Hello and welcome to the February 2022 BMB!
Introduce yourself:
Due date?
How did you find out?
Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?)
How are you feeling? (First appointment? Any symptoms? Emotionally?)
GTKY Fun fact: What makes you feel the most beautiful (inside and out!)?
Re: Introductions :)
Due date - February 3rd 2022 (today I am 4 weeks!)
GTKY Fun fact: What makes you feel the most beautiful (inside and out!) - The dance I do lately is pole and boudoir, and when I improvise in this room full of women hyping each other up, sweating with no make up on, I just feel stunning. I also feel beautiful when I actually drink enough water!
Looking forward to getting to know more of you as we start getting our BFPs
Due date? February 3 as well!
I have a 21 month old daughter, two cats and a husband. I have the luxury of staying home with DD all day so I spend most of my time with her. I'm not sure what else to write here - I had a young baby when COVID hit and I feel like my whole life is inside my house! Hopefully things will start changing here soon.
GTKY Fun fact: What makes you feel the most beautiful (inside and out!)? Lately it's as simple as washing my face, putting on mascara and getting dressed every day lol :P.
Due date? Feb 4.
GTKY Fun fact: What makes you feel the most beautiful (inside and out!)? Comfortable, well fitting clothes and being clean. It really helps my confidence if I’m wearing something that I’m comfortable in!
omg @photographerwife !!!!!! Congratulations! I couldn’t be happier that we aren’t going to be IUI buddies haha
@chgilmore congratulations to you too! What a great start to this BMB!
Due date? February 2
GTKY Fun fact: What makes you feel the most beautiful (inside and out!)? I used to do my make-up every day on the train on the way to work. With COVID, you can't take your mask off on the train, so I've just been going make-up free. Now, when I put make-up on - and keep in mind I'm not very good at it - I feel GORGEOUS. Like, who is this bombshell woman and where has she been hiding?! It is very, very silly.
@chgil@chgilmore Graduating from school, finding out your pregnant, and starting a new job all in the span of a week?! Holy cow! Congratulations and good luck with the new job!
@foodl@foodlovehappiness I can't imagine what it was like to have a COVID baby. I know I felt so isolated and cooped up PP in normal times. I hope the world keeps opening up and you have a much different experience this time around!
@photo@photographerwife It sounds like you have been through it. Congratulations and fingers crossed for a beautiful, sticky baby.
(ETA tags, which somehow look wonky)
Me: 26 DH: 27
TTC #1 | June '18-August '18 | DD | Born April 21, 2019 | Due May 10, 2019
TTC#2 | June '20-February '21 | DS | Due October 27, 2021
congrats @chgilmore and @photographerwife!!!!! So thrilled for both of you!!
@chgilmore I actually woke up thinking about you and wondering where you went! I was like, did she get eaten by an alligator??? lol Congratulations! So happy to see you here. I did an audition for a show last night, and I had to DANCE, so I was like hahah you would have gotten such a laugh out of me trying to attempt my coolest hip-hop. lol Enjoy a happy and healthy 9 months!!! <3
@photographerwife So excited for you!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Keeping everything crossed for your sticky little person! <3
<img alt="Congratulations GIFs Tenor" src="https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.tenor.com%2Fimages%2F1c2eb6a89bccd76132feefc2280dee35%2Ftenor.gif%3Fitemid%3D4884466&f=1&nofb=1" title="Image: https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.tenor.com%2Fimages%2F1c2eb6a89bccd76132feefc2280dee35%2Ftenor.gif%3Fitemid%3D4884466&f=1&nofb=1">
@fifilala516 thank you and congrats to you as well!!!!
@photographerwife welcome and congrats! I feel you on the conscious optimism. I'm also feeling somewhat anxious. Love comfortable and clean too! That fresh shower and fresh pj's vibe? *Chef's kiss*
@foodlovehappiness welcome! I am also -le tired- and am barely out of a two hour nap to check back into this thread lmao.
@ashtuesday welcome definitely lots of changes happening all at once it feels like a whirlwind 😅 we share the same symptoms and I know this is probably a peak for us for a little while lmao. Can't imagine being a parent and a teacher during the pandemic, like wow you are a rockstar.
@livingoffpbjs I love your username fx for sticky beans for all of us and I hope to get to hear your intro
@ashtuesday you can totally feel ovulation! Ever since I went off birth control (like 6-7 years ago) I've been able to feel when I ovulate. It's handy when TTC but otherwise is annoying and a little painful for me lol. I have my fingers and toes crossed that you have a sticky baby!
I'm 35 and my husband is 34. We have 2 boys, ages 4 and 1. We enjoy outdoor activities. I also like cooking and gardening. I work with pigs, and have in some capacity for 13 years.
GTKY Fun fact: What makes you feel the most beautiful (inside and out!)?: Getting completely put together for any event. I work from home, so most days I have my hair piled on top of my head in lounge wear.
<img alt="Congratulations Graduation GIF" src="https://media3.giphy.com/media/H6oV7ZbFYSTlvoG0R5/giphy.gif?cid=790b76118add9b2d31fa6fc7ce36aa0f39a430501b50b9d6&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g">
<img alt="Eve Happy To Be Here GIF by VH1 Hip Hop Honors - Find " src="https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2FxT8qB9jDHprfReHMxq%2Fsource.gif&f=1&nofb=1">
<div><b>Introduce yourself:</b> Uhm, Hi? I am not usually stricken speechless. (See epic TTGP Grad post if you don't believe me lol) I have been on TTGP for several years, and this was our final FET of our last precious little embryo, (made from my eggs and DHs surgically retrieved sperm), so, sad to say, this baby will mark the last of our biological / genetic family. We are Catholic and we always wanted a bigger family, so we may still consider adoption down the road to continue to grow our family when the time comes...
<b>Due date?</b> February 9th, 2022
</div><div><b>How did you find out?</b> I had a good feeling, so I decided to be brave and test at 3dp5dt. Because we had a natural FET with a trigger, the faint line in and of itself didn't mean much. But the next day, my test in the afternoon was DARKER!?? I kept watching the lines and turned a digital test at 6dp5dt. Today's first beta had been moved up a day for me, so it's still early, (at 8dp5dt), but we are pregnant!!! They needed to see 50+ and we were at 53.3. I go back Thursday when they will want to see a 66% increase, and most likely next Friday 6/11 for our first scan. Cautiously....... insanely excited!???? lol</div><div>
</div><div><b>Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?) </b> I am 38, and DH is a few years older than me. I am lucky enough to currently WFH along with our two gorgeous girls, DD, age 2.5+, and BG (baby girl), 9 months. She was my pandemic baby, and I have been happy and grateful to be more or less locked down with my toddler at home, while we waited for her new sibling to arrive. DH is a contractor, hence the username. :) We have two dogs and are renting a little old farmhouse, but we are just beginning to house-hunt, so we may be moving to the next state over at some point during this pregnancy... I am also a former music teacher and recently auditioned for a show, which is a little bit outside of my wheelhouse, to say the least lol. This should be interesting.</div><div>
</div><b>How are you feeling? (First appointment? Any symptoms? Emotionally?)</b> Very, very tired. So tired. I struggle with insomnia a bit from time to time, too, so that hasn't helped. But other than that, I feel pretty great! Exhausted, but super happy and hopeful for another uneventful pregnancy.
<div class="Spoiler">We lost one embryo prior to getting DD, two prior to BG, and one more prior to this last baby.</div>
But the pregnancies themselves have both been fairly straightforward thus far, despite being officially AMA, (apart from plantar fascitis with my first, and SPD with my second), so -- knock wood -- this one may be similar.
<b>GTKY Fun fact:</b> What makes you feel the most beautiful (inside and out!)? I don't get the opportunity much anymore, but I am such a glam girl at heart, and I love being dressed up in a black tie gown, with full hair and makeup done, like for a performance or going to the opera. Right now, I am settling for a shower, clean clothes that are not PJs, and a little light face. lol We keep the bar nice and low, right about now! But that fresh clean feeling right after a haircut is a pretty nice, too!
ETA Word choice / clarity
@chgilmore Ah, I overlooked that you start your new job so soon, too! Congrats again all around. Is that Today then, or a week from today? I have also been running warm, and that was another one of my first signs that maybe something was going on, because I felt super warm, even though the house was cool.
@foodlovehappiness Oh my gosh, not too early to be beyond tiredz as well. I am exhausted, but also not sleeping enough due generally to early appointments still going on, but also a touch of insomnia. :s I identify so much with feeling like your home and your baby is your whole world right now. I took a family leave just at the beginning of March, so I was home already, and about two weeks later they started sending people home due to covid... Then I had a mat leave and a Covid baby in August! Luckily our Church stayed open, so we were able to stay connected with friends and the community a bit that way, otherwise, it's true. Everyone's worlds got very, very small last year. (((hugs))) IKWYM about just getting showered and properly dressed! That alone is a little victory each day!
@photographerwife Once again, I cannot even tell you how happy I am for you and your spontaneous BFP!!! and your numbers looking so wonderful! I hope that is providing a little bit of reassurance going into your first scan. I don't remember, were your numbers all so perfect in Aug 20? My heart still feels for you and everything you went though at that time... <3 I didn't remember though that you do p/t Banking as well! ha. They have transitioned a lot of us to WFH, so I'm not planning on going back in person any time soon. But it sure is a balancing act with the girls at home. I wish I could go p/t as well! lol
@ashtuesday That is so amazing how your girls came so close together after all you went through! God-willing, this baby will be similar, like about 17 months apart from middle sister. How was it having a newborn with such a young toddler!?
@livingoffpbjs. OMG So I have a FFTC, but I have taken a double take just about every time I see your username, because in my (perfectly pristine mind) I keep reading it as, "LivingOffBJs" :# :# :# I'm so sorry. I am a terrible person! lol How are you feeling?
Due date? 2/4
GTKY Fun fact: What makes you feel the most beautiful (inside and out!)? Taking a shower! I took that for granted for sure! I am not super into makeup and dressing up, but I do love how I feel when I put on lashes!
@axl0060 Congratulations! Hope all your betas and scans go perfectly for you :)
Due date?
February 7th ,2022
We've been trying for 9 months so I tested at 8 dpo and got a positive haha
Feeling good but I am high risk so also nervous and realistic that this might not end the way I would like
GTKY Fun fact: What makes you feel the most beautiful (inside and out!)?
Hmm I love to wear dresses they make me feel very pretty
I was trying to hold off from introductions since I found out so early but Im getting super dark lines now so Ill give it a go.
GTKY Fun fact: What makes you feel the most beautiful (inside and out!)? I feel most beautiful when I can help someone out or make them laugh.
@makingbacon I love your name, the first year and a half my husband stayed home with our daughter and he would tell her when I was going to work that I was "Making Bacon" so now when either of us goes to work she tells us or other people that we are making bacon. Also, what do you do with pigs? Do you make the pigs? Do you train the pigs? Breed them? Im curious.
@BusinessWife OMG your mind is so dirty! ..... and I think you will be my favorite
Due date? 2/1/22
I had been tracking ovulation through premom so that we could get an idea of when I ovulate (I had just gotten off of birth control and my cycles tend to be long and inconsistent). So I thought in preparation for getting pregnant (in the next year) I'd start charting my LH levels! I didn't believe the HCG tests with the kit and went out and bought more pregnancy tests. BD was 6 days before ovulation but miracle of miracles... and to my complete surprise, we got pregnant!
DH and I are getting married in August. We both work from home. I have a 7 year old stepson and 6 year old Golden Retriever.
The only thing I have felt is sore breasts for a few days! Maybe some fatigue but not more than other times in life. I have my first appointment on July 6th (10 weeks). I don't know if I can wait that long. Seems like forever away.
Dressing up a bit and having a night on the town.
Can we please get this, "Introductions", as well as the, "Read This First," threads both stickied?