@shantx omg I loved selling sunset! Mine are even more embarrassing because I'm a bravo junkie (most of the real housewives, below deck, etc.) and SO into 90 day fiancee! Total train wrecks and so addicting!
SS agents belong on Bravo shows, as they’re ridiculously drama filled!!! 🤣 I like Crishell and Mary the most! I watched diff Housewives shows back when they first aired, but there’s sooo many to keep up with!! No shame in any of those train wreck shows lol. My super guilty pleasure years ago was Bad Girls Club on Oxygen! Sad they stopped filming seasons!!!!
@shantx SK reunion was crazy! I'm happy for Madisson The whole thing with Brandon was crazy! We are friends with Brandon's sister IRL and had no idea about the love child haha.
I am lovingggg BB. Nicole F is one of my all time fav houseguests, I also love Ian and Cody. I binged 4 episodes last night when I realized there was a season. We got rid of cable a few months ago so I didn't realize until yesterday that it was on!! I'm currently watching as we speak. Can't wait to get caught up!
How’d you find out? I was three days late and decided to take a test (since I'm never late)
Other children/pets? An almost 4 year old daughter and two little doggies
Job? Property Manager
Things you like to do? Yoga, Hiking, Dancing, Reading, Home Improvement Projects, being lazy
Spouse/partner? married 4 years (husband came here from Mexico on a Fiance visa 4 years ago)
First appointment? Sept. 15
Any symptoms? Nausea, Bloating, Crazy Mood Swings, Lethargy
High risk / concerns? None for now thank God. I am a little concerned because my first pregnancy was so great and essentially symptom less and now this pregnancy has me feeling like a big grumpy nausea monster.
How’d you find out? We went through IVF so kind of boring, I went in the morning for a blood test and they called me that afternoon that it was positive. My family knew we were finding out that day so other than the "yay it's positive!" there were no fun announcements for DH or family.
Other children/pets? DS will be 4 in November and we have a golden retriever
Things you like to do? I love to be outside doing any low-key activities, travel, and accomplishing home projects
Spouse/partner? We've been married 7 years
First appointment? I don't remember, all of the IVF appointments are a blur
Any symptoms? All of the negative ones it seems. Nausea, sore boobs, exhausted, can't eat too much or I get sick, have to eat every hour or two or I get sick, can't stand the taste of coffee anymore (possibly the worst one), basically all of my favorite foods are ruined.
High risk / concerns? Not high risk but still anxious.
Gosh, that is crazy! I was high risk due to having genetic high blood pressure and my mom having Pre-E with most of her pregnancies, so i had NST's twice a week once i got to 28 weeks, thankfully they caught it before it progressed. Yes, i will start low dose aspirin at 12 weeks, and will be referred to MFM. I'm praying i'm one of those people who doesn't get it the second time around...
Thanks for the tip on the 1st Trimester page. I kept looking every day, but never saw this on the app! Glad to finally be here. So here’s my intro.
Due date? 4/25/21
How’d you find out? We have been trying for a couple of years now. So we found out the gold old fashioned IVF method. Sadly, this came after a loss earlier this year. Wow 2020 really is nuts.
Other children/pets? DS who is 5 (also an April baby.)
Job? I’m a senior compliance manager at a really big tech company in the Pacific Northwest.
Things you like to do? Shop, eat, drink wine, travel, and of course be with my fam.
Spouse/partner? Hubby - college sweat heart ❤️
First appointment? 9/14/20 U/S
Any symptoms? Cramping, tired (oh so tired) but other than that can’t complain. Of course the cramps make me neurotic after MC earlier this year.
High risk / concerns? I’m advanced maternal age, going through IVF and just found put my thyroid is hyper active... so pretty standard operating procedure for fertility patient.
Hi ladies!! We have been trying for over two years now (I have PCOS and don’t ovulate without meds) and we were successful with an IUI with injectable meds!! I’ve been waiting for better test results to have some comfort before intro’ing (which we got on Monday) and I finally feel like things are real now! I’ve been a part of the TTGP board for the past year, and found the most wonderfully supportive group of women there!! I’m looking forward to getting to know you all better now as we go through this exciting journey together!
Due date? April 29th
How’d you find out? Tested at 10dpiui and have had several HCG tests since (they weren’t doubling at first, but seem to be on track now).
Other children/pets? *TW - we have 2 angel babies, and we are hoping so hard that this is finally our rainbow - End TW*. We have 2 cats and 2 dogs, so we have our own little zoo!
Job? I’m an auditor and I love my job, I’m working from home now, which is wonderful!
Things you like to do? We love to go hiking with the dogs, and just do anything outdoors when the weather allows! Love to read and I took up knitting last year, which I also really enjoy!
Spouse/partner? DH and I have been married just over 3 years and he is absolutely the best!!
First appointment? Have had a couple already, I have a re-check with my RE on 09/08...haven’t been told when I will graduate to an OB though.
Any symptoms? Mostly bloated from OHSS (I was overstimulated with the injectable fertility meds), extra thirsty, extra tired, and just overall blah feeling from time to time!
High risk / concerns? *TW - I had a loss at 7 weeks in 01/19 and a CP in 08/19, so I’m extra nervous because of that! - End TW* I’m dealing with the effects of the OHSS right now...but luckily that shouldn’t cause any long-term effects for the pregnancy! I have PCOS, which can increase risks of some complications...I’ll be 35 by the time this little one is due too, so that may also make me AMA! 🤷🏼♀️ Hopefully nothing else ends up making me higher risk and this will end up being a smooth pregnancy leading to our rainbow!!
Cautiously but optimistically adding my intro here! @bluetickgal I remember you from TTGP! Congrats on your BFP! I was there (mostly lurking) for a while about a year ago. It's good to see a familiar "face" and to see that I'm also not alone on this long train of TTGP.
Due date? April 30 (might change based on my ultrasound in a couple weeks)
How’d you find out? My cycles are normally 35 days long (ovulate at around day 21, 14-day luteal), but I had a cyst at around day 14, so I knew I ovulated then. By the time day 35 rolled around and I still hadn't gotten my period I knew. A test in the evening confirmed. It still hasn't sunk in even though my Midwife confirmed.
Other children/pets? No **TW**
In November of last year I had a MC that absolutely devastated me. I was still very early on in my pregnancy, but it took months to not be consumed by the loss. I feel like I'm "on the other side" now, but it still makes me feel scared that it could happen again.
**End TW**
Job? I'm a high school Algebra 2 teacher. Yes, we are meeting in person (hybrid schedule). No, I am not thrilled about it.
Things you like to do? Crochet, yoga, hike, listen to metal music, take walks, watch copious amounts of netflix.
Spouse/partner? My husband and I have been together for 5 years and married for 2.5. He's a construction superintendent, mainly doing hospital work.
First appointment? 9/2! Everything went well! Blood work all came back normal and we set up an appointment on 9/19 for my first ultrasound! I was in absolute disbelieve when my midwife said that was the next step.
Any symptoms? My boobs hurt. That's also how I knew I was pregnant - they normally stop aching a day or two before my period. A little bit of cramping (which is terrifying). Some mild nausea, but I'm sure it'll ramp up soon enough.
High risk / concerns? See TW above. Any little cramp on spot scares me. I'm being cautiously optimistic and trying to guard myself from getting too emotionally invested until after I see the results of the ultrasound.
@kelsey_ruth326 Welcome ❤️. I am also PGAL & it really does change our lives completely. I’m sorry for your loss. Congratulations on your new little babe.
Hubby & Me: Born 1993 Married: August 2013 Son: December 2018 Baby in heaven: February 2020, was due Sept
@kelsey_ruth326 your name looks familiar...congratulations and welcome!! 💜 I totally get the cautiously optimistic feelings, but I’m hoping it will get better for us with each passing day! Fingers crossed 09/19 gets here quickly for you and gives you some peace of mind!!
Hi there! Nice to find a group here. Due date? April 25, 2021 but will be induced earlier at 37 weeks to to high risk concerns.
How’d you find out? We conceived via IVF
Other children/pets? We have 2 dogs (only 1 lives with us though) and 2 cats. We also have a son, Jack, who sadly was stillborn on May 11, 2017. We also have 4 other babies that passed early through miscarriages.
Job? Teacher
Things you like to do? Knitting, reading, watching kdramas (lol, guilty pleasure), sewing, etc
Spouse/partner? My husband
First appointment? First ultrasound is Sept 11. Super nervous!
Any symptoms? This pregnancy is soooooo different from my son. He was easy. This one has me exhausted, nauseous, puking, food aversions, you name it!
High risk / concerns? I have a protein c deficiency (blood clotting disorder) and a history of miscarriages. As well, our son was stillborn full term due to a cord accident. Needless to say, I am SUPER nervous and being seen by like 4 specialists
@peppylilfoxy I’m so sorry to hear about your losses. ❤️ Welcome to the group! I love that you’re a knitter - I crochet and every now and then venture in to a knitting project, but I typically get intimidated and go back to my hook. 😂
@bblair24 I started out with crochet and taught myself how to knit after I lost my son. Now I very rarely crochet! Every time I came across a new knitting project that intimidated me, I'd YouTube the techniques. YouTube is my saviour. 🤣
@bblair24 keep it up! If you have anything in particular you want to try knitting, I have a ton of patterns I can share! And if you ever need any help explaining something, if be glad to help! 🥰
@peppylilfoxy I appreciate that, thank you! That’s sweet of you. I’ve considered trying my hand at some baby things. I just love the way knitting looks! I’ll let you know!
Due date? April 21 as per LMP, which is the 4 year anniversary of our engagement 🥂
How’d you find out? DH and I had been TTC for about a year, and I had just gone to my GP for a referral to a gynecologist for infertility issues. Only a week or so later (and a few days late) I was spotting and figured my period was coming, as it usually started with a bit of spotting. Period never came. I definitely felt different, and due to other symptoms, was pretty sure I was pregnant. Took a hpt at 1 week late as DH was still skeptical.
Other children/pets? 1 cranky cat
Job? Clerical work in a hospital
Things you like to do? Cook, garden, walk, camp, socialize.
Spouse/partner? Together 5+ years, married almost 3.
First appointment? Sept 15th with the midwife, Sept 17th ultrasound.
Any symptoms? Oh so tired, very sore breasts, moody & emotional.
High risk / concerns? I'm 36 and this is our first pregnancy, so all of the things that come along with that!
How’d you find out? Had been trying for a couple cycles, tested the day my period was due with a first response test
Other children/pets? We have one daughter (April 2019 bump club grad!) and one crazy dog
Job? Marketing account manager
Things you like to do? Spend time with friends and family, cook, and ride my Peloton (though it hasn't gotten much use lately!)
Spouse/partner? Husband of 4 years
First appointment? I had blood work taken last week at 6 weeks which came back fine, so my first real appointment with my doc and first ultrasound isn't until the end of Sept, and I'll be 10.5 weeks..! It's the same practice and doc that I used for my first pregnancy, but they seem super busy. I've been calling to see if I can get in any earlier but so far no dice!
Any symptoms? Yes, mostly the same as the first time around (exhausted, mild nausea, food aversions / only want carbs, and just recently sore breasts) oh - and insane mood swings which are getting better now but we're awful earlier on. Poor DH
High risk / concerns? DD was born IUGR (intra-uterine growth restricted) and I ended up being induced at almost 38 weeks; doc says there's no way to tell if it will happen again, but they'll monitor the babies size closely each week. She's totally happy and healthy though, just tiny!
How’d you find out? I have PCOS but was undergoing treatment with my naturopath, I was due to have my period on the Monday and it never came, so I tested on the Tuesday morning and boom, the second line stared back at me.
Other children/pets? This is my first pregnancy/ child. I have 3 dogs and 3 cats.
Job? Communications Officer.
Things you like to do? Spend time with my family, listen to music, dance and sing.
Spouse/partner? My partner works in IT.
First appointment? First official appointment was Wednesday 9th September. Baby was fine. But the day I tested, I immediately went to the doctor's office for a blood test to confirm the pregnancy. Went back a week later to see if my levels had risen (which they had) and we had a quick US. Baby was just a black spot on the ultrasound. This was at 5 weeks.
Any symptoms? I've never ovulated, so when I did, my nipples were sore. They kept being sore even after ovulation so I was suspicious. Also, the weekend before I tested, I started having bad cramps which I thought meant my period was coming but it was actually implantation. I've never had cramps so painful in my life. Nauseous when hungry, fatigue has subsided a bit and oh so gassy!
High risk / concerns? Not really, just a nagging fear of miscarrying.
Hi there ladies I’m excited to see the April 2021 forum finally up and to have other women to relate to through this journey! Thank you ladies that got everything up and going, I’m really looking forward to making friends and figuring this forum thing out!
Due date? 4/17 based on LMP but may change due to cycle funkiness that couple before.
How’d you find out? We were too impatient to wait until I missed (been trying to get the ball rolling since March but ran into a complication with removing my birth control) so we took one of those fancy early pregnancy tests they have out now 9 DPO and got a very faint positive. Took a digital one a couple days later and had the confirmation.
Other children/pets? DD just turned 10, DS will be 7 shortly, 2 doggies, 4 kitties of our own, 3 foster kitties at the moment and a partridge in a pear tree (jk about the partridge)
Job? CPC/RMA but currently a SAHM
Things you like to do? I love to hang out with my family, read/write, bake, craft, play with my fur babies and play video games.
Spouse/partner? Hubby and I have been married for 7 years and together nearly 9. He works on base as an engineering tech for logistics support. I met him when my daughter just turned two and he swept us both off our feet. Married me and adopted her, then came our son and now a new little one on the way, the rest is history
First appointment? 8/13 at 4+5 but we really couldn’t see anything which was a little disheartening. Had another appt 9/2 at 7+4 and saw the little babe as well as heartbeat.
Any symptoms? Just about the time I confirmed with a test I started feeling all the pregnancy feels. Tender breasts, cramping, back ache, headaches, nausea all day with dry heaving, mood swings, and pure exhaustion. Never anything to really to report before with my previous two so this has been a learning curve! Thankfully they’ve seemed to go away with my 8th week minus slight headaches when it’s time to eat and the breast tenderness.
High risk / concerns? A little concerned that I was underweight when we finally conceived but I have been putting the weight back on now and my obgyn doesn’t seem too worried anymore. I make sure to eat often and not let stress get to me now.
@squishysmum Congratulations on your first pregnancy, so exciting!! I totally get what you mean about those implantation cramps! This is my third and never before have I ever felt implantation but this time it was like how you described. So painful I thought I was getting my worst period too. Lol.
@hedgie31 Congratulations and how fun it must be to have a hedgehog for a pet! I, too, had low BMI when I conceived which has me a bit worried. Our symptoms are similar too.. the bloating is insane! I’ve gained a decent amount of weight since my last appt though and my obgyn didn’t say anything about my weight then so I’m trying to not let it worry me.
Hi @honeybee1984! We’re due date twins! You’re the first I’ve come avoids due the same day but I am still trying to make my way through all the posts. Hehe. Wishing you a healthy pregnancy and all the best
Hi! I’m a little late to the party because I’ve been hesitant to embrace that this is really happening lol but here we are! Due date? 4/9
How’d you find out? I’m still exclusively pumping for my 9 mo DD and my supply TANKED. I test once a week since I don’t get periods and got a positive. And then another and another 😂
Other children/pets? 5yo boy, 9 mo girl, 8 yo silky terrier.
Job? sahm
Things you like to do? Right now it’s a miracle to get a shower and enough sleep 😆
Spouse/partner? Husband and I together since 2014
First appointment? I’ve had 2, plus labs and US
Any symptoms? Nausea, fatigue, milk drying up and super human smelling power
High risk / concerns? I have a subchorionic hematoma, I’ve bled on 3 different occasions. I will find out my comparative hcg Monday to make sure everything is ok.
@bluey101321 Thank you so much! ❤ The Sunday before I tested, it was so bad I thought my uterus was being ripped out from my body... I had to take a break from doing whatever I was up to to absorb the shock... I'm just glad all is going well. I hope your pregnancy is going well! xo
@squishysmum My goodness, it was the same for me! A couple times I’d gasp and scare the heck out of my husband trying to catch my breath from it. It passed after a few days but then all the other lovely symptoms made themselves present. I’m 9 weeks today and about the start of week 8, I started feeling better thank goodness! I feel like a new person My poor kids have been so bored with me down for the count. Haha. Thank you for asking and I’m so glad to hear yours is going well too! The first is so special
@Serenamarr Welcome! And congratulations!! I came a little late too on account of literally doing nothing while those first pregnancy symptoms raged but finally feeling better! This is my third too prayers for your appt on Monday for healthy pregnancy. I’ve seen a couple other mamas in here talk about subchorionic hematomas, I think in another thread, if you want to talk about it with someone who can relate
@forevertired IVF here too! I hear you on the blah excitement lol- with my son everyone knew what we were in the process of, with this one I only told my parents and cousin (but even when we told the rest of the family it was lackluster because they were shocked but I was nauseous and getting shots every night so I wasn't living in the excitement lol)
Due date? 5/1, but I am a repeat c-section at 39 weeks at the latest, so I will for sure be in April.
How’d you find out? I peed on a stick. Many, many times.
Other children/pets? I have twin girls, and a little boy.
Job? I work in marketing.
Things you like to do? Spend time with my family, I normally enjoy working out although I’ve not been great about being active the last month.
Spouse/Partner? Husband of 11 years.
First appointment? It was this morning.
Any symptoms? I have been pretty nauseous, which is typical for me at this point.
High risk / concerns? I’m older (late thirties), so there’s that, and I have a history of m/c, so I probably won’t feel at ease at any point in time during this pregnancy.
Hi I’m new here and not sure I’m posting correctly but I’ll try it!
Due date? April 2
How’d you find out? Took a home pregnancy test
Other children/pets? Yes lots lol Daughter (20), Son (18), Son (13), Daughter (12), Son (9) Dog (1), cat (2)
Job? Medical records coder- lucky to be able to work at home even before COVID
Things you like to do? Read, cook, bake, hang out with the family
Spouse/partner? Yup! Just married in March
First appointment? September 3
Any symptoms? Yes - nausea, heightened sense of smell, sore breasts
High risk / concerns? Yup - was high risk last time and told my A1C was high this time so they’re treating it like I have gestational diabetes. Oh and high blood pressure so monitoring that too. And I’m old for being pregnant lol but thrilled to be adding another child to the mix 😊
How I Found Out: I decided randomly one morning to take a test after we had been trying for a couple of months. I tested 4 days before my missed period and had a very clear positive!
Other children/pets: We have a 2 year old yorkie-poodle mix that is the baby of the family. We swear she's secretly human.
Job: I'm currently a real estate assistant but thinking about going to school to become a paralegal.
Things I Like To Do: naps, trying new foods, reading, embroidery.
Spouse/Partner: We met my sophomore and his junior year of high school. We have now been together for 4 years and engaged for 3.
First Appointment: September 2nd.
Any Symptoms: nausea on and off which didn't start until about 10 weeks, sore boobs 🤭, and crazy fatigue.
High Risk/Concerns: I was diagnosed in June with severe endometriosis which is why we started trying. I was told that the longer I waited, the harder it would be to conceive. We had to make a very difficult decision as I am only 19 and he is 20. I also have a heart shaped uterus which carries me for higher risk of MC and pre-term labor.
Re: Introductions!
First appointment? Sept. 15
Any symptoms? Nausea, Bloating, Crazy Mood Swings, Lethargy
High risk / concerns? None for now thank God. I am a little concerned because my first pregnancy was so great and essentially symptom less and now this pregnancy has me feeling like a big grumpy nausea monster.
Due date? April 15th
First appointment? I don't remember, all of the IVF appointments are a blur
Any symptoms? All of the negative ones it seems. Nausea, sore boobs, exhausted, can't eat too much or I get sick, have to eat every hour or two or I get sick, can't stand the taste of coffee anymore (possibly the worst one), basically all of my favorite foods are ruined.
High risk / concerns? Not high risk but still anxious.
Thanks for the tip on the 1st Trimester page. I kept looking every day, but never saw this on the app! Glad to finally be here. So here’s my intro.
First appointment? 9/14/20 U/S
Any symptoms? Cramping, tired (oh so tired) but other than that can’t complain. Of course the cramps make me neurotic after MC earlier this year.
High risk / concerns? I’m advanced maternal age, going through IVF and just found put my thyroid is hyper active... so pretty standard operating procedure for fertility patient.
First appointment? Have had a couple already, I have a re-check with my RE on 09/08...haven’t been told when I will graduate to an OB though.
Any symptoms? Mostly bloated from OHSS (I was overstimulated with the injectable fertility meds), extra thirsty, extra tired, and just overall blah feeling from time to time!
High risk / concerns? *TW - I had a loss at 7 weeks in 01/19 and a CP in 08/19, so I’m extra nervous because of that! - End TW* I’m dealing with the effects of the OHSS right now...but luckily that shouldn’t cause any long-term effects for the pregnancy! I have PCOS, which can increase risks of some complications...I’ll be 35 by the time this little one is due too, so that may also make me AMA! 🤷🏼♀️ Hopefully nothing else ends up making me higher risk and this will end up being a smooth pregnancy leading to our rainbow!!
@bluetickgal I remember you from TTGP! Congrats on your BFP! I was there (mostly lurking) for a while about a year ago. It's good to see a familiar "face" and to see that I'm also not alone on this long train of TTGP.
Due date?
April 30 (might change based on my ultrasound in a couple weeks)
My cycles are normally 35 days long (ovulate at around day 21, 14-day luteal), but I had a cyst at around day 14, so I knew I ovulated then. By the time day 35 rolled around and I still hadn't gotten my period I knew. A test in the evening confirmed. It still hasn't sunk in even though my Midwife confirmed.
Other children/pets? No
I'm a high school Algebra 2 teacher. Yes, we are meeting in person (hybrid schedule). No, I am not thrilled about it.
Crochet, yoga, hike, listen to metal music, take walks, watch copious amounts of netflix.
My husband and I have been together for 5 years and married for 2.5. He's a construction superintendent, mainly doing hospital work.
First appointment?
9/2! Everything went well! Blood work all came back normal and we set up an appointment on 9/19 for my first ultrasound! I was in absolute disbelieve when my midwife said that was the next step.
Any symptoms? My boobs hurt. That's also how I knew I was pregnant - they normally stop aching a day or two before my period. A little bit of cramping (which is terrifying). Some mild nausea, but I'm sure it'll ramp up soon enough.
High risk / concerns? See TW above. Any little cramp on spot scares me. I'm being cautiously optimistic and trying to guard myself from getting too emotionally invested until after I see the results of the ultrasound.
Married: August 2013
Son: December 2018
Baby in heaven: February 2020, was due Sept
Due date? April 25, 2021 but will be induced earlier at 37 weeks to to high risk concerns.
First appointment? First ultrasound is Sept 11. Super nervous!
Any symptoms? This pregnancy is soooooo different from my son. He was easy. This one has me exhausted, nauseous, puking, food aversions, you name it!
High risk / concerns? I have a protein c deficiency (blood clotting disorder) and a history of miscarriages. As well, our son was stillborn full term due to a cord accident. Needless to say, I am SUPER nervous and being seen by like 4 specialists
My first u/s is 9/11 too! Less than a week!
How’d you find out? DH and I had been TTC for about a year, and I had just gone to my GP for a referral to a gynecologist for infertility issues. Only a week or so later (and a few days late) I was spotting and figured my period was coming, as it usually started with a bit of spotting. Period never came. I definitely felt different, and due to other symptoms, was pretty sure I was pregnant. Took a hpt at 1 week late as DH was still skeptical.
Other children/pets? 1 cranky cat
Job? Clerical work in a hospital
Things you like to do? Cook, garden, walk, camp, socialize.
Spouse/partner? Together 5+ years, married almost 3.
First appointment? Sept 15th with the midwife, Sept 17th ultrasound.
Any symptoms? Oh so tired, very sore breasts, moody & emotional.
High risk / concerns? I'm 36 and this is our first pregnancy, so all of the things that come along with that!
@mommeleon Welcome! My wedding anniversary is on the 21st - it's a good day for good things to happen apparently!
First appointment? I had blood work taken last week at 6 weeks which came back fine, so my first real appointment with my doc and first ultrasound isn't until the end of Sept, and I'll be 10.5 weeks..! It's the same practice and doc that I used for my first pregnancy, but they seem super busy. I've been calling to see if I can get in any earlier but so far no dice!
Any symptoms? Yes, mostly the same as the first time around (exhausted, mild nausea, food aversions / only want carbs, and just recently sore breasts) oh - and insane mood swings which are getting better now but we're awful earlier on. Poor DH
High risk / concerns? DD was born IUGR (intra-uterine growth restricted) and I ended up being induced at almost 38 weeks; doc says there's no way to tell if it will happen again, but they'll monitor the babies size closely each week. She's totally happy and healthy though, just tiny!
First appointment? 8/13 at 4+5 but we really couldn’t see anything which was a little disheartening. Had another appt 9/2 at 7+4 and saw the little babe as well as heartbeat.
Any symptoms? Just about the time I confirmed with a test I started feeling all the pregnancy feels. Tender breasts, cramping, back ache, headaches, nausea all day with dry heaving, mood swings, and pure exhaustion. Never anything to really to report before with my previous two so this has been a learning curve! Thankfully they’ve seemed to go away with my 8th week minus slight headaches when it’s time to eat and the breast tenderness.
High risk / concerns? A little concerned that I was underweight when we finally conceived but I have been putting the weight back on now and my obgyn doesn’t seem too worried anymore. I make sure to eat often and not let stress get to me now.
Due date? 4/9
First appointment? I’ve had 2, plus labs and US
Any symptoms? Nausea, fatigue, milk drying up and super human smelling power
High risk / concerns? I have a subchorionic hematoma, I’ve bled on 3 different occasions. I will find out my comparative hcg Monday to make sure everything is ok.
The Sunday before I tested, it was so bad I thought my uterus was being ripped out from my body... I had to take a break from doing whatever I was up to to absorb the shock... I'm just glad all is going well. I hope your pregnancy is going well! xo
First appointment? It was this morning.
Any symptoms? I have been pretty nauseous, which is typical for me at this point.
High risk / concerns? I’m older (late thirties), so there’s that, and I have a history of m/c, so I probably won’t feel at ease at any point in time during this pregnancy.
Due date? April 2
How’d you find out? Took a home pregnancy test
Other children/pets? Yes lots lol
Daughter (20), Son (18), Son (13), Daughter (12), Son (9)
Dog (1), cat (2)
Job? Medical records coder- lucky to be able to work at home even before COVID
Things you like to do? Read, cook, bake, hang out with the family
Spouse/partner? Yup! Just married in March
First appointment? September 3
Any symptoms? Yes - nausea, heightened sense of smell, sore breasts
High risk / concerns? Yup - was high risk last time and told my A1C was high this time so they’re treating it like I have gestational diabetes. Oh and high blood pressure so monitoring that too. And I’m old for being pregnant lol but thrilled to be adding another child to the mix 😊
Due Date: April 13th
How I Found Out: I decided randomly one morning to take a test after we had been trying for a couple of months. I tested 4 days before my missed period and had a very clear positive!
Other children/pets: We have a 2 year old yorkie-poodle mix that is the baby of the family. We swear she's secretly human.
Job: I'm currently a real estate assistant but thinking about going to school to become a paralegal.
Things I Like To Do: naps, trying new foods, reading, embroidery.
Spouse/Partner: We met my sophomore and his junior year of high school. We have now been together for 4 years and engaged for 3.
First Appointment: September 2nd.
Any Symptoms: nausea on and off which didn't start until about 10 weeks, sore boobs 🤭, and crazy fatigue.
High Risk/Concerns: I was diagnosed in June with severe endometriosis which is why we started trying. I was told that the longer I waited, the harder it would be to conceive. We had to make a very difficult decision as I am only 19 and he is 20. I also have a heart shaped uterus which carries me for higher risk of MC and pre-term labor.