November 2021 Moms


Welcome to the November 2021 BMB!

Say a little bit about yourself here:

Where are you from?

Due date?

First pregnancy? If not, how many kiddos and what are there ages?

Anything else you feel like contributing!


Re: Introductions!

  • Congrats, everyone!

    My name is Sarah and I’m from Minneapolis!
    I’m presently a SAHM, eagerly waiting to return to the workforce once COVID-19 is sorted out. I have one kiddo, Arlo, who is nearly 2.5. My husband is a professor and greatest human alive. 
    My due date is 11/01/2021, which is precisely one month later than my son was due. He ended up being a September baby, so we’ll see what happens with this one!
    I LOVE my first BMB and we’re all super tight, though on another platform now. I hope this BMB becomes just as special!❤️
  • Same due date! 👯‍♀️
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  • slizteesliztee member
    edited February 2021
    🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼 For you! @yochi1550
  • Thank you!! 
  • breadit124breadit124 member
    edited February 2021
    Where are you from? 
    New York City, though we've been bouncing around since May. Hoping to buy a house this summer and settle down. 

    Due date?
    November 3, but I'll have a scheduled c-section at 39 weeks so this will be an October baby

    First pregnancy? If not, how many kiddos and what are their ages?
    Third pregnancy. 4yo son and 2yo daughter. 

    Anything else you feel like contributing!
    I'm excited that this month finally has a board! I tested crazy early this time so I've been lurking on October waiting for my real group to start up. 

    Best wishes to everyone! 
  • I was lurking October waiting for ours to open too 😂 @maebyemby
  • @BumpAdmin Can we get a sticky on this post, please?
  • Hi everyone, it’s nice to meet you all!!!

    Where are you from?
    I'm originally from Ohio

    Due date?
    November 7th

    First pregnancy? If not, how many kiddos and what are there ages?
    This is my second pregnancy. I have one son, he just turned one on the second. 
  • @tmk2021 Welcome! 2 under 2, weee! Are you in Ohio still or somewhere different?
  • I'm from the Minneapolis area too, @sliztee!
    I'm due November 3rd and this is my second baby - my daughter is 2.5.
    I lurked on my BMB last time - hoping to be more active this time ;)
  • @sliztee nope, my husband and I moved to the PNW a few years ago 😊
  • slizteesliztee member
    edited February 2021
    @tmk2021 Looooove the PNW!!! Can’t wait to go back once this pandemic has cooled off. 
  • Congrats! My due date is nov 8th as well! Have you been feeling well? What symptoms have you been having if you don’t mind me asking? 
  • @emarie123 thanks! Congrats to you as well! Yeah I’ve been feeling fine overall. Mostly just reallyyyy tired, slight nausea, and really constipated lol oh and I think a stronger sense of smell. But to be honest, I’m only 3 weeks+3 so I wonder how much of it is genuine and how much of it is in my head. How about you? 
    Me: 29 | DH: 28
    Due: 6 Nov 2021
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    PitaPata Dog tickers

  • @sliztee So far so good! HcG rose from 120 to 307 in a matter of two days. I’ve just started on a progesterone supplement (vaginal suppositories—who knew??). Ultrasound Tues to make sure it’s where it’s supposed to be in the uterus. 
  • Hi everyone!

    I’m Riley and from Evansville, IN. I’m due 11/6!

    I have a 4.5 year old name Avery and have been married for 8 years to my high school sweetheart.

    A little about myself: I love to craft, taught myself how to sew, and love running/cycling.
  • @lauren_williams and @rmsmith2 Welcome! I'm excited we are all getting to share this journey together :) 
    Me: 34 DH: 43
    Our Journey for #1
    2014 -- Started TTC casually
    2017 -- Discovered MFI but didn't move forward with treatment due to expense and grad school
    Spring 2019 -- Started with RE and confirmed MFI 
    Fall 2019 -- 3 cycles of Clomid and TI, 3 BFNs, discovered hostile cervical mucus was also contributing
    Spring/Summer 2020 -- 3 cycle of IUI, 3 BFNs
    Nov 2020 - First IVF with 3 little frosties, had to change to freeze all due to OHSS
    Feb 16, 2021 - FET #1 - BFP! Beta #1 100 Beta # 2 541 EDD 11/4/2021

  • @gograce Unfortunately, the app still appears to suck. I have MUCH better luck on my computer. Welcome to the November 2021 club and congrats!
  • @lauren_williams Congrats! Fingers crossed for your rainbow baby  <3
  • sliztee said:
    @BumpAdmin Can we get a sticky on this post, please?
  • @jena3207 Congrats on the surprise baby and welcome!
  • Hi everyone, 

    I'm D and I'm 5 weeks.  EDD 11/2.  I'm 40 and I live in Birmingham, AL, but I’m from Pittsburgh. We have a 5 year old diva. 

    I’ve taking 3 pregnancy test since Saturday because the first two has the faint 2nd line. Today’s test was just pregnant, lol (switched to clear blue easy). 

    I’m also a cloth diapering mama. We still have our diapers from our daughter. So if you’re curious I’ll do the best I can to help. 
  • Hi ladies and congratulations!! 

    I’m from the Cleveland Ohio area! Due on Nov. 1st but think it might be late October. 

    I have a 9 year old daughter and a 3year old son! 

    I’m soo excited to be joining all of you ladies! 

    I just tested this week and the test lines have all been dye stealers! I have my first appointment 3/29 which seems soo far away! 
    <a href="" title="Pregnancy"><img src="" alt=" BabyFruit Ticker" border="0"  /></a>
  • MrsJessSMrsJessS member
    edited March 2021
    Where are you from? Washington...and actually just moved back 

    Due date? 11/8 

    First pregnancy? If not, how many kiddos and what are there ages? I have a 3.5 yo son and 1 yo daughter 

    Anything else you feel like contributing! Kinda surprised but super happy to be here!
  • @myspecialkid DH and I are very interested in trying cloth diapering so I may have to ask you for some advice! 
    Me: 29 | DH: 28
    Due: 6 Nov 2021
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    PitaPata Dog tickers

  • @jackie_dunny I’m also happy to help! This will be baby number 3 in cloth for us
  • @jackie_dunny I can also help in the CD arena!
  • @teamginger13 Welcome! Wow what a journey you have had! Congratulations on your BFP! 

    @myspecialkid I am interested in cloth diapers but DH wants no part of it. I guess I have a while to learn more and try to convince him :) Thanks for being a resource 

    @artsiefartsie I'm so sorry that you have had such a hard journey but I'm glad you are here! Any news on when you will have your first appointment?

    @MrsJessS and @MrsGinter Congratulations! I don't know how you are both keeping up with your tiny humans and managing fatigue! I'm impressed :) 
    Me: 34 DH: 43
    Our Journey for #1
    2014 -- Started TTC casually
    2017 -- Discovered MFI but didn't move forward with treatment due to expense and grad school
    Spring 2019 -- Started with RE and confirmed MFI 
    Fall 2019 -- 3 cycles of Clomid and TI, 3 BFNs, discovered hostile cervical mucus was also contributing
    Spring/Summer 2020 -- 3 cycle of IUI, 3 BFNs
    Nov 2020 - First IVF with 3 little frosties, had to change to freeze all due to OHSS
    Feb 16, 2021 - FET #1 - BFP! Beta #1 100 Beta # 2 541 EDD 11/4/2021

  • @sonovia Congrats on your rainbow baby!

    I’m from Atlanta! What part of the city are you in?
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