@KNB1027 I don't have an exact date but after the loss she did say that she'd check beta/hormones immediately and get me in for an extra appointment before the typical 9 week ultrasound, to help ease anxieties. She is absolutely wonderful
@amostpeculiarmlle welcome! I am also hoping for a VBAC. I am pretty sure my doctor is not going to recommend it though. Have you talked to your OB yet?
Me 35, DH 37
Unexplained infertility and TTC since December 2014
February 2016 - May 2016: 3 IUI's -- all BFN
August 2016: IVF #1 (Lupron, Gonal F and Menopur) -- 12 retrieved, 9 fertilized, 3 frozen and 1 x day 5 hatching blast transferred -- BFN. Sent remaining 3 embryos for PGS testing -- 2 didn't survive thaw, 1 was abnormal.
February 2017: IVF #2 (Gonal F, Menopur, and Ganirelix) -- 12 retrieved, 6 fertilized, 3 sent for PGS testing and all were abnormal
March 2018: IVF #3 (Menopur, Follistim, Ganirelix and HGH) -- 14 retrieved, 12 fertilized, 4 sent for PGS testing, and 3 were PGS normal
May 2018: FET #1 -- BFN
August 2018: FET #2 -- BFP!!! healthy baby girl born May 2019!!
July 2020: FET #3 -- embyro did not survive thaw
September 2020 - IVF #4 (Menopur, Follistim, Ganirelix and HGH) -- 1 PGS normal
October 2020 - FET #4 -- BFN
January 2021 - IVF #5 (Menopur, Follistim, Ganirelix and HGH) -- 2 PGS normal
@teamginger13 Yay, fingers crossed for us both! I've not talked to my OB yet, but the OB who operated on me said I could be a candidate for VBAC based on the type of incision I was given and because my reason for c-section was fetal distress, which is unique to the baby and not to me. Why don't you think your doctor will recommend it?
@artsiefartsie I'm so glad she is so supportive and understanding! It is much easier to manage anxieties when your doctor is on your side!
Me: 34 DH: 43 Our Journey for #1
2014 -- Started TTC casually 2017 -- Discovered MFI but didn't move forward with treatment due to expense and grad school Spring 2019 -- Started with RE and confirmed MFI Fall 2019 -- 3 cycles of Clomid and TI, 3 BFNs, discovered hostile cervical mucus was also contributing Spring/Summer 2020 -- 3 cycle of IUI, 3 BFNs Nov 2020 - First IVF with 3 little frosties, had to change to freeze all due to OHSS Feb 16, 2021 - FET #1 - BFP! Beta #1 100 Beta # 2 541 EDD 11/4/2021
@amostpeculiarmlle that’s great that the other OB said it was possible! C’s are just so hard to recover from! I had a pretty large blood clot in my left leg about 3 weeks after the c-section (they aren’t sure if it was the c or some other issue) so this pregnancy they want to put me on blood thinners which has to be controlled pretty precisely right before birth so a c is recommended. This is just what my OB told me last I talked to her and haven’t actually reached out since finding out I was pregnant so don’t have a specific plan yet. Anyway, healthy baby + momma is most important. Fingers crossed that maybe there’s another way!!
Me 35, DH 37
Unexplained infertility and TTC since December 2014
February 2016 - May 2016: 3 IUI's -- all BFN
August 2016: IVF #1 (Lupron, Gonal F and Menopur) -- 12 retrieved, 9 fertilized, 3 frozen and 1 x day 5 hatching blast transferred -- BFN. Sent remaining 3 embryos for PGS testing -- 2 didn't survive thaw, 1 was abnormal.
February 2017: IVF #2 (Gonal F, Menopur, and Ganirelix) -- 12 retrieved, 6 fertilized, 3 sent for PGS testing and all were abnormal
March 2018: IVF #3 (Menopur, Follistim, Ganirelix and HGH) -- 14 retrieved, 12 fertilized, 4 sent for PGS testing, and 3 were PGS normal
May 2018: FET #1 -- BFN
August 2018: FET #2 -- BFP!!! healthy baby girl born May 2019!!
July 2020: FET #3 -- embyro did not survive thaw
September 2020 - IVF #4 (Menopur, Follistim, Ganirelix and HGH) -- 1 PGS normal
October 2020 - FET #4 -- BFN
January 2021 - IVF #5 (Menopur, Follistim, Ganirelix and HGH) -- 2 PGS normal
@amostpeculiarmlle & @teamginger13 I’m hoping for a VBAC too! My first I had a very “easy” delivery, second was breach but we didn’t know until my water had broken so I got a fast pass for a c-section, but really hoping to avoid that if I can for #3.
I haven’t spoken to my OB yet, but similarly, after #2 she had said that as the c-section was due to him being breach and I had a good labor the first time around, I would be a good candidate ... but that was a few years ago. Fingers crossed for us all! I just can’t imagine the recovery from a c-section with the 2 rambunctious boys I already have!
@jena3207 YESS! Its one thing to recover from a c when you just have an infant but I cant imagine doing it with a toddler running around. FX for us all!
Me 35, DH 37
Unexplained infertility and TTC since December 2014
February 2016 - May 2016: 3 IUI's -- all BFN
August 2016: IVF #1 (Lupron, Gonal F and Menopur) -- 12 retrieved, 9 fertilized, 3 frozen and 1 x day 5 hatching blast transferred -- BFN. Sent remaining 3 embryos for PGS testing -- 2 didn't survive thaw, 1 was abnormal.
February 2017: IVF #2 (Gonal F, Menopur, and Ganirelix) -- 12 retrieved, 6 fertilized, 3 sent for PGS testing and all were abnormal
March 2018: IVF #3 (Menopur, Follistim, Ganirelix and HGH) -- 14 retrieved, 12 fertilized, 4 sent for PGS testing, and 3 were PGS normal
May 2018: FET #1 -- BFN
August 2018: FET #2 -- BFP!!! healthy baby girl born May 2019!!
July 2020: FET #3 -- embyro did not survive thaw
September 2020 - IVF #4 (Menopur, Follistim, Ganirelix and HGH) -- 1 PGS normal
October 2020 - FET #4 -- BFN
January 2021 - IVF #5 (Menopur, Follistim, Ganirelix and HGH) -- 2 PGS normal
@mkp0903 Welcome! I’ll be 36 when I give birth. I guess technically I’m AMA lol. Im also having an IVF baby 😊 when is your first u/s? My RE has us come in between 6-7 weeks.
Me 35, DH 37
Unexplained infertility and TTC since December 2014
February 2016 - May 2016: 3 IUI's -- all BFN
August 2016: IVF #1 (Lupron, Gonal F and Menopur) -- 12 retrieved, 9 fertilized, 3 frozen and 1 x day 5 hatching blast transferred -- BFN. Sent remaining 3 embryos for PGS testing -- 2 didn't survive thaw, 1 was abnormal.
February 2017: IVF #2 (Gonal F, Menopur, and Ganirelix) -- 12 retrieved, 6 fertilized, 3 sent for PGS testing and all were abnormal
March 2018: IVF #3 (Menopur, Follistim, Ganirelix and HGH) -- 14 retrieved, 12 fertilized, 4 sent for PGS testing, and 3 were PGS normal
May 2018: FET #1 -- BFN
August 2018: FET #2 -- BFP!!! healthy baby girl born May 2019!!
July 2020: FET #3 -- embyro did not survive thaw
September 2020 - IVF #4 (Menopur, Follistim, Ganirelix and HGH) -- 1 PGS normal
October 2020 - FET #4 -- BFN
January 2021 - IVF #5 (Menopur, Follistim, Ganirelix and HGH) -- 2 PGS normal
@teamginger13 I was 36 with my first and I told my doctor that I really wanted to have another baby before 40, although I’d just be happy for another at any age. I just scheduled my US for 3/17, so I’ll be 5w5d. My clinic does them weekly, so that’s reassuring. I’m excited to be at this point. When will you be going for your US?
@mkp0903 I will be 35 at delivery so I think I can join the AMA club - though it makes me feel ancient! I am also from Oklahoma and did IVF! Where do you live and which clinic did you use? I am in Edmond and with Reshef at Bennett Fertility
Me: 34 DH: 43 Our Journey for #1
2014 -- Started TTC casually 2017 -- Discovered MFI but didn't move forward with treatment due to expense and grad school Spring 2019 -- Started with RE and confirmed MFI Fall 2019 -- 3 cycles of Clomid and TI, 3 BFNs, discovered hostile cervical mucus was also contributing Spring/Summer 2020 -- 3 cycle of IUI, 3 BFNs Nov 2020 - First IVF with 3 little frosties, had to change to freeze all due to OHSS Feb 16, 2021 - FET #1 - BFP! Beta #1 100 Beta # 2 541 EDD 11/4/2021
@KNB1027 I’m in Tulsa and we used MCRM, so I had my ER in St Louis, but everything else in Tulsa. Side note, my lovely neighbors across the street are moving to Edmond soon. I’m so sad. She has a son that’s 3 months older than mine and they have been best friends since birth 😩 My in-laws are in Moore, so we will definitely be making some trips to visit them after they move.
First pregnancy? If not, how many kiddos and what are there ages?
We have one a son. He is 5 years old. Soon to be six, next month.
Anything else you feel like contributing? I’m 41 years old and I was recently diagnosed with epilepsy. So I’m wondering if there are any other epileptic moms here too.
Where are you from? Originally from the North East but currently residing in the PNW! 🤗
Due date? 11/10
First pregnancy? If not, how many kiddos and what are there ages? Experienced a loss in December, so this is pregnancy number 2. We are so excited and anxious for this rainbow baby! 🌈
I’m a teacher and we are just now going back to in person learning, so fingers crossed that the morning sickness isn’t too bad 😬🤞🏻
@mkp0903 my first u/s is 3/16 which will be 6+3. That’s great that your clinic does ultrasounds weekly! I would love that. Mine does 6 weeks and then 8 weeks and then graduates you to your OB.
Me 35, DH 37
Unexplained infertility and TTC since December 2014
February 2016 - May 2016: 3 IUI's -- all BFN
August 2016: IVF #1 (Lupron, Gonal F and Menopur) -- 12 retrieved, 9 fertilized, 3 frozen and 1 x day 5 hatching blast transferred -- BFN. Sent remaining 3 embryos for PGS testing -- 2 didn't survive thaw, 1 was abnormal.
February 2017: IVF #2 (Gonal F, Menopur, and Ganirelix) -- 12 retrieved, 6 fertilized, 3 sent for PGS testing and all were abnormal
March 2018: IVF #3 (Menopur, Follistim, Ganirelix and HGH) -- 14 retrieved, 12 fertilized, 4 sent for PGS testing, and 3 were PGS normal
May 2018: FET #1 -- BFN
August 2018: FET #2 -- BFP!!! healthy baby girl born May 2019!!
July 2020: FET #3 -- embyro did not survive thaw
September 2020 - IVF #4 (Menopur, Follistim, Ganirelix and HGH) -- 1 PGS normal
October 2020 - FET #4 -- BFN
January 2021 - IVF #5 (Menopur, Follistim, Ganirelix and HGH) -- 2 PGS normal
Just got the call from my RE that beta #2 officially doubled so I get to join you ladies! Just turned 36 so I'm on the AMA boat too (are we really that old??? haha)
im originally from California, did 15 years in the Midwest and then convinced my husband to move back to CA. We have a 5 year old daughter and an almost 2.5 year old son with special needs plus two fur babies! Busy house over here is going to get a little more busy 11/11.
First ultrasound next Thursday at exactly 5 weeks which sounds early to me, but I guess we'll see! Excited to get to know you all!
Hi everyone! I'm happy to join you all! I'm in North Carolina and my due date is 11/9. This will be baby number 3 for us. We currently have two boys, an almost 7yo and almost 4yo. I am trying to convince hubby to be team green this go around. I was on The Bump with my first and somewhat with my second, but was more of a lurker ha. I am hoping to be more active in the community this go around.
First pregnancy? If not, how many kiddos and what are there ages? 3rd pregnancy, no kiddos.
I am nervous and excited. I’ve been married 8 years and have been on the fence for a while, but have always known we would want a family at some point. We had a miscarriage in August/September, and all I want to do is tell my sister-in-law in order to get her advice... but I’m also not ready to tell anyone. Trying to take this a day at a time!
Where are you from? Originally the east coast but I've been living in the Midwest for 4.5 years
Due date? well, according to my LMP Oct 31 but I know when I ovulated so November 5. I guess the dating ultrasound will be pretty crucial lol.
First pregnancy? If not, how many kiddos and what are their ages? I have a 2 year old son. Before him I had a MMC with spontaneous triplets (yowza, i know) and I just had a CP in December so I have been very wary about joining in here. Just got my betas and went from the 3000 range on Friday to upper 9000 range today so I'm feeling cautiously optimistic. Dating ultrasound will be on March 26.
I'm really tight with my first BMB (Feb 2019) and hope that this pregnancy will work out and I will find the same type of community here
Hi I'm Megan! I live in Austin, TX, but I'm from the PNW. Most due date calculators say Nov 4, but I have a really long cycle (31 days), so I think Nov 7 might be more accurate. We shall see. I have a four year old son already.
TW: Loss
I had a super rough missed miscarriage in October 2020. Progress stopped at week 9, but it wasn't discovered until the 12 week ultrasound, and I still had WILD over the top pregnancy symptoms that stayed with me until I have a D&C a week later. I wasn't entirely sure I would try again, and now that we're here I am hesitant to get any form of excited. I kind of want to just pretend I don't know.
@Marz1pan I'm so sorry for your loss. I also had a MMC at 9 weeks Nov 2020, and completely sympathize with not wanting to get excited. I just feel numb, and the waiting is awful.
Is your dr doing any earlier tracking this time around? That has been helping me a bit.
Hopefully, these will be our rainbows. Sending you love ❤❤
@artsiefartsie Thank you! I've got fingers crossed for us both! I will admit, I have been hesitant to tell my doctor. I kind of have that... hold your breath and hope it all works out but don't do anything to admit you want it feeling.
@Marz1pan I had a MMC at 7 weeks that I didn't know about until the 12 week u/s with my first pregnancy (in 2018) so I totally understand where you are. Sending you good vibes
Hi everyone! I am so excited to be joining this group. It's been 1 week since I found out I was pregnant. This is my first pregnancy and we are so excited. I am learning every day new things (I like to do lots of research/reading) about all the amazing baby development things and changes in our bodies, and how truely amazing it all is. My due date is 7th November. I booked my dating scan for 25th March! I live in Australia NSW.
First pregnancy? If not, how many kiddos and what are there ages? One recently turned 2-year-old
Anything else you feel like contributing! It's so interesting being on the STM side of things this time around! I feel like I both know what to expect and have no idea.
Hi everyone! I live in the ‘burbs north of Chicago and am due on November 15th. This is my third pregnancy. I have two boys, ages 4 and 2. Can’t wait to find out if I’ll be continuing the boy mom life with #3 or having a girl this time around!
My husband and I have 2 kids already, a little girl who just turned 3, and a little boy who's 20 months. This pregnancy is a bit of a surprise, but we will gladly accept this baby.
We're going through a lot right now... building a home, selling our current house, I work nights at a Trauma 1 hospital as an MRI tech, so much schedule is completely off most of the time. So if you see me on here at night, it's probably because I'm bored at work!
Congrats everyone! I'm excited to get to know you all throughout our journey!
First pregnancy? If not, how many kiddos and what are there ages? This is my 5th pregnancy, hopefully 4th baby. I did experience a loss between babies 1 and 2. My children are 5, 3, and 12 months.
Anything else you feel like contributing!
I've been through a lot pregnancy wise- I’ve had an unplanned emergency c-section, my water has broken without my knowledge and was a slow drip for over 24 hours, I’ve had two successful unmedicated VBACS, prodromal labor, precipitous labor, successful breastfeeding journeys, needing to switch to formula, etc. I’m hoping for an uneventful 9 months this time around. Lol
I’m a newbie to The Bump and this is my first pregnancy.
Where are you from? I’m from the PNW
Due date? 11/5
First pregnancy? If not, how many kiddos and what are there ages? First pregnancy! My husband and I have been trying for a few years so this is very exciting for us...we are still in shock/can’t believe it!
I’m excited to be here and to be part of the community. 🤗
@doodleoodle we were on the February 2020 group together. Can’t believe we’re in the same one again! Lol. I’ve changed my username since last time, but I recognized yours right away 😊
Re: Introductions!
I'm from Philadelphia
Due 11/8
I'm cautiously optimistic for a VBAC. 🤞
Me 35, DH 37
Unexplained infertility and TTC since December 2014
February 2016 - May 2016: 3 IUI's -- all BFN
August 2016: IVF #1 (Lupron, Gonal F and Menopur) -- 12 retrieved, 9 fertilized, 3 frozen and 1 x day 5 hatching blast transferred -- BFN. Sent remaining 3 embryos for PGS testing -- 2 didn't survive thaw, 1 was abnormal.
February 2017: IVF #2 (Gonal F, Menopur, and Ganirelix) -- 12 retrieved, 6 fertilized, 3 sent for PGS testing and all were abnormal
March 2018: IVF #3 (Menopur, Follistim, Ganirelix and HGH) -- 14 retrieved, 12 fertilized, 4 sent for PGS testing, and 3 were PGS normal
May 2018: FET #1 -- BFN
August 2018: FET #2 -- BFP!!! healthy baby girl born May 2019!!
July 2020: FET #3 -- embyro did not survive thaw
September 2020 - IVF #4 (Menopur, Follistim, Ganirelix and HGH) -- 1 PGS normal
October 2020 - FET #4 -- BFN
January 2021 - IVF #5 (Menopur, Follistim, Ganirelix and HGH) -- 2 PGS normal
February 2021 - FET #5 - BFP!!! Due 11/6/2021
Our Journey for #1
2017 -- Discovered MFI but didn't move forward with treatment due to expense and grad school
Spring 2019 -- Started with RE and confirmed MFI
Fall 2019 -- 3 cycles of Clomid and TI, 3 BFNs, discovered hostile cervical mucus was also contributing
Spring/Summer 2020 -- 3 cycle of IUI, 3 BFNs
Nov 2020 - First IVF with 3 little frosties, had to change to freeze all due to OHSS
Feb 16, 2021 - FET #1 - BFP! Beta #1 100 Beta # 2 541 EDD 11/4/2021
Me 35, DH 37
Unexplained infertility and TTC since December 2014
February 2016 - May 2016: 3 IUI's -- all BFN
August 2016: IVF #1 (Lupron, Gonal F and Menopur) -- 12 retrieved, 9 fertilized, 3 frozen and 1 x day 5 hatching blast transferred -- BFN. Sent remaining 3 embryos for PGS testing -- 2 didn't survive thaw, 1 was abnormal.
February 2017: IVF #2 (Gonal F, Menopur, and Ganirelix) -- 12 retrieved, 6 fertilized, 3 sent for PGS testing and all were abnormal
March 2018: IVF #3 (Menopur, Follistim, Ganirelix and HGH) -- 14 retrieved, 12 fertilized, 4 sent for PGS testing, and 3 were PGS normal
May 2018: FET #1 -- BFN
August 2018: FET #2 -- BFP!!! healthy baby girl born May 2019!!
July 2020: FET #3 -- embyro did not survive thaw
September 2020 - IVF #4 (Menopur, Follistim, Ganirelix and HGH) -- 1 PGS normal
October 2020 - FET #4 -- BFN
January 2021 - IVF #5 (Menopur, Follistim, Ganirelix and HGH) -- 2 PGS normal
February 2021 - FET #5 - BFP!!! Due 11/6/2021
I’m hoping for a VBAC too! My first I had a very “easy” delivery, second was breach but we didn’t know until my water had broken so I got a fast pass for a c-section, but really hoping to avoid that if I can for #3.
I haven’t spoken to my OB yet, but similarly, after #2 she had said that as the c-section was due to him being breach and I had a good labor the first time around, I would be a good candidate ... but that was a few years ago. Fingers crossed for us all! I just can’t imagine the recovery from a c-section with the 2 rambunctious boys I already have!
Me 35, DH 37
Unexplained infertility and TTC since December 2014
February 2016 - May 2016: 3 IUI's -- all BFN
August 2016: IVF #1 (Lupron, Gonal F and Menopur) -- 12 retrieved, 9 fertilized, 3 frozen and 1 x day 5 hatching blast transferred -- BFN. Sent remaining 3 embryos for PGS testing -- 2 didn't survive thaw, 1 was abnormal.
February 2017: IVF #2 (Gonal F, Menopur, and Ganirelix) -- 12 retrieved, 6 fertilized, 3 sent for PGS testing and all were abnormal
March 2018: IVF #3 (Menopur, Follistim, Ganirelix and HGH) -- 14 retrieved, 12 fertilized, 4 sent for PGS testing, and 3 were PGS normal
May 2018: FET #1 -- BFN
August 2018: FET #2 -- BFP!!! healthy baby girl born May 2019!!
July 2020: FET #3 -- embyro did not survive thaw
September 2020 - IVF #4 (Menopur, Follistim, Ganirelix and HGH) -- 1 PGS normal
October 2020 - FET #4 -- BFN
January 2021 - IVF #5 (Menopur, Follistim, Ganirelix and HGH) -- 2 PGS normal
February 2021 - FET #5 - BFP!!! Due 11/6/2021
Me 35, DH 37
Unexplained infertility and TTC since December 2014
February 2016 - May 2016: 3 IUI's -- all BFN
August 2016: IVF #1 (Lupron, Gonal F and Menopur) -- 12 retrieved, 9 fertilized, 3 frozen and 1 x day 5 hatching blast transferred -- BFN. Sent remaining 3 embryos for PGS testing -- 2 didn't survive thaw, 1 was abnormal.
February 2017: IVF #2 (Gonal F, Menopur, and Ganirelix) -- 12 retrieved, 6 fertilized, 3 sent for PGS testing and all were abnormal
March 2018: IVF #3 (Menopur, Follistim, Ganirelix and HGH) -- 14 retrieved, 12 fertilized, 4 sent for PGS testing, and 3 were PGS normal
May 2018: FET #1 -- BFN
August 2018: FET #2 -- BFP!!! healthy baby girl born May 2019!!
July 2020: FET #3 -- embyro did not survive thaw
September 2020 - IVF #4 (Menopur, Follistim, Ganirelix and HGH) -- 1 PGS normal
October 2020 - FET #4 -- BFN
January 2021 - IVF #5 (Menopur, Follistim, Ganirelix and HGH) -- 2 PGS normal
February 2021 - FET #5 - BFP!!! Due 11/6/2021
Our Journey for #1
2017 -- Discovered MFI but didn't move forward with treatment due to expense and grad school
Spring 2019 -- Started with RE and confirmed MFI
Fall 2019 -- 3 cycles of Clomid and TI, 3 BFNs, discovered hostile cervical mucus was also contributing
Spring/Summer 2020 -- 3 cycle of IUI, 3 BFNs
Nov 2020 - First IVF with 3 little frosties, had to change to freeze all due to OHSS
Feb 16, 2021 - FET #1 - BFP! Beta #1 100 Beta # 2 541 EDD 11/4/2021
@yochi1550 and @jena3207 I’m glad we’re all in this together!
I’m from West Palm Beach, Florida
First pregnancy? If not, how many kiddos and what are there ages?
We have one a son. He is 5 years old. Soon to be six, next month.
Anything else you feel like contributing? I’m 41 years old and I was recently diagnosed with epilepsy. So I’m wondering if there are any other epileptic moms here too.
Due date? 11/10
I’m a teacher and we are just now going back to in person learning, so fingers crossed that the morning sickness isn’t too bad 😬🤞🏻
Me 35, DH 37
Unexplained infertility and TTC since December 2014
February 2016 - May 2016: 3 IUI's -- all BFN
August 2016: IVF #1 (Lupron, Gonal F and Menopur) -- 12 retrieved, 9 fertilized, 3 frozen and 1 x day 5 hatching blast transferred -- BFN. Sent remaining 3 embryos for PGS testing -- 2 didn't survive thaw, 1 was abnormal.
February 2017: IVF #2 (Gonal F, Menopur, and Ganirelix) -- 12 retrieved, 6 fertilized, 3 sent for PGS testing and all were abnormal
March 2018: IVF #3 (Menopur, Follistim, Ganirelix and HGH) -- 14 retrieved, 12 fertilized, 4 sent for PGS testing, and 3 were PGS normal
May 2018: FET #1 -- BFN
August 2018: FET #2 -- BFP!!! healthy baby girl born May 2019!!
July 2020: FET #3 -- embyro did not survive thaw
September 2020 - IVF #4 (Menopur, Follistim, Ganirelix and HGH) -- 1 PGS normal
October 2020 - FET #4 -- BFN
January 2021 - IVF #5 (Menopur, Follistim, Ganirelix and HGH) -- 2 PGS normal
February 2021 - FET #5 - BFP!!! Due 11/6/2021
I'm from PA, pregnant with baby no. 3! I have two daughters, Evelyn will be 3 the end of this month and Colette just turned 1 last week!
Crossing my fingers for a boy this go around!
im originally from California, did 15 years in the Midwest and then convinced my husband to move back to CA. We have a 5 year old daughter and an almost 2.5 year old son with special needs plus two fur babies! Busy house over here is going to get a little more busy 11/11.
BFP #1 10/8/13, EDD 6/4/14, DS #1 6/9/14
BFP #2 5/1/16, EDD 12/16/16, MMC 5/27/16
BFP #3 8/29/16, EDD 5/5/17, DS #2 5/11/17
BFP #4 2/28/21, EDD 11/9/21
Small town in Ontario, Canada
Due date?
November 4th
First pregnancy? If not, how many kiddos and what are there ages?
3rd pregnancy, no kiddos.
I am nervous and excited. I’ve been married 8 years and have been on the fence for a while, but have always known we would want a family at some point. We had a miscarriage in August/September, and all I want to do is tell my sister-in-law in order to get her advice... but I’m also not ready to tell anyone. Trying to take this a day at a time!
Due date? well, according to my LMP Oct 31 but I know when I ovulated so November 5. I guess the dating ultrasound will be pretty crucial lol.
I have a 2 year old son. Before him I had a MMC with spontaneous triplets (yowza, i know) and I just had a CP in December so I have been very wary about joining in here. Just got my betas and went from the 3000 range on Friday to upper 9000 range today so I'm feeling cautiously optimistic. Dating ultrasound will be on March 26.
I'm really tight with my first BMB (Feb 2019) and hope that this pregnancy will work out and I will find the same type of community here
TW: Loss
I had a super rough missed miscarriage in October 2020. Progress stopped at week 9, but it wasn't discovered until the 12 week ultrasound, and I still had WILD over the top pregnancy symptoms that stayed with me until I have a D&C a week later. I wasn't entirely sure I would try again, and now that we're here I am hesitant to get any form of excited. I kind of want to just pretend I don't know.
Is your dr doing any earlier tracking this time around? That has been helping me a bit.
Hopefully, these will be our rainbows. Sending you love ❤❤
Due date? November 23!
Due date? 11/9
Anything else you feel like contributing! It's so interesting being on the STM side of things this time around! I feel like I both know what to expect and have no idea.
My husband and I have 2 kids already, a little girl who just turned 3, and a little boy who's 20 months. This pregnancy is a bit of a surprise, but we will gladly accept this baby.
We're going through a lot right now... building a home, selling our current house, I work nights at a Trauma 1 hospital as an MRI tech, so much schedule is completely off most of the time. So if you see me on here at night, it's probably because I'm bored at work!
Congrats everyone! I'm excited to get to know you all throughout our journey!
Due date? Estimated to be 11/19
Anything else you feel like contributing!
I've been through a lot pregnancy wise- I’ve had an unplanned emergency c-section, my water has broken without my knowledge and was a slow drip for over 24 hours, I’ve had two successful unmedicated VBACS, prodromal labor, precipitous labor, successful breastfeeding journeys, needing to switch to formula, etc. I’m hoping for an uneventful 9 months this time around. Lol
Looking forward to getting to know everyone!
Due: 6 Nov 2021
I’m a newbie to The Bump and this is my first pregnancy.
Where are you from? I’m from the PNW
Due date? 11/5
First pregnancy? If not, how many kiddos and what are there ages? First pregnancy! My husband and I have been trying for a few years so this is very exciting for us...we are still in shock/can’t believe it!
I’m excited to be here and to be part of the community. 🤗