bundle of joy will be the most amazing first anniversary gift to us. We have a 3 year old Bernese Mountain Dog who loves our nieces so we can't wait to see him with our baby.
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): TIRED! My new bed time is around 8PM and sometimes that even feels like a stretch. It's still so early and it all doesn't feel real. It's hard not to get your hopes up while still so early but trying my best to be grateful and positive.
EDD/ weeks + days: Oct 8, 4+2 (I think)
How you found out: I went in for my annual women’s wellness exam, provided a routine urine sample, and had just finished getting a whole set of fertility next steps plan from my OB where she was going to write a referral for my husband to get a spermanalysis and order for me to get a pelvic ultrasound and hysteroalphagram. (We had been trying for almost 1.5 years and I’d been through the ringer of monthly emotions everytime my period would arrive). My OB recommended that we pause on getting my pap for now until after the other tests were completed since I was a couple of days late. As I was at the check out desk about to pay, the secretary told me I had a co-pay, which surprised me, so I asked why insurance wouldn’t cover the whole visit. She said the fee is to cover the urine sample pregnancy test and it’s not considered a wellness exam since I’m to come back for the pap in a few months. I then asked her if I’d find out about the urine sample results now or have to wait for a phone call. She went to find out, and came back to the front desk to hold my hands and tell me that results were positive and I’m pregnant!!
1st appointment date: 2/26 (if only sooner!)
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?):
2 stepkids I’ve raised since they were infants/toddlers and married to their dad, my husband of 1.5yrs. We’ve been a family since 2019 when we adopted a dog, cat, and 2 snakes.
FTM/STM/TTM+: FTM (birth) TTM (bonus parent)
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): OVERJOYED AND ECSTATIC and like a big exhale!! Still anxious since it’s so early but trying to focus on gratitude. I’m also very tired, feeling sleepy at odd hours of the day.
I’m married to the best man on the planet. I have a stepson (19), and two daughters (9 and 5). I own my own business where I work from home. I’m also a content creator. I love to draw, paint, and go on adventures.
EDD: October 10 (about 4 weeks)
How you found out: I took a pregnancy test two days ago (first day of missed period) based on a feeling that I was pregnant. I didn’t actually believe it was going to be positive. I’ve taken one three days in a row just to be sure!
1st Appointment Date: March 5
Tell us about yourself: I’ve been married to be amazing husband for 14 years! We have one incredible 11 year old son. I work at a music studio where I teach group piano lessons to all ages, and also run a preschool music program. I also volunteer at a pregnancy resource center (won’t they be surprised when I tell them my news!) We are a very active family and love to go hiking and do other outdoor activities whenever possible.
How are you feeling: I’m really excited to be a second time mom! I’m a little nervous since there is quite an age gap between my son and this new baby. I was also a lot younger the last time I was pregnant haha (23, now I’m 34). I feel less freaked out this time since I have a better idea of what to expect, but I understand that there are more risks so I do have some worries about a possible miscarriage. Just trying to stay positive and counting down the days until my first appointment.
How you found out: took a test 12 days Dpo because I was noticing some symptoms
1st appointment date: Feb 27th
Tell us about yourself: I’m a school counselor at a preK-8th grade school, my husband and I have been married a little over a year now and we have a beautiful and sweet fur baby who we rescued last spring. We are both avid gamers and readers and both come from big families.
FTM/STM/TTM+: First time!
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally)
I first noticed the mild cramping and the breast tenderness but I knew it felt different than pms symptoms so I tested early- I even got my first positive test in the afternoon (I did another two the
following day in the morning just to be sure)
As the week has gone the fatigue has definitely hit me. I’m feeling excited and a little nervous, I don’t think I have reason to worry about anything going wrong but I’m a worrywart anyway so I’m trying to keep my mind in the positive everything is going to go as it should mindset!
How you found out: Took an OTC yesterday two days ago, haven't confirmed with a doctor yet.
My first appointment is scheduled for 02/27.
This is our rainbow baby, hubby and I experienced a loss on November 2023. I have two amazing boys from a previous marriage. I work in higher education. I enjoy spending time with my family, singing, and occasionally movies. I've been married for 2 years now and I can honestly say he has changed my life, we are truly a match.
I already have some of the typical early symptoms: Breast soreness, period like cramping, lower back pain, bloated tummy, frequent, I mean frequent urges to urinate. My previous pregnancy I rarely got morning sickness except for the last pregnancy where I got dizzy often and was as hungry as a 🐻.
I pray baby is okay and growing as expected. Very nervous about my first appointment. All I want is for everything to be fine and to hear my baby’s heartbeat.
Wish all the expecting mothers the very best!
The main things I've noticed that surprised me so far was this mild persistent nausea already (I definitely heard about morning sickness, but this fast?), and SIGNIFICANT forgetfulness, I am forgetting absolutely everything, exhausted and can't concentrate on anything remotely difficult this week! I sure hope this is going to get better soon!
How you found out: I’ve been using an ovulation predictor app, so at 10DPO I took a test and got a positive! Got a blood test done today for extra confirmation.
1st appointment date: TBD
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): I’ve been with my husband for 2 years. He has three kids that live with us full-time. A 16 year old son and 12 year old boy/girl twins. He just got a vasectomy reversal January 9, so it’s crazy that I’m pregnant already. We have two adorable dogs and 2 rascal cats. I homeschool the bunch of them and work from home as the office manager for a construction company.
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): I’ve been super nauseous the last two days which prompted me to test. I couldn’t even talk without feeling like I’d throw up. My boobs are so sore I can’t even sleep on my stomach. I also have been so hot and sweaty the last couple of nights which is very unusual for me. And I’ve been breathless when I talk - which is abnormal as well. Emotionally… I’m ecstatic but extremely worried. Of course I was actively trying to conceive but I had zero expectations for the next several months because of my husband’s surgery. So now I’m freaking out a little bit and just really worried hoping it’ll “stick!”
How you found out: Took a test after period was late
1st appointment date: not yet
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?):
This will be my first pregnancy. My husband and I have been married a little over a year. I work a local university in faculty affairs (HR, promotions, etc.)
FTM/STM/TTM+: FTM (Still figuring out the acronyms!)
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): I’m excited and nervous. History of miscarriage in my family so that makes me nervous, but I’m just taking it day by day. Initially my boobs were super sore, and some cramping, today it has mostly been nausea.
I just graduated college but will stay at home for a while due to a new baby! My husband works from home so it’s really nice having that support when needed. Our wedding anniversary and his birthday is in October so I’m really excited for our first child to also be born in October!
but their ages are 11, 3, & 4 months
Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): my husband is a truck driver so we enjoy going out with him on the road. I enjoy being home lol but I like movies and spending time with my babies.
still having waves of nausea and occasional tiredness
How you found out: took two tests this morning, day 16 post-ovulation. I’ve been using natural cycles.
1st appointment date: 3/6
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): I just turned 38, and I’m anxious about being an older mom! But we conceived really quickly. My partner and I have been together 10 years. We have four cats. I’m self employed and he’s in tech. I’m a runner, but my mileage has been very low for a while due to an injury. Have a 10k in April if I’m up for it.
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): All the feelings! Very excited and grateful. I’ve been having cramps for 3 days and had a tiny bit of spotting 3 days ago. I’m really hoping to connect and find a sense of community to walk through this with; I have so many questions!
How you found out: I had an appointment with my OB because my period have been so crazy I have been on Clomid for 3 months. My doctor told me to go pee in a cup I was 3 days late and the test was positive and he did an Ultrasound to make sure!!
1st appointment date: February 23rd!!
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job?
Howdy my name is Kasey I’m from San Antonio, Tx my husband and I have been together for 10 years he has a 22 year old son and we have a son together who is 5 he is a Clomid baby too!!
We have no pet's
My Job I work for H-E-B
Things you like to do? I love to go shopping! I love to have family over! I love to cook! My son the 5 year we love making Cinnamon Rolls on Sundays for the week!
Spouse/partner?):My husband he is a Truck Driver
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally):
My boobs are really sore my lower back hurts a little I have cramps here and there but nothing crazy
EDD/ weeks + days: October 12, 5 weeks and 1 day
1st appointment date: 3/6
FTM/STM/TTM+: First Time Mom
Oh, gosh! I was emotional before pregnancy and now it seems like I can't get through a day without at least 1 tear! I've had some heartburn here and there, and a few twinges of breast pain. I had some very mild spotting and cramping earlier this week (spotting is stopped now) so my doctor had me do some HCG testing, which really helped me feel more confident that this is real and that it seems to be sticking! I also have felt quite bloated and the nausea just started yesterday.
Hi! I’m usually a board lurker, not commenter. But I’m feeling pretty lonely without mom-friends so here goes.
EDD/ weeks + days: Oct 18/ 4w3d
How you found out: I had been really discouraged from early testing after a few disappointing months TTC but woke up on 9 DPO with a sudden urge to take a test. Had a faint line (for the first time ever) and was cautiously optimistic. Confirmed darker lines over the next two days, getting a digital test “pregnant” result 11 DPO. My husband and I were both pretty surprised at the result as our morale TTC had been really low. We’re still in a very cautiously optimistic headspace but now that I’m 2 days “late” it’s feeling more and more real.
1st appointment date: Mar 8
Tell us about yourself: My husband (34) and I (31) have been together almost 6 years and have a cat and a senior dog. We both grew up in local suburbs but have plans to stay and raise our family in the city. We’re excited to start this new, long-awaited chapter but are feeling a bit isolated so far. None of our friends with kids are nearby anymore and many close friends are in different stages of life.
How are you feeling: I’ve been exhausted since 4 DPO but chalked it up to a busy time at work and stress from construction on our house. Since 3w6d I’ve had pretty significant nausea and fatigue as well as occasional abdominal cramps (thankfully for my nerves they’ve felt much different from my typical period). I’m trying to allow myself to get excited but can’t help but be nervous. It’s weird to just have this secret between my husband and me.
Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?):
EDD/ weeks + days: EDD: October 15, 2024 & 4w6d
how did you find out: we had a miscarriage January 10 and discovered I was pregnant again about a week ago by testing on DPO 12!
1st appointment: had my family doctor appointment, I’m having a dating ultrasound March 4 because of the miscarriage.
How did I found out: I was feeling nauseous (thought I was getting stomach flu) had a couple expired tests, decided to use them for fun. Both came out positive, quickly ordered new test and also came out positive. Complete suprise!
1st appointment: March 19
About myself: this is going to be baby #4!!!! Oldest two are less than 14 months apart, but they are now 9 and 8 years old, baby #3 is currently 21 months old, so this baby will be about 2 1/2 years apart. So far I am an all girl mom, not trying for boy or girl, whatever this baby is we will be happy! Husband and I will celebrate our 11year anniversary in June. This is a surprise baby but we are excited!
I’m feeling excited, nervous and excited about telling family, and slightly nauseous but not too bad!
EDD: 10/28
How I found out: I just found out last night. I felt like I was pregnant (I’d been extremely sentimental for my family, and had sore boobs), but it was early to test (CD 23). I impatiently tested anyway and got a positive!
About me: this will be my second child, I have an eight year old daughter. I’m married, 37, and I work part time as an attorney in the northeast. I had a miscarriage over Thanksgiving but I’m feeling hopeful this time :)