congratulations!! Sorry you are feeling lonely, fellow FTM here and first time ever seeing 2 lines on a pregnancy test! Hopefully you can find some companionship on this forum 😊
Hi everyone! It's been so nice reading all your posts...feeling a bit isolated over here!
EDD/ weeks + days: Oct 10 / 6 weeks today!
How you found out: Took a test the day after I had decent period-like cramps with no period (first time that's ever happened!). We've been TTC for over 2 years and was waiting for my period to finally book an appointment to unblock one of my tubes - definitely a surprise to discover we're pregnant!
1st appointment date: 02/20
Tell us about yourself: I've been married to my husband for 5 years, 2 fur babies, no kids. Working full time in environmental education.
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): sore breasts right away and so tired! Nausea is starting to kick in the last couple days. Emotionally excited but also kind of holding my breath. Doesn't quite feel real since we've been wanting this for so long and aren't telling anyone yet!
How you found out: took a test because I was not feeling well, should have started my period and didn’t and was going on a work trip.
1st appointment date: Feb 27
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): 1 adorable little Boy- 4 years old. 1 large sweet Rottweiler/2 spoiled cats. I own a competitive all star cheerleading gym. Married to my best friend of 24 years.
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally):nauseous!!!!!!! 🤢
How you found out: I’m a coffee addict and coffee tasted horrible. The same thing happened during my previous pregnancy so I went to take a test. I took several more just to be sure!
1st appointment date: I had an appoint with my family doctor last week and am waiting for the hospital to call for my first ultrasound.
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): I have been with my husband for nine years. We have a 17-month old baby and an 8-year old lab mixed border collie. Like one of the other ladies here, I absolutely love my bump group from my first pregnancy. I’m very much looking forward to getting to know everyone here.
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): I’m extremely nauseous when I wake up from sleep or a nap. I’m also super tired by 2PM and just want to drop down for a nap. I don’t recall being emotional in my previous pregnancy so it’s strange that everything seems to make me want to cry these days.
I'm looking forward to chatting with people on here - I am the worst at keeping secrets so this first trimester is tough!
EDD: Oct 24
How I found out: I took a test about 12 days post ovulation and got a super faint line, blood test confirmed it
1st App: TBD
Tell us about yourself: I'm a mechanical engineer, a wife to a fantastic husband, and servant of an orange fireball who is definitely in charge of the house. We're looking forward to our new addition!
How am I feeling: My chest is sore and scents are very strong right now, little bit of nausea here and there. That fatigue is really starting to set in. I miscarried last September after finding out baby had no heart beat, so I'm also just really scared. I'm trying not to get my hopes up while still letting myself have the joy.
Hello everyone! My name is Taylor. I'm 33 and just found out the day before Valentine's Day that I am expecting baby #5. I have 3 boys and 1 girl and hoping for another girl, but of course I will be happy with either! :)
We were trying for a baby and after 2 months, we got a positive! I was 4 days late for my period and got the positive. It was soo dark and showed up right away so yay!!
My first appt is on the 27th by video. The first official appt where I can hopefully see baby or hear his/her heartbeat is on March 26th. I am super excited to be pregnant! Based on my LMP, my EDD is 10/19.
My 4 children are from my soon to be ex husband and this baby is from my new love. I love him so much and I am very excited to be on this journey with him. He has an older son and really wants a girl.
The only symptoms I have right now are cramps and my back will occasionally hurt. Other than that, I'm okay. I know that this is the quiet before the storm because I always get really bad morning (all day sometimes) sickness.
I look forward to speaking with you all and congrats everyone!
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): 4yo son, teacher, secondary infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss. My husband and I had started on our journey towards IVF with chromosome testing. Was prepping for an egg retrieval in March and got pregnant naturally this cycle
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): emotional rollercoaster, happy, scared, nervous, struggling to connect, trying to be positive. Hormonal, gassy, sassy, sore
How you found out: I was feeling under the weather but I also had an inkling I might be pregnant, so before taking any cold medication, I took a pregnancy test. I took 3 that day with the 3rd one being digital because I couldn't quite believe it!
1st appointment date: March 15
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): My husband and I have two cats and a dog. I'm an analyst in the federal government. I like to play video games and do yoga. And getting pregnant has gotten me back into my hobby of reading (so many pregnancy books!)
FTM/STM/TTM+: first time!
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): My acne has been going nuts and my boobs have been sore, which was why I suspected I might be pregnant. In the last few days, my lips have become incredibly chapped. Emotionally, I'm mostly incredibly excited, but also certainly a bit nervous. I feel like I already love this Little One so much, and the fact that there's a 25% chance I could lose it is terrifying. I refuse to think about baby names yet because it feels like I'll jinx it.
I am four weeks today, due 10/26! Second beta is 2/19, and first ultrasound scheduled for 3/6. I am a FTM!
I had my first embryo (AB-male) transfer on 2/8. I did my first ER cycle in 3/23, second in 10/23, Uterine Polyp removal in late 12/23. I am turning 39 in about three weeks, and 2/13 was is the first positive test I have ever had. I started testing 4dp5dt. It was so surreal. My friend, who is also an IVF warrior, has had several losses-so I’m so scared of facing the same heartbreak. Trying to stay positive and embrace the fact that for the first time in my life, I am pregnant. It happened. My first beta was yesterday, and it was 108.
I am a therapist and my wife is in law school. We wanted to move forward now because 1) I am getting older. 2) We decided we would rather have the baby during the last year of law school rather than as a first year attorney so my wife could have more bonding time and be available to help. Progyny changed our lives.
I get waves of nausea, but nothing I can’t manage. I am feeling very fatigued, and I’m usually a “never sits down” kind of a person. Every wave of nausea tells me he’s in the thriving!
Hello! I’m excited to meet you all! I am not the best at forums, but I want the community of this group! If there is ever a Facebook group set up that would be great too!
EDD/ weeks + days: October 24/4w3d
How you found out: Late period…just took a test today!
1st appointment date: I haven’t set one yet. We moved and don’t live close to the midwives I’ve used with my other kids, so I’ll need to shop around!
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): I am happily married to my person (second marriage after a toxic one) and have 4 sweet girls. I was not planning on any other kids, but I’m excited!
FTM/STM/TTM+: Fifth time! I’m the oldest of five so it doesn’t feel TOO crazy, but we felt happy and done after number 4, so this is a fun surprise!
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): Lots of emotions! Before testing I was feeling a mix of not wanting to be pregnant and hesitantly hopeful that I would be. I was shocked at how fast it turned positive! Probably my fastest ever. Haha. I am nervous but excited. I feel like I already love this little surprise. If they are happening in spite of two kinds of birth control then they’re meant to be here. I think all our family members will be shocked since we were pretty open about being done after our previous child.
Putting the symptoms in a separate spot because that was long. Stronger sense of smell, tired/physically fatigued, sore boobs, mood swings, some food aversions… I was so sick with my last pregnancy, so I’m scared of that happening again. Hopefully it won’t be too bad!
I’ve been lurking and finally feel up to introducing myself 😂
EDD/ weeks + days: Oct 12 - 6w1d
How you found out: We did reciprocal IVF and had our first transfer last month. I was shocked when I found out it had stuck. We had gone through 8 failed IUIs before switching to IVF and trying my husband’s eggs, so I was prepared for more bad news.
1st appointment date: I’ve had one scan already; impatiently waiting another on Wednesday.
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): we have a lovely almost 3 year old son, and a sweet old Labradane. I like to cook, read, crochet, hike and am a big fan of Get Mom Strong and try to exercise a couple times a week - which has been super hard lately!
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): better than expected, honestly. The fatigue has been tough, especially being the primary caregiver for a busy toddler. But so far 🤞 I have not had the severe morning sickness I had with my son. I have had some strong cravings - currently it’s sourdough bread and butter. Lots of it. 😂
EDD/ weeks + days: dunno was edd means, skip! October 18th due date, I'm 5 weeks 3 days, possible twins.
How you found out: fertility clinic confirmed.
1st appointment date: had a few already, first ultrasound is next Monday
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): I am currently going back to school full time, quit my job due to stress. Husband is super supportive. We have 3 dogs, 2 huskies and a hound dog. I like to knit and crochet, I teach lessons on the side, and I love gardening and hiking.
FTM/STM/TTM+: don't know what any of this means... skip!
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): I am very pukey, exhausted, my pee smells weird from the injected hormones, and I had to stop eating red meat cuz of the gagging. Emotionally I'm terrified bc our last ivf transfer didn't work, so I'm just hoping I don't mess this up somehow and lose them.
How you found out: Tested at home sunday, was very faint so tested again today with a digital! We've been doing IUI, this is our second cycle.
1st appointment date: TBD, probably a beta check on 2/22
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): My wife and I have been married for 7 years and recently decided to start building our family. We have a cat named George. I'm a physician and we might be moving for a new job soon, so I guess we'll see how pregnancy and moving mixes.
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): Mixed feelings, because last month ended in a chemical. Probably shouldn't be posting so early, but I'm feeling so hopeful about this one.
How you found out: i bought like 3 cheap $1 tests from family dollar and the first one was faint but positive. the second one the same thing, barely visible. i took the third one maybe 4-5 days after the last and it was there !
1st appointment date: 02/08
Tell us about yourself: ive been with my boyfriend for 3 years we are both 21! we have a furbaby and we are moving into our second home next month! he works for the BOE and i am an Amazon Delivery Driver for the local area.
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): my nausea has been kicking my butt , ive been fighting a cold for a week now it feels so much worse than it is !
EDD/weeks + days - Oct. 10 (day after my birthday🎉) 6weeks 4days
How you found out - I had been using natural cycles to track everything and kinda thought I might be but didn’t want to get my hopes up but went ahead and took a test a day before my app said I should cause I was excited! I thought I saw two lines but again didn’t want to get my hopes up so I went to Walmart at 6am to get a digital test and took that and it was positive and went right to the doctor that morning to get a blood test and that was also positive!!
First appointment date - 3/13 (10 week app.)
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?) - no other children but we do have two sweet fur babies, both aussies with lots of energy, I’m a 4-H youth development agent (I do youth programming/education), I love reading and singing and anything that has to do with animals, I’ve been married to my husband for just over a year, we started ‘trying’ after a year (dec.) and thought it would take longer for us as I had been recently diagnosed with PCOS.
How are you feeling - pretty good! My breasts are super sore which isn’t fun and I’ve been having some cramping but nothing unbearable! So glad I haven’t had any nausea yet but I haven’t been able to sleep through the night for like 2 weeks so if anyone has any tips I’d definitely take it! Emotionally; I mentioned I was recently diagnosed with PCOS so I’m pretty nervous as I’ve played internet doctor (not good I know) and have read that pcos can increase the chance of loosing baby. So I’m super nervous as it’s still pretty early… my entire life I’ve wanted nothing more than to be a mom and it’s felt like a dream since those two lines so just praying everything goes smooth and everyone stays healthy!
How you found out: We had been trying since Sept of 2022. I had been getting very exhausted with the emotional rollercoaster of getting my period every month after trying for so long. I had a miscarriage last February so when I got three positive pregnancy tests after booking a fertility consult for the end of this month I was thrilled with the news.
1st appointment date: March 14th
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): My husband and I have been married for 5.5 years. We have a adorable 2yr old boy. We love going camping together in the mountains near our home and playing board games with our friends.
FTM/STM/TTM+: Second time mother
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): I am nervous about the possibility of having another early miscarriage. I just want to make it to my ultrasound appointment which is something I didn't get with my last pregnancy. My anxiety of another miscarriage is stirred when I feel twinges and slight cramping when I shift positions. My breasts have been very tender and waves of nausea come and go throughout the day. Thankfully as soon as I found out that I was pregnant I purchased some ginger chews as they were extremely helpful when I was pregnant with my boy. We want to tell our friends and family the news after we get an ultrasound.
How I found out: We have been trying for 3 months, and I was feeling exhausted for a week. So I randomly tested, and found out I was pregnant!
1st appointment: 3/11
I am an Occupational Therapy Assistant, and my husband is a Surveyor. We have a 5 year old dog, we adopted last year! We are excited to grow our family. I'll be 6 weeks Thursday. My chest are very sore, I'm still tired, and feel nauseous off/on, but can still eat.
How you found out: had some weird cramping and was only two days late. Took a digital test because I had one and was positive!
1st appointment date: I actually had an appointment February 8th, two days after I tested positive because it was already scheduled with my OB to deal with my PCOS, so it turned into a nice and fun appointment! My first ultrasound is March 13.
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): I do have a 3 year old labradoodle Josie. I normally love to cook but have been feeling so tired it’s hard to get into it. My husband and I got married in July but because of my PCOS were told this would be a long road for us, so it was such an amazing surprise to have it happen after 7 months of trying! I work in the wine industry so it’ll be fun not sampling anything for months haha.
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): Exhausted. Haven’t had any nausea but have extremely painful cramps to the point I can barely stand. It’s making me a bit nervous but my doctor said that can happen. Anyone else had this? I was never expecting the cramping! Feeling very nervous still with how early it is but also so, so happy and excited.
I have PCOS and know exactly how you’re feeling. I have an amazing OB/GYN and he said that is all Google nonsense and that PCOS does not add any increased risks during pregnancy. He said its issues lie in actually getting pregnant, which you’ve already done! It made me feel a lot better so hopefully it helps you a bit 😊
How you found out: tested from 9 dpo- ~ 20 dpo because I needed to see the line get darker
1st appointment date: saw my gp feb 15, u/s March 11
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): finally expecting our rainbow baby after MMC found on our first u/s! So I’m scared of losing this pregnancy and don’t want to be as excited as I am. I work in the non-profit sector right now, formerly, I was a nurse. My husband and I have been married 10 years, we have a 1 yr old Golden retriever.
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): moody af, bloated, TIRED, nausea, sore breasts, dizzy, don’t like the taste of coffee (from 3-4 cups to 0!). This baby better be cute 😅
How you found out: Blood HCG test due to fertility treatments (We have double factor infertility and this was our 7th IUI!)
1st appointment date: 3/26
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): I live in Vista, CA with my husband and our 2 dogs and 2 cats. I’m a special ed teacher for infants and toddlers with disabilities and severe medical needs.
FTM/STM/TTM+: Technically FTM, but I am a loss mama to our first baby, who we lost at 8 weeks due to an ectopic pregnancy in May 2022.
How are you feeling (any symptoms, emotionally): Mild nausea, headaches, sore breasts, heightened sense of smell, bloating, super tired. Also just overall anxious that we’ll have another loss, even though everything is looking good so far!
I’m so happy to find this group, no one except my husband knows yet!
EDD/ weeks + days: 10/05 - 7w5d
How you found out: I’m pregnant via IVF so I got a phone call it was successful!
1st appointment date: I’ve had 3 appointments so far and my first one was February 5th. I graduate from my fertility clinic this Monday and am quite nervous.
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? I am a stay at home wife to an absolutely wonderful software engineer husband and we have a cute 5 year old hound mix named Cali.
Things you like to do?: I am an avid reader and also just started getting into bread baking (lol)
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): I am feeling pretty good. I had bad nausea and food aversions weeks 4-6 but they’ve mostly passed for now. Hopeful and anxious everything will continue to go smoothly.
How you found out: I found out last week. I had gotten a negative test earlier in the week but my period was still late and I had this strong feeling. My fiancee and I were going to a hockey game that evening and had plans to tailgate with friends so I figured I should check again before going out and drinking and I'm happy I did bc it was positive!
1st appointment date: do not have one yet. I found out this week that my usual OBGYN is not taking new prenatal patients so now I need to find a new Dr.
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): I'm 28, living in New Jersey. I have an 8 year old son from a previous relationship. My fiancee and I plan on getting married in June, so now our little baby will get to be a part of our big day. I'm a physical therapist. I love reading, painting, hiking, and baking in my limited free time
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): A little nauseous in the mornings. I'm incredibly tired, that was my first hint that I might be pregnant. We are a little overwhelmed bc this pregnancy was unplanned, we planned to start trying in the summer after our wedding. But overall incredibly excited and over the moon excited to grow our family!
EDD/ weeks + days: 6 weeks today, due Oct 19th How you found out: had a beta test done 12 days after my frozen embryo transfer 1st appointment date: 29th Feb Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): My husband and I are both doctors, and we rescued the cutest pup 8 months ago. It has been a difficult 2 years dealing with infertility, and we are so nervous/excited about this pregnancy! FTM/STM/TTM+: FTM. How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): very nervous. Had a big scare last night with bright red blood and rushed to the hospital. They did an USG and thankfully saw a fetal heart beat at only 5 weeks 6 days!! Bleeding has reduced a lot now, so staying positive. My only symptom is fatigue, and I am peeing a LOT.
How you found out: took an at home test 2 days ago after being nauseous for a few mornings.
1st appointment date: not scheduled, hoping for mid-March availability
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): I have a bonus son (20) from my partner's previous marriage, and we have a freshly 5 year old daughter together. I'm 36 and a photographer and graphic designer. I have spent the last 4 years designing fabric for a childrens' clothing and accessory business, including custom baby swaddles and blankets, which are my favorite ones to do!!!
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): waves of nausea/strong gag reflex to random smells and visual stimuli, some mild headaches, and going to pee constantly. Emotionally, I'm struggling with all the first trimester worries. Looking back on my first pregnancy, the phase between taking that first at home test to when we found out the gender at 20w was SO hard on me mentally, worrying about all the 'what-ifs'. This time trying to focus on things in my control and enjoying all the time with my girl before she's a big sister.
EDD/ weeks + days: November 2-4 depending on if you go by ovulation or LMP / 4w1d
How you found out: positive test @ 9dpo
1st appointment date: 3/25
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): 14 yo girl and 16 yo boy with special needs. I work in biotech and have been married almost 18 years.
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): some food aversions and mild nausea but I had HG with my son so am feeling thankful it’s not worse. Sweating all night! Otherwise feeling good. Focusing on protein intake to help with nausea! My sense of smell is also Level 1000 right now.
@makingbabysellar So excited for you that you’re about to graduate! I got pregnant through IVF too! I can’t wait to graduate. This is too nerve wracking 🥲
How you found out: I had a vidid dream that I was pregnant, which prompted me to test at 8 DPO (I had promised myself I wasn’t going to test early for a change). I thought I saw vvvv faint lines on 3 strip tests. Tested the next morning at 9 DPO and the lines were much clearer and got my positive digital with SMU!
1st appointment date: 03/14
Tell us about yourself: Married for 2 and a half years. We were TTC for 8 months. Had chemical pregnancy on 1st cycle TTC. Mild PCOS and got pregnant 1st cycle on Letrozole.
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): Exhausted, sore breasts and some random pelvic pain but pretty good so far! I have had the most vivid dreams every night since my positive test.
Hi! I’m due October 8th and am in the same boat as you. Trying not to overthink or worry during this time. I find myself over analyzing everything on a daily basis. But I keep reminding myself that every pregnancy is different and symptoms are going to come and go during these early weeks. My first prenatal appointment is tomorrow and I’m so looking forward to it to get some reassurance. You got this Mama ❤️
How you found out: I had a dream that I was pregnant. I took a test and it came out positive then went to the er, because I got my tubes tied a year ago. But this is a viable pregnancy.
1st appointment date: March 1
Tell us about yourself: I own 2 businesses, my hubby has a construction company. We have 7 kids, 2 dogs and a cat. I love to read, sing and to do crafts.
FTM/STM/TTM+: this is going to be my 8th baby
I'm still in shock, but I'm happy. I'm feeling nauseous and a little nervous.
How you found out: We were TTC for about five months and I was testing every month either on the day of my expected period or a few days before.
1st appointment date: March 5th
Tell us about yourself: My husband and I have two cats whom are right now the only babies in the house. One is a needy orange boy and we are curious how having a little one in the house will be.
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): Well. Naseau and vomiting have been my normal now for the last week. I've been having a hard time keeping anything down and it's been hard to navigate.
How you found out: I suspected early on based on symptoms I was having (resembled first pregnancy) - fatigue, cramping, dry skin, headaches and insomnia. Curiosity took the best of me and I didnt wait for a missed period. At 3w +6d I took an at home pregnancy test and it was positive, and then followed it up with a blood test confirmation.
1st appointment date: March 20th
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): I have an active and highly curious 20 month old. Send help! I have been with my partner (baby daddy) since 2010. I WFH in clinical research, while simultaneously watching my son. Some days are easier than others, but I am fortunate to have a lot of flexibility in my schedule to allow me to do so. I like to be active as much as possible. My partner jokes that I worked out too much during my first pregnancy and that is why my son came out so high energy.
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): I am mostly excited, but a little nervous about the possibility of morning sickness (aka, feeling hungover for what felt like forever). I experienced a lot of it during my first pregnancy. This was a planned pregnancy and I'm so thankful that we were able to conceive naturally. Right now I am not really experiencing symptoms other than fatigue, but that can be a combination of work, keeping up with house work, watching my son and being pregnant. If i remember correctly, my morning sickness started around week 7.
I was part of the Bump community during my first pregnancy, although not an active one, and I found it helpful and like I wasnt alone in this journey, specially during the first trimester when family and friends still dont know.
EDD/ weeks + days: Oct 29; 5 weeks (same as you covyes!)
How you found out: I was prescribed antibiotics that you can’t take while pregnant. So I peed on a stick and got a blood test but both were negative. I started to take the medicine and then didn’t get my period on the day it was predicted to come and I’ve been super regular. I took a test the next day and it was positive! I immediately stopped taking the meds and took 3 more tests over the weekend and all were positive. I was 3 weeks and 4 days!
1st appointment date: Feb 29th
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): My husband and I got married in April and have been TTC since June. I have a 7 (and a half) year old stepdaughter (my husbands daughter from his first marriage) that wants a sibling so bad, so this will be exciting for her when we tell her! Both my husband and I work from home, which is nice for flexibility.
FTM/STM/TTM+: FTM + Bonus Mom
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): I am very excited, and a lotta bit nervous! My boobs have been so sore!! My stepdaughter hugged me and it hurt so bad. (She gives the best squishy hugs). Being this is my first time and I’m 35, have hypothyroidism, I am very nervous about any issues! Getting my period every month was rough, so that positive test was a relief that it’s finally happening! Any reassurance or advice is welcome!
@ledelight - Awesome! I was reading through looking for someone with the same EDD as me 🤗.
I had blood drawn for regular tests and my TSH came back elevated. I haven’t been diagnosed as having hypothyroidism but I too am nervous about that or about it not being addressed until my first appointment where my blood will be redrawn.
How you found out: had some weird cramping and was only two days late. Took a digital test because I had one and was positive!
1st appointment date: I actually had an appointment February 8th, two days after I tested positive because it was already scheduled with my OB to deal with my PCOS, so it turned into a nice and fun appointment! My first ultrasound is March 13.
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): I do have a 3 year old labradoodle Josie. I normally love to cook but have been feeling so tired it’s hard to get into it. My husband and I got married in July but because of my PCOS were told this would be a long road for us, so it was such an amazing surprise to have it happen after 7 months of trying! I work in the wine industry so it’ll be fun not sampling anything for months haha.
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): Exhausted. Haven’t had any nausea but have extremely painful cramps to the point I can barely stand. It’s making me a bit nervous but my doctor said that can happen. Anyone else had this? I was never expecting the cramping! Feeling very nervous still with how early it is but also so, so happy and excited.
Omgggg!!! I’m due Oct 10 and our first appointments are on the same day and I’m a FTM too!! Love so much in common! Praying for ya momma!!
How you found out: after contraception failed, my partner suggested I take one
1st appointment date: 2/202024
Tell us about yourself: I’m a behavioral health specialist for children within the foster care system. I like to kayak, hike, I love baking. I’m on of those “artsy fartsy” people. My relationship is relatively new. This came as a surprise as we used contraceptive.
How you found out: the day after the Super Bowl, I took a test just to ensure I wasn’t and PLOT TWIST, I was. Very surprised. We weren’t preventing because we talked about a second but also didn’t expect it to happen so quickly…
1st appointment date: already had a phone visit to set things up. First US is on 3/20!
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): My hubby and I have been married for 6.5 years. We have a spunky 3 year old (her birthday is 10/23…she came 3 weeks early so REALLY hoping this baby also comes early 😅). We have one cat who we rescued 10 years ago and is still the neediest thing! I’m a school occupational therapist and work in 3 different elementary schools this year. My hubby is a vet. We love to workout (weight lift) and be outside. I like cooking and reading.
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): very different from my first - having some short bursts of nausea, limited appetite, want nothing sweet. My chest was sore but feels okay now. SUPER fatigued which is the only similarity to my first pregnancy 😂
Me: 27 DH: 30 Started dating: 10/2010 ;; Married 10/2017 Started TTC: 10/2019 BFP: 12/20/19 ;; MC: 12/24/19 BFP: 3/5/20 ;; EDD: 11/11/20
Re: Introductions
EDD/ weeks + days: Oct 10 / 6 weeks today!
How you found out: Took a test the day after I had decent period-like cramps with no period (first time that's ever happened!). We've been TTC for over 2 years and was waiting for my period to finally book an appointment to unblock one of my tubes - definitely a surprise to discover we're pregnant!
1st appointment date: 02/20
Tell us about yourself: I've been married to my husband for 5 years, 2 fur babies, no kids. Working full time in environmental education.
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): sore breasts right away and so tired! Nausea is starting to kick in the last couple days. Emotionally excited but also kind of holding my breath. Doesn't quite feel real since we've been wanting this for so long and aren't telling anyone yet!
I'm looking forward to chatting with people on here - I am the worst at keeping secrets so this first trimester is tough!
EDD: Oct 24
How I found out: I took a test about 12 days post ovulation and got a super faint line, blood test confirmed it
1st App: TBD
Tell us about yourself: I'm a mechanical engineer, a wife to a fantastic husband, and servant of an orange fireball who is definitely in charge of the house. We're looking forward to our new addition!
How am I feeling: My chest is sore and scents are very strong right now, little bit of nausea here and there. That fatigue is really starting to set in. I miscarried last September after finding out baby had no heart beat, so I'm also just really scared. I'm trying not to get my hopes up while still letting myself have the joy.
We were trying for a baby and after 2 months, we got a positive! I was 4 days late for my period and got the positive. It was soo dark and showed up right away so yay!!
My first appt is on the 27th by video. The first official appt where I can hopefully see baby or hear his/her heartbeat is on March 26th. I am super excited to be pregnant! Based on my LMP, my EDD is 10/19.
My 4 children are from my soon to be ex husband and this baby is from my new love. I love him so much and I am very excited to be on this journey with him. He has an older son and really wants a girl.
The only symptoms I have right now are cramps and my back will occasionally hurt. Other than that, I'm okay. I know that this is the quiet before the storm because I always get really bad morning (all day sometimes) sickness.
I look forward to speaking with you all and congrats everyone!
I had my first embryo (AB-male) transfer on 2/8. I did my first ER cycle in 3/23, second in 10/23, Uterine Polyp removal in late 12/23. I am turning 39 in about three weeks, and 2/13 was is the first positive test I have ever had. I started testing 4dp5dt. It was so surreal. My friend, who is also an IVF warrior, has had several losses-so I’m so scared of facing the same heartbreak. Trying to stay positive and embrace the fact that for the first time in my life, I am pregnant. It happened. My first beta was yesterday, and it was 108.
How you found out: i bought like 3 cheap $1 tests from family dollar and the first one was faint but positive. the second one the same thing, barely visible. i took the third one maybe 4-5 days after the last and it was there !
1st appointment date: 02/08
Tell us about yourself: ive been with my boyfriend for 3 years we are both 21! we have a furbaby and we are moving into our second home next month! he works for the BOE and i am an Amazon Delivery Driver for the local area.
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): my nausea has been kicking my butt , ive been fighting a cold for a week now it feels so much worse than it is !
How you found out - I had been using natural cycles to track everything and kinda thought I might be but didn’t want to get my hopes up but went ahead and took a test a day before my app said I should cause I was excited! I thought I saw two lines but again didn’t want to get my hopes up so I went to Walmart at 6am to get a digital test and took that and it was positive and went right to the doctor that morning to get a blood test and that was also positive!!
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?) -
no other children but we do have two sweet fur babies, both aussies with lots of energy, I’m a 4-H youth development agent (I do youth programming/education), I love reading and singing and anything that has to do with animals, I’ve been married to my husband for just over a year, we started ‘trying’ after a year (dec.) and thought it would take longer for us as I had been recently diagnosed with PCOS.
How are you feeling - pretty good! My breasts are super sore which isn’t fun and I’ve been having some cramping but nothing unbearable! So glad I haven’t had any nausea yet but I haven’t been able to sleep through the night for like 2 weeks so if anyone has any tips I’d definitely take it! Emotionally; I mentioned I was recently diagnosed with PCOS so I’m pretty nervous as I’ve played internet doctor (not good I know) and have read that pcos can increase the chance of loosing baby. So I’m super nervous as it’s still pretty early… my entire life I’ve wanted nothing more than to be a mom and it’s felt like a dream since those two lines so just praying everything goes smooth and everyone stays healthy!
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): My husband and I have been married for 5.5 years. We have a adorable 2yr old boy. We love going camping together in the mountains near our home and playing board games with our friends.
FTM/STM/TTM+: Second time mother
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): I am nervous about the possibility of having another early miscarriage. I just want to make it to my ultrasound appointment which is something I didn't get with my last pregnancy. My anxiety of another miscarriage is stirred when I feel twinges and slight cramping when I shift positions. My breasts have been very tender and waves of nausea come and go throughout the day. Thankfully as soon as I found out that I was pregnant I purchased some ginger chews as they were extremely helpful when I was pregnant with my boy. We want to tell our friends and family the news after we get an ultrasound.
1st appointment: 3/11
I am an Occupational Therapy Assistant, and my husband is a Surveyor. We have a 5 year old dog, we adopted last year! We are excited to grow our family. I'll be 6 weeks Thursday. My chest are very sore, I'm still tired, and feel nauseous off/on, but can still eat.
EDD / weeks + days: 10/22 / 5w1d
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): I live in Vista, CA with my husband and our 2 dogs and 2 cats. I’m a special ed teacher for infants and toddlers with disabilities and severe medical needs.
How you found out: I found out last week. I had gotten a negative test earlier in the week but my period was still late and I had this strong feeling. My fiancee and I were going to a hockey game that evening and had plans to tailgate with friends so I figured I should check again before going out and drinking and I'm happy I did bc it was positive!
1st appointment date: do not have one yet. I found out this week that my usual OBGYN is not taking new prenatal patients so now I need to find a new Dr.
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): I'm 28, living in New Jersey. I have an 8 year old son from a previous relationship. My fiancee and I plan on getting married in June, so now our little baby will get to be a part of our big day. I'm a physical therapist. I love reading, painting, hiking, and baking in my limited free time
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): A little nauseous in the mornings. I'm incredibly tired, that was my first hint that I might be pregnant. We are a little overwhelmed bc this pregnancy was unplanned, we planned to start trying in the summer after our wedding. But overall incredibly excited and over the moon excited to grow our family!
How you found out: had a beta test done 12 days after my frozen embryo transfer
1st appointment date: 29th Feb
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?): My husband and I are both doctors, and we rescued the cutest pup 8 months ago. It has been a difficult 2 years dealing with infertility, and we are so nervous/excited about this pregnancy!
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): very nervous. Had a big scare last night with bright red blood and rushed to the hospital. They did an USG and thankfully saw a fetal heart beat at only 5 weeks 6 days!! Bleeding has reduced a lot now, so staying positive. My only symptom is fatigue, and I am peeing a LOT.
How you found out: I had a vidid dream that I was pregnant, which prompted me to test at 8 DPO (I had promised myself I wasn’t going to test early for a change). I thought I saw vvvv faint lines on 3 strip tests. Tested the next morning at 9 DPO and the lines were much clearer and got my positive digital with SMU!
1st appointment date: 03/14
Tell us about yourself: Married for 2 and a half years. We were TTC for 8 months. Had chemical pregnancy on 1st cycle TTC. Mild PCOS and got pregnant 1st cycle on Letrozole.
How are you feeling (any symptoms, Emotionally): Exhausted, sore breasts and some random pelvic pain but pretty good so far! I have had the most vivid dreams every night since my positive test.
EDD/ weeks + days: Oct 15/ 6weeks & 6days
How you found out: I had a dream that I was pregnant. I took a test and it came out positive then went to the er, because I got my tubes tied a year ago. But this is a viable pregnancy.
1st appointment date: March 1
Tell us about yourself: I own 2 businesses, my hubby has a construction company. We have 7 kids, 2 dogs and a cat. I love to read, sing and to do crafts.
FTM/STM/TTM+: this is going to be my 8th baby
I'm still in shock, but I'm happy. I'm feeling nauseous and a little nervous.
We were TTC for about five months and I was testing every month either on the day of my expected period or a few days before.
I was part of the Bump community during my first pregnancy, although not an active one, and I found it helpful and like I wasnt alone in this journey, specially during the first trimester when family and friends still dont know.
1st appointment date: 2/202024
Tell us about yourself: I’m a behavioral health specialist for children within the foster care system. I like to kayak, hike, I love baking. I’m on of those “artsy fartsy” people. My relationship is relatively new. This came as a surprise as we used contraceptive.
Started dating: 10/2010 ;; Married 10/2017
Started TTC: 10/2019
BFP: 12/20/19 ;; MC: 12/24/19
BFP: 3/5/20 ;; EDD: 11/11/20