Had some cramps last night that were not painful, but super uncomfortable. Made it through bedtime with DS before crying to DH. He took care of me for the rest of the night and I am feeling so much better this morning. Cramps and mornings sickness were not anything I had to deal with with DS so it's a whole new world for me. I guess it really is true that each pregnancy is different.
Me: 34 DH: 34 Married 10/28/17 Our TTC Journey
TTC #1 February '18 Team Green turned TeamBlue 10/15/18
TTC #2 January '21 BFP June '21 MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C July '21 Jan '22 - started IF testing BFP Jan '22 MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C Feb '22 BFP May '22
Nausea is starting to hit a little more regular. I have had awful nausea with each of my pregnancies without throwing up. So it’s inevitable I feel like.
I conceived via IVF and I'm still on IVF meds so hard to distinguish what are med side effects and what are pregnancy symptoms...I'm only 5 weeks, but have cramps, lower back pain, nausea/indigestion, I'm bloated, increased sense of smell, increased urge to urinate, definitely more emotional! And the biggest one - fatigue - been napping all the time :)
Giving myself plenty of rest and hydration and trying to decrease all the anxiety and stress as much as possible. Nice to have this board to discuss everything while we're keeping it a secret from most of our family and friends...
TW….I am up in the middle of the night bc my 2 year old was driving me crazy and I felt discharge like the start of a period. I thought “oh here we go….” I go to the bathroom with my phone flashlight and saw a tinge of blood and put a pad on. Of course I’m up another 2 hours dealing with the kid and my thoughts. I wake up in the morning and go to check the progress…. There was nothing. There never WAS anything!!!! It wasn’t tinged with blood it was just clear discharge!
Hi, ladies. I am 8 weeks tomorrow. This is my first pregnancy ever due to PCOS. My boobs literally hurt when I move and haven’t stopped pretty much since week 3. I have some food aversions to meat, but absolutely ZERO morning sickness. Trying not to worry. The other symptoms are helping with the anxiety. I did throw up what little stomach contents I had when I found some old milk in the sink, but that’s it.
@angelz429 I think gas and fatigue are my only symptoms so far! Feeling very glamorous. Today I told my husband he was on baby duty and napped off and on until like 1 o'clock.
@knottie52d4e031ffa32268 I'm in week 7 and haven't had any morning sickness (yet). Some people never do. The nausea is pretty consistent throughout the day now, and has been for the last several days. That, peeing 10x at night, and a constant hunger have been my only real symptoms. I haven't had any food aversions or cravings yet and no heightened sense of smell.
Oh yes, I forgot about the non-stop hunger. I’m not sure how we’re not supposed to be gaining noticeable weight right now.
I woke up this morning with incredibly greasy roots again, which I didn’t know was a symptom until I looked it up. I thought I just forgot to wash all my conditioner out yesterday.
Oh yes, I forgot about the non-stop hunger. I’m not sure how we’re not supposed to be gaining noticeable weight right now.
I am LESS hungry, eating less, and still gained like 3 lbs already. HOW?!? I am obese, I'm not even supposed to gain any weight this whole pregnancy!!!
It is too damn hot in the PNW right now, thankful we have an AC unit to keep cool, and I am OVERHEATING (not literally, I just feel like it). my body temp has already been super elevated, and on top of the nausea and regular bloating/gas and sore boob discomfort, I am miserable.
@lexilougolden I had some constipation last week and thought there was no way it could happen this early. I'm sorry your dealing with it, but I'm glad I'm not alone in it.
Me: 34 DH: 34 Married 10/28/17 Our TTC Journey
TTC #1 February '18 Team Green turned TeamBlue 10/15/18
TTC #2 January '21 BFP June '21 MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C July '21 Jan '22 - started IF testing BFP Jan '22 MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C Feb '22 BFP May '22
@tessiesmom26 I know! I've read that pre-natals with Iron can do it. Also B6. Which I take both. So I'm hoping my doc has some fantastic recommendations tomorrow.
@tessiesmom26@lexilougolden last time around my doc recommended metamucil as a first step for constipation. word of advice, DON'T GET THE MIX THAT YOU ADD TO WATER! It's awful, I tried it once and I'm pretty sure it's still in my cabinet somewhere. I think they have gummies or something if that's what they suggest for you!
@lexilougolden I’m sorry you’re dealing with constipation! I had horrible constipation throughout my entire pregnancies with both boys. This time I’ve been taking a probiotic with my prenatal vitamin and it’s made all the difference for me. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever been so regular😂 probably tmi. I have also had good luck with the smooth move tea (I got it at target) to get things going but fair warning plan to be home when it kicks in.
@lexilougolden dealing with constipation is awful, I had it bad with my first two, so much pain it woke me up at night. Sounds like you are doing all the things they recommend which is frustrating when it goes unresolved.
@fuscok88 probiotics sound like a good idea! I'm going to have to try that and see if I can avoid it this time around. I did have DH buy me raisens so I'm trying to think ahead a little.
I also recommend magnesium for constipation (and it helps me sleep) - but of course check with your doctor first. It's been so much better than the over the counter powders that make me even more bloated and uncomfortable.
That reminds me, I have always taken fiber gummies consistently every morning throughout pregnancy and that seems to help. You can also make a point to have half a banana a day for magnesium without talking to your doctor, since it's not a pill. ;). They also make pretty yummy metamucil biscuits? I'm not sure if they might be kinda $ for basically a plain cookie, but might be worth considering as a light breakfast ish nibble first thing in the morning, kill two birds with one stone.
@knottie52de as a professional hair stylist, and preggo lol, just use a clarifying shampoo twice a week for now. Paul mitchell has one called shampoo three and it's paraben and animal cruelty free. And the scent is amazing. They have have a shampoo two if you don't like the smell of 3😊
I am exhausted today. I just cannot seem to keep my eyes open. I dozed on the couch on and off this morning while my boys raced their dump trucks around watching octonauts 😬. I also have a huge list of things to get done today and tomorrow for DS1s bday party Saturday and am just not motivated. The 1st tri fatigue can stop anytime now.
@fuscok88 ugh I'm with you. I'm remembering my first pregnancy when I would just sleep in late and take a nap on the couch after work. Soooo much worse when you have a rowdy toddler to keep alive!
@chgilmore if it makes you feel better coffee isn’t helping😂 I fell asleep mid cup of coffee this morning. My husband just got home from work early to me napping with DS2. I’m normally not a napper at all so twice in one day is extreme for me.
Thank you! I saw this was one of the recommended shampoos for pregnancy. I ordered a bottle off Amazon to give it a try. Guess the hubs just got supplied with a giant size bottle of Joico.
Re: June Symptoms
Married 10/28/17
Our TTC Journey
Team Green turned Team Blue 10/15/18
TTC #2 January '21
BFP June '21
MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C July '21
Jan '22 - started IF testing
BFP Jan '22
MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C Feb '22
BFP May '22
Giving myself plenty of rest and hydration and trying to decrease all the anxiety and stress as much as possible. Nice to have this board to discuss everything while we're keeping it a secret from most of our family and friends...
There was nothing. There never WAS anything!!!! It wasn’t tinged with blood it was just clear discharge!
when did your morning sickness start?
I woke up this morning with incredibly greasy roots again, which I didn’t know was a symptom until I looked it up. I thought I just forgot to wash all my conditioner out yesterday.
Married 10/28/17
Our TTC Journey
Team Green turned Team Blue 10/15/18
TTC #2 January '21
BFP June '21
MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C July '21
Jan '22 - started IF testing
BFP Jan '22
MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C Feb '22
BFP May '22
@fuscok88 probiotics sound like a good idea! I'm going to have to try that and see if I can avoid it this time around. I did have DH buy me raisens so I'm trying to think ahead a little.