For all my c section mommas, this may be a little early, but what is everyone thinking the second time around? Or if you had a repeat did you choose to or trial labor? I had an emergency c section with my first for failure to progress and sever pre-e (almost hellp) after 41 hours of labor. My epidural failed and the Mag made me throw up the entire labor so it was a pretty traumatic experience for me that I have not forgotten.
At this point I’m thinking that I’ll try for a VBAC. I was induced last time, water broke while I was maxed on Pit and I swear no one turned it down after and my contractions were right on top of one another, ended up with an epidural I never wanted, my BP and baby’s HR plummeted multiple times so I never got rest as everyone was rushing the room & flipping me & giving me O2 & multiple liter boluses. I pushed for 2 hours after all that and baby wasn’t coming down because he was supposedly “big” so they freaked me out about shoulder dystocia and I ended up with a c-section for a 7 lb baby that was just trying to come down with his head turned and no one noticed it.
Im also scared of the whole laboring for hours and then ending up with a repeat anyways, so it’s really a toss up. My thoughts for myself are that this is my last baby and I want to at least try for a VBAC, and keep my fingers crossed I don’t hemorrhage. Im also using a doula this time because I learned last time that I am not a good advocate for myself when I’m the patient and DH can’t handle that stress. Not sure if that’s helpful for you at all, but good luck trying to decide!
@chartput my SIL has had 3, first unplanned, she regrets none of them. Says the recovery and planning is a walk in the park compared to a c section after laboring for hours. I have never encountered someone who regretted electing a planned repeat c section
My daughter’s birth was traumatic and ended in an emergency C section. Recovery was miserable and it took forever to feel anywhere close to normal.
I am going to do everything I can to have a VBAC with this one. I’m terrified of another c section. I really think if my Dr/the hospital had paid attention I wouldn’t have needed it. Changed Drs and hospitals for this baby.
@chartput my first was an emergency c/s. With my 2nd they gave me the successful rate of a VBAC. If your first is due to breech, something like this then the success rate is higher. For failure to progress, the rate decreases.
Ultimately I chose another c/s. I didn’t want to aim for an VBAC, so TOLAC and then end up with an emergency c/s again. My goal was to meet my baby immediately (my first I ended up losing so much blood, spiking a fever, blood pressure tanked, and I spent 3.5 hours in recovery by myself before I got to meet my son). Plus I am against inducing for VBAC as it increases risk of uterine rupture and my babies never like to evict themselves.
And the experience with a planned c/s was entirely different. It was so peaceful and amazing. He got put on my chest immediately and stayed with me the entire time. The recovery was so, so good and so fast bc my body wasn’t exhausted from labour. I couldn’t have been happier about my decision. I was walking around the neighbourhood within a week.
There’s a Facebook group I joined and also helped for decision making. It’s called VBAC and Birth After Cesarean - Evidence Based Support.
Ooh, I love a good tuna salad! I'll be trying this recipe when the very idea of solid food doesn't make me gag. Hopefully that'll be sooner rather than later!
It must depend on your country's regulations. I live in Canada, it's advise not to eat fresh or frozen tuna as the fishes are bigger and older and could contain problematic amount of mercury for pregnant woman, but it's actually recommended to eat canned tuna (light tuna could be eaten everyday no problem and white tuna up to two cans a week). Still, better follow the recommendation of your nutritionist.
I cut up fruit and place it in the water. I find some days warm water is better others cold. I try to change it up based on what my nauseas will allow. Plain water and I are not friends right now.
For all my c section mommas, this may be a little early, but what is everyone thinking the second time around? Or if you had a repeat did you choose to or trial labor? I had an emergency c section with my first for failure to progress and sever pre-e (almost hellp) after 41 hours of labor. My epidural failed and the Mag made me throw up the entire labor so it was a pretty traumatic experience for me that I have not forgotten. My friend recently did a trial of labor and after pushing for six hours (not sure who let her push for that long) she ended up with a repeat csection and wishes she had just done it from the beginning. I know my doctor will let me know if its safe, but if given a choice idk what to do. I feel like Ive experienced labor except pushing as I never made it past pushing, but the recovery after c section is so much longer. I also dont want another emergency one though, i was pumped full of so many fluids during those two days they had to give me a diuretic and i lost 60 lbs of water weight (yes 60) in the first week home.
I’m in the same boat… I had an emergency c section last time after they induced me and I failed to progress. It was horrible. I was having contractions for days with the pitocin drip, they broke my water, eventually I got an epidural because I was exhausted from no sleep, and I still wouldn’t progress past 4 cm. I wanted an all natural birth and it went the entire opposite way. It was traumatic. Idk what the heck I’m going to do… :,( I haven’t even gotten to actually talk to a doctor yet either. I’m currently 6 weeks.
Hi, sounds like you might need extra monitoring during this pregnancy if you have a history of severe pre-eclampsia and nearing HELLP syndrome, I imagine that would determine if your team would advise you have a c-section or trial labor. (I used to be a registered nurse in the UK and worked in liver for most of my career, patients that had HELLP syndrome were closely monitored by a hepatologist as well as their OBGYN. But I haven’t worked in that field for at least 5 years so I’m not the most up to date with best practice). Hope it all goes well for you :)
For me, I'm going to go straight to repeat csection. The first delivery the baby's shoulders were wide and he got stuck. The second delivery it was failed induction and they finally just said he's having too many decels for too long, with no progress in dilation, we gotta get him out so I cried about the decision but went ahead with it. We never got to the pushing or water breaking stage. It was the right decision for me and my family. I don't want to tempt anything by not going straight to csection, I just have too many risk factors, but also ulterior motive, I want them to tie/remove/whatever the remaining tube while in there because I'm getting older, crankier, and I've had too many pregnancies without success to want to ever do this again after this one. Honestly, my csection was great. It wasn't technically an "emergency " c section though, more like "urgent" and that makes a difference. Things were peaceful enough, and recovery wasn't bad since I never got to the pushing stage.
@wa6ss It may be a silly tip, but I drink from a straw, especially while I’m at work. I find that I’m more likely to drink between customers if I can take a quick sip from a straw, instead of having to lift my cup to my mouth.
@anniemarie887 Thanks for sharing the approved medicines list from your doctor! I’m having some allergy/cold symptoms (sneezing, runny nose, headache), so this will give me a great place to start!
Thoughts on Zofran? I was prescribed it but don’t wanna take it. I read up on it and I’m conflicted by the reports and lawsuits. Thinking I’d rather deal with the nausea than risk it.
@babysavvy Can you get a doctor or a pharmacist to prescribe you something else? There are alternatives from what I know. I also feel conflicted about Zofran, but I'm no doctor.
@babysavy I'm prescribed zofran and try to only take it when I really need it. Like if I'm having trouble keeping anything down. I had HG my last pregnancy and I took it a lot and anecdotally DD was fine, but the uncertainty still make me worried. I'm on diclegis and that seems to be working for me for now. I only took the zofran twice before the diclegis really kicked in.
Don't worry this will be #5 c-section for this momma.All have worked great for me.15 years ago they said I had to have a c-section for my 2nd and never went into labor or even had labor pains for any of my babies...I'm not gonna lie with me being 36 and my 5th baby, I am nervous about this one...I have so much scar tissue..but no worries I think whatever decision you make will be great!
@carziie personally, I would eat it if it's heated adequately. I was told by my doctor not to eat cold-cuts, charcuterie, sausages if it wasn't cooked and heated properly just to stay on the safe side.
My mom bought me these. They are amazing for nausea. The pink bag is raspberry mint. Thought I would share here if anyone is still looking for options to help.
Hey everyone! For mommas that have been pregnant before : in your previous pregnancies did you have brown discharge in the first trimester? This seems to be a recurring thing for me the past few weeks. No pain, and the doctor said it can be normal. It doesn’t make me feel better when it happens. Ultrasound last week showed everything looking good with a solid heart beat. I’m 7 weeks 2 days today.
@amandajo_ky first trimester spotting is super common. ive had it in all pregnancies, including this one. so many possible reasons. after it happens i just try to take it easy for a bit. not sure if that really helps or i just think it does.
Any advice for brushing teeth? Not sure if this is common, but I can't get through brushing my teeth without gagging/throwing up. I tried no toothpaste, still gagged throughout. Tried a new flavor that I enjoyed. It was fine yesterday then I threw up breakfast today. I'm thinking it's the saliva that gathers in my mouth causing the problem? I don't really know what to try now (Also, apparently they don't sell no flavor toothpaste in China and I probably wouldn't be able to find any specific western brands here)
@mokamonster It’s common. I’ve been struggling also. I just take my time, lean on the sink, and brush slowly. When I sense nausea or a gag coming on, I pause for a minute and breathe. I think the saliva comes naturally with the nausea. It sucks. Hang in there.
No question… just needed a place to vent. I woke up with so much anxiety this morning. This months time between these ultrasounds are tough. My next appointment is on the 27th.
Totally agree. I wasn’t prepared for how tough the first trimester is with not many people knowing and always so worried something is wrong. It was hard waiting for first ultrasound, now waiting on nipt results. The anxiety is real. I think the heightened hormones don’t help and just make me more anxious.
anybody experiencing having covid with this first trimester? lucky me, i tested positive for covid today and i’m absolutely miserable. not to mention the hormones coupled with this make me cry for hours. i’m also super afraid to take anything more than acetaminophen.
@wynnisjamminI’m sorry you’re not feeling well! What are your symptoms? I had it a couple weeks ago at 7w pregnant. Luckily it didn’t hit me too badly - I was able to keep the fever down with Tylenol and lukewarm baths, and I just rested as much as possible.
Hey all! Has anyone experienced tailbone pain? I’ve tried stretching (cat/cow, side twists, downward dog), exercise regularly (brisk walking, stretching, and prenatal yoga), and have used a massage gun to the area. I know pelvic ligaments stretch a lot during this first trimester but am worried this will only get worse throughout pregnancy. I have a normal BMI and have never had discomfort like this. It’s worst when moving from sitting to standing. I have also adjusted how I sleep at night to take pressure off the area. But any advice or tips would be much appreciated! Thanks 😀
@dapperbuttercup I just had an ultrasound at 10w4d, and my doctor said it’s a little early for NT measurements, and I go back for the NT scan at 13 weeks.
Did you get bloodwork drawn for the NIPT? How large was the NT fold? NT fold is a soft marker only/not for certain. And you are still a little early for the NT measurement.
My experience with having a borderline high NT measurement is not a good one. I’m here if you want to know more or talk.
@mristich20 I had that pain from this early in my third pregnancy. My OB recommended PT and said she’s give me a referral, but my insurance hardly covered PT at all, so I never went, and just stayed miserable the entire pregnancy. I’m guessing it would have been helpful? 😅
@runningyogimama I got the blood drawn today after speaking to my usual doctor. Wasn’t a fan of the doctor I saw yesterday. He told me the blood work wasn’t worth it. She told me to; and I totally trust her opinion. It was 3.1 and 2.9, two different measurements. She said because it still is enlarged even if it goes down it’s still an area for concern, so I will probably do the cvs (from her advisement.) I’m definitely nervous especially as it’s twins. What’s your experience?
@dapperbuttercup That is pretty large. 😕 I had an amnio since my NT/NIPT last pregnancy were a little later and I was 14 weeks when I got results back, 15 weeks when I saw the MFM for the amnio. The amnio physically wasn’t bad/painful, just some contractions/cramps that day and the next (I took that day off work, tried to work the next day, but ended up taking at least a half day, I can’t recall exactly as that time is a bit of a blur in my memory). I have heard the CVS is more physically uncomfortable, so you make want to ask for anxiety meds to relax you ahead of time (I heard that advice from two friends who had it done).
Our NIPT came back >95% for T21, and ultrasound by 15 weeks showed multiple other anomalies, including concerns regarding development of the heart/signs pointing towards future heart failure, kidneys, and brain (plus the other soft markers of short fermur bones and absent nasal bone). She also measured smaller and smaller for gestational age as time went on. We decided to terminate for medical reasons, which was absolutely horrific in post-Roe US.
Re: Questions Mega Thread
*Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*
Thanks for the tuna recipe! @anniemarie887
(Also, apparently they don't sell no flavor toothpaste in China and I probably wouldn't be able to find any specific western brands here)
does anyone have any remedies for relief?
Did you get bloodwork drawn for the NIPT? How large was the NT fold? NT fold is a soft marker only/not for certain. And you are still a little early for the NT measurement.
My experience with having a borderline high NT measurement is not a good one. I’m here if you want to know more or talk.