It's still so quiet here, so I'll try to kick off another discussion!
How is everyone feeling? Still pretty early for us, but I'm sure I'm not the only one not feeling 100% right now!
Figured we could try monthly for the time being since there are so few of us right now, but I'll have to do is change the title if we want it weekly or biweekly 😉
Re: Monthly symptoms thread (May)
I am feeling nauseas, bloated, every now and again I get a little cramping which quickly goes away. Oh and my boobs. They hurt. I haven't yet made my first appointment yet to see the doctor, which I plan to do today.
How is everyone else feeling this Monday
Just went in for my 2nd beta this (my gyno doesn't really do every 48 hrs, so mine will be a week apart) and I'm still anxious about everything. But I figure my symptoms getting slightly worse is a good sign.
@firewife2021 I was putting off calling my OB FOREVER and DH finally told me to stop stalling so I called Friday. My gyno/PCP is a different person so I've been doing my early blood work with her. I figure that they don't see me until 7-8 weeks anyway, so why bother??
Eta more tags:
@lisa3379 wow, hit the nail on the head with the "nauseated lump" description 😂 glad coffee still sounds good for you, fingers crossed the aversion holds out as long as possible!
I haven't had any issues with nausea or food aversions yet. I looked at my last pregnancy journal, which seems so long ago, and I had notes that aversions kicked in around 5 weeks, so I'm anticipating that will be happening soon.
Baby Girl Due: 1-1-22
Baby Girl Due: 1-1-22
Baby Girl Due: 1-1-22
@laurabridget no acne yet, but I remember having a few more breakouts last time. Acne is the worst when pregnant, because I feel like you can't use anything on it! (I'm still not comfortable with low % salicylic acid).
I got my first pregnancy migraine last night, and it's stilllll here this morning. Forgot how fun it is to have these because there's literally nothing you can do about them. (we all know Tylenol is a joke) I'm probably going to push the 200 mg caffeine limit today and see if that helps. 😖
@firewife2021 so much bloat. This is my fifth pregnancy and my body is apparently just going all in. I told my mom Friday and she said yeah from the side I was kinda wondering 😂 So I got my maternity clothes out of her shed and I’m just embracing it 🤷🏻♀️
I have my first ultrasound Friday...
My HCG levels doubled really fast when I was only three weeks 😅 I joined when I was at 32 hcg 3 weeks 4 days, and at 3 weeks and 6 I was at 103 🙃. And I still took another test last week because I'm still in shock 😅🤣
Happy Mothers-day to all of us!
Other than that, sore breasts, some pressure in my lower belly. But I guess i’m lucky to not feel any nausea or have acne.
This is my first pregnancy so I'm not sure what to expect! Any tips for exhaustion?
Baby Girl Due: 1-1-22
Isn't it weird to wish for morning sickness? I feel SO sick, and I hate this feeling. I just want to feel good. But at the same time, I'm grateful for it.
Baby Girl Due: 1-1-22
Fertility Journey starts in 2019 at one clinic to have our own. Using donor sperm, his isnt well after multiple testing- genetics.
We tried 3 IUI in 2019, then switched in April 2020.
April 19th, 2021 1st FET cycle 1st HCG April 30-176.9 2nd HCG May 3- 591 7 week ultrasound May 20th went well HB 140 baby measured 7 weeks 1 day sac measured 7 weeks 2 days June 1st 9 week ultrasound June 11th 1st apt with new OBGYN- no ultrasound just a physical, labs, protein urine collection. June 14th blood work with fertility- no changes to medications continue to decrease, June 21st last blood work with fertility graduated now on to OBGYN only. June 25th 12 week NT saw the nose, arms, and legs everything normal!!! July 23rd check in with OBGYN- heartbeat is 150! August 18th 20 week ultrasound went GREAT! Aug 19th check in with the OBGYN. Sept 15th 24 week echocardiogram normal! Sept 17th OBGYN apt heard the heartbeat! Oct 15th baby is 3.5 pounds Oct 19th OBGYN apt 28 weeks Oct 28th paperwork apt with new provider
.....Next: Nov 2nd first apt new clinic Nov 4th OBGYN apt Nov 8th OBGYN apt Nov 10th OBGYN apt, Nov 12th Maternal Fetal 32 week ultrasound, Nov 15 OBGYN apt Nov 17th OBGYN apt
Fertility Journey starts in 2019 at one clinic to have our own. Using donor sperm, his isnt well after multiple testing- genetics.
We tried 3 IUI in 2019, then switched in April 2020.
April 19th, 2021 1st FET cycle 1st HCG April 30-176.9 2nd HCG May 3- 591 7 week ultrasound May 20th went well HB 140 baby measured 7 weeks 1 day sac measured 7 weeks 2 days June 1st 9 week ultrasound June 11th 1st apt with new OBGYN- no ultrasound just a physical, labs, protein urine collection. June 14th blood work with fertility- no changes to medications continue to decrease, June 21st last blood work with fertility graduated now on to OBGYN only. June 25th 12 week NT saw the nose, arms, and legs everything normal!!! July 23rd check in with OBGYN- heartbeat is 150! August 18th 20 week ultrasound went GREAT! Aug 19th check in with the OBGYN. Sept 15th 24 week echocardiogram normal! Sept 17th OBGYN apt heard the heartbeat! Oct 15th baby is 3.5 pounds Oct 19th OBGYN apt 28 weeks Oct 28th paperwork apt with new provider
.....Next: Nov 2nd first apt new clinic Nov 4th OBGYN apt Nov 8th OBGYN apt Nov 10th OBGYN apt, Nov 12th Maternal Fetal 32 week ultrasound, Nov 15 OBGYN apt Nov 17th OBGYN apt
not feeling everything as intensely- although at this stage in my pregnancy last time, i had no symptoms and got real drunk at a party cause i was “certain “ I wasn’t pregnant- so maybe the wave crashes on me next week 🤷🏻♀️
Fertility Journey starts in 2019 at one clinic to have our own. Using donor sperm, his isnt well after multiple testing- genetics.
We tried 3 IUI in 2019, then switched in April 2020.
April 19th, 2021 1st FET cycle 1st HCG April 30-176.9 2nd HCG May 3- 591 7 week ultrasound May 20th went well HB 140 baby measured 7 weeks 1 day sac measured 7 weeks 2 days June 1st 9 week ultrasound June 11th 1st apt with new OBGYN- no ultrasound just a physical, labs, protein urine collection. June 14th blood work with fertility- no changes to medications continue to decrease, June 21st last blood work with fertility graduated now on to OBGYN only. June 25th 12 week NT saw the nose, arms, and legs everything normal!!! July 23rd check in with OBGYN- heartbeat is 150! August 18th 20 week ultrasound went GREAT! Aug 19th check in with the OBGYN. Sept 15th 24 week echocardiogram normal! Sept 17th OBGYN apt heard the heartbeat! Oct 15th baby is 3.5 pounds Oct 19th OBGYN apt 28 weeks Oct 28th paperwork apt with new provider
.....Next: Nov 2nd first apt new clinic Nov 4th OBGYN apt Nov 8th OBGYN apt Nov 10th OBGYN apt, Nov 12th Maternal Fetal 32 week ultrasound, Nov 15 OBGYN apt Nov 17th OBGYN apt