February 2022 Moms

Introductions :)

Hello and welcome to the February 2022 BMB!

Introduce yourself: 

Due date? 

How did you find out? 

Tell us about yourself (Other children/pets? Job? Things you like to do? Spouse/partner?)

How are you feeling? (First appointment? Any symptoms? Emotionally?)

GTKY Fun fact: What makes you feel the most beautiful (inside and out!)?

Re: Introductions :)

  • *lurking from January 2022* Congrats on your BFP! 
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  • @Lisa3379 thank you and congrats on yours as well!!! fx they stay sticky :)
  • I am also lurking...CONGRATS @chgilmore!!!!
  • bows22bows22 member
    edited May 2021
    Dirty intro lurker

    omg @photographerwife !!!!!! Congratulations! I couldn’t be happier that we aren’t going to be IUI buddies haha

    @chgilmore congratulations to you too! What a great start to this BMB!
  • *dirty lurker*
    @photographerwife ahhh! Congratulations! Praying for a H&H 9 months! ❤️
    TTC History

    Me: 26 DH: 27

    TTC #1 | June '18-August '18 | DD | Born April 21, 2019 | Due May 10, 2019

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

    TTC#2 | June '20-February '21 | DS | Due October 27, 2021

    Lilypie Maternity tickers

  • **lurking**

    congrats @chgilmore and @photographerwife!!!!! So thrilled for both of you!!

  • edited May 2021
    ***lurky loo***

    @chgilmore I actually woke up thinking about you and wondering where you went!  I was like, did she get eaten by an alligator??? lol Congratulations!  So happy to see you here.  I did an audition for a show last night, and I had to DANCE, so I was like hahah you would have gotten such a laugh out of me trying to attempt my coolest hip-hop. lol  Enjoy a happy and healthy 9 months!!! <3

    @photographerwife  So excited for you!!!!!  CONGRATULATIONS!!!  Keeping everything crossed for your sticky little person! <3

    <img alt="Congratulations GIFs Tenor" src="https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.tenor.com%2Fimages%2F1c2eb6a89bccd76132feefc2280dee35%2Ftenor.gif%3Fitemid%3D4884466&f=1&nofb=1" title="Image: https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.tenor.com%2Fimages%2F1c2eb6a89bccd76132feefc2280dee35%2Ftenor.gif%3Fitemid%3D4884466&f=1&nofb=1">
  • rgn12rgn12 member

    Yay! Congrats @chgilmore! ❤️
  • edited May 2021
    @chgilmore I love that you do pole and boudoir! I’ve never done pole but I do boudoir photography and love it. Congrats! 

    @foodlovehappiness I was thinking the same thing about being tired! I remember being so fatigued with my son, but not this early! 😅 I just got around and could literally go back to bed already. Congrats to you! Hope your appt time gets here quickly. 

    @ashtuesday you can absolutely feel yourself ovulate, although not everyone does. You lucky unicorn! I hope this is your sticky baby and your appt gets here soon! Congrats! 

    @BusinessWife @bows22 @chindimples04 @fameonmain2 thank you ladies for your love and support! Wishing you all the best. 💕

  • @photographerwife congratulations!!!!! I have my fingers crossed for you and I hope your appointment went well!

    @ashtuesday you can totally feel ovulation! Ever since I went off birth control (like 6-7 years ago) I've been able to feel when I ovulate. It's handy when TTC but otherwise is annoying and a little painful for me lol. I have my fingers and toes crossed that you have a sticky baby! 
  • edited May 2021
    @foodlovehappiness thank you! It did go well, my hcg doubled exactly to 1028 today, and my progesterone was 18.4. I’ll follow up with my doctor Tuesday after the holiday for more bloodwork probably, and a placement scan as soon as they recommend. 
    I agree with the painful ovulation! At times mine have been as bad as AF cramps. 
  • @photographerwife yay!!! That's great news! 
  • edited June 2021
    @BusinessWife so excited to see you over here! Hoping for a healthy, uneventful pregnancy!  And with my ectopic I started spotting around 5 weeks. So I didn’t have betas done this early that time around. By the time I ruptured, after being given methotrexate my numbers were around 14,000, but did not double. The last scan I did before that one was 4 days prior and it was around 10,000. So we’re hoping that this doubles good! I just did my third beta and I’m awaiting results. As long as it comes back good, I’ll be doing my first scan next week too!! I love working part time. I’ve been with my bank for 5 years now, so when I started staying home with my son they started letting me do a less than part time position as a teller/customer service rep and it works out wonderfully! They are starting to offer more WFH positions if I do want to go back full time soon. 

    @makingbacon congrats! Wishing you a happy healthy pregnancy! 
  • edited June 2021
    @makingbacon Ha!  Sorry I missed your post!  You went in for the quickie TTGP intro, and now here you are!  :D Congratulations!!!

    @axl0060 Congratulations!  Hope all your betas and scans go perfectly for you :)
  • @sarahandnathan93 Yas, to the dress!  They do just make a gal feel so pretty and feminine, don't they?  A group from church is having a girls' and ladies' Tea and Modest Fashion Show, and the theme is, "No stress, Put on a Dress!"  I love it.
  • @BusinessWife I was so excited to make friends, and then I got a BFP. I felt so bad about introducing myself and then just heading here, but I couldn’t undo it, and apologizing would’ve made it worse, so here I am still excited to make friends lol. 
  • Lol yes, I hear you @makingbacon But lucky you!!!  You are right where you are supposed to be 😊
  • @livingoffpbjs So happy so see you re-intro and feeling good about your line progression!  Congratulations!  PGAL can be really hard at times.  If it makes you feel any better my clinic does tell us not to have sex until the first pregnancy test, so imho there's nothing wrong with being cautious in early days ((((hugs)))). That is too cute about your daughter saying making bacon! 🤣 I love it. I also love your beauty secret. ;) My mother always said pretty is, as pretty does. ❤️ I have to ask, whooooo is this singer!????  Is it a far trip that you would have to cancel then I suppose?
  • @livingoffpbjs Congratulations! I actually feed the pigs lol. I’m a monogastric nutritionist, but I started my career working in production breeding sows. 
  • @BusinessWife omg that sounds amazing.Love it!

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • lexilougoldenlexilougolden member
    edited June 2021
    @livingoffpbjs I love corgis! I used to have a bf that had two. They are so cute!
  • Welcome! @lexilougolden  We have a family member who has all Goldens; they are great dogs!
  • @BumpAdmin @BumpCaitlin @rosesareblue242 
    Can we please get this, "Introductions", as well as the, "Read This First," threads both stickied?
  • @BusinessWife Aww! They are super sweet dogs. Can't wait to see how she reacts to a baby!
  • @BusinessWife I love how on top of this you are xD
  • @chgilmore @BusinessWife haha ikr! I started to make the board posts this morning too, but *social anxiety* got the best of me! So glad you’re on top of it! 💕
  • It was making me too sad to click over to an empty, lonely board. LOL @chgilmore @photographerwife
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