Hey everyone! To help keep the discussion board a bit more organized, here's a mega thread for all your questions related to the pregnancy. We can pool all of our knowledge here and help everyone out!
Am I the only one who obsesses with at home tests?! I’m 5w3d and I want to test every other day!! My first prenatal isn’t until the 30th. When did you stop testing?!
@babysavvy I test every now and then. I like seeing the line darken and I’ve got 20 more to burn through so why not lol. With my first I tested once at home and that was it. Test as long as you feel like it, no shame!
@babysavvy I’ve tested longer and longer and longer with each pregnancy (this is my 6th, 3 living children). I got a super dark dye stealer this morning, so I think I’m probably done now (5 w today). 😅
Hi all! Just curious how you’re combating food aversions. I’m trying to fend off morning sickness which has been lingering around every corner every couple hours. My major problem is that what tastes or sounds good one minute, the next it makes me sick just thinking about eating it. Yesterday lemonade did the trick, today the idea of drinking lemonade makes me sick. Any tips that have worked for any of you all? Thanks!
Hi all! Just curious how you’re combating food aversions. I’m trying to fend off morning sickness which has been lingering around every corner every couple hours. My major problem is that what tastes or sounds good one minute, the next it makes me sick just thinking about eating it. Yesterday lemonade did the trick, today the idea of drinking lemonade makes me sick. Any tips that have worked for any of you all? Thanks!
Honestly, just eat/drink whatever sounds good in the moment and will stay down, and eat when you’re hungry. There’s no secret that works for everyone, and it truly doesn’t matter that much what you eat. Like protein may make you full longer so keep the queasiness away longer, but if all protein also makes you want to vomit, obviously that won’t work, so just eat what you can when you can. If it’s all carbs, it’s all carbs. 🤷🏼♀️
What to expect from your OBGYN from now till delivery…
So I just found out my OBGYN has 3 rotating drs (none of which are the Gyno I normally see). Should I just go along with this or try to find a specific OB to see throughout the pregnancy and delivery?
What to expect from your OBGYN from now till delivery…
So I just found out my OBGYN has 3 rotating drs (none of which are the Gyno I normally see). Should I just go along with this or try to find a specific OB to see throughout the pregnancy and delivery?
First time mom- guidance on this is appreciated!
I feel like this completely varies by practice. I have 3 living children and lost my daughter at 17 weeks, and the only time I’ve seen anyone but my own OB for an appt was while pregnant with my first and my OB was out due to her own surgery for a month. One of her partners delivered my first since it was a Sunday and she was the one on call, but zero part of me even cared who delivered the baby in the moment or that I had never met her before. 😅😅 My own doctor delivered my other babies. I would super hate seeing someone different and random every time I went in - especially now, when my doctor was such a huge support in going through something so horrible in losing my daughter - how do you build a relationship with a doctor or trust them or know they’ll listen and take you seriously? I personally would try to find somewhere where you have one OB you see out of the team (even though there’s always of course the chance they don’t end up delivering your baby).
My OB rotates. You get to know them all throughout your pregnancy and whoever is on all when you deliver is the one. If I found that I didn’t like any of the doctors, I’d go elsewhere.
What to expect from your OBGYN from now till delivery…
So I just found out my OBGYN has 3 rotating drs (none of which are the Gyno I normally see). Should I just go along with this or try to find a specific OB to see throughout the pregnancy and delivery?
First time mom- guidance on this is appreciated!
So my OBGYN is part of a practice of like 8 drs, I saw her for all but two visits (she was on vacation) BUT when it came time that I was in labor you get whoever is on call. I love in a big city, the hospital I used (and will use again) has loads of practices with privileges. B/c I had my daughter on Christmas Eve and they have lighter staff it wasn't even an OBGYN from my practice who was there for me. the reality is the dr is only in there once you are pushing anyway, the nurses are your BFFs during labor.
Hi all! Just curious how you’re combating food aversions. I’m trying to fend off morning sickness which has been lingering around every corner every couple hours. My major problem is that what tastes or sounds good one minute, the next it makes me sick just thinking about eating it. Yesterday lemonade did the trick, today the idea of drinking lemonade makes me sick. Any tips that have worked for any of you all? Thanks!
For me, eat whatever you can stomach. That was cereal or crackers with my other pregnancies. And Coca Cola.
Good aversions suck but just eat something that makes you feel good whatever that may be. Preggie pop drops have helped me with feeling a little better and being able to get something in my stomach. Eating always seems to make me feel better and it’s usually carbs haha
What tricks do people use to hydrate? Water doesn’t sit very well but trying to intake the needed amount of liquids without it all being loaded with sugar is difficult.
What tricks do people use to hydrate? Water doesn’t sit very well but trying to intake the needed amount of liquids without it all being loaded with sugar is difficult.
My hubby has been making me sweet decaf iced tea and putting minimal sugar in it. Adding ice in my water makes it enjoyable for me to drink too. Maybe cause I get hot easily.
I am gagging throughout the day. Gagging when I brush my teeth, when I blow my nose, when I’m just standing there doing nothing. Haven’t thrown up yet, thank God, but my gag reflex has gone to crap. Accompanied usually with nausea. Any tips?
does anyone have nausea with a horrible taste in the back of their throat? mine is constant. its so gross, and nothing i've tried makes it go away. it started a day or two ago.
Anyone else having nausea just in the evenings?? In the morning and most of the day I’m fine, I’ll plan something for dinner that sounds good, and then 5:30pm rolls around and nothing sounds good!! I wouldn’t say it’s bad nausea necessarily, but I’m queasy and the thought of cooking anything is just 🥴
I have mild nausea (enough to feel really qweezy, but not enough to not eat anything). It starts around 4:30pm every single day. Glad I am not alone in this.
My nausea comes and goes all day long. I also randomly gag at least 5 times daily. Ginger chews are my bestie. They work almost immediately. Ginger ale helps sometimes.
So I’m 5+4 and no nausea yet:( but I feel this constant dull pain next to my right ovary. I don’t really feel any other symptoms whatsoever I’m super worried. Sent 2 messages to my OB today and yesterday and it says “read by staff” and no one is replying. No one even suggested to do a blood draw or anything when I initially sent them a message last week. I feel like I’m being ghosted by my own ob. Sitting here terrified fearing ectopic. But no bleeding, maybe extremely light spotting
I don’t think you need to worry… It’s frustrating they aren’t at least getting back to you. I was told there’s no need to worry with light bleeding or pain that’s around your period level. If you’re able to, look for another dr, you want someone you’re comfortable with.
TMI but how do you combat constipation? I'm vegetarian so basically my whole diet is already fiber. I was thinking about prune juice. Any thoughts? First pregnancy, so have no idea what to do
@christinamiller00 It depends on how far along your first appointment is, and your doctor's practice. You should go see the thread about first prenatal appointments. Some elements are discussed there. Maybe you'll find some answers.
@mokamonster miralax is also pregnancy safe. I end up taking it during each pregnancy. Nothing else works. I eat 95% vegan, so yeah, fiber sometimes just doesn't cut it! darn progesterone.
> @anaskye said: > So I’m 5+4 and no nausea yet:( but I feel this constant dull pain next to my right ovary. I don’t really feel any other symptoms whatsoever :( I’m super worried. Sent 2 messages to my OB today and yesterday and it says “read by staff” and no one is replying. No one even suggested to do a blood draw or anything when I initially sent them a message last week. I feel like I’m being ghosted by my own ob. Sitting here terrified fearing ectopic. But no bleeding, maybe extremely light spotting
I had the exact same thing happen to me. They think I’m around 5 weeks 2 days (my cycles are SUPER sporadic) last Friday I went in to the OB for right sided pain. They saw a cyst that could be the cause and told me it was very normal and would probably go away on its own.
For all my c section mommas, this may be a little early, but what is everyone thinking the second time around? Or if you had a repeat did you choose to or trial labor? I had an emergency c section with my first for failure to progress and sever pre-e (almost hellp) after 41 hours of labor. My epidural failed and the Mag made me throw up the entire labor so it was a pretty traumatic experience for me that I have not forgotten. My friend recently did a trial of labor and after pushing for six hours (not sure who let her push for that long) she ended up with a repeat csection and wishes she had just done it from the beginning. I know my doctor will let me know if its safe, but if given a choice idk what to do. I feel like Ive experienced labor except pushing as I never made it past pushing, but the recovery after c section is so much longer. I also dont want another emergency one though, i was pumped full of so many fluids during those two days they had to give me a diuretic and i lost 60 lbs of water weight (yes 60) in the first week home.
Re: Questions Mega Thread
*Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*
*Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*
So I just found out my OBGYN has 3 rotating drs (none of which are the Gyno I normally see). Should I just go along with this or try to find a specific OB to see throughout the pregnancy and delivery?
First time mom- guidance on this is appreciated!
*Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*
*Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*
I second ginger candy for nausea - 5th baby, and that’s the only thing I’ve ever found that helps (and it helps well!).
@anaskye I hope they get back to you and everything is ok. Maybe just stay consistent with making sure you talk to someone?
Ginger chews are also great.
It’s frustrating they aren’t at least getting back to you. I was told there’s no need to worry with light bleeding or pain that’s around your period level.
If you’re able to, look for another dr, you want someone you’re comfortable with.
Cooking does the same to me!
> So I’m 5+4 and no nausea yet:( but I feel this constant dull pain next to my right ovary. I don’t really feel any other symptoms whatsoever :( I’m super worried. Sent 2 messages to my OB today and yesterday and it says “read by staff” and no one is replying. No one even suggested to do a blood draw or anything when I initially sent them a message last week. I feel like I’m being ghosted by my own ob. Sitting here terrified fearing ectopic. But no bleeding, maybe extremely light spotting
I had the exact same thing happen to me. They think I’m around 5 weeks 2 days (my cycles are SUPER sporadic) last Friday I went in to the OB for right sided pain. They saw a cyst that could be the cause and told me it was very normal and would probably go away on its own.
I had an emergency c section with my first for failure to progress and sever pre-e (almost hellp) after 41 hours of labor. My epidural failed and the Mag made me throw up the entire labor so it was a pretty traumatic experience for me that I have not forgotten.
My friend recently did a trial of labor and after pushing for six hours (not sure who let her push for that long) she ended up with a repeat csection and wishes she had just done it from the beginning.
I know my doctor will let me know if its safe, but if given a choice idk what to do. I feel like Ive experienced labor except pushing as I never made it past pushing, but the recovery after c section is so much longer. I also dont want another emergency one though, i was pumped full of so many fluids during those two days they had to give me a diuretic and i lost 60 lbs of water weight (yes 60) in the first week home.