May 2022 Moms

Symptoms - February


Re: Symptoms - February

  • How appropriate the picture! That is my internal feeling 80% of the time now. Doesn't matter if it is a small meal or larger meal...heartburn happens. 
    TMI and gross - but I even bent over to get a shoe the other day and vomit/acid filled my mouth.
  • pajamstagramspajamstagrams member
    edited February 2022
    @And846 ugh that sounds awful

    Question for those who've done their glucose test: did anyone else have more BH than usual later in the day? I had a bit more last night than normal (my normal is none or one per evening lol), but it's settled down since then after I ate and drank water. I was probably dehydrated, and definitely didn't eat enough (fasted for the test + lost all appetite afterwards), and guess that had something to do with it?

    Also do I just suck at ID-ing BH? I barely had them with DD lol. I've got *a lot* going on right now (possible UTI or yeast infection + PGP pain + sciatica + constipation) so I'm on the struggle bus of figuring out what's causing the weird feelings. I feel silly calling my OB when I was just there yesterday and was completely fine before the glucose test, but I might anyway if the BH come back this morning. (Waiting on test results for UTI/YI, so OB does know about all that and my mention of occasional BH)

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  • @pajamstagrams haven’t done the glucose test (declined it this pregnancy), but it definitely has caused BH for me in the past. Tbh everything about the test is absolutely awful and it’s really common to have a whole slew of side effects. Personally I found that limiting sugar in the days following the test and making sure you stay hydrated are key.
  • @skc040512 ok good to know. Last time I remember feeling God awful after I drank it (classic vasovagal reaction) but don't remember much later in the day. This time it knocked me on my ass the rest of the day and I was exhausted, and crampy. I've been trying to rehydrate all day and I think that's helped. 
  • My newest symptom is lower back pain, and my hips have started to ache at night. I'm a FTM so its a new to me, I'm assuming its just from growing/weight/and extra pressure? I'm going to borrow an exercise ball to bounce on here and there at home to see if that helps some! 
  • My hips are so achey at night. Even with the pregnancy pillow, I just can’t get comfortable. I’d pay so much $ for ONE good night of sleep! I miss having the option to lay on my back to relieve some pressure 😩 also adding to my nighttime woes is the fact I am always so thirsty. I don’t really notice it during the day, but wake up several times of night feeling like I need to drink a gallon of water. 
    Otherwise, I feel great 😆

    @sph97 yea I’d imagine it’s because of extra weight/pressure. Also as your stomach grows, your center of gravity changes and you might unconsciously be standing/sitting funny throughout the day to compensate. 
  • b_1029 said:
     also adding to my nighttime woes is the fact I am always so thirsty. I don’t really notice it during the day, but wake up several times of night feeling like I need to drink a gallon of water. 

    This is me, too!! 
  • @pajamstagrams I was delighted to see that glucose drink now has no artificial colour or flavour - just sugar water! I didn't really eat breakfast before my test and my blood sugar tested way low, whoops. But I can't say I noticed BH? I feel like sometimes my belly gets hard and that's it? I didn't have them much with DS.

    @b_1029 ugh the nighttime hip pain. I see the physio tomorrow and I'm hoping she can help some.
  • @jandawg yeah mine definitely had some red and yellow dye lol. Although I honestly think the orange flavor helped me get it down. Cut the sweetness a bit. 

    Yeah I just occasionally notice my belly hardening, mostly when I'm laying a certain way, or when I have to pee. Of course the internet says that BH can be more common with a YI or UTI, because of course. Guess I'll be waiting a couple more days for those results and then hopefully get some meds.
  • @b_1029 If you’re avoiding your back because of the guidance that you should only sleep on your side, from what I read the evidence behind that guideline isn’t very clear cut. Emily Oster writes about it in her book Expecting Better. Obviously you need to do what you are comfortable with mentally and physically but it might be worth looking into to find some comfort and sleep. During my last pregnancy, I would sometimes sleep with a small rolled blanket behind me and a regular pillow between my knees instead of the giant pillow so I was still angled and not flat on my back but it took some pressure of my hips.  
  • @b_1029 so sorry you have such bad hip pain! It’s the worst. Just to add to @tango_612 My midwife told me research now shows back sleeping isn’t dangerous and to sleep however comfortable?! Definitely different than advice I was given last pregnancy, so obviously only do what you’re comfortable with! But maybe some back time could help? Fingers crossed something works for you!!
  • @b_1029 agree with what @coffeemamaaaaa and @tango_612 said...I sleep on my back occasionally with my pregnancy pillow under my knees and propping up my back/head
  • I also sleep on my back regularly. I tuck a small pillow under my right hip, if I go to sleep that way consciously, but sometimes I’ve gone to sleep on my side and wake up flat on my back. I figure if me or the baby is uncomfortable, I’ll wake up instinctively.
  • annashaf said:
    I also sleep on my back regularly. I tuck a small pillow under my right hip, if I go to sleep that way consciously, but sometimes I’ve gone to sleep on my side and wake up flat on my back. I figure if me or the baby is uncomfortable, I’ll wake up instinctively.
    This is also what happens to me 
  • Well shoot, thank you all! Looks like I have a few new options to try for sleep!
  • @b_1029 just use allllll the pillows. You'll be fine!

  • for sure sleep how you’re comfortable! My first pregnancy, I remember obsessing over being on my side. My doctor finally told me that the concern in blood flow to the placenta and to you, but that your body will wake you up if you’re not getting sufficient flow so to just make sure I’m comfortable. It definitely helps! I typically am a side sleeper in pregnancy anyway, but I wake up almost every night at some point flat on my back
  • What’s the Tums ad? Heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach , diarrhea… 😭
    Add insomnia and back aches!
    If this is supposed to be the trimester of bliss then I’m scared for the next one. 
  • oh no @brookejay06 that sucks! 😔

    The Ninja bladder kicking continues over here. 🥴
  • @brookejay06 IMO 2nd tri is just the least sh*tty. I wouldn't call it bliss 😂😂 sorry you're feeling *all* the things right now. Hopefully they coordinate in the future to be one at a time! 
  • @brookejay06 IMO 2nd tri is just the least sh*tty.
    Best description ever 😂😂😂😂
  • @And846 and @brookejay06 I am unfortunately also riding the heartburn train and it's awful 😭 
  • Add me to the list of horrible and uncomfortable sleep. Rookie mistake - last night for some stupid reason I decided to switch pillows. So of COURSE I have a horrible crook in my neck feeling and shoulder pain, tossed and turned half the night-which just itself is getting harder with this bump!! Blah. 
  • @MrsLaLaBug I cannot get comfy at night. Or like at all. My belly feels like it's being stretched, so I have to use all the pillows. 

    Also, might be because...I do indeed have a UTI.  Whomp whomp. Honestly it's not even that bad, but I'm definitely uncomfortable and pants now hurt under the bump?? I hope that goes away soon now that I have meds. Also looked at the lab results and I think it's a GBS infection, so lucky me, I guess I'm automatically on antibiotics for delivery now. 
  • @pajamstagrams I HATE UTIs. Like deep down in my soul. And my body absolutely despises all antibiotics so I automatically have to get a diflucan every time I get a script for abx too, which is double the fun. 🥴

  • @MrsLaLaBug yeah I'm highly susceptible to YI. I'm going to take ALL the probiotics. 
  • Holy crap. I thought I was escaping with only very minor heartburn this time around. In the past, it’s started around 22 weeks for me and been inconsistent but irritating. Nope. Holy reflux. I literally feel like my chest is on fire and of course we have nothing for it 🙄 I’m about to go drink a glass of milk and I freaking hate milk but will literally do anything right now to get rid of this
  • Omgggg @skc040512 SAME! I feel like my esophagus is on fire. Tums have been helping but I really miss Zantac!! 
  • @skc040512 @tacosandtums is it from certain foods??? Ugh I hate heartburn I’m sorry you’re dealing with it!!! 
  • I’ve definitely increased my chiropractor appointments to every two weeks. The back pain and hip pain is killing me. Also I have round ligament pain for the first time ever with this pregnancy. I rolled over in bed last night and thought I was going to die. It’s definitely making it easier for this to be my last pregnancy!

  • @wiscobabies lol yeah all my "new" pain this time around is having my question a #3 in the future 😂 I've never used my heating pad so much before. 

    Also I was going to the chiro 2x a week recently because my pelvis got real messed up and caused bad SPD pain. Thankfully they fixed it so it's more manageable with my normal 1x week. 
  • @tacosandtums I was panting walking from my car to the elevator bank at work (5 min walk tops lol). I feel ya. 
  • @tacosandtums @pajamstagrams I got winded changing the laundry over to the dryer 😂 the stairs are basically a marathon at this point. 
  • @tacosandtums I was sliding around my house with my socks because I was too tired to lift my feet 😬 that third trimester exhaustion is really kicking in 
  • skc040512 said:
    @tacosandtums @pajamstagrams I got winded changing the laundry over to the dryer
    THISSSSS!!!! I have started making my kids help do it. *winning* 😂😂
  • @wiscobabies lol yeah all my "new" pain this time around is having my question a #3 in the future 😂 I've never used my heating pad so much before. 

    I was complaining about how tired/miserable I was the other night, just being throwing my own pity party, and my husband said, "So looks like we're only having one kid then, huh?"
    Well, maybe until I forget how miserable it can be! I'm just hoping with my next pregnancy I'm not throwing up everyday. I am SO ready for the day I can wake up and get ready for work w/out my head in a toilet. 
  • @sph97 believe me, you forget how awful you feel 😅 I threw up from week 4 (literally the sign I needed to take a pregnancy test) until about week 25 with DD1, and was consistently nauseous until about week 32. And yet here I am, pregnant with number 4 lol. The aches and pains definitely come earlier each time though! 
  • @skc040512 I also took my test because I was throwing up so much, it is better now than the first ~15 weeks. I was almost hypoglycemic I was throwing up sooo much my sugar was just plummeting. I just thank the Lord for Zofran lol! I only get sick 1-2 times a day but I'm just over it, for sure. 
    On the bright side, each pregnancy is different so I'm going to hang on to that hope too lol! I realllly want 3 kids!
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