Due date: June 8 (based on when I think I ovulated)
How did you find out: took a test late at night on 8dpo and saw the faintest line. By the next morning, I got a positive digital reading! We were on vacation in Disney World so it was a fun week to get a positive!
Other children/pets: this is my first baby, but I have a dog and two cats who are treated like our children
Job: Mechanical Engineer with a design firm
Things you like to do: hangout with my husband, friends, and family, play with my sweet animals, craft
Spouse/Partner: Married my husband this past April
First appointment: scheduled for Monday Oct 11. I should only be 5 weeks 5 days at that point, but I am going early because it will be a high risk pregnancy
Any symptoms: SO MUCH FATIGUE! I’m still having cramping, I am peeing every 30 minutes., and my boobs are so sore. Also having so much anxiety which I’m hoping is the result of hormones.
How’d you find out? I took a test an 9 DPO & it came back positive.
Other children/pets? I have an almost 5 year old son.
Job? Insurance
Things you like to do? I like gardening and shopping.
Spouse/partner? My partner & I have been together for the past 4-4 1/2 years. We got together when my son was about 6 months old & he has been the perfect dad.
First appointment? Not scheduled yet as my doctor has no availability so have to go out of town🙃
How’d you find out? Beta HCG bloodwork last Friday (after an IUI on 9/20)
Other children/pets? One daughter who will be 5 in January; 2 dogs, 2 cats & 3 chickens
Job? Accountant and Dance Teacher
Things you like to do? Dance, spend time with family, read, play D&D
Spouse/partner? Married to my husband for 10 years
First appointment? I have an ultrasound scheduled for 10/21 with fertility.
Any symptoms? My breasts are so sore and I feel like I need a forklift to hold them up! LOL!! Some nausea here and there, and my sense of smell is very sensitive.
How’d you find out? I took a pregnancy test on a whim to see just in case (I had a negative a couple weeks before) and saw a faint line! Several tests and a few days later, they’re all positive and getting darker.
Other children/pets? A one year old Siberian Husky.
Job? Server, but got a new job as an assistant video editor the same day as my BFP(!)
Things you like to do? Read, watch documentaries, take my dog to the park, go out to eat and more!
Spouse/partner? Yes, my husband and I got married in a tiny ceremony on 12/20/20. We have a bigger ceremony/reception just around the corner (11/14/21).
First appointment? 11/22, although I may ask to go in sooner.
Any symptoms? Excessively sweaty pits, some digestion issues, and most recently, brief waves of nausea.
@mrsbaker89 I’m a police officer too! I’m already struggling with trying to figure out how to navigate my first pregnancy and still working the road. We should chat some time!
@mrsbaker89@mfd2022 *lurking from April* Me three! Please tell me what I am supposed to do with my duty belt. I am now at the loosest possible setting and even if I get a bigger size I'm not quite sure where it's supposed to go from here.
@mfd2022@dinomeetsjedi So it just depends on what your department will allow. Some see it as a liability to have pregnant officers on the street. We all have our own comfort levels so I say work it until you that point and then go light duty. The second trimester i’m going light duty with a desk job.
I was feeling off all week, tested on Tuesday or Wednesday knowing it was too soon, ate a bunch of pizza for dinner last night and felt a little queasy so I took another test. After the shock of getting a light but definitely positive test DH ran out for a digital to confirm and here we are!
Other children/pets?
We have a big crew! This will be baby number 5! (I see 3 of us in June have number 5!) We have all girls. DH has a daughter who is 8, and together we have a 5yr, 3yr, and 17m.
Job? I work in global health insurance
Things you like to do? Bake as cook, garden, workout, and I’m trying to learn how to knit
Spouse/partner? DH, we been together 7 years, married 6
First appointment? Don’t know yet
Any symptoms? Mild nausea, some cramping, moody, sore nipples
How’d you find out? 3 positive home pregnancy tests, darkest line was today on my scheduled AF date.
Other children/pets? Daughter (3 yrs), dog, and a cat
Job? Supervisory MSA
Things you like to do? Reading (I’m big into Reece’s Bookclub and book of the month), being active (hiking, walking, working out), podcasts (true crime and comedy podcasts), I also love, love, love Harry Potter!
Spouse/partner? DH and I have been married for 8 years, and very excited about baby #2!
First appointment? Still TBD, waiting to hear back from the OBs office. Sent them a MyChart yesterday to inform of BFP before I forgot!
Any symptoms? Very tender breasts, they hurt so, so bad and all day nausea.
Found out- at home test on the morning I was supposed to start my period. My breasts were already feeling different so I was pretty sure! Also got a blood test confirming at my OB
Other kids- one amazing almost four year old son (a little nervous about his adjustment)
Spouse/Partner- Husband of 6 years
First appointment- November 3! Would be earlier but wanted to have husband there
Symptoms- incredibly sore nipples, some indigestion and mild cramping… also exhausted and cranky 🤪
I have to confess I’ve been reading this board for a while but not posting. I think I have t been letting myself recognize the reality or get excited just yet. But I’m looking forward to supporting each other here! ❤️
@romeoandjuliet146 so exciting! I’m estimating mine, but since it was IVF maybe that date will be updated. Can’t wait for ultrasound. It was going to be tomorrow, but the husband couldn’t make it. I almost just left him behind for an earlier peak, but I’m glad we will be doing it together, even if I have to wait a few extra days. Hope yours goes well on the 18th!!
@knottie and @ermsmcg just an FYI that you can have both tuna and deli meat. Tuna is just a limited quantity (my OB said no more than 1 can a week) and you can heat up the deli meat before eating it. It’s definitely not the same as cold cuts, but it’s better than nothing 😆
How’d you find out? Took a pregnancy test the day I was supposed to get my period
Other children/pets? Just one pup!
Job? Art Advisor
Things you like to do? Knit, row, exercise, relax with the husband, walk the pup - and eat! :smile:
Spouse/partner? Husband - we met and started dating when we were 18, got married when we were 27. Now we are both 34.
First appointment? November 10th - feels like a lifetime away! Makes me so nervous to wait so long to be seen by a doctor!
Any symptoms? Slight breast tenderness, some general fatigue, very slight on and off queasiness, but nothing too bad. Also this is super weird and maybe TMI but somehow I feel like my body odor smells worse! lol
@Samanthabs875 yes!! Last pregnancy I remember smelling my BO so bad first trimester. It got bette or I just started wearing thicker shirts ahha! Mine was bad because I started using natural deodorant that made it worse.
How’d you find out? I had a BFP on Sunday the 10th. I didn't think it'd actually happen so I didn't test until I was late
Other children/pets? DD Zoey would be 9 on the 17th of October, she passed from cancer when she was 5. I have her dog Juno, a weim/pit mix, who is 3 and my other pup Hitch the Great Dane who is two.
Job? I am a research and development test engineer for a manufacturing company. I absolutely love my job, but know I'm going to have issues once I get bigger.
Things you like to do? Read, listen to records and go to concerts. I deep sea fish and hunt deer. I love to hike and be outside. Ski, but can't this season.
Spouse/partner? My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years. We were told by a fertility specialist that we'd never have kids without IVF because his sperm is bad, he's not Zoey's father. Well apparently it fixed itself because here I am.
First appointment? Telemed visit on Monday
Any symptoms? freaking tired, boobs hurting and just pulling/cramping
I MISS COFFEE but I am excited to be here. Also fighting a head cold so that makes the start of this journey epically great.
Me: 38 BF: 35 TTC Journey
TTC since 1/2020 AMA and poor sperm motility/count/morp 5% chance of IUI success 10/26/2021 - MC#1
How’d you find out? Didn’t have my period start in the first day it was predicted and took a test. Retook a test to make sure I wasn’t imagining that little extra line.
Other children/pets? I was originally first pregnant earlier this year but lost our first around 7 weeks. They would of been due next month. Keeping quiet about this positive one has been a struggle already! We do have two cats, Picklez and Zukie!
Job? Manager and Training Manager for a NW self storage company
Things you like to do? Haven’t had much time this last year and half being so short staffed at work. I enjoy crafts, being outside, playing Animal Crossing, collecting Pokémon cards.
Spouse/partner? My husband and I have been married for 2.5 years and together for 7! I met him early on when I moved to WA
First appointment? Blood work on Monday, first real appt on 11/18
Any symptoms? I. Am. Tired. Fatigued pretty easily and sore breasts.
Looking forward to having a group to experience and support each other with!
Re: Introductions!
How’d you find out? I took a test the day after my missed period
Other children/pets? This is our 1st!
Job? Teacher
Things you like to do? Going to concerts, cooking, and traveling
Spouse/partner? My husband and I have been married for almost a year, together for almost 5
First appointment? November 1st
Any symptoms? Slight cramping but otherwise I haven’t really had any so far
How did you find out: took a test late at night on 8dpo and saw the faintest line. By the next morning, I got a positive digital reading! We were on vacation in Disney World so it was a fun week to get a positive!
Other children/pets: this is my first baby, but I have a dog and two cats who are treated like our children
Job: Mechanical Engineer with a design firm
Things you like to do: hangout with my husband, friends, and family, play with my sweet animals, craft
Spouse/Partner: Married my husband this past April
First appointment: scheduled for Monday Oct 11. I should only be 5 weeks 5 days at that point, but I am going early because it will be a high risk pregnancy
Any symptoms: SO MUCH FATIGUE! I’m still having cramping, I am peeing every 30 minutes., and my boobs are so sore. Also having so much anxiety which I’m hoping is the result of hormones.
How’d you find out? I took a test an 9 DPO & it came back positive.
Other children/pets? I have an almost 5 year old son.
Job? Insurance
Things you like to do? I like gardening and shopping.
Spouse/partner? My partner & I have been together for the past 4-4 1/2 years. We got together when my son was about 6 months old & he has been the perfect dad.
First appointment? Not scheduled yet as my doctor has no availability so have to go out of town🙃
Any symptoms? Tender breasts, and cramping.
First appointment? I have an ultrasound scheduled for 10/21 with fertility.
Any symptoms? My breasts are so sore and I feel like I need a forklift to hold them up! LOL!! Some nausea here and there, and my sense of smell is very sensitive.
BFP: 1/31/15; MMC: 3/31/15
BFP: 4/26/16; Baby Girl Born: 1/3/17
BFP: 10/1/21; EDD: 6/10/22
I work in global health insurance
Bake as cook, garden, workout, and I’m trying to learn how to knit
DH, we been together 7 years, married 6
First appointment?
Don’t know yet
Any symptoms?
Mild nausea, some cramping, moody, sore nipples
How’d you find out? IVF pregnancy, so bloodwork labs are like clockwork :)
Other children/pets? 2 cats
Job? Clinical psychologist
Things you like to do? Bike, bake, crochet, being outdoors
Spouse/partner? Together 11 years, married 3
First appointment? 10/18 first early ultrasound with the fertility clinic
Any symptoms? Mild nausea
Due date? June 8th!
How’d you find out? 5 positive pregnancy tests. 😂
Other children/pets? First child! My husband and I have 2 cats.
Job? I’m an Assistant to a Real Estate agent in Florida. We sell condos at the beach.
Things you like to do? Plan, hike, spend time with my husband, write.
Spouse/partner? My husband Jared and I have been married for 10 years in April.
First appointment? October 28th… Feels like forever away!
Any symptoms? Insomnia 🥴, heightened sense of smell, some food aversions, anxiety, the hormones are going crazy!
First appointment? Still TBD, waiting to hear back from the OBs office. Sent them a MyChart yesterday to inform of BFP before I forgot!
Any symptoms? Very tender breasts, they hurt so, so bad and all day nausea.
DD: 07/19/18
EDD: 06/22/22
Due date?
June 13th
We have been trying to conceive for a few months so I took a test 2 weeks after ovulation. Positive!
A 2 year old son.
Optical assistant
Read, crochet, reflexology, spend time outdoors with my family, watch TV.
Married to my husband for 4 years.
First appointment?
October 27th
Any symptoms?
Complete and utter exhaustion, bad cramping, nauseous, sore boobs. The whole gambit, it feels like.
Married 05/26/17
STM; DS 9/14/2019
EDD 6/13/2022
@kellmo due date twins! Although mine is an estimate based on my ovulation day, so it may change once I see a DR and have an ultrasound.
Married 05/26/17
STM; DS 9/14/2019
EDD 6/13/2022
Other kids- one amazing almost four year old son (a little nervous about his adjustment)
Spouse/Partner- Husband of 6 years
First appointment- November 3! Would be earlier but wanted to have husband there
Symptoms- incredibly sore nipples, some indigestion and mild cramping… also exhausted and cranky 🤪
I have to confess I’ve been reading this board for a while but not posting. I think I have t been letting myself recognize the reality or get excited just yet. But I’m looking forward to supporting each other here! ❤️
First appointment? October 26! I CANNOT wait. I’m so nervous but so ready to hear officially that I’m pregnant!!
Any symptoms? Fatigue. Some on & off nausea. Light cramping.
Married 05/26/17
STM; DS 9/14/2019
EDD 6/13/2022
Married 05/26/17
STM; DS 9/14/2019
EDD 6/13/2022
First appointment? I had it today 10/13
Any symptoms? Sore breast and moody.
Married 05/26/17
STM; DS 9/14/2019
EDD 6/13/2022
Due date? June 7, 2022
How’d you find out? Took a pregnancy test the day I was supposed to get my period
Other children/pets? Just one pup!
Job? Art Advisor
Things you like to do? Knit, row, exercise, relax with the husband, walk the pup - and eat! :smile:
Spouse/partner? Husband - we met and started dating when we were 18, got married when we were 27. Now we are both 34.
First appointment? November 10th - feels like a lifetime away! Makes me so nervous to wait so long to be seen by a doctor!
Any symptoms? Slight breast tenderness, some general fatigue, very slight on and off queasiness, but nothing too bad. Also this is super weird and maybe TMI but somehow I feel like my body odor smells worse! lol
Late on my period and just not feeling right.
2 dogs
2 cats
Walks with baby and the pups, mindlessly scroll phone, read
6 years 💜
First appointment?
Any symptoms?
fatigue-not as bad as my first YET. Nausea. Insomnia. 🤪
Due date? June 20th
First appointment? Telemed visit on Monday
Any symptoms? freaking tired, boobs hurting and just pulling/cramping
I MISS COFFEE but I am excited to be here. Also fighting a head cold so that makes the start of this journey epically great.
TTC Journey
AMA and poor sperm motility/count/morp
5% chance of IUI success
10/26/2021 - MC#1
Zoey Catherine
She fought DIPG (brain cancer) for 2 years
First appointment? Telemed today, got req for bloodwork anytime, ultrasound at 8weeks.
Any symptoms? Boobs are a bit sore, heavy. Sweaty but freezing at the same time. Def stronger body sweat 😅
Look forward to getting to know you all! 🙂
How’d you find out? Didn’t have my period start in the first day it was predicted and took a test. Retook a test to make sure I wasn’t imagining that little extra line.
Other children/pets? I was originally first pregnant earlier this year but lost our first around 7 weeks. They would of been due next month. Keeping quiet about this positive one has been a struggle already! We do have two cats, Picklez and Zukie!
Job? Manager and Training Manager for a NW self storage company
Things you like to do? Haven’t had much time this last year and half being so short staffed at work. I enjoy crafts, being outside, playing Animal Crossing, collecting Pokémon cards.
Spouse/partner? My husband and I have been married for 2.5 years and together for 7! I met him early on when I moved to WA
First appointment? Blood work on Monday, first real appt on 11/18
Any symptoms? I. Am. Tired. Fatigued pretty easily and sore breasts.
Looking forward to having a group to experience and support each other with!
TTC Journey
AMA and poor sperm motility/count/morp
5% chance of IUI success
10/26/2021 - MC#1
Zoey Catherine
She fought DIPG (brain cancer) for 2 years