
Jan 2021 IVF/FET


Re: Jan 2021 IVF/FET

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    I had my first ultrasound after starting my stims on Saturday. They also took bloodwork and did a CoVID test! They said it is part of the procedure. I am freaking out not because I have it's just my anxiety of it being positive. So now I wait the results and the next steps.
    @thezaltyberger I am so happy that you have insurance approval. I get it I was excited to start the shots as well, just to begin the process.
    @emilynoel810 keeping my fingers crossed for you. Hang in there Monday will be here before you know it.
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    @thezaltyberger Yey on the insurance approval. Finally, right?! 
    @emilynoel810 Congratulations on being PUPO!!!
    @mouse39 looks like you are on the roll and everything is moving where it’s supposed to. Keep staying positive! 

    AFM My FET is scheduled for 19 March 🙄😳. So 2 months of waiting. 🤦🏻‍♀️ And they won’t make it earlier 
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    Thank you, @dukie001 and @mouse39 <3

    @dukie001 I continue to marvel at how you harness you strength to support so many people on here even as you walk through your own difficult, frustrating journey. You're an inspiration. Seriously. Hang in there - March is right around the corner and we're here until then and beyond!
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    dukie001dukie001 member
    edited January 2021
    @thezaltyberger Thanks girl! Hopefully you all are pregnant by that time and you can sprinkle some baby dust on me 😁
    Did you get your box of stim meds yet? 
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    They're shipping tomorrow and arriving Thursday after I shelled out $1300 for them  :s I am definitely switching insurance plans come March...
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    Everything came back good with the bloodwork and ultrasound looked good as well. They added a third shot so I won't ovulate. I have another appointment on Thursday and should have an idea of when they will do the egg retrieval. They are offering the CoVID vaccine through my work and I could get it if I wanted this week. I don't know how I feel about this. I am hearing negative things about it in regards to pregnant women. Anyone thinking of getting the vaccine. I'm really stressing over my decision.
    @dukie001Thanks for your positive support.
    @thezaltyberger I agree time to switch insurance companies. 
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    My family got vaccinated and I didn’t. It freaked me out that they weren’t vaccinating pregnant women and on the off chance that I’m pregnant in the next couple of weeks, I decided I’d rather just keep spending most of my time at home for now. My doctor wasn’t much help - it’s so new that no one knows anything about it yet.
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    I agree it is scary. I was going to talk to my doctor about it but I don't think they can say to do it or not. My only worry is that my job will push for us to go back into the classroom. For now I was approved to stay home due to my asthma. I don't want to go through this expensive process and then something happen. But also I was told pregnant women risk blood clots if you do get CoVID.
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    I just got my first covid shot and will get the second Feb 9th. We are starting another retrieval and transfer at the end of this month. I think the only concerns would be getting the shot -while- pregnant (as far as side effects), but if you get pregnant after the shot has done its job, you shouldn't have any issues and maybe the baby would even get some of the immunity! The shot was a little warm/tingly on injection and I had one day of bad arm pain the day after and that was it as far as reactions to the shot. I got the moderna one though; pfizer might be different.

    Ladies, do you have any tricks for sleeping? I've been really struggling to fall asleep the past week and I think it's mostly nerves with the ER upcoming. I just worry lack of sleep will have some impact on my cycle.
    ~~ Our Story in Spoiler! TW loss/child~~
    Fall 2012 -- started TTC
    Summer 2015 - no BFP yet, labs normal, referred to RE
    Fall 2015 - Summer 2016 - Further testing all normal. 3 IUI's -- BFN. Recommended move to IVF. Planned cycle for fall 2016.
    September 2016 - Surprise natural BFP. MMC @ 8 weeks. RE expressed confidence that we just needed the 'right' embryo.
    Fall 2016 - Spring 2017 -- Break from TTC
    June 2017 - Started IVF; egg retrieval for freeze all cycle. 9 mature eggs retrieved, 5 fertilized. 2 4BB embies on ice.
    August 2017 - FET transfer both embies. BFP.  Twin pregnancy confirmed by ultrasound. EDD 4/28/18
    September 2017 - Twin B stopped developing; Twin A doing perfectly! Graduated from RE @ 10 weeks
    March 2018 - Baby Girl born via C/S due to pre-eclampsia -- strong and healthy!

    TTC #2
    January/Feb 2021 - Freeze-all IVF cycle 
    March 2021 - FET of 1 PGS normal female embryo. BFP! Beta #1 156,  #2 472, #3 1241, #4 5268 EDD 12/5/21 - Christmas baby!

    "When all is lost then all is found."

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    @mbradfo2 I feel much better after hearing your experience with the shot. Are you on stims right now? I'm expected to have my retrieval next week. I might wait until after the retrieval and transfer to get it if I decide to. Unless I get it this week. As for sleep I struggled as well. But I found that taking all the clocks out of my room, as recommended by my sleep doctor helped. I also run and exercise a couple of hours before bed as for some reason exercise makes me really sleepy.
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    @emilynoel810 congrats on being PUPO! Nice that you can test early... I am a crazy at home tester, I just can't resist the urge. 

    AFM: Our 9 remaining embryos were tested and only 2 of them are normal. The others were: 2 insufficient cells, 2 mosaic and 3 abnormal. I'm really glad we went for the testing and feeling hopeful we'll get another babe with 1 of the normal embryos. I'm expecting my cycle to start mid next week and will be jumping into another FET cycle. FX!
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    @mbradfo2 I am a terrible sleeper and have been for almost three years. It was triggered by a really stressful experience and I guess I never fully recovered. I take melatonin and valerian root natural supplements that are really helpful and also drink a calming sleepy time tea that I like. I also wear these incredibly dorky orange glasses for an hour before bed that filter out blue light. Blue light stimulates your brain and keeps it active even when you want to relax. I also use the Headspace app - they have great short meditations focused specifically on helping you relax and sleep. Finally, on nights when I’m really wired or anxious, I take ZZZZquil. This isn’t a daily solution but it helps me reset after a few bad nights. All of the above is considered safe for pregnancy according to me doctor. I’ve been trying my hardest to avoid harder sleep meds.
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    @mbradfo2 @thezaltyberger @mouse39 Hey ladies, I also got my first vaccine on 1/4 and have my second dose scheduled for 1/26. I was also worried about doing it right before my FET and then a few weeks into a hypothetical (hopeful) pregnancy, but my clinic shared that they are following the American Academy of Reproductive Medicine's guidelines that they recommend all pregnant people and those planning to become pregnant go ahead and get it.  They said there was no data that showed any ill-effects, and I actually read a scientific article that showed women who got flu shots right before their transfers had higher rates of implantation... something about the immune response helping? I'm not sure exactly the mechanism but it made me feel a lot better about going ahead with the vaccine!
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    soccergirl23soccergirl23 member
    edited January 2021
    Hi Everyone - I'm new here but was hoping to join this thread. I've been reading these posts over the last few months throughout my fertility journey but just officially joined! I'm not sure I'll be transferring in Jan or Feb yet, still waiting to see my protocol, but this will be out first FET and I'm so so nervous about the PIO shots and the FET in general - we have one PGT-A and -M 'normal' embryo to try with for now. It's nice to have a community to talk to about this stuff though because I don't know anyone personally that's going through IVF, everyone just seems to be posting their pregnancy announcements. Nice to meet you all :)
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    I had my second ultrasound and bloodwork done today. Was told everything was progressing as it should. Just waiting impatiently to get a date on egg retrieval. 
    @emilynoel810 I feel better about getting the vaccine. I will have to wait though it's all booked until February. 
    @rebeccab24 welcome you are in the right place. Even if you aren't staying until later we can still support each other during the wait. We will also be testing the embryos so I was told we will be doing a frozen transfer.
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    dukie001dukie001 member
    edited January 2021
    @mouse39 exciting! How many follicles are they thinking they’ll be able to retrieve? 
    @rebeccab24 welcome to the group! I’m also not doing anything this months and not even next....I’m floating towards March, that is if everything goes right. 
    @emilynoel810 How is your wait? Are you going to POAS? 
    @thezaltyberger $1300 is actually not that bad. I paid over $5000 🤪 for meds 2 years ago, my insurance covered a small fraction only. 
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    @dukie001 still holding strong with my plan to not POAS. Hoping I can hold out until my Beta on Monday. 
    I had some twinge-like pains in my lower left side yesterday which is 5dp5dt. Maybe implantation? Maybe an ovary jumping into gear? maybe nothing? Maybe a cyst? Maybe ectopic? Maybe I'm about to explode?...
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    Thank you guys for the welcomes!

    @mouse39 all the waiting is the worst but it sounds like everything is going well! I definitely know the feeling of wanting to get through ER, then you get a little break if you're doing a FET, but it also means more waiting. I'm glad we tested our embryos because even though my husband and I are both 30, 2 out of 3 of the embryos had severe chromosomal abnormalities that would not have supported life (so crazy to be talking about embryos like this). It was definitely unexpected for our age.

    @thezaltyberger I have pretty good insurance and I still had to pay over $3000 out of pocket. Those gonal-F pens are really expensive!!

    @dukie001 I'm sorry to hear that you have to wait, it's the worst feeling when you just want to keep moving forward. My DH always tries to remind me that in the grand scheme of things shifting by a month or two won't have an big impact on our lives but it's always really frustrating to get that news and for it to be out of your control.
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    Hey Ladies - the last couple of days were a little too much for me, so I'm taking a few minutes to indulge in a vent. 

    Where to start? My shots are scheduled to start tomorrow. As mentioned above, the medications were startlingly expensive and blew out my monthly budget on the very first month that we're paying our new mortgage. DH is in nursing school full-time, so this is all on me for at least the next six months. 

    I've been doing Weight Watchers since June and was down almost 20lbs in 2020, from over 160 to under 145 (I'm 5'3"). I've been having a tough time staying on track since the holidays and gained about 5lbs back, but I kept it tight this week, focused on good foods, and came under my points goal everyday. Then I stood on the scale this morning and BOOM! - I gained a pound. I know it's just a pound. I know I weighed myself on the very first day of my period. But similar to my pregnancy efforts, I just have such difficulty with failure after focused and concerted efforts. I just really needed a win. I know to expect more weight gain with the shots I'm about to start. For ladies who've had their first IVF cycle and beyond - can you speak a little to your experience and what happened with your body? I know it's different for everyone, but hearing from you will help.

    Then I had this very destabilizing experience on Wednesday. While my dad is a doctor and my mom is a scientist, my mom is receptive to eastern/alternative/homeopathic medicine. I've only dabbled with acupuncture so far. She had me go to a highly regarded chiropractor who's helped people with a variety of issues, including fertility. She really does have an excellent reputation. i didn't know what to expect, and let me tell you, it was WEIRD. First they hook me up to a heart monitor of sorts and have me do a bunch of minor exercises. The doctor announces that my body doesn't know the difference between night and day, which is why I'm having trouble sleeping. Then it got even weirder. She starts pressing on different parts of my body and applying pressure on my wrist. Based on the strength with which I could respond to that pressure, she'd determine if that body part was a problem area for me. Then she started holding different pill bottles and vials to my chest and doing the same pressure thing with my wrist to determine what my body wanted to solve the problem areas. This went on for an hour.

    At the end of the session where she didn't explain any of the weird things she was doing, she announces that in addition to my body not knowing the difference between night and day, my spleen and liver are problem areas, I have a problem with bacteria, pasteurized milk, wearing hair ties on my wrist, and that I possibly have a tapeworm. She began urging me to cancel my IVF cycle and instead do a 4-month cleanse with her. She said she was worried I'd miscarry. I definitely think there's been something off with me for a few years since my sleep broke and I feel exhausted all the time. I believe she could help, but asking me to cancel IVF 3 days before I'm supposed to start and then take 4 months off (during which I'd turn 33) was just too much to ask. I felt overwhelmed and spooked and a little cornered when I left.

    I've since decided that I'm going to proceed with the egg retrieval and first course of IVF as planned. Partially because this was always the plan, partially because I've finally hit my super high deductible which doesn't renew until April 1, and partially because I'm just not ready to put my faith in this witch doctor I just met. 

    If it fails - especially if I don't even get a positive for a day - I might pause and break and do some kind of detox either with this chiropractor or someone else. She freaked me out talking about miscarriage, and of course I don't wish this on myself or anyone else at all, but I guess even a miscarriage in my situation would be some kind of progress in the right direction as I've never even been able to get pregnant for a second.

    I'm very, very, very tired. Wishing you all strength and a relaxing weekend <3
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    FET on 1/13/21. I really hate the wait to the pregnancy test. Nothing to do but wait.

    Re: vaccination. I got my first one on 1/7. Ideally, I would have gotten it before starting the methylpredinosone for FET, as it will decrease the immune system's reaction to the vaccine, but alas... I got it the first day I had access to it. If I get pregnant, my plan is to hold off on vaccine #2 until after the end of the first trimester. I am not worried about the vaccine's effect directly, rather the rare possibility of a high fever it could induce (of note- a high fever can be detrimental to the embryo's development- particularly cardiac abnormalities and cleft lip/palate). I decided to get the first dose because although it will afford only decreased protection relative to the full series, I figured that something was better than nothing.
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    @thezaltyberger wow 😳 that is a story...I would be spooked too after that kind of reveal. One of the solutions is that you can do the IVF now, go with all freeze, do the cleanse, and then the transfer. That way you would have your embryos banked already and some kind of peace of mind. Go with your gut feeling. 
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    @dukie001 thanks for reading my insanely long rambling post! That crossed my mind. I decided to do a full cycle of IVF first and then if it doesn’t work, consider some kind of productive break before putting myself through a second cycle. 
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    Oh man...did my first shots today. The Gonal F pen did not go well and was not intuitive to use. Took my husband 4 injections to actually get the full amount in because it kept going in only in bits...not a great start...first blood work is Tues morning.
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    Lurking since my transfer was in Nov, but wanted to share some vax research with you guys since it's a topic of conversation.
    Some pregnant docs made and shared this doc that I found super helpful. Here is also a great thread on Twitter. The TL;DR is you should probably get it if you're in a high risk setting as covid in pregnant women is more likely to lead to serious complications or death. The CDC guidance effectively says its a personal choice, but notes it does not carry live vaccine or harm or change your DNA. ACOG, which is what OBs actually follow, similarly recommends it's a pregnant women's choice to get it. They've tested the vax on pregnant rats to no ill-effect, but not yet on pregnant women with the exception of a few women who got pregnant during the trials and received the vaccine. The vaccine ingredients besides mRNA are used in many other vaccines given to pregnant women routinely and aren't cause for concern.
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerMarried DW <3 08.2013; AI 2x; IUI 6x; IUI #7 05.2015; DD born 2.2016 o:); Reciprocal IVF FET #1 on 11.18.2020 
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    @thezaltyberger Gonal-f is a pen right? May be it would work better if you do it yourself?  Or may be he was just to nervous 😬 Here is a funny story....Many many years ago when I tried my first IUI I asked my husband to give me a trigger shot. Well, he is terrified of needles, but agreed. He injected me but the same second got scared or whatever and pulled it out. I was like, is that it? That second he realized that he stabbed me and didn’t push the plunger, that made him dizzy 🥴 He had to do it again and when I turned around he had tears in his eyes. That was the last time I asked him to give me a shot 😄🤣
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    Oh man @dukie001!!! Imagine if he was the one getting all these shots, not just giving them?? 

    My husband is studying to be a nurse and was great with the trigger shots for my two IUIs. The pen really did seem unintuitive, we got it in the end and called an on-call doctor for help. I think he was scared to push all the way when he felt resistance from the pen, but the doctor said to do just that. No choice but to do it all over again tomorrow. I’m nervous about the weight gain and mood swings :(
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    @thezaltyberger at one point I think you just get numb and they don’t bother that much anymore. Keep it up it all worth it. My boobs were ginormous on the fertility meds and usually I have cup B. The weight disappeared as quickly as I gained it too. During stims I didn’t work out at all before ER because I could feel the follicles in the abdomen and it was very uncomfortable even to sit or walk. 
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    Oh wow @dukie001!! But good to hear all the symptoms disappeared so quickly. They told me I’m not allowed to workout at all except for walking, which is hard for me but it’s not for a very long time so I’ll be okay :)
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    @thezaltyberger grow follicles grow ✨✨✨

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    @dukie001 seriously can’t thank you enough for your support ❤️
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    So I went in for an ultrasound and bloodwork yesterday and today (Sunday). The doctor called me and said I have many follicles that are at the size they want them. He believes they should be able to retrieve 8-10 eggs. I will be triggering tonight. Am excited but also a bit sad. Since I am having my embryos tested they said that the egg transfer will more than likely be at the end of February beginning of March! I am a bit worried about the time since I am 40 and will be turning 41 in December.
    soccergirl23 You may be right waiting might be a good thing especially if in return we can make sure the embryo they will put in has no chromosomal abnormalities.
    @dukie001- they called me several times with the number of follicles growing but all that makes no sense to me. All I ask them is if that is good. They told me for my age yes it is really good. My doctor also said I am responding very well to the medicine.
    @thezaltyberger I gained weight as well from the shots as well as getting really bloated. I recommend icing before and hot packs after that helped a lot, big difference. The medication did not burn as much. I took my last shot this morning. I gained weight even with running 3.5 miles every day, you get really bloated as well. You sound very motivated to lose weight that is the biggest thing. Because of that, I am confident you will lose weight. Your experience with the witch doctor is a bit odd. I think you made the right choice to continue with IVF. I know it is easier said than done but think positive! You will get pregnant! 
    claireloSC thank you for sharing on the vaccine. I think I am going to wait until maybe later in my pregnancy if and when it happens. I work from home and do not come in contact with many people I hope I will continue to dodge this virus.

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    I’m rooting for you @mouse39!!!! That’s a good number of eggs!!! Let us know how the egg retrieval goes and hope you can relax and won’t feel sore afterward. I know waiting for the transfer will be stressful, but it’s such such such a good reason. You’re absolutely doing the right thing. Wishing you luck!!!

    What did the ice packs and hot packs help with exactly? The injection area? Bloating? Second injections tonight, hoping they’ll go better than day 1...😓
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    @thezaltyberger thank you for your words of encouragement! The icepacks and hotpacks helped with reducing the pain. One of my shots burned while injecting and afterwards, Not sure if yours does. I was also injecting two different medicines at the same time the first days then it went up to three a day.. The last two days it was four.
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    @mouse39 woahhhh I’m sorry about burning :(( I’m doing two meds for 3 days and then on Tuesday I go in for my first blood test, so I don’t know anything past that. No burning for me thankfully, but I’m worried about soreness at the injection site :/ for my two IUIs I had only one injection, so the area never got inflamed. I hope the pen decides to cooperate tonight unlike last night...
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    @thezaltyberger I had soreness from my Follistim pen and I bruised myself the first time but got the hang of it the second time. Hope all goes well for you. 
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    Beta 1 was this morning... results in spoiler. 

    I'm pregnant!! Beta was 334.9 - going back Wednesday for #2!

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    Congratulations @emilynoel810!!!!!
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    Great news @emilynoel810!! FX for doubling on Wednesday!! <3
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    @emilynoel810 Congratulations
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    @emilynoel810 congratulations!!!
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