February 2022 Moms


*borrowing from the January 2022 BMB!*
Also, **disclaimer** by posting this thread I am in no way volunteering to start all these threads. D  And we don't need to do all of them if we don't want to, and we can change days, etc. 

Welcome to the February 2022 BMB! 

If you're new to TB, we're excited to have you! Below you will find information on how the flow of BMBs work, guidelines and helpful links. 
Some links that you may find helpful:
How-To Guides:
-How to quote: Hit the "quote" at the bottom of the post you want to quote. You will be taken to the reply box with the quote set up already.
-How to tag: Add a "@" in front of the username of the person you are talking to.
-How to change your username: log in to TheKnot, hover over My Knot, and click Account Settings. If you are having issues doing it that way, you can email community@thebump.com and ask them to change your username. Give them a few suggestions just in case your top choice is taken. It may take up to 24 hours for the name to update.
-How to insert a spoiler box: click the drop down list arrow next to the paragraph symbol (third from the left, next to bold and italicize) and choose spoiler. It will insert a grey box, and everything that you type in there will go into the spoiler.

For the sake of board organization, here are some simple guidelines for posting threads:

-Introduce yourself in the "Introductions!" thread 
-Feel free to start one of the weekly posts listed below: 
-Post your own thread if you have a confirmed loss (please use a TW)
-Post a thread that would apply to the entire community and doesn't fall into one of the categories for daily threads listed below (Ex: what to pack in your hospital bag, baby gear, etc)
-Comment, share advice and show support for your fellow bumpies; this is a two-way street, to get support, you must show it as well

-Start a thread asking about symptoms; please post this in the current weekly "symptoms thread" - this is helpful because it keeps the board from getting cluttered and makes it so we can all see the whole discussion in one thread, rather than having one thread about MS, one about food cravings, another about vivid dreams, etc.
-Ask the community if you are pregnant, it is against TOU
-Start a thread asking for relationship advice; a professional is better suited for this task
-Post pictures of your pregnancy test, this is also against TOU
-Post a thread that asks a question only applying to yourself unless you suspect you may be going through a MC
-Get bent out of shape if someone calls you out for not following these guidelines; if you expect to be part of a supportive board (which we are), you need to be able to take the time to learn the ins and outs of the board

Weekly threads suggestions! Feel free to add any others you think would be helpful/fun. 

-Monday Bitch Fest 
-Weekly symptoms thread 

-TW Tuesday... TW = Twatwaffle. Who or what in your life is being a twatwaffle?
-High Risk Check-in

-Hump day/bump day 
-PAIF check in 
-Weekly randoms 
-WTF Wednesday

-PGAL check in
-Unpopular opinion UO
-Thankful Thursday's 

-Flame Free Confessions 
-TTGP Grad check in 

-What my pregnant self is eating/crying?               
-AMA mama check in 
-What I found hilarious 
-Healthy mama check in  

Once we all get farther along, we will also have pinned threads for things like ultrasounds, sex announcements and birth announcements.

I've copy/pasted this from previous boards, and it seems to be the way that they are all organized, but of course we should feel free to tweak for our needs! For example, some boards do weekly ticker changes while others do weekly due date check-ins (ex, DD 1st week of Jan.). 

If anyone has a suggestion for other threads, please feel free to comment a suggestion.

PLEASE keep in mind that there will eventually be a lot of us on this board, and an organized board will be much easier for everyone to use. If we can all keep the one-off posts to a minimum the board won't be too cluttered to navigate, and hopefully we won't end up answering the same question 2,000 times.

Let's have a great BMB ladies!


  • I have no clue how to pin this to the top lol
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  • I'm not sure how formal we may want to be with the specific check-ins, but I noticed that High Risk is on the schedule for Tuesday, PAIF is Wednesday, PGAL is Thursday, and TTGP is Friday.  I may go ahead and start the High Risk and PAIF today, just to get the ball rolling, but going forward we can try to keep each one on its own day. :)
  • Thanks for the information! Brand new here! Let's see if this works :)
  • I know the thing we copied says weekly symptoms thread, but does anyone care if we make it monthly?

    Weekly just seems kind of high maintenance to me, for something that's essentially an ongoing random BF kind of thread.  Does that work for everyone here so far?
  • edited June 2021
    MONDAY<div>-Weekly Randoms thread
    <div>-Monday Bitch Fest </div><div> </div><div>
    </div><div>TUESDAY</div><div>-Ten Things Tuesday</div><div>-TW Tuesday... TW = Twatwaffle. Who or what in your life is being a twatwaffle?</div><div>-High Risk Check-in</div><div>
    </div><div>WEDNESDAY</div><div>-Hump day/bump day </div><div>-WTF Wednesday</div><div>-PAIF Check-in</div><div>
    </div><div>THURSDAY</div><div>-Unpopular opinion UO</div><div>-Thankful Thursday's 
    -PGAL Check-in</div><div>
    </div><div>FRIDAY</div><div>-Flame Free Confessions </div><div>-TTGP Grad Check-in </div><div>
    </div><div>MONTHLY</div><div>-Symptoms</div><div>-What my pregnant self is eating?
    -Why my pregnant self is crying?           

    </div><div>-AMA mama check in </div><div>-What I found hilarious </div><div>-Healthy mama check in  

    ANY TIME</div></div><div>-GTKYs</div><div>-Product Spotlights</div>
  • I tweaked the above just slightly, based on our previous comments.  It doesn't look like anyone started yesterday's check-in, but I know it's still so early, it's not like most of us have a lot going on yet.
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